Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1627: ?(?)? Bounty billions! ! !

Today, the Straw Hat Pirates, headed by Straw Hat Luffy, and a few other messy ones, whose names Annie doesn’t remember and don’t want to remember, are with a group of navy who have been prepared outside the house of the auction house. It's a big battle!

The battle did not last long, because the navy did not have any more powerful weapons or powerful characters to guard besides swords, muskets, and mortars, and a certain admiral who was said to be coming to the town It was too late, so soon Luffy and the other pirate group leaders easily broke through the navy encirclement and escaped separately.

After this battle, those navies got nothing except for losing their troops and replacing their generals!

Of course, in fact, they didn't get anything.

At least, after the pirates'ran away', they finally succeeded in'saving' out the two heavyweight hostages of the abducted Dragonite Rozvard Saint and Charulia Palace, and finally completed the tactical goal. Is it a small feat?


If the matter came to an end, it would barely be considered a happy situation for everyone, but when the navy was preparing to clean up a messy battlefield, they were surprised to find that at the door of the auction house, it was actually easy to stand upright. With a little girl?



"Uncle, how are you guys!"


Yes, Annie didn't just follow Luffy and they jumped on that kind of flying fish and escaped.

When everyone, including the leaders of the other pirate regiments, had successfully escaped from the siege, she still stayed in place and watched the excitement for a while, as if everything that happened here had nothing to do with her. , Even after being discovered, she was so cute and adorable, and she reached out and greeted the group of naval officers and soldiers who were staring at her face to face.


"Why is there a little girl here?"

"Why is she here…"

Looking at the little Annie, who had nothing to do with her appearance, the brigadier general who led the team to check the internal situation of the auction house couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Because he didn't know whether the other party belonged to the pirates or the innocent children who were accidentally left here by the guests who came to participate in the auction.


"Your Excellency Brigadier General!"

"She is the little girl! The little pirate girl who hurt the Dragonites and wiped out the guards!"

Fortunately, when the brigadier general was about to step forward and continue to inquire, there were still many clear-headed officers beside him. Therefore, before he took action, the other party bluffed out loudly and told him. Pull to a safe place behind.


"So it's her?!"

Hearing what his subordinates said, the brigadier general was obviously taken aback.


"Hurry up and catch her!!"

If it is said that the pirates just ran away because he was incapable and might not be held accountable by the boss, then the one in front of him had killed (missed?) a Celestial man and wounded two Celestial dragons just now. The main culprit of a person, then absolutely can't let the other party escape.

Otherwise, it is the serious negligence of his brigadier general, he might be chased and reprimanded by the boss!




Following the command of the brigadier general, a musketeer of the navy raised their guns as if they were on the verge of an enemy. Then, they all aimed their weapons at Annie and surrounded her. In the middle.




′Ο`*))) alas

Looking at the black holes of the muzzle, there was no way, Annie sighed, and then raised her palm.

"Now! Uncles!"


"Well, you leave the way, people will not be embarrassed for you today, what do you think of this proposal?"


Yes, Annie doesn't want to embarrass these hard-working uncles now, and she doesn't want to fight with these navy uncles, so she put forward an excellent suggestion to let both sides have a step down.


"What a joke!"

"Get her up! Take her back to the Navy Headquarters and wait for her to be dispatched!"

Unfortunately, the Commodore did not buy it, but angrily ordered.

Right now all the pirates have run away, and there is only this little girl who is the main culprit, and the other party is also the initiator of the attack on the Dragonites, and is also besieged here by thousands of navy groups, with dozens of muskets pointed at his head. Under this circumstance, if the opponent can still be allowed to run away, then he, the Commodore Admiral, does not need to continue.

"All right!"


"Since you have decided, then they have to make a move!"


Who is her Queen Anne?

She is the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most The most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most The most the most powerful arcane archmage, she has thousands of ways to wipe out all the navy uncles here in an instant, and she is still the kind that doesn't even have any scum left!

