Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1661: o(?ω?)o People are so scared!

After a week and a few days of tossing at sea, the first crew member of the Sonny, Roronoa Zoro, was finally found by Annie.

But unfortunately, the other party passed out gorgeously after the battle with those baboons, and according to the kind of injury on the other party's body, it is estimated that he will not be able to wake up within three or two days.

So, Annie followed the little sister Perona, who was wearing a pink ponytail, wearing a crown, and always liked to float in the air with a wine-red umbrella in her hand, and returned to their previous residence. Take a break in the huge and empty castle.

Although, Annie can directly treat the stupid uncle named Zoro, but she doesn't want to do that, and she is not in a hurry to find other crew members. Stay on that island for a while.

As for whether staying on the island will make Uncle Little Eight and Dibalu, who are waiting for her five nautical miles away, anxious and worried, she will definitely not take that kind of trivial matter to heart.

"It's really big here!"


"Hey! Sister Perona, have you always lived here alone?"


Anne sat on Tibbers' shoulders, and after walking around the huge castle, she finally returned to the large living room and asked the young lady who was lying on the sofa drinking red wine in a strange way. road.


"I only came here when I woke up after being beaten up by that Shichibukai Bartholomew Big Bear. There was no one on this island, and neither was this castle, so I stayed here for the time being. "

"And then……"

"The idiot with the knife was also beaten up here, so I'll save him!"

Perona said angrily and annoyed.

During this time, she was quite lonely, and she was about to get sick. It wasn't until that Sauron, who was also beaten up by Bartholomew Bear, came here, but unfortunately, that idiot is a wooden head. , that she didn't appreciate her Perona's life-saving grace, it really **** her off!

"Shibukai Bartholomew Big Bear?"


"It was that guy..."


"He was beaten up before, but it seems to have been remodeled now."


Annie jumped off Tibbers' shoulders with just a casual mention, then stepped aside and started flipping through the food that Perona had put on the table.



"You said you beat Shichibukai Bartholomew Big Bear?"

"Aren't you afraid of him?"

Suddenly, Perona seemed to realize some key points in Anne's words, and then hurriedly sat up straight and asked.



"He is very weak, much weaker than the three generals, and he was knocked down in a few strokes!"



"Three, three generals?"

"Is it the three grand prizes of the Navy, Kizaru, Aokiji, and Akainu?!"

Perona seemed to have caught some other points, and then hurriedly asked again.



"What's the matter, what's the problem?"


Annie felt a little inexplicable, and didn't think there was any fuss about such small things.


"Don't you want to say that the three generals were also defeated by you?"

Frowning her brows, she squeezed the big eyes painted with thick black eyeshadow. Finally, Perona asked tentatively.

She had indeed seen Annie go mad and attack those powerful baboons just now, as if it were a terrifying demon.


At that level of attack, if the opponent can beat Qiwuhai, it is understandable and can barely make sense, then, the three generals, the opponent is absolutely impossible to beat, after all, Perona knows the three naval generals. what exactly does that mean.

"Three generals?"




"The three generals were indeed defeated by others..."


Yes, Annie did defeat the three generals. In fact, she not only defeated the three generals, she also defeated many, many powerful guys, and that kind of thing seems to be spread all over the world.



"You little brat, stop talking big there!"

"I see, you are different from that dumb idiot Zoro, you are a guy who likes to talk big!!"

Blinking those **** eyes, Perona immediately fell on the sofa, pointed at Annie and laughed loudly, as if seeing through something.

Now, not only does she not believe that Annie can defeat the three generals, she even no longer believes what the other party just said that she can defeat Shichibukai Bartholomew Great Bear.

After all, that is Qiwuhai, where can the little kid in front of me who can only set fire can compare?



"Whatever you think!"


"People just ignore you~!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

With that said, after finding the food she liked on the table, Annie waved, and the giant furry bear Tibbs who was standing by the side quickly shrank, and then flew straight into her arms with a swish.

"You'll know later anyway!"

(*~*)~ Chew!

Annie didn't mind. When she wanted to come, the island must be too remote and shabby, not to mention the broadcast telephone bug, and there were not even pigeons delivering newspapers, so the other party didn't know that Her Lady Queen Anne was in the shampoo. There are also extenuating deeds in places like the Land Islands, in the Advance City, and the Marine Headquarters Marine Vendor.


(● ̄ ̄●)



"Miss Perona, you just said that when you came here, there was no one here. Where did you find these drinks and food?"


But Annie saw that there were drinks, fruit, cakes, cheese and some nuts on the table, many of which were not like things that a lonely desert island could have.

Also, this Miss Perona in front of her looks so lazy, and she saw it when she was shopping. The castle is so clean, it is unlikely that the other party cleaned it, so no matter how you look here It's not like the other party said that there is no one and no one has lived in it for a long time.

"I do not know……"

"These things are all I found in the castle kitchen and the basement storage room. They are really fresh, but when I was sent flying here, there was really no one here."


"It's not long since the owner of this place abandoned this place?"

"You have also seen that outside this castle is the ruins of the Kingdom of Sizkear. People have long since died. In addition to those terrifying baboons, it is normal for the owner here to choose to escape from here, right?"

The specific reason, Rona herself is not very clear, so she can only comfort and explain herself.


"From now on, this will be my Perona's castle!"

"And I'm the Princess Mononoke here!"

Anyway, when Perona came here, there was no one here, and since there was no owner here before and no owner has returned until now, then this place is ownerless. After that, she is alone here, she is here Master, she has the final say in everything here.




( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Anne was noncommittal and continued to eat her own food.

After all, she's just here to find someone, and since she found that idiot Uncle Zoro, she will definitely leave after a while, so she won't rob this eccentric young lady here. The gloomy castle on the broken island where you can't see the sun all day long!


"Little Annie, how about I discuss something with you?"

Suddenly, as she spoke, Perona's gaze shifted to the stuffed toy bear that Annie was holding in her arms.

Then, her **** eyes rolled around, she smiled, flew straight to Annie's, rubbed her palms and asked anxiously.



"What's up?"


I don't know why, but just from the strange smile of the other party, Annie always vaguely felt that this Miss Perona in front of her seemed to be malicious and trying to make some crooked ideas of her own?

"It's like this..."


"People used to have a cute little puppet bear zombie, its name is Kumasi, its color is blue, white and brown, and it also has many stitch marks like your Tibbs, and it can also grow bigger. smaller."

"However, now it's lost by me..."

Having said this, Perona lowered her head in frustration, looking very sad and pitiful.



"and then?"


Although Annie didn't know why the other party suddenly said such a thing, it didn't prevent her from continuing to listen.


"I found that this bear in your house seems to be very interesting. It seems to be more fun than Kumasi, so can you give it to me?"

"How is it, okay?"

Saying that, Perona couldn't wait to get close to Annie, and wanted to reach out and grab the cute and hideous stuffed toy bear from her arms.



"No! Tibbers can't give it to you!"


Hearing this, and knowing that the other party really had bad intentions, Annie straightened her face and hid the bear in her arms behind her.

If the other party wants something else, such as wanting that stupid Uncle Zoro to be a slave or something, then she didn't say anything, maybe she nodded and agreed when her head was hot, but if she wanted to beat Tibbers, her little bear The idea, she will definitely be sure and will definitely not agree!


(Actually, Tibbs thinks it doesn't matter if the nasty little master of his family agrees, because as long as the stupid female human named Perona in front of him takes it back later, once it doesn't have a certain Unhappy with the restraint of the bear child's owner, the bear uncle will definitely put him on the bed while the other party is asleep and strip it bare, and then, in the other party's scream, throw it in his mouth Chew and eat it in big gulps!

Tibbers is very experienced in this kind of thing, because a delicate female like the one in front of her is the most delicious when she eats it with the screams of the other party. )


"Then so..."

"I have a lot of treasure now. Tell me, how much do you want to sell me that bear in your hand?"

Yes, Perona found a room of gold jewelry in the secret room of this castle, at least worth billions of Baileys, and now, they are all hers.

She is no longer the commander of one of the three horrific barques, animal zombies and scary zombies, she is now the princess Mononoke and little rich woman of Kraigana Island, in her opinion, spend some money to buy this little girl The one in the girl's hand is named Tibbers, which can become bigger and smaller, and can also be used as a mount to carry the hideous toy bear that goes around. It must be more than enough.

"People don't want your stinky money!"


Annie turned her face away, not wanting to pay attention to the other party.

Her Tibbs will always be hers, so she won't sell it!

Besides, does Her Lady Queen Anne look like the kind of person who is short of money? There are too many golden things in her bag, and she always thinks that they take up space. It's too late to find a chance to throw them out in different ways, where will they be pulled back?



Seeing that the fake plea was not successful, and that the other party was not willing to spend money, Perona was anxious.


"Will you give it or not?!"

So, she straightened her face like a poor dagger, and then floated in mid-air with Xiaoman's waist inserted, condescendingly and threateningly glared at the little girl.

There is no doubt that Perona obviously did not know what happened to the outside world during the time when she was slapped by Bartholomew Bear and flew to Kraigana Island, and she did not know now. There will be such a terrible 'bear boy' pirate in the world with a bounty of 1 billion bailey, and that pirate is sitting 'pathetically' in front of her right now, otherwise, she would have never dared to do so just now. Saying that and making that threatening action.

"Not at all!"



"If you don't give it to me..."

"I'll let the ghost scare you!!"

After a pause, thinking about the terrifying tactics that Annie had dealt with the baboons before, Perona couldn't help but struggled for a while, and finally, she had no choice but to try to threaten her through gritted teeth.



"Then you let it out first?"


Annie expressed her curiosity about this.

Of course, she was just a little curious. Even if the other party really released the ghost, she would definitely not give Tibbers to the other party.



"You, you wait!"

"When you cry!"

After speaking, Perona turned her head angrily and left.

You must know who she is Perona. She is the cadre of the former king Shichibukai Moonlight Moria, one of the three monsters of the terrifying barque, the commander of animal zombies and scary zombies, and she is also a superhuman ghost fruit. The capable person can separate his soul from the body, and he can also release all kinds of ghosts to intimidate, attack and make the enemy depressed or completely collapsed!

Therefore, she believes that she can make the little girl give in and honestly give her the little bear named sure!

It was late at night, the forest fire on Kraigana Island and the lights in the castle had all gone out. Sauron, the castle's 'master' Perona, and the bear child Annie had all fallen asleep, and there was no one in their room for a long time. of light.

At this time, the fog that permeated the island also began to gradually invade the castle because of the disappearance of the lights, so that the inside and outside of the castle gradually merged into one, filling the strange and mysterious atmosphere.

"Hey hey hey..."

I don't know how long it took, at this time, the castle 'master' Perona, who should have been asleep, suddenly sat up from her bed and opened her eyes with a strange smile.


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↓More exciting, please pay attention to what the author said in the ㊣ version↓


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