Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1624: (??ω??) Rest assured, no problem!


"Don't mess around, be careful I'll sue you for obstructing business!"


"What business?"


"Kemi is our partner, she is not a slave, you have to find out!"

"Step aside!"


"You have to find out, she is going to be auctioned soon. It is a rare commodity. What's the use of telling me this?"



"Stop joking, how can there be such an inhumane thing in the world as the slave trade?!"


"A group of lawless pirates, how dare they say anything humane to us here?"



In front of the gate of the auction house in the ①GR area of ​​the Chambord Islands, Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Frankie, Hachi and Papagu are entangled with the guards of several auction houses. They wanted to break in to save people, but of course the other party would not agree, Yuan Hui, the two sides were entangled and confronted in front of the door.

And since there are some important people in the auction house, Sanji and the others don't dare to use force. For a while, the two sides are stuck in such a stalemate, and there is no good solution for anyone.



In a hurry, and I don't know why, Chopper took out the phone bug and dialed the number of Annie's phone bug.

Although reason told him that it should be useless to do so, but he didn't know why, he just did it.




At this time, Annie was still wandering around the Chambord Archipelago. She didn't even know where she was going, and she wasn't in a hurry anyway.

She didn't stop until she moved in her heart and pulled out a snail-like creature.





"It's Chopper? What, did you find Kemi? Ah... I almost forgot, okay, um! I'm here, I'll be there soon!"


After answering the phone and hearing Chopper on the other end of the phone saying that she had found the mermaid Kemi who was kidnapped, Annie finally remembered that she was wandering around to find someone, and she almost put this The matter was forgotten.



(However, Tibbers said, it wasn't a near miss at all, it was clearly forgotten, and if the deer man hadn't called, God knows when the poor little owner of his family would have remembered that there was such a thing. matter.)



"Do you have a means of transportation called flying fish? You can also let Luffy come over and take me a ride, and let me go with him?"

( ̄□ ̄;)

"No, no! Don't!"


"People don't want to sit on flying fish, they have magic, and soon... No! They have arrived now!"



After speaking, Annie disappeared in an instant on the grass between the jungles.



"Hello everyone!"


In the next instant, Annie appeared in front of the auction house in the ①GR area of ​​the Chambord Archipelago, and appeared in front of Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Frankie, Hachi and 'Pai Daxing' Papagu, etc. In front of the person's sight, he waved his small hand towards them proudly.

She didn't want to sit on a flying fish. In such a situation where she already knew the exact place and had someone she knew as the anchor's spatial coordinates, it was still the fastest to send it directly.

Of course, this method of using acquaintances as the anchor coordinates of space spells is not the kind of arcane master with profound spatial attainments, so it is definitely impossible to do.


"This, so fast..."

At this time, Chopper, who didn't hang up the call, was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the phone bug in his hand, and then at Annie who arrived instantly. After rubbing his eyes, he was convinced that it was not a hallucination, so he had to put away the thing in his hand embarrassingly, and dismissed the way to contact him. Fei, the somewhat superfluous idea that Luffy would drop by to pick up Annie.

"Is that magic?"

"It's so fast, I really want to learn it too..."

Seeing Annie arriving in an instant, Nami, who was beside her, couldn't help but sighed with sincere admiration.

"No way!"


"Sister Nami, you are too stupid, you must not be able to learn magic!"


Hearing that the other party had the urge to learn magic, Annie quickly persuaded the other party in a relatively euphemistic tone.

After all, the coordinate-free fixed-point teleportation spell that can only be learned by arcane masters with profound spatial attainments is really too difficult for ordinary people. She is definitely not willing to teach it. It is better than teaching primitive people to learn calculus. Even harder!



"I prefer to believe that you don't want to teach..."

With a dark face, Nami turned her head away bitterly.

She, Nami, is a genius navigator who can sense the weather with her body, perfectly indicate the route, and her colleague can accurately draw a nautical chart. How could she be stupid?

However, now is not the time to entangle with that kind of thing, if there are more important things now, and she needs to rescue Kemi first, she has to have a good argument with the other party!



"Kemi is right here, right? Then why are you still here, don't you hurry in and save people?"

ヽ (‘ー`)

Looking around, I found that there was only such a house here, and looking at the anxious expressions of Uncle Sanji and Uncle Frank, Annie didn't have to guess to know that they were looking for the kidnapped mermaid sister Kemi. It must be in this big house.

"I'd rather go in."


"They won't let us in..."

Sanji gritted his teeth and looked at the guys standing in front of the door. In the end, he had no choice but to smash the trunk of a big tree beside him with an angry fist.

It was the first time that he felt so aggrieved and powerless, but there was nothing he could do. Reality was stronger than people. Hearing the roaring voices inside, no matter how unwilling he was, he could only stare outside here.



"If they don't let them, you stay here honestly and don't go in?"


Scratching her head, Annie seemed to be petrified.

"Uncle Sanji!"


"You are a group of pirates, and you still go to tell them the rules?"


Yes, Annie couldn't figure it out, and the logic didn't seem right.

After all, these guys are driving pirate ships and claiming to be pirates. They are also wanted by the navy, and the bounties add up to hundreds of millions, but now, they are here honestly and well-behaved Reasoning with the arrogant and domineering guy in front of him?

