Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1623: =???(??ω??) The navy headquarters’ anti...



"Who is calling someone?"


After finishing cleaning up a few bad guys, the phone worm she was carrying vibrated before Annie could figure out what to do next, and then she took it out of her pocket with feelings.

It is a kind of animal that can be used for communication. It looks like a snail and has a strange animal with spots and stripes or a solid color on its body.

There is a walkie talkie or button on the top of the shell. It sleeps when it is not connected, wakes up when it is connected, and emits a sound like a phone dialing, and the mouth of a phone worm will be like a speaker during a call. People’s mouths are moving, and some people’s emotions can understand human speech. The working principle is to convert human voices into telephone worms for long-distance transmission. It is a kind of protozoan that grows naturally.

"Oh no!"


The next second, Chopper's voice came from the phone worm's mouth.

"What's wrong?"


Annie said that she is fine now!

After beating a few bad guys just now, don't mention how happy it is now, she is about to tell them that!

"Where are you now?"

Chopper ignored Anne's questioning, and asked directly.



"It seems to be in the 23GR area, I just did a good thing!"


Looking at a big tree not far away and the words ‘23GR’ on the tree, Annie directly told her where she was.

However, Annie had not had time to say that she had just beaten a guy called'Dragonman', and when her bounty was about to rise rapidly, she was cried out by Chopper's like a funeral. Interrupted.

"The big thing is not good!"

"It's over!"


"It's like this. We were just attracted by ice cream. There are too many types of them. Before Luffy and I can choose, we just..."

At this point, Chopper's voice became sobbing.

"Then what?"


For ice cream or something, Annie still has a lot of stocks, and I don’t know how many tons of it. There are also many delicious fruits to match, such as sweet whole fruits, rainbow fruits, and other messy fruits. When the inventory is finished, she can also take it directly from the food industry, so she is not too rare for that kind of thing, and this is the main reason why she can go here from the playground, from the Chambord park all the way to here. .



"Then Kemi was taken away!"

Chopper cried loudly and continued:

"I have just notified Sanji and Usopp on the Sonny, so hurry up and look for them!"

"We are ready to look for it now, everyone is very worried, so go look for it!"


Chopper cried loudly in the phone bug. People who didn't know thought it was the sky falling.



"Kemi got caught? Who did it?!"


Annie was also a little surprised, but she didn't expect that someone would dare to attack their people.

"do not know!"

"But Xiao Ba said that the kidnapping group on the island should dare, because merchants and murlocs are acquiesced on the island."

"If she is sold as a slave, we will be over!"

"At that time, we will definitely not be able to go to the New World from Fishman Island!"

In the phone bug, Chopper's anxious and peaceful voice came out hurriedly again.


"There are several shops for people buying and selling on the island, as well as auction houses! In short, we'd better look for them separately now!"

"After all, this Chambordian Islands is really too big!"

Immediately afterwards, Chopper gave another important clue.



"All right!"

′Ο`*))) alas

"I know, they will look for it now, if you find out, call again, remember!"


With that, Annie hung up the call and put the phone worm away.

Originally, she wanted to share the good deeds she had just done with the other person, and then show off that she was about to reward more than 100 million yuan, but now it’s all right, Kemi was lost by their idiots, causing harm She didn't have the mood to talk about that kind of boring little things.

That's right, in Annie's view, it was a trivial matter to beat the dragons, and helping the old lady to cross the road was of a nature.


(● ̄? ̄●)



"Where can I find it?"


Annie began to rack her brains to think of a way, but where could she do it?

After all, she hadn't tried to use her powerful power or order Tibbers to scan for a long, long time. She was accustomed to eating, drinking and having fun as a little girl, and she had already forgotten that kind of thing subconsciously.

"never mind!"


"Wander around, since this island is not big anyway, it should be easy to find."


"La la la~?"


After that, I looked around and found that the people here had run away, only a pool of blood on the ground and the people hiding in the surrounding houses and corners staring at her with dignified faces and weird eyes, but Annie didn't think that. I just started humming the ballad happily and jumped forward.

I don't know why, those guys seem to be afraid of the weak Tianlongren, maybe the other party is really a high-ranking official in this place?

But what does it matter to her?



You know, a long time ago, she even dared to fight the emperor, and even robbed one of the other's huge empires directly, and the other party didn't even dare to say a fart in the end?

And now, she was just hitting a badass dog official, so what's wrong?


