Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1626: ?(????)??? Yellow Ape is about to arrive on the battlefield

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In the population auction house in GR area No. 1, the sudden battle inside did not last long.

In fact, with the presence of a bad little girl, the so-called battle was over without even starting.

And when the guests fled in panic, when several important members of the straw hat gang, such as Luffy, Usopp, Robin, and Sauron, arrived here by flying fish or on foot, and fell from the sky, breaking through the auction house. When Ding Qiang broke into the auction house, they were only astonished to see that all the dragons, the dragon guards, and the guards of the auction house had been wiped out.

Those guys, regardless of male or female, were all **** by some kind of red magic rope into rice dumplings and hung upside down on the beams of the auction house. They either passed out directly or were strangled, and said a word. If he didn't come out, only the messy chairs and broken stage in the venue were left.

At this time, including Kemi and a certain coating artisan Raleigh who had come out after a long call, all the slaves were unconditionally released by Queen Anne in a grateful voice.

But, now they are still stuck in the auction scene.

Because the outside of this big house was surrounded by numerous navy soldiers in advance. Except for those guests who were able to go out freely, other people, including the straw hat group including Annie, and some were involved. All the pirates are trapped here.

At the same time, unlike the temporary relative calm here of the No. 1 GR regional auction house, outside, especially in that town, countless pirates and residents have begun to mess around.

Those who are capable or have boats have already begun to flock to the sea and piers one by one, sailing out to the sea as quickly as possible and fleeing from the Chambord Islands.

As for those who were incapable, they also sought places to hide.

Because the Straw Hats brazenly attacked and hijacked the Draco, and even killed a Draco has begun to spread. Knowing the seriousness of the matter, knowing that the admiral will lead the fleet and the navy to land in Shampoo soon. Earth Islands, knowing that their respective heads are not iron enough, where would they dare to stay here for a while?

Almost at the same time, the news that the Draco was attacked and held hostage also spread to the navy headquarters in the 66GR area.


"Your Excellency Lieutenant!"

"The big thing is not good!"

"Your Mightiness!"

"The human trafficking station in GR area No. 1 was attacked, and the guards inside were wiped out. The Celestial Rozvard Saint and Charulia Palace were held hostage. The life or death is unknown!"

Lieutenant General Monch D. Karp's office was pushed abruptly, and then his school-level adjutant rushed in panic and reported loudly without waiting to be notified.



"What exactly is going on?!"

Hearing that he had sent someone to the auction house that was originally going to deal with Pluto Sirbaz Raleigh, and that two Dracomen were involved, Monch D. Karp couldn't help but stand up in surprise.

It hasn’t been long since the shooting of Saint Charles Roth, the Draco man, hasn’t passed. Their fleet is still searching at sea. So far, they haven’t even found the corpse. But now it’s good, there are two more. Something happened to the Tianlong people, and things here are really getting bigger and bigger.

"Your Excellency Lieutenant!"

"It's like this..."

The adjutant who took a sigh of relief and hurriedly stood at attention and paid a salute. Then, he hurriedly learned what happened in the auction house, such as the initial'vicious bidding' by the straw hat group, and the subsequent verbal conflicts and developments between the two parties. The final armed confrontation and so on were all explained in detail.

"Again, the straw hat group again?"


After listening to his adjutant finishing the story, Monkey D. Karp couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, only to feel that his scalp was numb.

"Your Excellency Lieutenant!"

"What shall we do now?"

Of course the adjutant knew that the matter was big, otherwise, he wouldn't even come here to report to the lieutenant at the first time after he got the news, and he wouldn't even dare to use the phone worm.

After all, the Straw Hat Crew is really on a big deal this time, especially when the leader of the Straw Hat Crew, the Pirate Captain Straw Hat Luffy, is also the grandson of Lieutenant General Your Excellency?


Monch D. Karp was gritting his teeth and frowning thinking, his expression was serious, and he was not in a hurry to answer the question of his adjutant.

"Your Excellency Lieutenant?"

As a last resort, after waiting for a while, the adjutant had to ask anxiously again.

