Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1637: ?(?)? The speeding Sonny!

In the early morning of the next day, the Sonny, which had just docked amid anxiety and curiosity, and the members of the Flying Fish Knights above the Sonny had not had time to see clearly the internal situation of the Nine Snakes Girl Country. After their Lady Queen Anne and the long-lost Captain Lu, they were forced to set sail again, greeted by all the women.





"Good luck~"

"Remember to miss us~!"


"Remember to come back often when you have time!"




On the pier of Nine Snake Island, a large group of young and old Yingyingyanyan from the Amazon family of the daughter country were waving their hands and screaming and cheering farewell to Luffy on the Sonny.

Obviously, Luffy, the man who is very unfamiliar to them, but very funny and interesting, they are very, very reluctant, because they have not played enough with each other!


"thank you all!"

"Thank you for your care!"

"Next time, I will bring my companions here to be guests, and then treat you to the most delicious meal that Sanji made!!"

At the stern of the Sonny, Luffy, who was holding the cable hanging there, made his arm very long, and then waved hard and responded loudly to the people on the pier who were sending him off.



"Luffy, are you so popular here?"


Seeing that those people were just saying goodbye to Luffy, and they were all shouting Luffy's name, Annie, who was also standing at the stern of the boat, was naturally a little unhappy, so that she had to blacken her face and even Raising your hand and waving it all pay off.

Of course, there are not many things that are unhappy, just a little bit, she will not mind the trivial matter of others not calling her Queen Anne's name with the other party!

o(^')o Humph!


(● ̄ ̄●)


"I don't know either!"

"Actually, at the beginning, before you came, I was chased by them for two days!"

"At that time, I was still running around the city, and they were locked in a cage and looked like a monkey..."


Said, as the Sonny got farther and farther, as the ship drove out of the water gate of Nine Snake Island and could no longer see the crowd inside, Luffy just jumped off the cable at the stern, and then While reminiscing, he touched the back of his head and giggled loudly.



"Then why do they like you so much now?"


"This is..."

"Maybe it's because I rescued Margaret, Aflandra, and Stoby, and then I played with them last night?"

"It must be like that!"


Saying that, I remembered the singing and dancing celebration after Annie left last night, and the fun things about the body structure that I was charged by the people from the daughter country and queued up to come in on my body, touch and study, He laughed heartlessly again.


( )

"I always think things are a little weird..."


Annie was sent by that Snake Ji sister to invite her away very early last night, so she didn't know what happened later.



"It's a windless zone here, Annie, why is there no wind, but our Sonny's sails bulge by themselves. What have you done to the Sonny?"

"What's the matter?!"

At this time, Luffy, the captain, finally realized that the Sonny seemed to be a little different than before.

The sail, I don't know what happened, it is clearly in a calm sea, but there is always a strange wind spinning and blowing hard behind it, so that the sail is always inflated at full capacity, and Ben The incomparably slow speed of the ship became very fast and very light, as if flying on the sea, and drove out two nautical miles at once, and it was about to pass the navy ship in front that was parked three nautical miles away.

If they could keep going at this weird speed, their Sonny would be able to reach the Propulsion City within three to four days, even without taking advantage of the Navy's exclusive vortex.


"Great, hahaha!"

"This is really too fast. When Franky and the others see it when they come back, they will be shocked!"

He stretched his arm directly to the back of the sail and touched it, and found that there was indeed a strange wind there, and no matter how much he stirred it would not disperse, Luffy laughed excitedly again.

"never mind!"

ε=(ο`*))) alas

"Never mind you!"


"Let's go to rest first. You made a fuss last night. She was pulled up early in the morning by Sister Snake Ji, and now I'm almost sleepy."

(0`) Ahhh~

"Go and command their stupid crew yourself!"

ヾ(⌒⌒*) bye~

When the Sonny swept past the naval ship at a very fast speed, when she saw the group of crew members still petrified and the stone statue of the lieutenant admiral who was still standing on the edge of the ship, Annie He pouted, turned around and walked to the girls' room on the boat.


"Do not worry!"

Sonny is Luffy's ship, of course he knows how to control and command, so he doesn't care about Annie's departure.


"And Little Eight!"

"Listen to my orders: full sail, full speed westward, target advance city, full speed forward!!!"

Seeing that the ship only had one sail, Luffy couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied. Then, after thinking about it, he immediately ordered Dibalu and Hachi who were standing on the side to cooperate with the others. Together, the crew raised the speed of the brig.

Because, he couldn't wait to get to the advance city as soon as possible, and then rescued his brother Portgas D. Ace from that terrible big prison.

They have to be faster, faster, as fast as they can, otherwise, when the navy escorts the other party to Marin Vadodor or somewhere else, it will be difficult for him to find the other party easily.



"Where did you say you were going?"


"Push, push the city?!"

"Luffy, did we hear it right?"

"You must be wrong, right?"

However, Dibalu and Hachi, who were just about to run and were ordered to act, froze together after hearing the last words Luffy shouted, and then turned their heads slowly. He stared at Luffy with his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open, staring at Luffy with an unbelievable look that was like a ghost.


"Didn't Annie tell you?"

Seeing the sluggish expressions of the two and the members of the Flying Fish Knights around, Luffy was stunned for a while, and then quickly grinned indifferently.

"Okay, then I'll tell you the same now!"

"That's right!"

