Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1629: (*???*;) The man with the strongest defense?


The pirates from Luffy and the Straw Hat gang were fighting with another'Seven Wu Hai' in the 12GR area. In the end, after the clamor of explosions, almost all the Straw Hat gangs were injured. It was easy to finally knock down their opponent, the difficult'Seven Wuhai' to the ground and stop it from moving.


"Huh! Huh!"


"It's so difficult..."

"whispering sound!"

"Is that the strength of Qiwuhai, it always feels a bit wrong?"


"He is still very strong, I almost died just now, although I have already died once..."


Seeing the attacking guy, that'Seven Wuhai' had been hit by Luffy's rubber giant with the last hard blow, lying motionless in the pit, and would not get up to attack them again, the straw hat Luffy, Nami, Sanji, Sauron, Brooke and others were temporarily unable to take care of them. They just lay down or sat on the ground and gasped to regain their strength.

"That bastard..."

"Stopped, is it really broken?"

Similarly, he was breathing and regaining his strength at this time, and Frank, who looked extremely embarrassed, couldn't take care of the small wound on his body, and directly asked anxiously.

"I have no idea!"

"do not care."

"Everyone, I'm exhausted now..."

After Luffy's final punch, he has now turned into the comical appearance of a three-year-old kid, and he is just lying on his back, panting for rest.

"What a tough guy!"

"Are you sure he is dead?"

"I'm really worried, will he suddenly stand up again, and then fight with us again?"

Nami asked worriedly.

Just now, she has been using the weather bar to fight, and now she has consumed too much power. Like everyone else, she herself is too tired. If according to a bad little girl, she is now true. A little bit of magic is gone.


"When will Uncle Raleigh finish coating?"

"I think it would be better for us all to escape from this Chambordian Islands as soon as possible."

Chopper suggested.

Because instinct told him that today this is only the beginning, and a greater danger will soon come. If you don't quickly escape from the Chambord Islands, their nest of pirates, I'm afraid it is really dangerous.

"Isn't it three days later?"

"That Uncle Raleigh said, it will take three days at the earliest!"

"And now he has driven the boat to a hidden place for coating. We can't find him now, even if we want to escape, there is no boat..."

Although Nami also feels that it is not a wise choice to stay on the islands after the series of major incidents. But now they are riding a tiger. If they still want to go to the new world, they still want to stay there. If you continue to explore on the great route, you will definitely not be able to avoid this Chambordian Islands, because only here can be coated!

"Three days..."

"This is the first day. We ran into such a powerful guy not long after we came out of the bar. Now the generals of the Navy have not appeared. Do you think we can live for three days?"

The more Usopp thought about it, the more despair he felt. Anyway, he felt that it would not be easy for them to stay on the island under the navy's search and eyelids for three days.

"Then what do you say?"

"The boat is not coated well. Uncle Raleigh doesn't know where to drive the boat. Now if you find a boat and run out, you will definitely be hunted by the navy!"

"that is!"

"It's useless. Our ship must be coated. Otherwise, we won't be able to go to the New World through the Red Earth Continent. We arrived here with great difficulty. We can't come here in vain."

"stop fighting!"

"Luffy, do you have any idea?"






"Or, let's just find a place and hide it?"

"Let's not entangle with the navy at all. Let's just find a place to hide and stay for three days. Is that alright?"

"good idea!"


"But, this island seems to be unable to hide people, right?"

"Who said there is no way to hide?"

"You have also seen that many pirates and residents have run away. In such empty towns, forests and under the sea, where can we not hide people?"

"It's useless!"

"You fools, do you think the Navy is a fool?"


"Then what else do you say?"

While talking, Nami, Chopper, and Usopp from the straw hat group started to argue, but in the end, they still didn’t find any effective and effective way, they could only sit on the ground and watch me. Look at you staring.

"Can't hide it!"


"This island has a naval base. They are more familiar than us. No matter how you hide it, they will find it out sooner or later."

