Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1638: ?Grandpa and grandson night talk

Latest URL: "Bolubolu..."


In the dark, a certain phone worm rang for a long, long time, and finally, when the phone worm itself was a little impatient and tried to block the signal, it was finally grabbed by a small milky white hand and connected before disconnecting the signal. NS.



"who is it……"


"Hello? Which **** came to make people sleep in the middle of the night?"


In the darkness, rubbing her eyes, Annie began to complain bitterly into the microphone without even opening her eyes.


'Hey? ’

‘Is... Zi... Is An... Zi... Ni? ’

‘I’m Chopper! ! ’

'Where are you? ’

‘Are everyone okay? ’

Finally, the voice of Chopper came intermittently from the phone worm's mouth.



It turned out to be Chopper...


Hearing Chopper's voice, Annie was abruptly stopped when she was about to swear.

‘Annie! ’

‘I’m in a strange place now, you can use that kind of magic that appears in one swish...’


'? ’



Obviously, I don't know if it's the distance, or the sailboat is running too fast, the phone worm does not seem to communicate very well, and the signal is sometimes missing, and Annie doesn't know what Chopper wants to say.


( ̄o ̄).zZ

"wrong number……"



Annie, who didn't wake up and felt that the other party couldn't speak clearly, didn't even think about it. As soon as she reached out her hand, she hung up the communication, and then threw the phone bug that made her sleep outside the ship's window.


The phone worm was thrown into the sea by Annie.

At this time, Chopper's only channel to contact Annie was completely destroyed.



"Go on to sleep..."


Annie pulled the quilt and went back to sleep again, completely ignoring what Chopper had just tried to call.

In her opinion, those guys are fine anyway, anyway, now she and Luffy have to do other more important things, so it's better to pick them up after a while, and no matter how urging is now, it's useless. , She still continued to sleep with her big head to sleep better than the price.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

At this time, the Sonny was still galloping forward with the help of magic, just like a light big elf flying on the sea in the dark night.

At the same time, in the depths of the advancing city, outside a certain cell, Vice Admiral Monch D. Karp finally came here with that heavy pace, and stopped outside the iron fence of the cell, silently Looking at the prisoner inside, whose limbs were tightly chained by Hailou stone chains.



Lieutenant General Karp sighed and called out the name of the prisoner in the cell.

That's right, at this time, the person imprisoned in the cell is the second team captain of the White Beard Pirates who is about to be taken to the navy headquarters, Malin Vando, and executed publicly, Portcas D. Ace!

In fact, Vice Admiral Monch D. Karp also knew that the prisoner inside was originally called Gore D. Ace, and he was actually the posthumous son of the executed "One Piece" Gore D. Roger. He grew up. He hated his father so much that he changed his surname to that of his mother Portcas D. Lujiu.

The reason why Lieutenant General Karp knows so clearly is because that Pirate King Roger paid him the present Estor before he was publicly executed, but it turned out...

What he didn't expect was that Ace finally walked the old path of'One Piece' Gore D. Roger, and was about to be taken to the execution stage. In this regard, he could only watch that one. Time came little by little, but there was nothing I could do.

At the beginning, in order to prevent the world government from discovering that Ace is the son of Roger, the other party’s mother, she used various methods to greatly delay Ace’s birth date and tried her best to protect her son. In her mind, Ace was forced to stay in her stomach for a full twenty months. In the end, she would not hesitate to die because of exhaustion. What a great woman was that?

But the result...

Looking at the black figure sitting on the ground and locked tightly by chains in the cell in front of him, and looking at the other's skinny body, Karp tried to open his mouth several times, but in the end he couldn't say anything.


"Old, old man..."

At this time, Portgas D. Ace also seemed to have finally found out who was standing outside the cell, so after a pause, he raised his head with difficulty and spoke weakly.


"Are you not dead yet?"


"'Fire Fist' Ace, powerful, with a bounty of 550 million Baileys, how could it be possible to die here so easily?"

Seeing Ace speak, Karp also regained his senses, and then he hugged his arms and laughed like self-deprecating.


Ace did not speak, but slowly raised his head, and stared at the white-haired, white-bearded and white-shirted Vice Admiral outside the cell with those stubborn eyes.

Sure enough, the other party was just as stubborn as he had imagined, or he was always pretending to be happy or angry no matter what happened.

"whispering sound!!"

After a stalemate with Ace in the cell, Karp's eyes darkened, and then turned away bitterly.


