Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1636: (lll???) Luffy attacked the queen's palace at night

Nine Snake Island, in the palace bedroom on the cliff that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, Boya Hancock, one of the queens and one of the seven seas of Wuhai, is sitting charmingly sideways in the middle of her big bed. The 'bear boy', the great pirate Annie, who was also sitting on the bed beside her, was talking with her knees.

Because of the warm hospitality received at the dinner party, Annie, who was very satisfied with the meal, readily accepted the invitation of the Empress, and planned to sleep in the other party's palace and this comfortable big bed in the other party's house for a good night, and then , After getting up tomorrow, I will lead Luffy to meet Dybalu and the others of the Flying Fish Knights.

The reason why the Empress invited Annie was because she wanted to know more about the 'great achievements' that Annie had done, and wanted to know more details about certain things, such as those that made her both fear and hate, but But helpless Tianlong people?


The Empress, who was only covered in a thin red veil, revealed the ravines in front of her chest and her snow-white Miao Man body, after talking for a while, she lay down on the big bed slightly, then propped her head up and turned her side. He tried to pretend to be casual and asked Annie softly:

"Why did you dare to fight against the Tianlong people, and what did you think at the time?"

"You know, they are world nobles..."

"Once they are offended, the generals or cp0 of the navy headquarters must be dispatched to protect them. This is why they can always be arrogant and domineering. Weren't you afraid at that time?"

The Empress' hatred for Tianlong people is obviously at a very high level.

In fact, she also thought about taking revenge on those terrible guys and those Tianlong people who had enslaved their three sisters!


Thinking that if she acted rashly, she would provoke an admiral or cp0, thinking about the infinite fear that had been engraved in her soul when she was enslaved, and thinking about the countless people on Nine Snake Island, she couldn't make up her mind. I have always been troubled by what happened in the past.

In fact, it was not just trouble, it was like a curse or a shadow that shrouded the three Snake Ji sisters, until Granny New said that, until she saw the fate of the three Tianlong people in the newspaper, She was just a little better.

And that was the main reason why she had an inexplicable affection for Luffy at first, and an inexplicable intimacy with Little Annie in front of her.



"There are no nobles. Nobles will bleed if they are beaten, and they will die if they are beaten hard!"


Just like the weird uncle with a runny nose at the time, Annie just wanted to fly the other party and let the other party fall into the sea to learn a profound lesson, but who would have thought, the other party could not help but fight, so weak, and burp all of a sudden fart.

"Sister Snake Ji!"


"People tell you, whether it's a navy or a boring noble like the Tianlong people, as long as you are stronger than them, as long as you don't fear them, then their power status is nothing!"


Waving her white and tender little fists, Annie smiled sweetly like a little devil, and she didn't pay attention to the kind of Tianlong people or naval admirals that Big Sister Snake Ji was afraid of and feared at all. inside.

After all, whether it is a Tianlong person or a general, she has beaten them, and the strength of the other party is actually like that. As for the 'cp0', she has never seen it. Maybe she will do it again next time she has a chance. Go fight a few Tianlong people and see if the other party can come out?

"Anyway, they're not as scary as you think."


In Annie's opinion, even ordinary people with muskets can beat those Tianlong people, not to mention the big sister Snake Ji in front of her.

The only thing that made Annie feel a little uncomfortable was that those Tianlong people didn't seem to be active on the outside, but they didn't know where they lived. You can also go to the other party's house to play.




Hearing the unusual statement from Annie's mouth, the Empress couldn't help but startled.



"That's what you said..."

Immediately afterwards, she nodded somewhat in disbelief, and then shook her head with a wry smile.

How could she not know that Tianlong people are actually weak?


Tianlong people are easy to deal with, but Admiral and CP0 are not so easy to deal with.

At least, their Nine Snake Island and her Boya Hancock themselves are not sure to withstand the crazy attacks that any admiral or cp0 may come. The windless belt and the sea king-level monsters cannot absolutely protect the nine snakes. The safety of the island, so she must not be like the little guy in front of her, acting and shooting without any scruples.


"Annie, that Admiral Kizaru..."

"Is he great?"

The Empress herself had never fought against the Admiral of the Navy. As for the lieutenant general who came to Nine Snake Island today and wanted to summon her, the other party was very weak, and she did not take the other party to heart.



"I do not know!"



"do not know?"


"Didn't it say in the newspaper that Admiral Kizaru was beaten half to death by you, and the Naval Science Unit dispatched that day also lost more than half of it?"