At this time, Robin shook his head and spoke. Obviously, he didn't agree with the negative thought of hiding in Chopper or Usopp and then waiting for three days until the coating was over.

Although that idea is really good, it is too negative and not very safe. In addition, they are too numerous and too large to hide.


"What the **** is this guy? It shouldn't be Qiwuhai himself, right? Could it be a robot?"


"There seems to be a PX-4 character on his neck. What does that mean?"

At this time, Sauron asked in a deep voice, who had slowed down for a while.

Because, looking at that character, and thinking about the Qi Wuhai they had encountered before, he didn't know why, he had some bad premonitions.

"do not know."

"But he shouldn't be a simple robot, and it's even less likely to be Bartholomew Big Bear himself. He is too weak and too stupid, so he will only release that kind of light for bombardment."

"I guess he is most likely an artificial man transformed from a human of the same size!"

"If the Qiwuhai Big Bear himself were here, we would never have won so easily."

At this time, Frankie, who was very proficient in machinery, began to explain.

Although they are exhausted enough at this time, it is really easy to win when almost no one is seriously injured, and if the real Qiwuhai bear is here, God knows their group of pirates. What terrible price the newcomer will pay.

"As for the PX-4 character on his neck..."


Frankie was thinking hard, because he didn't know what it was. If Sauron hadn't found out, he hadn't noticed the existence of that character.

"That is actually the number of the robot!"


Suddenly, Annie's grimace emerged from the grass next to her, and she succeeded in frightening everyone.



"Ann, Annie?!"

"Scared me…"

"It's Annie!"

"Great! You are finally back!"

Seeing that the person emerging from the grass was Annie, the people who were terribly scared lay down again, and only Nami and Chopper stood up and cheered and welcomed her.


!? (?''??)?

"Lu, Lu Fei! Why did you suddenly become a child, and shorter than others?"


However, Annie, who discovered something funny at this time, did not have time to bother with them. Instead, she ran directly to the little Lu Fei who had turned into a three or four-year-old child, and then curiously reached out and touched each other’s. Squeeze the other's face again.

The usual Luffy is tall and thin, just like a telephone pole, but now Luffy is white and tender and cute, especially bully, and feels very good to the touch, such as...


Pinch the tender meat on the opponent's face, and then, come to a 1080-degree super spiral pill?


"Wow ah ah ah!!!"

"Stop it!"

"You bastard!"

Screaming in pain, Luffy slapped Annie's hand away, and jumped up to take the initiative to back away several steps, wanting to be farther away from some demon-like little girl.

"My state is only temporary."

"After the battle, if you use too much force, your body will shrink, and when the strength is restored, it will change back."

"That's the function of the rubber fruit!"

Luffy explained, and resisted the tears and rubbed the face that had just been squeezed purple by Annie.

Annie squeezed too hard just now, and now his cheeks are swollen, and ah, he thinks that the other party must have done it deliberately just now.

"So it's like this..."


Annie nodded, then shook her head again, noncommittal about the other party's ability to shrink the rubber when it consumes too much energy.


"What do you mean by the number you just said?"

"and also!"

"The hat in your hand..."

Before Luffy continued to protest, Nami hurriedly asked.

Because she saw it, the bear-eared hat in Annie's hand seemed to be exactly the same as the hat on the head of the ‘Seven Wuhai’ that was just overthrown by all of them?

"The number is the meaning of the number!"


"As for this hat... it was pulled from the head of another robot. Its number looks like PX-6, and its name seems to be Qibuhai Basolomi Bear?"


Looking at the hat in her hand, Annie answered without thinking.



"Sure enough! There is more than one such robot!"

"The number that we finally defeated was PX-4, and the one that was defeated by Annie was PX-6. That is to say, there are at least four of the same robots 1, 2, 3, and 5?!"

Hearing Annie's words, Frankie, who was already certain of something, exclaimed. Some could not believe that there were so many terrifying opponents like that.