"Thanks to you, naval headquarters..."

"Do not!"

"Not only the navy headquarters, but the whole world is now in chaos! All sea areas, including the New World, are in chaos!"

However, in the end, he still used that dull tone and began to speak slowly.



Then, Karp didn't know what he was thinking of, and he raised his head and laughed. That posture was somewhat similar to Luffy?


Ace did not speak, but slowly lowered his head.

He himself didn't expect that when he meets this old man again, it will turn out to be a place like the jail cell in the city. Thinking about it seriously, he is indeed a bit awkward.


"Kill me!"

Finally, after a moment of silence, Ace pleaded.

He didn't want to embarrass the old man outside, he didn't want to be kept here all the time, and he didn't want his adoptive father, Baibeard, to fight the navy because of him!

Because he had heard some scattered information from the guards, and he also knew what kind of crazy things his adoptive father Baibeard could do once the news of his public execution spread.

Therefore, if there is a choice, he would rather die here directly, so that maybe all the storms can be resolved, and he is willing to do that!

Only then can he stop his adoptive father, White Beard, and stop the old man in front of him from worrying about his own affairs.

He heard it, the laughter of the old man just now contained too much emotion and too much helplessness.


"Kill you?"

Karp froze for a moment, and then he slowly sat down cross-legged on the dirty and damp slate floor outside the cell, so that Ace in the cage could be at the same height as him outside the cell, so that the other party did not have to raise his head. Stare at him.

"It's useless……"

"You stupid!"

"Whatever you do now is useless. Even if I kill you now, White Beard won't let it go. War is already inevitable."

"No one can stop it anymore."

Shaking his head, Karp sighed again.

Yes, war is inevitable!

At this time, the Navy and Warring States Marshal was already urgently dispatching troops, bringing almost all generals, lieutenants, and brigadier generals, and even King Qi Wuhai, to the naval headquarters Malin Fando, and White Beard was also ready to wait. Pirates from all walks of life are also gathering, and the new world's pirates are also returning. Now the war is about to start, just waiting for Ace to appear.

And the reason why it has not completely erupted yet is just waiting for the center point of the storm of Ace, and waiting for the flare gun to sound. Even if he kills his relatives right now and executes Ace privately here, it is just to let Ace be executed privately. The war broke out a few days in advance, without any practical significance.

Besides, Karp asked himself that he would not do that kind of thing.

He has analyzed that the outcome of the war between the Navy and Whitebeard is only three to seven. The whitebeard side also has a three-tier chance to win. Maybe, then Ace can really be given by the other party. Isn't it necessarily rescued?

Holding some of the above thoughts, and after looking deeply into the cell for a while, Karp continued and said:


"Because of your arrest and public execution..."

"Our navy has now successfully angered White Beard and the ‘king of the sea’."

After speaking, Karp shook his head again and sighed.

Now war is inevitable. No matter who wins or loses by then, it will be a disaster. Once the delicate balance between the two parties is broken, once the navy suffers heavy casualties (that is inevitable), God knows the future world. What will happen again.

In Karp's view, perhaps, the world will become more chaotic and uncertain in the future, right?


Ace did not speak, but gritted his teeth and listened silently. He could hear that Karp had come to tell him all this on purpose.


"Fortunately, I thought about making you and Luffy an excellent navy together!"

"At that time..."

"You are still two little bastards!"

After a while, Karp faintly talked about some things about Ace and Luffy when they were young, and fell into the memory.

"But now..."

"Don't say you are in the navy, my two grandsons, your brothers turned out to be big villains together?"

"I think……"

"Have you heard some rumors about Luffy?"

As he talked, Karp's face grew darker.

Yes, he is a lieutenant admiral, his son is a leader of the revolutionary army, and his two grandsons are big pirates. There is nothing in this world that makes him feel more heartbroken and sad.


"Old man!"

"What your navy does is not necessarily all right, right?"


"The truth of the world, do you really want to be what you advertise?"

However, at this moment, hearing this, Ace, who was gritting his teeth in the cell, suddenly raised his head stubbornly, and said this with a mocking smile to Karp who was sitting on the cold floor outside the cell.

Although Ace chose the pirate route and chose to stand on the opposite side of the old man, he did not regret it!


"You are still too young, Ace..."

Once again, he took a deep look at Yisun Ace in the dark cell, but in the end, Karp still didn't explain or refute, he just sighed with his eyes closed.