The Empress was a little baffled by Annie's statement, because it was obviously the admiral who was defeated by the little guy in front of him, but now it's good that the other party told her that he didn't know?

"Because they didn't fight him in person at that time, they let their little bears do it!"


Smiling smugly, Annie looked at Tibbs the bear, who was being thrown on the big bed by her. At this time, it was lying motionless on the edge of the bed.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"So that's how it is..."

"Tibbers is your pet, just like my Salome?"

Glancing at the hideous stuffed toy bear, and thinking of the photos in the newspaper, the Empress nodded her head in understanding.

"Is this the origin of your 'bear boy' nickname?"


"It's really fitting..."

you do not say?

Thinking about that photo, there is a bear and a child, so for the little guy in front of him, the nickname of the other party is really the most suitable, very vivid and appropriate!



"People are not bear children!!"


"Good good!"

"No it's not!"

Shaking her head, the smiling empress was noncommittal.

After all, that title has been spread all over the world with the newspapers and the navy's bounty, and it must have been widely recognized by people all over the world, so it doesn't really matter whether the little guy in front of him likes it or not.


"Annie, do you know that Luffy's partners are all those people?"

"Those female crew members..."

"How many more?"

Chatting and chatting, suddenly, the empress blushed, and finally couldn't help asking about another thing she was more concerned about.

"Female crew?"

∑('△')? !



"Now the mermaid Kemi, the lovely Nami, and the beautiful Robin!"


Annie didn't know why the snake sister in front of her asked this question, but she didn't mind, and said it directly.


Hearing Annie's words, the empress' face instantly collapsed, becoming a little ugly, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Yes, there are so many?"


"And you, right?"

It took a while for her to recover, and then she joked to Annie with a smile and pretended she didn't mind.



"They're not his crew members~!"


Yes, Annie didn't admit that she was a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, she never even said that, she was just stuck on the other party's boat because of an accident.

If it wasn't for some reason, presumably, she herself must still be in the food world now, and then follow Uncle Alu and Uncle Komatsu with big nostrils all day long to find all kinds of delicious food. Is that so?

It's a pity, she said some nonsense at that time, and then, she didn't want to go back and be laughed at, so she had to continue to play with Luffy and the others.

"It's not?"


"That's what the newspapers and wanted notices say, that you're a member of the Straw Hat Pirates."

The Empress was still a little surprised by Annie's words. After all, this was something she never thought of.

"Not anyway!"


"It's not necessarily true what the newspapers say!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

"It's like they have to say that they are arrogant children, but they are really not like that!"


"People prefer to call them the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Arcane Archmage!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

That's right, Annie prefers that others add the title of 'Arcane Archmage' to her wanted list, or she can barely use 'My Lady Queen' if it doesn't work. Anyway, as long as it's not that 'Bear Child' !

"Arcane Mage?"

"All right!"

"But it doesn't count for what I said. I can't interfere with the decision of the newspaper and the Navy."

For the little things that Little Annie cared about, the Empress did not take it to heart.


"Annie, can I ask you one more thing?"

"that is……"

"Does Luffy have someone he likes?"

"I mean!"

"Am I on his ship, among his companions, is there anyone he cares about or cares about him?"

Finally, the Empress mustered up her courage again, blushed slightly, sat upright cautiously, and then asked the same thing she had wanted to ask for a long time.

Under normal circumstances, she would definitely not be able to open up such a question easily, and she would be ashamed to open it up.


Given that there was an eight-year-old girl in front of her, and since the relationship between the two sides was already very good and the night talk had been going well so far, for some reason, she couldn't wait to ask when her brain was hot. .



"Sister Snake Ji!"


"You... shouldn't it be, you like that idiot Luffy?"


Although, Annie doesn't know what the other person's liking is, and she doesn't know the use of liking someone, but she has watched many TV dramas on the Internet, and she can see this one at a glance. The situation of Big Sister Snake.



"Why do you ask that?"

The Empress became tense in an instant, and all the muscles on her body were tensed. For a time, she didn't know where to put her hands.

"That's what you like?"


Looking at each other's small movements, Annie was even more certain.

After all, the other party's reaction was exactly the same as the reaction of the stupid ladies in the TV series, so her inference was definitely not wrong.


The Empress was silent, without trying to explain, she just stared at Annie angrily and waited for the other party's answer.

"But you have to work hard!"


"Because there are many people who like Luffy!"



"Who is there?"

Hearing this, the empress' shy and angry face instantly stiffened, and then she subconsciously clenched her fists and asked in an inadvertent trembling voice.

"There is Nami sister!"


"And Sister Robin!"