However, she does not want to completely burn these people to slag, because they did not offend her like the snotty bad guy before. Therefore, before the surrounding uncles of the navy are about to surround her and arrest her, She let a light shine on her little finger.

"Group Transfiguration!"


Transfiguration, a small trick usually used by arcane wizards to control the enemy or mischief. It can turn the enemy into a sheep and make it roam around. The time of paralysis is affected by the ability of the caster. It may be a trick. Two minutes, it may be a whole day or longer.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary arcane wizards can only deform and paralyze one target at a time, while some arch wizards who specialize in illusion can deform and paralyze more than double-digit targets, and for Annie, the most, most, most, The most the most most There is no problem!

But, now she obviously doesn't want to directly and brazenly attack the entire planet.

So, when she let the light from her fingertips burst out suddenly and radiated across the auction house in the No. 1 GR area, in the next second, all the navy uncles who were present disappeared instantly. NS.

Of course, it can't be said that it disappeared, but it has become another kind of chubby thing.

‘? ? ’

"Hey~! ’

‘Hey? ’

‘Hey! ! ’


‘Hey, blew! ! ’

At this time, when Annie put down her hands and looked around, there was only a large group of people who were at a loss and they were bumping and bumping when they walked. They were walking and screaming and bumping together, and some even wanted to have their feet. They are just stupid sheep who stand up and walk on their own.



"I have given you a chance!"

(? ̄? ̄?)

"But don't worry, you will be able to recover at sunrise tomorrow. Before that, don't be caught and eaten!"


After that, Annie didn’t care what the sheep thoughts of the “them”, and didn’t want to care about the “them”. Didn’t you hear them? She just picked up her own little bear Tibes, and then randomly looked for a direction and jumped happily. Stumbled over.

"Pleasant Goat, Beautiful Goat~?"


"Pull out the hair and take it to feed the Big Gray Wolf~?"


After a while, as the voice of the little song became farther and farther away, certain evil little red figures jumped onto a Chambordian archipelago in the horrified, helpless, and bewildered gazes of the group of Mianyang people. In the bubble, then lay there and flew away quickly.

Half an hour later...

After galloping all the way, the'all members' of the straw hat group finally returned safely to the pit bar of Aunt Xia Qi's house in the 13GR area with the help of the flying fish knights that Sanji called.

Then, after successfully escaping and ascending to heaven, they began to conduct short-term repairs and talks after the war.


"and many more…"


At this time, while Chopper was busy taking care of her injured partner during the breakout, Nami on the side had just drank a few drinks, but suddenly she began to look around and screamed in exclamation.


"What's wrong, Nami?"

Luffy, who was talking happily with the Hades King Leily, couldn't help feeling a little surprised, wondering what happened to Nami's sudden bluffing.

"What's wrong?"

"Something happened!"

Nami stood up, then her face became solemn, and at the same time she planned to find her weapon.


"Hey! Miss Nami, what's the matter?"

Sanji was also a little strange, and then followed Robin and the others to look over and ask.

"It's Annie!"

"Look for yourself, is Annie here?!"

Nami roared and motioned everyone to look at this bar.




"One missing, Anne really isn't there?"

"not good!"

"Didn't she follow back?"



"It seems that my brain is not so good, I forgot that little guy Annie, although I don't have a brain..."

Looking back on the surroundings, I saw that there was indeed no little guy Annie in this bar, and when I thought about it, the other party didn’t seem to follow and took the flying fish together, Robin, Luffy, Frank, Chopper, Sauron. , Brook, Xiaoba, Kemi and others also exclaimed.

In fact, they can't be blamed for this. After all, Annie joined them for too short a time. When they retreated, they counted the number of people, and they all forgot the other party.


"That cute little guy, didn't you bring it back?"

"You guys, this is too irresponsible, right?!"