While Annie and the Straw Hats were busy looking for the kidnapped mermaid Kemi, in the 66GR area of ​​the Chambord Islands, in this naval headquarters stationed with a large number of navies, a man wearing a navy uniform and a white cloak coat behind There was also a colonel with the two characters "justice" hurriedly walked to the office of the current lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters, the legendary figure in the navy, who has driven the Pirate King Roger into desperation several times, known as the "Tekken Karp" lieutenant admiral's office And report loudly:

"Lieutenant General!"

"Something happened. I just received two news here, one good and the other bad!"

"Which one do you want to listen to first?"

The visitor first stood at attention, and then reported to the lieutenant admiral who was drinking coffee and eating snacks behind his desk.

However, don't know why, his expression at this time is a bit hesitant?


"Two messages?"


"Then, listen to the good news first!"

Vice Admiral Monch D. Karp glanced at his adjutant first, then waved his hand, and continued to eat his own food.


"Your Excellency Lieutenant!"

"We just got the news that in today's 1GR area, at the January auction, the former deputy captain of the Roger Pirates and the Hades King Silbaz Raleigh, known as the'One Piece's Right Arm', is about to be auctioned! "



"Is it Pluto Silbaz Raleigh?"

Hearing such a heavy news, Lieutenant General Monch D. Karp was a little surprised, but when he was happy, he quickly frowned and thought.

"Ha ha!"

"Sell Pluto at auction?"


"However, if it were him, maybe he could really do that kind of thing?"

Lieutenant General Monch D. Karp laughed. This was indeed good news for him, but he didn't think about how to deal with it.

"Lieutenant General!"

"Should this matter be reported like the Marshal of the Warring States Period?"

"Do not……"

"Not urgent!"

"I can handle this matter, there is no need to disclose it to others!"


The officer did not insist, nodded and continued to stand at the desk.

"Say it!"

"What's the bad news?"

After thinking about what happened to Pluto, Monch D. Karp put down the tea cup, crossed his fingers and sat in his chair for a while, waiting for his subordinate to bring him the so-called bad news. .



"I just got the information. In the 24GR area, the son of Rozvard Saint, the son of Draco, Prince Charlus, the elder brother of Charulia Palace, was attacked!"

Seeing that the lieutenant general was ready, Zuoguan stood in jeopardy and reported it word by word. Obviously, the Zuoguan himself knew the seriousness of this matter.



Sure enough, Munch D. Karp was startled to stand up, however, his adjutant hadn't finished speaking yet.


"The intelligence said that Prince Charles Charros was shot into the air by a little girl, and the two guards were also seriously injured and unconscious. Prince Charles Charros and his adjutant were shot into the northwestern waters. At present, we have sent naval ships and I'm working on search and rescue, but my whereabouts are still unknown for the time being, and I don't know my life or death!"

Having said this, the adjutant tensed his face and stopped.


"Which little girl is it so bold?!"

If the Pluto Sirbaz Raleigh just now can be regarded as a trivial matter, then this matter is really incredible now!

"is her!"

Obviously Zuoguan had already prepared, so he took out a photo directly from his pocket.

It was secretly photographed by a war reporter. The assailant was a little girl about seven or eight years old, wearing a red hooded skirt, blond and blue eyes, and carrying a hideous plush toy bear in her hand. She was very cute. It also looks smart and cute.


"Never seen before, are you sure, it was her cruel hand?"

"A little girl?"

After taking the photos handed over by his subordinates, looking left and right, looking and looking again, Lieutenant General Monch D. Karp still felt a little weird in the end.

"Is she also a capable person?"

"So, what is the cause of the matter?"

After a while, Monkey D. Karp smacked his lips, put down the photo in his hand, and then frowned and asked.


"According to the intelligence, the cause is..."

"It was Prince Charles Charles who intercepted a rescue team and attacked a wounded person on a stretcher. Then he fancyed the nurse and wanted to **** it back to be the thirteenth wife. But at this time, the nurse 'S fiancé rushed out, and then he shot down the nurse's fiancé, so..."


So what? That Zuoguan lowered his head in shame, and he has no face anymore. After all, he knows that Lieutenant Admiral will definitely be able to make up for what happens next. After all, this kind of thing is not the first time. NS.

Anyway, he only felt that the white coat on his body that was only qualified to be worn by officers above the rank of major naval officer (including), that with the word ‘justice’ printed on the back, was a little hot at this time?