"Of course, that Chopper also likes Luffy very much!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Annie spoke without hesitation, completely unaware that she had brought a formidable enemy to those three partners in an instant, and the Chopper in her mouth was a disaster for nothing.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"That's it..."

The names of Nami, Robin and Chopper were instantly deeply remembered by the Empress.


If there is a chance one day, she will not hesitate to secretly give the three women a 'sweet sweet wind', petrify all those competitors, and then quietly sink to the bottom of the sea?

"And the mermaid sister Kemi too!"


Annie, who didn't think it was a big deal, didn't know it was a big deal, and then said the name of the mermaid Kemi, regardless of whether the mermaid Kemi actually liked Hachi, and was just a friend to Luffy.





The queen also wrote down the name of a mermaid in the small book in her heart, and then, of course, her small book must be petrified and must be sunk to the bottom of the list with another 'Kemi'.


In this way, the night gradually deepened.

And Annie and the Empress were still chatting in the palace bedroom of Nine Snake Island, until there was a burst of movement outside...


"Huh? Who is it!"

Suddenly, feeling a shadow jumping in from the window, the Empress tensed her body instantly, then stood up from her bed and took precautions and counterattacks.


"Lu, Luffy?!"

However, in the next second, the Empress exclaimed and covered her mouth with her hand, and her face gradually became flushed.

Because ah, it's not who it is, it's Luffy who they talked about just now!

Moreover, she was not sure whether the other party heard the conversations between her and Annie just now, or how much they heard, if they heard all of them...

Thinking about it, her face gradually turned red to the neck, and she could not wait to find a seam to get in.



"This is a girl's room!"


Annie also jumped up, and grabbed Tibbers the bear and wanted to go crazy, like kicking the opponent out, or letting the bear grab the opponent and throw it out or something.



The next second, without waiting for Annie's reaction, Luffy didn't even look at the Empress, but ran directly in front of her, and knelt down on the bedside with a 'pop'.


!? (?\'\'??)?

"What are you doing?!"


Seeing the other party's appearance, Annie had to be abruptly stopped at this critical moment when she was planning to throw Tibbers the bear in her hand.


"What's up?"

"what happened?!"

In the same way, standing on the bed, the thin red veil was completely unable to stop the empress of her beautiful figure. After seeing Luffy's behavior, she couldn't take care of the anger and anxiety just now, and hurriedly got out of bed, and looked worried with eyes. Look at Luffy.


"Can I ask you one thing?"



At this moment, Luffy, who was anxious in his heart, did not pay attention to the thoughtful inquiry of the Empress, but just knelt down deeply toward Annie again, and slammed his head directly onto the floor.



"Then you talk about it first?"


The other party is like this, what else can Annie say?

Anyway, if the other party's request is not difficult, maybe, with the friendship between each other, she can reluctantly help?

If it's too troublesome, then she doesn't think she's heard it!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"Come with me and immediately go to the city to save people!"

"Let's go there and make a scene!!"

Seeing Annie let go, Luffy hurriedly waved his fists loudly, and told him what he wanted to ask for after he came here overnight after learning about it from Granny New.

"Advance the city?"


"Can I raise the bounty by going there?"


Annie doesn't know where the advance city and doesn't know why Luffy is going to save people, but if the bounty can be raised, she can still help a little.


"It can go up a lot!"


If the navy's advancing city is really successful, Luffy can guarantee that the navy will be furious. At that time, a bounty of several hundred million may be considered a small amount.

"Then go!"

(*?︶?*). .:*

Since it can go up, Annie has no problem, not to mention a small favor for the other party by the way.


"Going to make a fuss about advancing the city?"

"Are you crazy?"

The Empress, who had already sat back on the bed, suddenly stood up suddenly and exclaimed.

At this moment, she didn't care that the red veil she was wearing had quietly slipped to the side, revealing most of her white and tender skin and the turbulent waves in front of Luffy once again.


Luffy grinned and scratched his head.

He didn't care whether he was crazy or not, he just knew that Annie agreed to him without asking carefully, then, without a doubt, his brother must be saved!


"Sister! What happened?"


"Luffy-sama, why are you here?"

At this time, hearing the movement in the room, the sisters of the two empresses, Boya Sandasonia and Boya Marigrud, who were guarding the outside, pushed the door and rushed in immediately, and looked at each other in dismay. Luffy who shouldn't be in the room.


?*. ?(ˊwˋ*)??*. ?Promoting the city to ask for a monthly pass?

↓For the wonderful story, please see what the author said ↓11972/9755456

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