Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1660: ? (? d?) = 3 ???????????

'Aw! ’

'Oh! ’

'grumble? ’

'grumble! grumble! ’

Clang! Clang!


In the fog, from the depths of the jungles of Kraigana Island, there were faint screams and the sound of metal collisions when the weapons collided.

Bah! Bah!

Even, Annie still heard, and occasionally clearly heard a couple of sudden gunshots?





"According to the instructions of the life paper, it seems to be over there. Someone heard the sound of a fight. Let's go, let's go over there to see the excitement and see who is over there!"


Well now, Annie was just worried about how to find some stupid guy in such a big jungle. After all, that life paper only indicated a general direction without specific coordinates, and now we are fighting. The voice came, then she could save a lot of trouble.

So, she tugged on Tibbers' bear ear and made him rush towards the place where the sound came from, otherwise, if there was no sound later, she would get lost again.


??????: Ow~!

(Tibbers didn't mean to be disobedient, just groaned in protest, and then had to step away from the bear's legs and ran quickly towards the place where the sound came from.)


At this time, in the ruins that I don't know where it was originally, a man with bandages all over his body, holding a long knife in each of his left and right hands, and biting a knife in his mouth at the same time, was with a group of armored swordsmen. Baboons with various weapons faced each other.

And the sound just now was made when he was fighting the baboons. As for the gunshot, it was the result of a sneak attack by a baboon with a sniper rifle, but luckily he was dodged by him, and the bullet did not hit him. It's just that the shrapnel left a **** hole in his cheek.


"You say, what are they?"

"How can baboons still use weapons, as if they can communicate with each other?"

"I don't know, don't ask me!!"


"Anyway, they must be defeated first!!"

"Knock them down?"

"But, look, there are so many of them, how can it be possible to win?"

"And you're still hurt!"

"How about we still run?"


"Shut up! It's annoying!"

"You're making a fuss on the side like this, it'll distract me!"


"You bastard!"

"It's not cute at all, how could you possibly beat them with your injuries so bad?"


"I'm obviously worried about you, but what's your tone?"



In the air behind him, a woman with a pink double ponytail, a crown, and a burgundy umbrella is floating eerily.

At this time, she was quarreling with the swordsman because of those baboons, and she looked arrogant and arrogant.

Around the two of them, there are dozens or hundreds of huge baboons, holding bows and arrows, spears, broadswords, chains, axes, meteor hammers, mallets, shields, daggers, muskets and other weapons to kill the two of them. Surrounded in the middle, he made a strange noise with no good intentions.

On the surrounding ground, several baboons were already lying dead or alive at this time. It is not difficult to judge from the injuries on their bodies. It is obviously what the swordsman did.


At this time, the swordsman was not having a good time. The bandage on his body was gradually oozing blood beads, and his body was trembling slightly. From those circumstances, it is not difficult to see that his state at this time is definitely not very good. It has reached the limit, and it is already very valuable to be able to defeat several baboons before.


"Small, be careful!!"

Suddenly, the woman who was arguing with the swordsman just now suddenly exclaimed.

It turned out that at this time, a dozen strong red-nosed baboons rushed straight towards the swordsman in the distance. Germany directly rushing on?


"Mito stream……"


Fortunately, at this critical moment, the swordsman spun violently, using the long knife in his hand to send out a gust of wind, and the dancing blade storm instantly blew or chopped the baboons that rushed over. out.


"They are back!!"

It's a pity that, before the swordsman could breathe a sigh of relief, the woman who was floating in the sky and only cared about talking and quarreling, but never thought of helping her, suddenly shouted.

As soon as her voice fell, the baboons who had just been chopped or blown away nimbly jumped back, and violently launched a new round of onslaught on the swordsman.

clang! !

Clang! Clang!



Finally, because the swordsman was already injured and was still very badly injured, and now he has carried out vigorous exercise, causing the old injury to recur and become unstable, and then he was suddenly given a blow by a baboon holding a mallet. Smashed **** the chest.


After being hit, of course, the swordsman gave a miserable cry, and at the same time as the long swords in his hands and in his mouth dropped out of his hands, the whole person was also under the baboon's mighty force, and suddenly moved towards the distance. The giant wooden cross at the place slammed into it violently.

boom! ! !

A violent crash sounded!

Under the tremendous force, the exaggerated giant wooden cross was directly sunk into a human shape by him, and then he slowly slid down to the ground with a 'poof' face down, twitched, and even stood No strength to get up.

‘Ahhh! ’

'Ah! ’

'grumble! grumble! ’

'grumble! ’

Finding that the enemy was defeated and fell to the ground, those baboons danced and cheered like primitive people.




"Are you still alive?"

Seeing that the swordsman was finally hit by the baboon and fell to the ground, the woman with a pink double ponytail, a crown, and a wine-red umbrella hurried over and asked in a trembling voice.

"whispering sound……"

"I-I'm not dead yet!"


The swordsman stubbornly stubbornly said, and then moved his body, struggling to stand up with his arms, but in the end, he just barely turned over and sat on the ground.


"Yes, **** it!"

"It was..."

Immediately afterwards, as soon as he looked up, he saw the large group of strong baboons surrounding them with malicious intent, and his face instantly turned black.

Obviously, he himself knew that when he was unarmed and didn't even have the strength to stand up, it was definitely impossible for him to defeat those baboons.

"Ha! Who is fighting over there?"

|?˙?˙) Hello?

Suddenly, the voice of a pretty little girl came from a distance.



'grumble? ’

'Gee? ’

As soon as I heard that voice, the exhausted and seriously injured swordsman, the woman with two ponytails floating in the air, and the surrounding baboons who wanted to pounce on the swordsman to shred the whole and chop it into meat sauce couldn't help it. Qi Qi stopped, then turned to look in the direction from which the voice came.