"Sure enough, I knew it must be that kind of thing again..."

Monkey D. Karp frowned again.

He had listened a lot just now, and his ears were about to become cocooned, but he didn't even think that under the high-pressure deterrence and protection of the navy, someone would actually dare to do that incredible thing.

However, thinking that the other party was a little girl who was only seven or eight years old, he quickly felt relieved.

That is to say, the other party is a little girl with ignorant ability. If you change to an adult, even if it is strong, such as those new pirates, it is estimated that with a few courage, they will not dare to do that kind of madness here in the Chambord Islands. Thing?

Even, in any place in this world, they would not dare to attack a dragon, let alone to the extent that they would knock a dragon into the air without knowing the life and death.


"Has it been determined that it is her?"

"Annie Hasta?"

With the photo in Yang's hand and the name on it, Lieutenant General Munch D. Karp asked again, and he was pretty sure that he had never heard of that name.


"It's really her!"

"There were many witnesses at the time!"


Having said this, the officer was a little hesitant to speak.


"Go on!"

Realizing that his subordinate seems to have something to say that he hasn't finished, so he glared at the other side fiercely and motioned for the other side to continue.


"According to intelligence analysis, she is likely to belong to the Straw Hat Pirate Monkey D. Luffy, because our people have seen them act together in several places."

"Your Excellency Lieutenant..."

Having said that, after seeing the shock, solemnity, and a little bit of schadenfreude on the Lieutenant General's momentary look, he suddenly dared not say anything.

Obviously, the matter that Monch D. Luffy is the grandson of Lieutenant General Monch D. Cap, he already knew about it, so when he first came in, he hesitated. Yes, and specially report with the'good news' in order to prevent their lieutenant general from being too severely stimulated.


Monkey D. Karp, who had just stood up in shock, took a deep breath, and then slowly sat back on the chair.

At this moment, he had a dark face and didn't say a word. He just felt that the tea and snacks in his hand suddenly disappeared, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Lieutenant General?"

"Do you want to take someone to deal with this matter immediately?"

Zuoguan asked nervously and reminded.

After all, the matter is very serious. If it is reported, the Straw Hat Pirates will be miserable, and it will definitely end in a very, very miserable kind!

However, if it is Lieutenant General Monch D. Karp who is going to deal with it now, there is still some room for change. At that time, we only need to deal with the perpetrators seriously. As for those involved in the innocent suffering, it may be directly related. Are you going to push the city?


"Do not!"

"You go directly to report to the general!"

After pondering for a long time, when Zuoguan felt that the Lieutenant General would definitely start the action immediately, surprisingly, Monkey D. Karp suddenly opened his eyes and said so firmly.

"Lieutenant General?"

"But, that Monkey D. Luffy..."

"To shut up!"

"The law stipulates: once the Dragonite is offended, the general of the navy headquarters or CP0 must be dispatched to protect!"

"Now that Prince Charles Charros is attacked and he doesn't know his life or death, then this matter is not within the jurisdiction of my lieutenant general."


"No but!"


"Report this matter to the Navy Headquarters and let the general handle it!"


"Then Lieutenant General, what shall we do?"

"Nothing needs to be done!"

"We only need to pay attention to Pluto Silbaz Raleigh. You can report it!"



Seeing that Lieutenant General Monch D. Karp’s attitude was very firm, he seemed to have made it clear that he would avoid suspicion in this matter. Although this officer wanted to say more, but in the end he didn’t dare to say more, he had to be ruled. After a respectful salute, he quickly turned and left.

However, he decided in private that when he reported to the meeting, he should blame the little girl as much as possible, and then deliberately downplayed the presence of the straw hat group. Presumably, the general will definitely look at the lieutenant general when the time comes. Slightly open the Internet?




After his adjutant left, he looked at the white lieutenant admiral's coat hanging on the hanger in the office, and at the two conspicuous black characters of "Justice" on the back of the coat, Monkey D·Karp glanced at it. After squinting, he gradually fell into contemplation after a cold snort.

It didn’t take long, perhaps because that very serious matter was actually reported by the officer. Therefore, in the 66GR area, in the main naval base stationed with a large number of navies on the Chambord Islands, there were countless soldiers and officers. He began to scream and act, and the entire base entered a high-level alert, seeming to be preparing in advance for something that is about to come.


Monthly ticket? (ˉ﹃ˉ?)

???(?)???? If you don’t have it now, you can give it at the end of the month~!

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