"There may be more!"

"Moreover, there is a real body of the'Seven Wuhai'!"

Robin also added in a deep voice, and succeeded in making everyone take a breath.

"But Annie was a little wrong!"

"Its real name should be "Batholomy Big Bear" under King Qi Wuhai!"

"He was born in the South China Sea, the former king of the Kingdom of Sorbet, and is recognized by the world government as a large pirate. He possesses catastrophic destructive power and great combat power against the country."

"The Seven Seas of Kings, the Four Emperors, and the headquarters of the navy are the three great powers that are called the Great Sea Route. Only the pirates who are well-known or powerful enough to deter everyone are eligible to be selected as the Sea of ​​Seven Seas of Kings, and we have just defeated them. The one you defeated with Annie is probably just a copy."

"The real ontology is definitely not on the same level as this mass-produced copy!"

Robin frowned to explain and speculate, and she felt that her speculation should be true.

"Is it that way?"


"Forget it, people don't care what they are called!"


With that, Annie thought for a while, and then casually threw away the bear ear hat in her hand.

Originally, she wanted to keep Tibbers as a spare, but later found out that its materials were too ordinary, and Tibbers seemed a little unhappy himself?




Everyone in the straw hat group became silent, thinking and digesting the important and explosive news that Annie had just brought to them.



"I just heard that there was a lot of movement here, and thought there was something interesting about you here, but I thought, when I ran over from a long distance to see it, it was already broken by you..."


After finishing talking, Annie walked up to the PX-4 robot somewhat boringly, and kicked the opponent’s head, and then found that the opponent was still motionless except for a little spark and a little lightning. It seems that it was indeed broken by Lu Fei and others.


"Annie, the PX-6 you met before was defeated by you alone?"

At this time, Chopper finally found a certain point, and then exclaimed and asked.

Although he had already known that Annie was very powerful, the other party had "completely wiped out" their group of Straw Hat Pirates when they first met, but he thought that there was one who beat them very embarrassingly like the PX-4. Annie's robot was easily cleaned up by herself, and he was still surprised.



"They took out the'Sirius Beam Rifle' and broke it all at once, leaving only the hands, feet and head of the mechanical body..."


"But next time, people will definitely not use such powerful weapons!"


At first she spoke in frustration, and then Annie quickly changed her expression.

At that time, she was still going to play for a while, but when she fired a shot, the battle was over instantly, thinking about it was boring.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"Beam rifle, what is that? Is it the same as a musket?"


"Show it to us?"

Nami was startled, and then asked excitedly.

If there is such a powerful weapon that can knock down the Qiwuhai robot at once, she really wants to see it and see if it is really powerful.

Because of that, their den of pirates could survive the navy’s search and attack by the “Seven Takeshi” robots in the Chambord Islands for three days, until the Terry completed the ship against them. The coating.



"forget it!"

′Ο`*))) alas

"That thing is too big. If you have a chance next time, I will send you a small one to play with."


Yes, the "MA-M20 Sirius Beam Rifle" is indeed a bit too big, but it is a Gundam-specific weapon with a caliber of a few hundred millimeters?

This is Annie. Replace with Nami in front of you. Let alone take it, you can squash the opponent directly after throwing it out!

Even the Straw Hats were all dispatched, and I was afraid that they could only barely carry it. It was definitely impossible to shoot it. Besides, they couldn't power the weapons.



Suddenly, Annie ignored Nami again, but looked up at the sky.

"What's wrong?"

Nami was puzzled, and subconsciously followed up and looked up.


"Be careful! There are enemies!"

At this time, Luffy, who was still a child, let out a milky exclamation, and then jumped directly from the ground to remind everyone.


"That is…"


"Quick! Get ready, everyone!"

"Also, come again?"