He knows that the matter is now very urgent. Presumably, the Marshal of the Warring States Period must have received the news, and the general will definitely come. Therefore, if the Lieutenant General wants to do something to keep that straw hat Luffy, now is the most important thing. Great opportunity!

Moreover, this opportunity is fleeting, and there is only a little time to buffer and operate. Once it is missed, it can be really late.


Suddenly, without waiting for Monkey D. Karp to think of a way, the phone bug on his desk rang.


After beckoning his adjutant to be safe and not irritable, Monch D. Karp, who was slightly squinting and moaning, stretched out his hand and grabbed the phone worm on the phone.



"Okay, I know."

The conversation lasted for a while, and soon, Lieutenant-General Monch D. Karp put down the microphone and looked at his subordinate.


"Now, we can't do anything."

Shook his head, Monch D. Karp, who slowly sat back in his chair, directly stretched out his hands to support his forehead, seemingly depressed.



"Now the three Heavenly Dragons have been beaten, and that King Ming is also inside..."

"And the straw hat group..."

"Stop it!"

"The Yellow Ape has been dispatched."


"General Huang and Huang Yuan?!"


"Plus the work of the Saint Charles Rose before, so we don't need to do anything now, and we can't do it. This matter is really beyond our scope of authority."

With a sigh, Lieutenant General Karp knew that his subordinates were kind, but it was too late now, and his grandson Lu Fei and their troubles were really too much. He can only avoid suspicion now, at least on the surface. remain neutral?


"Lieutenant General, we are now outside the auction house. Do you need to give orders to the encircled naval soldiers?"

After thinking about it, the adjutant suddenly reminded him vaguely and nervously.

Because they needed to deal with Pluto Silbaz Raleigh before, they arranged a lot of manpower to surround the auction house.

But now, by coincidence, it happened that something happened to the auction house and became a vortex of the storm, so that they immediately surrounded all the suspects in the incident, and of course it also included the lieutenant general’s. Sun Tzu, therefore, he thought it would be a good idea if some inappropriate orders were given to the soldiers at this time to make mistakes in the encirclement circle?


"Let them stand by until the general arrives, and then..."

"It's up to the other party to dispose of it!"


Lieutenant General Karp, who knew what his subordinates were thinking, waved his hand. Then, without knowing what he was thinking, he swept away his previous frustration. Instead, he smiled and picked up the teacup.


"Subordinates understand, let's give orders!"

He opened his mouth and hesitated, but in the end, seeing your Lieutenant General seemed to have some plan, the adjutant didn't dare to say anything. He only turned around and left slowly after standing at attention, leaving only for the Lieutenant General. A lonely figure of "justice" came down.



As the office door was gently closed, Lieutenant General Monche D. Karp, who was sitting alone inside, buried his face in his hands again.

"Annie Hasta?"


"Luffy, you really found a good crew member who can be troublesome..."


"Let me see, how much can you do?"

After a long time, he murmured these two words to himself, and raised his head, looking out of the window in the direction of the No. 1 GR area with some fascination towards the east.



"We have won!"


"Kemi, are you okay?"

"Hmm! I'm fine!"

At this time, after finishing everything, seeing that all irrelevant people had escaped, and seeing that Kemi had been rescued safely, the group of straw hats who had regrouped together naturally gathered together and cheered loudly. Hugged together.

They didn’t know that the navy headquarters had been shaken by what they had done, nor did they know that Admiral Huang Yuan was leading a team to come here at this time, just after the talk was over, and that Silbaz Ray After talking about it, Li finally remembered that they should retreat as soon as possible.


"Luffy, hurry up, we should go now!"

First, she glanced at the other Pirates who didn't know what she was thinking, and then Nami urged Luffy.

She already knew that the auction house was surrounded by the navy, but there was nothing powerful among those guys.

Therefore, she is not too worried at this time, and feels that there must be no big problem for them to break out of the encirclement, especially when they have the powerful magician of Annie to help out?

"Are you leaving now?"

"Then wait!"

"I want to move the gold away first!"

After speaking, Luffy couldn't wait to rush to the few one-cubic-meter gold ingots on the steps.