"never mind!"

"Let’s tell you about Luffy!"

After a pause, seeing Ace in the cell seemed very interested, and then Karp spoke leisurely.

"think carefully……"

"That little **** does nothing less than yours. I am quite worried about him now."


"In the City of Water, he once openly clamored to the world government, and even uttered nonchalant words..."

"Next, he dared to capture the Judicial Island."

"That bastard!"

"Even though I beat him severely at the time, he still didn't mean to repent at all..."

Thinking of the affairs of Judicial Island, it is rare that Karp, who had been straining his face tonight, showed a rare expression of ease.

"You don't know yet, do you?"

"Just ten days ago!"

"Just after your fellow was arrested, he actually committed another terrible crime in the Chambord Islands!"

When he said this, Karp stopped suddenly, his face gradually becoming serious.


And Ace in the cell did not rush to interrupt the other party.

Because what the old man is going to say next is what he doesn't know. At this last moment in his life, he really wants to know more about Luffy.

"that day……"

"Three Tianlong people were attacked. One of them is still missing and has been basically determined to be dead."


"Thousands of navies were instantly turned into sheep..."

Thinking of the flock of sheep, Karp couldn't help sighing again.

Because of the indiscriminate treatment of their navy at the time, a considerable part of the more than 1,000 navies who could have recovered automatically now still maintain the appearance of a sheep, such as the brigadier general, because the other party received the focus of their respective treatment methods. It is still in the form of a sheep, and is still being raised in the office of the Marshal of the Warring States Period!

"and also!"

"Admiral Huang Yuan, you should know it?"

"Because the Tianlongren were attacked, he and the naval scientific forces were dispatched, but it turned out..."

"They are all defeated, including the general Huang Yuan, the science unit captain Zhan Momomaru, and a dry combat weapon, as well as Batholomew Daxiong himself, one of the seven martial arts under the king!"

"As expected of my great grandson, the bounty will surpass you in just a short time."

"a ha ha ha……"

As he spoke, he didn't know if he was really happy or sad, anyway, Karp laughed loudly outside Ace's cell again.

"This is impossible……"

"Old man, don't lie to me!"

"Luffy can't grow so fast, and he has beaten Admiral and Qiwuhai..."

Finally, Ace spoke weakly and retorted the words of the bad old man outside the cell with those trembling and weak words.

He is very weak now, because of the injury and the stone shackles of the sea tower, especially the stone shackles of the sea tower, his current ability is limited, just like an ordinary person, so he wants to get out of the trap by himself and run out. , That is basically impossible.


"You're right, Luffy did not reach that level, but..."

"Can't stand him for finding a good crew member!"


Talking about it, thinking about the scene where Huang Yuan was beaten so terribly, thinking about the situation where the navy was so scared that it was huddled in the base and did not dare to go out, Karp laughed heartlessly again. Get up, as if he was not a member of the navy himself.

"New crew?"

Ace is a little baffling.


"Annie Hasta of the'Bear Boy' of the Straw Hat Pirates, an eight-year-old girl. The things I just said are actually all her own, and Luffy..."

"It's just because of her that I got involved!"

"Her bounty now has a full 5.5 billion Baileys, no less than your One Piece father, Gore D. Roger!"


"I almost forgot. Two days ago, a naval ship that was going to recruit the emperor of the daughter country to recruit the Qiwuhai came to hear that the lieutenant admiral flying squirrel was petrified by the little girl, and he is now on his way here. I don’t know if I can recover."


"I estimate that her bounty will soon exceed 5.6 billion Baileys. She should be the first person in the world to have a bounty over One Piece, right?"

"I only hope that this time the navy people will not be treated indiscriminately. Otherwise, apart from a sheep in the Warring States Marshal's office, I am afraid that another stone statue will be added soon."

Rubbing his chin and beard, with a grin, Karp said seriously and gleefully.

Fortunately, when he was in the Chambord Islands, he didn't try to deal with the little ‘bear boy’ girl.

Of course, in addition to the general Yellow Ape, there is also the fellow Qiwuhai Big Bear. The other party originally wanted to help, but in the end, he was beaten up by the terrible little girl, but it was not as miserable as the Yellow Ape.


Ace made no comment.

He just stared at his eyes, gasped silently and digested and understood the purpose of the old man Caput who came here and said to him.


(*^▽^*) Monthly pass

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