At Luffy’s reminder, Robin, Frankie, Usopp, Chopper, Sanji, and Sauron were a little unhappy and frightened, but they were not allowed to grit their teeth and raise their spirits and stood with their weapons. Get up and prepare for battle.


After being discovered by everyone, the big and small black shadows on the tree were also bachelor, and jumped directly from the high place.

Bang! !

Then, when the impact of the landing sounded, and when the dust dissipated, everyone in the straw hat group was finally able to see clearly the figure of the incoming person:

It was a fat guy carrying an axe and another Qiwuhai!

And ah, they also discovered that this time, the Qiwuhai who came here has the number "PX-1" on his neck. As for whether it is the underlord Qiwuhai Basolomy Daxiong himself, they are temporarily unhappy. Know.

But no matter what, two enemies came at once, and one of them was the kind of "Seven Wuhai" that was enough for all of them to fight hard to barely defeat, which was enough to make them feel a little bit horrified by the straw hat group.

"Another Qiwu Sea..."

"Counting that time, the one we encountered at sea, plus the one destroyed by Annie, is this the fourth one, right?"

"How many did they make?"

With her eyes rounded, Nami was a little weird.

After all, that kind of navy robot is so powerful, and they need their straw hats to go all out to defeat one, and if this Qiwuhai is really mass-produced, then where are their pirates alive?




No one answered Nami's words, Luffy and the others just clenched their teeth, clenched their fists or clenched their weapons against the sudden two people, even though they were exhausted at this time and didn't have much energy to go with that monster. Fought.


"And that hat..."

"You are too much. You eliminated two of them. They are very expensive, and one is worth the cost of manufacturing and maintaining a warship!"

First glanced at the people in the straw hat group, and then looked at the robot lying on the ground and the hat that was thrown away by Annie, the guy carrying the axe gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

"I just heard that you wiped out the PX-6?"

"You are the one wanted, saying that you wounded two Dracomen and killed the little girl of Saint Charl Rose, that is, Anne Hasta?"

Then, he turned around and looked at Annie, who was also staring at him curiously.


(? ̄? ̄?)

"Fatty, who are you?"



"I'm the navy headquarters, the captain of the scientific force, Zhan Momomaru!"

"I am the man with the strongest defensive ability in the world, but my tone is very tight and I won't tell you the above information!"

The visitor said arrogantly.




But the other party's words left the straw hats speechless, because the other party has already said everything, so there is still a face to say that the tone is very tight?

"The most defensive man in the world?"


After taking a look at the other party's fat body, Annie curled her lips. It was obvious that she was reluctant to believe the other party's nonsense to deceive children.


"Today, you don't want to escape anymore. Do you want to surrender immediately, or do you want to wait for me to knock you all down before arresting you?"

Looking at the pirates and the little girl who committed the crime, UU Reading smashed the giant axe in his hand to the ground in front of him and spoke proudly.



"Are you sure?"

Anyway, Nami herself was running out of strength, so she immediately looked at someone who had just arrived and looked relaxed, and even kept saying that she could kill a nasty little girl in Qiwuhai with one shot. I hope the other party can say something that makes her feel relieved.



"What sure?"


Annie asked strangely, not knowing why the other party asked so suddenly.

"Just can you beat them!"

Nami was a little crazy, but she even pointed at the man with the strongest defensive ability called Zhan Momomaru and the PX-1 Qiwuhai robot behind the opponent that seemed to be the opponent's.



"They are too weak, where do they need to be grasped?!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Annie didn't bother to answer that boring question from Nami at all.


"Dare to underestimate us?"

"Go ahead, PX-1!"

Hearing what Annie said, he frowned slightly, then an angry Zhan Momomaru ordered, and then...



Rumble rumbling~!

I don’t know what the ‘PX-1’ robot did. With the exclamation of Luffy and Sauron, it suddenly glowed, and then it exploded!

Immediately afterwards, the blast of smoke, fire, and explosion swamped everyone present.


(?????)~ Ask for a monthly pass?

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