So if you want to be reasonable, why do you still want to be a pirate? Isn't it better and safer to change careers to be an explorer or a businessman?


"They said that there are Tianlong people inside..."

Sanji said weakly, he probably knew what Annie meant, but even if they became pirates, they still had to endure some things.

"Dragon people inside?"


"There are still guys like Tianlong people?"


Hearing that there was another kind of badass Tianlong people in space suits, Annie expressed a little surprise, because she had just beaten one up, but who would have thought, there are still...


"Annie, why are you asking that?"

"Any questions?"

Hearing the surprise and some kind of weird emotion in Annie's tone, Nami on the side couldn't help but turned her head curiously and asked.



"Let's go! Let's go in and see!"


Annie didn't want to talk about the Tianlong people for the time being, so she skipped the boring topic, and then planned to enter the so-called auction in front of her.



However, she had just walked a few steps when two guards from the auction house came over with long spears and arrogantly blocked her way forward, their faces still full of vicious expressions.





boom! ! !

She frowned slightly, and then Annie didn't even think about it. With a simple arcane attack, she blasted the two guards who wanted to block her, making them scream and fly high, and then headed It planted down to the soft turf of the Chambord Archipelago in the distance and was directly soft there, not moving at all.


"you you you you……"

Seeing that this little girl who suddenly appeared was so fierce, she sent two skilled guards flying as soon as she made her move, and she looked at him with malicious intent, who was still arrogant and arrogant on the steps before. The auction house staff slumped in an instant.

"Don't come here!!!"

Then, of course, he stepped back decisively and shouted hysterically, while his legs were shaking like a sieve, for fear that Annie would do the same terrible thing to him.

"Hey! Uncle..."


"Now, you either let us in, or let me burn you in before you go in. Choose one for yourself?"


Annie said sweetly and left the choice to the other party.

She's not joking, you know, she's never soft-hearted towards bad people!

Of course, it's up to her to decide who is a good person and who is a bad person. She said yes, yes, no!

And now, these guys have caught their friends for auction, and if they don't let themselves and others go in to save people, they must be bad people.

And the bad guys dare to be so arrogant, do you really think that Queen Anne is the kind of person who likes to follow the rules and reason?

Don't tell her anything about the Tianlong people, even if there is a Tianlong king in it, if she dares to stop her to save the useless murloc Kemi, she will do it right!

Besides, it's not like she hasn't beaten Tianlong people before, those fox-fake tiger-like guys are very weak, even weaker than Chopper! Besides, let alone a fox and a tiger, even if a 'tiger' really jumped out, she would definitely not be afraid!



Finally, the stern auction house clerk fell to the ground under Annie's gaze, and then there was a burst of urine smell from his crotch, but he just lay there obediently and couldn't say a word.

"Look! He seems to agree to let us in!"


"bring it on!"


"Let's go in and see what's going on, and see if Kemi is really in there?"


"Open Sesame!"

ヽ(ヽ`д′)┌┛★) 呯!

Seeing that there was no more obstacle, Annie took the lead and ran up the steps, kicked open the closed door and walked in.


"Oh, it seems that Little Annie is more reliable..."

"Let's go!"

"Let's go in too!"

Seeing that Annie managed to solve all the troubles, Sanji finally came back to his senses, covered his head, smiled ashamedly, followed and walked in.

This is indeed the easiest way. He had indeed thought about doing it just now, but in the end he still didn't dare.

"Will it be okay?"

"It's all over, no matter what, Sanji is right, let's go ahead and talk about it!"


"Kemi, we're here to save you!"


"Sanji, don't mess around later, there are Tianlong people in there!"

"Ah? Don't tell me that, tell Annie."


Soon, the guard was knocked down, seeing that the staff of the auction house had been scared to the side and dared not come out to stop them. Star' Papagu and the others followed behind Annie and rushed in.


When Annie and the others defeated the guards and forced their way into the auction, in the area where Annie disappeared instantly, not far from the big tree marked 32GR, several naval spies finally came out and looked at each other in dismay. It appeared on the lawn where Annie finally disappeared.



Several people looked at each other silently for a long time, and finally, one of them had to take out a white phone bug and start dialing a certain number.


"Sir, we just lost our target..."

"very sorry!"


"We don't know what happened. She suddenly disappeared right under our noses and disappeared out of thin air..."

"We don't know what that capability is."

"Yes! She should still be on the island."



"We will continue to search and make sure to determine her exact location before the operation begins!"


"We know how to..."

When the call was over, the leader of the navy scout swiftly put away the phone bug and turned to look at the surrounding people.

"General's order: We must determine her specific location as soon as possible!"

"Split up!"

"Add more At all costs, we must cover the entire Chambord Archipelago with our intelligence network as soon as possible, and then find her out, do you understand?"

"Set off!!"

After the task was briefly arranged, the navy scouts didn't ask any more questions as the leader waved his hand. They turned around in silence, and then ejected towards different directions, and soon disappeared into the jungle. trace.

Then, the area returned to calm...

In the surrounding sky, the dazzling and dreamy resin bubbles that are unique to the Chambord Islands are still floating, but this magical island like a dream will soon become restless.


☆?(o*?ω?)? Where is the monthly pass?

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