The proprietress Xia Qi also exclaimed at this time, glaring at Lu Fei and the others and reprimanding loudly. At the same time, all the cigarettes in her mouth fell and she couldn't pick it up.


"Are you just noticing now?"

"I thought it was because you think she is strong and you don't need to worry, that's why you broke out first..."

Scratching his head, Raleigh also felt that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit awkward.

Actually, at that time, Lei Li had already discovered that the little girl was stranded on the scene. However, thinking of the fact that the other party had subdued countless guards in an instant at the auction house, he thought it was Luffy and Nami who knew she was definitely not. Need to worry, so I didn't ask more.

But how can I think that things didn't seem to be what he thought, but because these guys simply forgot that little guy?


"Luffy, let's go back and save Annie right away!"

"It's too late if it's too late."

The more Nami thought about it, the more it felt wrong, so when she found her weapon, she pushed the door and went out.


"no problem!"

Annie should also be considered a partner, so of course Luffy would not have any other ideas. He also stood up and planned to kill together.


"And I!"


"Then hurry up!"

Frankie, Sanji, Brook, Sauron and other straw hats also stood up, holding their weapons, and planned to go to GR area No. 1 again and have another battle with the navy. .

As for the plan that they had planned to leave the Chambord Islands as soon as the coating is over, so as not to run into the admiral, they can no longer take care of it.

"and many more!"

"Let me call Annie and ask!"

"Don't worry, everyone!"

At this time, Chopper seemed to think of something, and then hurriedly stopped everyone.

"You think..."

"Annie knows magic. She can teleport to any place instantly, and there will definitely be nothing wrong!"

"Anyway, let's make a call first!"

After stopping everyone, Chopper quickly took out a phone worm and dialed the number of the one carried by Annie after seeing his friends looking towards him.


"Is it Annie?"

"Where are you?"


"Are you okay? The navy, did they treat you like that?"

When the call was connected, and when the straw hats gathered around to listen, Chopper was not verbose, and directly asked what they were most concerned about now.

'navy? ’


‘They didn’t treat others like that, those uncles, they were all overthrown by others! ’


While spreading the word, the phone worm also pretended to be a playful grimace following Annie's appearance, with a trace of the prettyness that Anne's peculiar to him?


Hearing what Annie said, Chopper took a look at his companions around him, and then he was relieved with a sigh of relief.

"Then can you come back by yourself?"

Then, Chopper asked hurriedly.

'OK! ’


‘But not yet! ’



"why not?"

Chopper asked again.

‘There’s a bad guy here who wants to make trouble with someone, so he’ll tease him for a while before talking! ’


‘I’m not telling you anymore, UU reading www. uukanshu. com, they will go back by themselves anyway, bye~! ’

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)~


After the phone worm said this last sentence and imitated Annie's expression, it fell silent and stopped speaking.


"All the navy was defeated by her?"

"Tsk tut!"

"This is really incredible..."

After the call, when he heard that the little guy was okay, Raleigh also breathed a sigh of relief and was surprised.

After all, there were a lot of navies present at the time, and the little guy said that he had knocked them all down. That was really not something ordinary people could do.


"That little devil is so powerful?"

Xia Qi, the proprietress who heard the content of the call, asked strangely at this time.

"More than awesome!"

"I don't know which **** she heard and said she was going to raise her bounty, so she shot and killed a Tianlongren, and also beaten the other two and hung them on the beam. ."

"Now that's all right, I think her bounty must be at least one billion, right?"

Shaking his head, Raleigh didn't want to say any more.

In his opinion, the little guy is really too much to do what he wants, he has no scruples about doing things, and he will suffer a big loss if he is less precise!


"I didn't say anything!"

"Don't do my business!"

After listening to Raleigh's words, the proprietress Xia Qi turned her head awkwardly, pretending to return to work at the counter.

Anyway, she would definitely not admit that she was here to explain the bounty to the messy little girl face to face.


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