Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1630: ?(·???·???) Admiral Kazuma Bear

Soon, Luffy, Nami, Zoro and others, who escaped from the fire and smoke from the explosion, finally realized that it was not that the PX-1 robot could not figure it out and exploded, but that the other party was deliberately attacking them. Show off force.

From the explosion just now, it was not difficult for them to find that the robot numbered 'PX-1' just now seemed to be even more powerful than the 'PX-4' robot that they had taken a lot of effort to defeat before. more powerful!

There is no doubt that the strength of that kind of robot is inversely proportional to the number of the opponent's number. The smaller the number, the higher the strength will be?

"very scary!"


"Almost got bombed..."

"Oh ho~ho~ho~"

"My lungs are about to be shaken out, although I have no lungs for a long time..."

"Nami! Robin!"

"And Chopper, are you all okay?"


"We're fine!"

"I can't die, the power of the explosion is too scattered."

Sanji, Zoro, Nami, Chopper, Franky and others who jumped out of the thick smoke coughed violently and answered stubbornly.

Although they said that, anyone could see that there were a lot of small tears and bloodstains on their clothes, making them look even more embarrassed than before.

Fortunately, the explosion just now didn't do anything to their group of straw hats.

However, the explosive power of that level still frightened them, letting them know the approximate strength of the other party.

"Cough cough!"

"That won't work, everyone doesn't have the strength to fight anymore. We don't know how many robots there are. We can't wait here to fight endlessly!"


"Hurry up and run!"

"Run away!"

"Then hide, recover first and then gather!!"

As the captain, Luffy, of course, also discovered the predicament they were facing at this time. Knowing that it would be pointless to continue like this, he did not want to see any sacrifices from his partners, so he made a decisive decision to escape.


"Then it's decided!"

"Everyone must pay attention to safety!"

"Remember the life paper!"


"Everyone, run!"


"Oh ho~ho~ho~"

Seeing that Luffy had made a decision, and seeing that the smoke that exploded just now hadn't dissipated, the members of the Straw Hats who rushed out of the thick smoke quickly reached an agreement to take advantage of the fact that the enemy hadn't chased after them. The opportunity was tacitly dispersed, and it was divided into several teams running in different directions.


And when the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipated, in the center of the explosion made by the PX-1 robot just now, only PX-1, the man with the most defensive ability, Zhan Taomaru, was left with a The stuffed bear and some nasty little girl who looked at Luffy and the others strangely were just three.



Regarding the escape of Nami, Luffy and others, Annie said that it was indeed a bit baffling.

Because she didn't seem to make a shot herself, and she didn't say that she couldn't defeat the enemy, but as a result, those stupid guys took it for granted that the enemy was stronger than her, and then they simply ran away, even forgetting Are you still here?


"I say……"

"Why don't you run away like them, you bastard?"

Zhan Taomaru, who claims to be the man with the tightest voice and the strongest defensive ability in the world, did not take the Straw Hat pirates who were scattered in a hurry to heart. He just stared at him with curiosity and surprise. Little Annie, who remained unmoved until the smoke cleared, asked.

You must know that he is the captain of the scientific unit of the Navy Headquarters, the bodyguard of Vega Punk, and the subordinate of 'Kizuna' Borsalino. He is very strong. Ordinary pirates see him and run away decisively. normal thing.

And now, the important suspect who was said to have killed and injured three Tianlong people in front of him stood there unmoved despite his own presence. This was indeed beyond his expectations. out.



"Why do people run? People don't run!"


Annie gave the other party a blank look, and then continued to stand in place.

In fact, she felt that when she saw Her Lady Queen Anne, she should have run away quickly?

However, it's too late to say anything now, Luffy and Nami ran off on their own initiative, and humiliated her Queen Anne's face, so she didn't plan to call them back, let them go, love ye ye drip.



Hearing Annie's words, Zhan Taomaru frowned slightly, but neither he nor the Shichibukai robot behind him acted in a hurry, just stared at her silently.

"up to you!"

"Anyway, they definitely can't beat 'PX-1'!"