"This time, we really don't plan to look for other lost partners first, but first plan to advance the city and save an important person!"

With a grin, Luffy said something very terrifying to Hachi, Dybalu and the others in a serious manner.

"Set off!"

"Full speed ahead!!!"

Ha ha ha ha……

With bursts of hearty laughter, and before waiting for the petrified Dibalu and Hachi to act, Luffy stretched his arm without authorization, and untied the cable tied to the other sail, Let the other sail open directly and be blown up instantly by the wind.

Immediately afterwards, under the action of the two sails, the speed of the Sonny suddenly doubled, and like an angry flying fish, it jumped out towards the sea area ahead.



"Do not!!"

"Luffy! Stop it!!"

"We don't want to push the city, we want to go home!!"

"Me, me too!!"



"Come out quickly, let's go to the sea and get out of here!!!"

"Who will save us..."

Not long after, with the rapid advance of the Sonny, there were bursts of miserable howls from the ship at the same time.

Unclearly, the members of the Flying Fish Knights and the octopus man Xiaoba and others who were not told anything obviously did not think it was a good idea to advance the city, so they are now screaming in panic, all wanting to hurry up. Stay away from the Sonny, which is heading for the road of no return, and refuse to follow Luffy to that terrible place in Push City.


At this time, on the heights of Nine Snake Island, Empress Boya Hancock was standing here with Granny New and her two sisters, watching Luffy and Annie leave quickly on the Sonny.


"The speed of the boat is really fast!"


"In this way, even if they don't use the water flow of the Maelstrom and the Gate of Justice, even if they take a long way, they should be able to reach the Advance City smoothly within three to four days!"

After staring at the Sonny for a while, and until the other party's sails completely disappeared below the sea level on the horizon, Granny New, who was leaning on a snake stick, sighed helplessly.


The empress standing by the side did not move.

She just narrowed her eyes slightly and said nothing, staring with that resentful expression in the direction in which the schooner 'Sunny' left and disappeared completely.


"Advance City..."

"Even if ordinary pirates want to go to that terrifying big prison, the only way is to be arrested, and they are lucky, they just drive over so recklessly, even with that little girl, I think, I'm afraid the result will not be the same. Would it be great?"

Although Granny New knew that the 'bear child' Annie was very strong, to the terrifying level of attacking the Tianlong people and defeating the Admiral and the Scientific Corps, but...

Even so, she didn't know the little girl's true strength very well, so she was not optimistic about the other party and Luffy, and they took a boat of ordinary sailors and rushed to the advance city and planned to raid the big prison. rescue plan.


"Mother-in-law New, during the time when my concubine is not on the island, could you please take care of me more?"

"If you have something to do, if you can't wait for the concubine to come back to make a decision, you can discuss it with Sonia and Mary."

After the explanation was completed, after taking a last look at the direction where the Sonny disappeared, the Empress turned around and was about to leave this high platform.

"The old man knows."


"Sheji, have you really decided?"

Seeing the firm footsteps of the Empress, Granny New hurriedly asked again.


"Luffy and Annie are going to advance the city, their life and death are uncertain, there is not much concubine can help him, they can only respond to the call of the Navy, pretend to go with the Navy to fight against Whitebeard, break into the interior of the Navy, and wait for the opportunity to provide them with information or Other help, this is the only way the concubine can think of."

"Besides, responding to the call of the navy can also keep the title of Qiwuhai and our country. This is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone, isn't it?"

The Empress stopped, but didn't look back, she just answered Granny New's question with a feigned ease.


"It's a good idea, but how are you going to do it then?"

Although this matter has just been discussed and decided, but when it comes to an end, Granny New is still a little worried.

"There's always a way."


"Even if the concubine does something wrong, everyone in the Navy will definitely forgive the concubine, Granny New, do you think the concubine is right?"

Suddenly, the Empress turned around and threw a wink at Granny New and her two younger sisters.

"elder sister!"


"Snake Princess..."

Although they were already familiar with each other, the three of them were instantly captivated by the empress's peerless face with a smile and her inexplicable charm.

Obviously, it is one of the queen's methods.

Just as she had petrified everyone on the Navy's warship before, her beautiful appearance was her confidence and her most powerful weapon.


After a while, Granny New came back to her senses for the first time and frowned, but she didn't say much in the end.


"My concubine is about to set off, and take a navy ship."

"Exactly, Annie said that she petrified the lieutenant general when she came, which saved a lot of trouble for the concubine!"


"My concubine will not lift Annie's magical petrification. It seems that I can only continue to aggrieve the lieutenant general and continue to be a stone statue."

Saying this with such schadenfreude, the empress, who twisted her waist, gradually disappeared from the sight of the three of them.

Now there are no lieutenant generals on the naval warships, and some are just a pile of stone statues. After a while, the Empress only needs to disarm the group of small soldiers who were petrified by her.

Without the command of Lieutenant General Flying If it is just a group of small soldiers, she must be much easier to control.


"Hope you all go well!"

Granny New sighed, and then slowly turned around again, once again looking in the direction where the Sonny had just disappeared.

As for what will happen in a few days, she can't imagine now, but she will remember to pay attention to the various newspapers from the carrier pigeon.



Boya Sandasonia and Boya Marigold were not allowed to follow, so at this moment they could only watch their sister go down the steps with incomparably worried eyes, towards the one who was still standing. Walk to the pier full of people.


() monthly pass


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