It's just that, even if he used the energy to suckle, he still couldn't move the gold ingot at all, because the thing was too heavy and too heavy, and he seemed to be unable to move it alone?



"Frankie! And Sauron, come and help!"

Luffy didn't feel annoyed when he found that he couldn't move it. He directly stretched out his hands to greet his reliable partners.


Seeing Sanji, Frankie, and Sauron actually running towards Luffy, Nami was dumbfounded in an instant.

"I say!"

"Have you made a mistake? We are now surrounded by the outer navy!"

"How can you move such a big piece of gold?"

"Are you all crazy?!"

Then, of course, Nami turned into a Hedong Lion Roar, and started howling unceremoniously.

She didn't understand. It was now at this critical juncture. Not only did Anne make a big fuss at the venue, but also beat the Tianlongren. The matter was such a big deal. They saved people and didn't want to break out and escape by boat. Instead, they wanted to go. Move away those huge gold ingots?

What's the matter with their men's brains, is it possible that there is a mass of paste inside?

"Everyone prepare!"

It's a pity that Luffy didn't listen to Nami's words at all, he just wanted Sanji, Frankie and Sauron to cooperate with him.

"One, two..."


Soon, under the command of Lu Fei, several people actually tremblingly carried the one-meter-cubic golden ingot.

However, it is not difficult to guess from the fact that their feet were directly pressed into the stone ladder by the huge weight, and the ladder was directly broken and cracked. They just moved it up and wanted to take it. It is absolutely impossible to move away, especially when it is surrounded by the navy!


"You guys..."


"Do you have any idea?"

There was no way. Seeing the men who couldn't help but, Nami turned her head to ask Annie for help, hoping that the other party could have some good solutions, or she could simply put away the few pieces of gold, so as not to call Luffy and the others to worry about it.





As soon as Annie stretched out her hand, she threw a box the size of a purse toward those people.

"There is a universal portable capsule, you can use that to put the gold away and take it away!"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

Anne obviously didn't want to take back the things thrown out, and she really didn't care about the boring yellow metal that only took up space.

Ever since, seeing those people so fond of those industrial gold ingots, she didn’t even think about it, so she directly gave it to a small box that was obtained from the Dragon Ball world and could even turn the house into a capsule. Those people were lost.

If you use capsules, especially the few empty capsules there, there is no problem if you put a gold ingot and carry it with you. It does not take up any space at all, and it has almost no weight. After all, there is a single in the capsule. An independent subspace, unaffected by external physical laws.


"Really can?"

After taking the box and opening it, Luffy began to try curiously.



"It's really okay!"

Then soon, in his exclamation, everyone found out: Under the effect of that magical capsule, he actually collected one of the one-meter-cubic gold ingots instantly under everyone’s eyes. Get up, let it turn into a small capsule?


"Luffy! Give me a capsule!"

"I also want!"

"There is me, give me one! If you dare to swallow, I will hack you to death!"

Seeing that Luffy really turned a gold ingot into a small capsule and put it away, Sanji, Frankie and Sauron were shocked, and then they were all anxious. In the past, I planned to forcibly seize the small square box in Luffy's hand and the magical capsule in it.

After all, there are still a few pieces of gold ingots that are one-meter square. If they are one piece, it seems that they are just enough?



"That is everyone's public property. You are not allowed to take any of them. Give me all the capsules!"

Seeing that she could actually take the gold away in a portable way without hindering her breakthrough, Nami was shocked, and then she rushed to join the battle group, and soon under the angry eyes of the men who dared not speak. As the treasurer of the Sonny, he forcibly took all the capsules into his own hands.

Now, she can't take care of the navy that surrounds them round and round.

In any case, these are several pieces of one-meter square gold ingots, the value is beyond the horizon, at least a few billion Baileys, so much money, even if you sell ten Luffy heads, it is estimated that they can’t be exchanged. .



"Don't grab it, if you want, someone will give you a little next time?"


Yes, Annie is not joking.

She didn't need that kind of boring metal. When she was free, she would give them a few yuan without any problem at all, and there were even bigger ones than the few she threw out.


(● ̄? ̄●)


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