After a while, finally, with a wave of Zhan Taomaru, he signaled the Shichibukai robot PX-1 standing behind him to start moving, and let it start the hunt for those pirate accomplices who committed serious crimes, and he himself was responsible for it. To deal with the main culprit, that is, the little girl who was standing in front of her and never thought of running away - Anne Hastur.



As soon as Zhan Taomaru finished speaking, the PX-1 robot behind him didn't talk too much, and suddenly ejected at a speed that was completely out of line with that fat body, and started to attack Luffy and other straw hats who were running away. The hunt of the gang members.

"PX-1? Do you mean that robot?"


"It doesn't necessarily win?"




"Sister Nami, this gun is for you."


Speaking, Annie suddenly took out an 'M-8 Avenger', then she opened a space door, made a face and shouted at the somewhat surprised Nami who appeared inside, and then put the weapon He threw it directly to the other party, and then closed the portal in an instant.

"All right!"


"That robot in your house will be scrapped later!"


The 'M-8 Avenger' is a very common and easy-to-use submachine gun in the Mass Effect world. Its modularity and cheap accessory design make it the favorite standard weapon of the galactic army and mercenary. Not bad, fast rate of fire and light weight.

Anyway, Annie felt that such a Mass Effect weapon should be enough for Nami and the others to deal with that boring pursuer, so she will beat the self-righteous dead fat man in front of her next, then today should be It's all right.


Zhan Taomaru was silent, his eyes full of suspicion and disdain.

Obviously, he did not believe Annie's words, nor did he think that the group of pirates would be the opponent of the strongest 'PX-1' among the PX series replica robots.

"I will defeat you and take you back to the Navy Headquarters, and you may be beheaded in the end!"

"Now you can take action!"

"I'm fighting Taomaru, but the man with the strongest defensive ability in the world. Given your age, I can let you take the shot first!"

Boom! !

First, the giant axe in his hand smashed to the ground and made a loud noise. Then, Zhan Taomaru hugged his own arm, glanced at Annie contemptuously, and invited Zhan Dao.

But no matter what the other party did, Zhan Taomaru felt that the fate of the other party was already doomed, who made her so she could not die, but she wanted to attack the Tianlong people?



"Fatty, are you sure? Are you really letting people do it first?"


Annie felt a little surprised. Although she didn't know who gave the fat man the courage, she still rudely rolled up her cuffs and raised her little fist.



Zhan Taomaru didn't speak, but groaned in disdain.

Immediately afterwards, his aura of armament began to fill his body, greatly improving his personal defense capabilities, making them like a layer of invisible armor, covering the outside of his body 360 degrees without dead ends. Every inch of skin.

And this is what he relies on, the man who dares to call himself the most defensive man in the world!

As far as the opponent's small arms and calves are concerned, let alone just let the opponent punch him first, even if he hits a hundred punches, or uses that kind of skill called magic, he still believes that he can keep himself intact.

"Then they really want to fight?"


"You must not regret it!"


"But don't worry, they won't kill you all at once!"


Anyway, the other party asked her to fight first, so Annie was not polite, and she never knew what politeness was, so she walked on short legs and ran away under the arrogant gaze of the other party. past.




Annie, who never played cards according to the routine, of course closed her fists, jumped up, and kicked the arrogant fat face of the opponent with one kick.


In the next second, Zhan Taomaru didn't even see when Annie changed her feet, and then she only felt that the armor-like domineering on the surface of her body suddenly disintegrated and collapsed. When the force hit, he only felt that his face was instantly smashed, and then his eyes darkened, and he didn't know anything.


boom! !

boom! ! !

boom boom boom...

There was a series of explosions.

At this moment, the man who is known as the most defensive man in the world, the captain of the scientific unit of the Navy Headquarters, Zhan Taomaru, turned into a cannonball, and then flew out sideways at a terrifying speed on the spot, piercing several shampoo fields. After the trunk of the big tree in the archipelago, I don't know where I was kicked and flew to.



