Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1628: 1 gun 1 7 Wuhai (????)︻デ…

Without worrying about talking nonsense with Chopper, the phone bug was hung up by Annie in a hurry.

Because, after she turned all the uncles of the Navy around the auction house in GR District No. 1 into sheep, she didn’t wait for long to sway around, and maybe she didn’t even get out of the scope of the '1GR' zone. This huge weird uncle was blocked.

The visitor is very burly, with a trapezoidal white hat on his head, scattered brown spots on the hat, and two playful bear ears, unsmiling face with rimless glasses, and black wool curly hair. Wearing a black jacket on the upper body with a crosshair pattern on the front, and white trousers with brown spots on the lower body. The body is funny and disproportionately strong.

"You are…"

"Annie Hasta?"

Those eyes with rimless glasses stared at Annie for a long time, and then he spoke slowly and asked in that dull, non-emotional tone.



"Uncle, do you have any questions?"


Annie asked playfully.

"Ah! Wrong!"


"You are not an uncle, you are just a robot."


"You can't fool people like this!"


First made a grimace for the other party, and then Annie continued speaking indifferently.


(,,???)? ゛

"It's not fair. People have already said their name, but you haven't said it yet. What's your name?"



"Qing Wuhai, Basolomi Bear px-6."

The visitor said blankly, and then at the same time began to lift his legs and walk away, step by step in the direction of Annie.



"I don't know it!"


Annie really didn't know each other. She didn't know what Qi Wuhai was, and she didn't even know the origin of this robot called Xiong. She hadn't even heard of it.

After all, it hasn’t been two days since she joined Luffy’s group of dumb pirates and began to wander in this world. Where can I know what kind of cat and dog this guy in front of me is?


Basolomi Bear of Qiwuhai under the king did not say much, but silently raised his hand.

Then, abruptly, a muzzle-style weapon port in his palm actually began to condense energy and glare.

Next second...

That muzzle sent out an extremely powerful shock wave to Annie in the form of a high-speed hitting atmosphere, and it came in an instant!

Moreover, the shock wave was terrifying, it passed through Annie's body in an instant, and caused a terrifying explosion on the ground behind Annie.

boom! !

A deep gully appeared on the ground behind Annie, and the fire, smoke and ashes that exploded directly enveloped Annie completely.


There are not many words of cruel words. The Bassoromi Bear Robot, who claims to be under King Qiwuhai, still has no waves on his face at this time, but slowly lowered his hand, then turned directly and raised his leg, and began to take a big step away.

In its view, the pressure gun it had just hit the wanted criminal at close range. There is no reason for the other party to survive. It has no need to look back at the explosion and wait for the smoke to dissipate and confirm the outcome of the battle. sex.



At this time, a small rock flew over and hit its head precisely, with a crisp sound of hitting the metal, and at the same time it successfully attracted its attention, and it had to stop and face each other. Turning around again blankly.



"Big guy, your kind of attack is useless to others!"


A sea breeze swept away the dust and ashes, so that Basolomi Bear of Qiwuhai under the king could clearly see that Annie was standing in the gully just blown out by it and making a face at him. Playful look.

At this moment, not only did she not suffer any damage, but she stood unscathed in the center of the explosion just now, and even the little red hooded skirt looked clean and spotless.


However, just after Annie's words were finished, the other party suddenly opened his mouth again, and a laser beam that seemed to melt even iron suddenly blasted towards Annie.


!? (?''??)?

boom! !

A bigger explosion sounded, and the fierce fire and smoke instantly expanded, forming a huge and terrifying small mushroom cloud on the scene.

Even the aftermath of the explosion even the so-called Qiwuhai Basolomi Bear Robot himself was engulfed in it.

Only this moment, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly stagnated, and there was no more movement except for the diffused smoke.


"You have fought several times, so now it's people's turn to fight back!"

In the smoke, without waiting for the diffuse dust to disperse, the cute voice of a little girl came out.


"MA-M20 Sirius·Beam Rifle!"

There was a arrogant chick from the little girl.



A beam of light instantly hit the "Shichibukai Bassoromi Bear" robot that showed its shape, and after piercing through it, it shot high and obliquely towards the sky, leaving a color in the sky of the Chambord Islands. A brilliant shooting trail that reaches the sky like a rainbow.

And then…

There is nothing then.

ZAFT's first standardized beam rifle is of the same type as the Gundam Justice. It can directly supply energy from the nuclear engine. It has a high-power ship-to-body weapon far superior to the GAT-X series. The weapon is not just made of ordinary steel. What a punk robot can resist.

So, when Annie used a typhoon whirlpool spell to blow away the exploding fire and smoke dust, all she saw was that the body was pierced through a huge gap, and only a little bit of molten steel remained. The robot with its asymmetrical limbs and its still expressionless head had only a broken body.



Qiwu Haiba Solomi Bear’s robot fell straight to the ground and made a muffled noise. When it was hit on the ground, the head of the robot bounced out of the neck that was only a little bit left. Along the slope, slowly rolling to Annie's feet, the machine eyes with rimless glasses were staring at her blankly.



"Really, if you don't resist being beaten, you broke it after just one shot?"


Seeing the other side’s miserable situation, there was no other way. Annie waved her hand. The one that was suspended in the air, controlled by her mage’s hand, was a bit too big for her size, more like a giant cannon’s'MA -M20 Sirius·Beam Rifle' was taken back by her.

"I knew I wouldn't need Gundam weapons..."


Because the other party is a robot, Annie didn't even think about it just now, and she took out the robot's weapon and prepared to fight the other party.

However, the strength of the Gundam weapon that was taken out was too high. If she knew it was like this, she should change to the Human C series electromagnetic nail gun in the Kepulu region or the M series in Mass Effect World. The assault rifle is out.

If that's the case, maybe you can play with each other longer?

Of course, it is also possible that the opponent will be directly sieved, and then the result will be a sudden accident? However, UU reading is now too late to say anything, the other party has been killed by her shot (cannon?), and now thinking about other things is just asking for trouble.





At this time, in the distance of the Chambordian Islands, there were faint explosions from several directions, making Annie couldn't help but look curiously in those directions.

"It seems that there is more than one such robot..."


"All right!"


"Then don't rush back, let's check it out first!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Originally, Annie wanted to directly swish and teleport back to meet Luffy and the others, but when she heard the hustle and bustle now coming from all over the island, she felt that she should continue to play for a while and wait for enough. Go back again?



"It's here!"


"Let's go Tibbers, let's go and wander around!"


Annie, who originally wanted to go in a certain direction, heard more and more intensive explosions coming from the other direction. The playful bear-eared hat snatched from the robot's head, and then accelerated, and quickly jumped towards the place where I didn't know which district it was.

She liked the bear ears on that hat. Maybe, one day after Tibbers' bear ears were accidentally torn apart by her, she could use them as spares and sew them on?




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