Then, the heavy footsteps that didn't quite match the little girl's voice just got louder and closer.

"That is……"


Soon, the two of them and the baboons saw that what came out of the jungle filled with strange fog on Kraigana Island was a ferocious plush toy giant bear?



"It turned out to be the idiot Uncle Zoro, are you okay?"


On the shoulders of the giant bear was sitting a little blond girl with dangling feet and a red dress. She looked smart, smart, well-behaved and cute, and the other party was waving to them all the time.

'? ? ’

'grumble? ’

'grumble! grumble! ’

'Oh? ’

Unlike the exclamations of the swordsmen, the group of baboons obviously did not know who came, so they looked at me and looked at you, not knowing whether to chop up the big green-headed monkey that was closer to them first or It's time to cut down the refurbished bear and the little monkey on the bear.


"It's Annie..."

Seeing that the person who came was his partner, and he was the strongest one, Sauron's heart was next excited. Then, severe pain and exhaustion hit him. After he was completely relaxed, he only felt that his eyes were dark and his mind was stunned. He immediately fell down.



"Hey! Idiot, are you all right?"


Seeing that Zoro fell to the ground with his eyes closed, the woman with two ponytails couldn't care about anything else, and hurriedly got to the ground and asked worriedly and observed.



"It's not really dead, is it?!"


Of course, Annie also saw the bad situation that Uncle Zoro fell and remained motionless with a large area of ​​bright red on his body, and then looked at the way that young lady was screaming, so she was shocked, and hurried from Tiber. Si jumped off his shoulders, intending to run over to see the situation.

You know, she promised that idiot Luffy that she would come out to find those friends, and promised to bring everyone back safely, but now, if the first one she finds has an accident, then she will be very Shame.


Swish! !



It's a pity that at this time, a baboon next to him gave Annie a blow to the Huashan Mountain.

The sharp axe slashed directly to the ground from right in front of her!

His strength is so great and his moves are ruthless, it can be said to be quite scary, so that half of the axe slashed directly into the ground, and if Annie hadn't escaped in time, it would have been an ordinary person or an ordinary person. Two ordinary people, I am afraid that they will be cut into two in an instant and go to receive the lunch.

Moreover, the opponent pulled up the axe and wanted to chop the second axe before it was finished. At the same time, there were more baboons roaring and rushing towards Annie and Tibbers behind Annie.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(However, Tibbers was a little indifferent, because the black-haired, red-nosed baboons in front of him were so much weaker than the previous baboon called 'Kia Ape' that he was not interested at all. want to deal with them.)



Being bullied and watching by a group of baboons for no reason, with Annie's temperament, how could she continue to endure it?




"Burn you all!!!"


boom! boom! boom!

The next moment!

Countless fireballs flew out of Annie's hands, and the ignorant baboons around who were daring and ill-intentioned, and who didn't know how terrifying the "Bear Children" were, were instantly wiped out!

‘! ! ’

'grumble? ! ’

'Oh! Oh! ’

'Oh! ! ! ! ’

In the explosion and firelight, they were quickly blown up by the explosive flame fireballs that exploded one after another.

"Burn again!!"



"And here!!"


boom! boom!

"Want to run?!"


boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

After a commotion, under the deliberate rage of a certain bear child, with the violent explosions one after another, the flames quickly burned around the ruins and in the woods.

And those baboons who didn't know whether to live or die before, except for those who were killed, burned, and scared to death, the rest have already run away, and there is not a single one left!


Countless years later, on the island of Kraigana, the baboons who have gradually developed their own language, wisdom and civilization will discover from the oral or possibly related written stories that Such an interesting story:

One day, on a dark and windy night, a little golden monkey riding a giant bear descended from the sky. The other party brought a terrible fire to the tribe and caused the deaths of countless strong baboon pioneers and heroes. The most terrifying and most irresistible existence in the history of the Baboon Country?


"Okay, amazing..."

"Who is she?"

Of course, no one cares what the baboons think. At this time, the pink-haired and twin-tailed lady who was squatting beside Sauron just stared round her eyes and stared at the surrounding red fire and The terrifying little girl who walked towards her from the sea of ​​fire step by step.

At the same time, there was the giant plush bear standing behind the opponent who seemed to be completely unafraid of flames.


It was late at night, five nautical miles away from Kraigana Island. At this time, the members of the Flying Fish Knights and the octopus man Xiaoba and others who were bragging on the deck of the Sonny, of course, also faintly heard from the island. The sound of rumbling explosions and the soaring flames that almost dispelled the fog.




"Xiao Ba, is that the distress signal Her Majesty Queen Anne sent us?"

"Should we sail to meet her now?"


"Still not?"



"Dybalu, you think, Annie didn't say it before, she will send it back directly, so we won't be able to pick it up, right?"

"That's true, but, what does the firelight mean, is it really okay not to go?"


"Maybe Annie encountered some powerful monster, right?"


"A powerful monster?"

"What monster deserves such a big fight from her?"

"I have no idea……"

"Anyway, there must be something terrifying on the island of Kraigana. Even if we go, it will cause Let's continue to wait here."


"Okay, you're right, I'll listen to you..."

Like the other crew members, they stared at the huge movement on Kraigana Island for a while. In the end, Dibalu and Xiaoba decided in a few words that they would not go to the rescue or go to the shore. Can't see the decision to continue to wait in place five nautical miles away, and do nothing.



Seeing that the boss of himself and others and the octopus man Xiaoba had negotiated a decision, the surrounding crew members breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, they are definitely not willing to run to that terrifying island on such a big night, let alone land on it, even if they approach and approach by boat!


?('︶`)? Looking for a monthly pass?('︶`)?


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