After easily kicking the opponent with one kick, seeing the rumbling sound coming from a distance, Annie, of course, cheered loudly without being ashamed at all.


Before Annie was happy for a long time, suddenly, a golden light appeared in front of her. Then, a guy in a suit with yellow and white stripes and a white navy coat appeared in front of her. in front of.


The other party suddenly raised his leg, followed by a flashing foot, and kicked her in the face? !


!? (\'\')

"Holy Shield Technique!!"


In a hurry, although it doesn't matter if she is kicked by the opponent, Annie raised her hand subconsciously and put a golden skill, making a delicate translucent shield also condensed by golden light to appear in front of her.

clang! ! !

A loud bang!

Then, the guy in the yellow-and-white striped suit and the navy's white admiral's coat jumped back quickly and landed lightly more than ten meters away, just looking at each other, a little angry. Annie looked at each other.


"You, that little girl?"

"Tsk tsk!"

"What a troublesome and troublesome person!"

"I just saw that even Zhan Taomaru's strongest defense is not enough for you..."

He stared at Annie for a while, then carefully moved the 'golden light' foot just now behind Annie's invisible side, twisting and shaking, trying hard to suppress the pain, so as not to let his expression look too much. The ever-changing comer pretended to be nonchalant and asked Annie teasingly.



"Strange uncle, who are you?"


Anne said she did not know each other.

However, the kick that the other party just kicked in her face didn't succeed, but it also succeeded in angering her! So, she is thinking now, how will she get revenge later?


However, the person who came was not in a hurry to answer.

He just stared at Annie with his eyes hidden behind the orange sunglasses, and the foot that had just kicked the 'Holy Shield' was trying hard to use the cover of his navy coat in a position where Annie couldn't see, He kept shaking slightly, as if he was planning to relieve the severe pain that went deep into the bone marrow, like a bone fracture?

And this time!

When Annie was confronting a new strange uncle in yellow, not far away, on the top of the huge canopy of the alchemy mangrove tree that is unique to the Chambord Islands, a man with long curly hair and a chin With a long beard, silver hair and beard, wearing glasses, there is a straight scar on his right eye, and the strange uncle wearing flip-flops is also squinting and overlooking the two facing off from a distance.

This person is obviously the coated uncle that Annie had seen before, and he had actually been here a long time ago, and had successfully seen everything that just happened here.

It starts with Luffy and other Straw Hats fighting against PX-4 and wins, then until Annie arrives, and then Luffy and the others escape, while Annie fights alone and kicks Momomaru, followed by a 'magic' shield to block Admiral Kizaru's destructive power was so strong that he could kick off a large building with a single flash, and he saw it all.


"Looks like it's nothing to worry about!"

"Shaqi and I are worried for nothing."

Looking at the yellow monkey in the distance, who was scared by Little Annie so much that he didn't dare to act rashly, and then looked at the PX-1 robot with a weird burst 'musket' (M-8 Avenger) in the distance. Nami, who was attacking with tutu, and Zhan Taomaru, who was kicked a few kilometers away, was lying there and passed out, and Shirbaz Rayleigh, the king of the underworld, suddenly felt , he himself seems to be really old, and it is indeed time to retire.

Because the back waves in this world have already risen, and the momentum is still very fierce, it is time for these front waves to die on the beach.

"never mind!"

"I'll continue to go back to coating..."

After thinking about it, the uncle in flip-flops who felt that nothing would happen here turned his head sadly, and then quickly jumped on the trunks of the huge alchemy mangrove trees, and soon disappeared. .

Luffy and the others have already dealt with the 'PX-1' robot, and Annie is not even a coward to Kizaru. Then, it would be meaningless for him to stay. It is better to go back and concentrate on coating, and strive to get the Sonny within three days. Get it right, that's what he should do now.


When the Hades Sirbaz Reilly left the scene and disappeared without a trace, Nami in the distance, with the help of the M-8 Avenger, has also successfully used a shuttle of Mass Effect bullets to destroy the extremely powerful PX. The -1 robot was beaten into a sieve, and the opponent fell to the ground with black smoke amid the flashes of fire and sparks.


"Strange! There is still a fight in the back, is that Annie?"

"She hasn't run yet?"

After defeating the enemy, Nami, who was temporarily idle, only had time to look behind her, towards the place where they had just started to escape.

However, unlike the huge movement just heard, there seems to be a sudden silence over there, and I don't know what's going on.

"I have no idea……"

Sanji, who was biting on a cigarette, shook his head. He just ran away, how did he know what happened behind him?

In fact, he didn't even see when Nami got that weird but powerful 'musket'!


"When she just threw me this powerful weapon with magic, didn't she escape with us?"

Thinking about it, Nami couldn't help but be a little worried, so she looked at Franky who was running with her.

"I do not know either!"

"Nami! Don't ask me, Sanji and I both ran together!"


"Let's go back and see?"

After thinking about it, Frankie suggested.

"I want to get back to you, but I won't!"


"Nami, don't worry, Annie is very powerful and can do magic. She can run faster than all of us, so don't worry too much."

Seeing that Nami was about to move, Sanji hurriedly waved his hand, and then hurriedly dissuaded him.


"All right!"

Nami hesitated for a while, thinking about Annie's usual performance, and thinking that what Sanji said seemed reasonable, and thinking that Annie even had time to send her weapons, she quickly decided that she should wait for others to run first. , so as not to become a burden, and then wait until it is safe to contact Annie and ask about the situation.




Suddenly, Franky and Sanji, who were standing not far behind Nami, shouted together.

They saw that there was another Qiwuhai robot in front of them, but the number on the other's neck seemed to be 'PX-0'?

"do not worry!"

"Look at me!!"

Anyway, I already played one, and now Nami doesn't mind playing another one!

So, she turned around decisively, raised her gun at the same time and aimed at the giant in front of her who had one more book in his hand than the previous Shichibukai robot, and at the same time decisively pulled the trigger of the weapon in his hand.

click! click!


However, what surprised Nami was that the big killer in her hand did not spit out that terrible metal storm like just now, but only issued a burst of 'Crack! click! ' a slight metallic crash.

"What's up?"

Finding that Nami didn't attack, Sanji hurriedly asked.

"Okay, seems to be out of ammo?"



"Didn't Annie give you more ammo?"


"Nami, you didn't run out of ammo just now, did you?"

"how could I know?"

"Anyway, this gun was thrown at me from a door that suddenly appeared in the air. It was like this. Who knows how much ammo it has!"

Unwillingly, she continued to pull the trigger a few more times at the enemy's chest. After finding that the weapon still could not be fired, Nami couldn't help but get a little mad and started flapping everywhere, trying to find out how to install ammunition for it or where to have a spare. The ammunition When she just fired, she found that this weapon can be fired in bursts, and it seems that she has fired a full twenty or thirty rounds of ammunition. The power is terrifying, which is far beyond Her understanding is over, so she thought that it could be played indefinitely, but who would have thought that it is now misfired at a critical time, and there is no ammunition?

"Nami be careful!"

"Do not!!!"

However, before the mad Nami fiddled with the weapon in her hand and figured out what to do, Sanji and Frankie rushed over in exclamation.

However, they are still too late...

Because of the gun, Sanji and Franky didn't worry too much just now, thinking that Nami could easily defeat the 'PX-0' in front of her just like the 'PX-1' she just defeated. So it's a little farther away, so it's too late to rescue now.


Seeing the enemy's big hand with a bear's paw pad '' in the palm suddenly patted her, Nami had lost the time to dodge, and she had no chance to react.



The next second, very abruptly, under the round eyes of Sanji and Franky, they only saw that the moment the other party's big hand slapped Nami, she was like a shampoo that was smashed. The unique bubbles of the archipelago disappear directly?

However, they didn't have time to think about why Nami was missing or to feel sorry for Nami, because, in their rounded eyes, the giant with the 'PX-0' number on his neck rushed to the two of them and Before they were caught off guard, they raised the big hand with a bear's paw pad in the palm again.


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