Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1659: (????) Bear Boy Pirates

Today, under the guidance of the life paper, the Sonny came to this strange island and anchored it more than ten meters away from the shore.

"Lord Queen Anne!"

"This is the Kraigana Island on the great route. One of the pieces indicated by the life paper should be here. You must be careful!"

"Yes, Lady Queen Anne, we are waiting for you on the boat, please be careful!"

"Your Majesty, are you going all the way?"


"We will miss you, my queen, be careful!"

Then, Dibalu of the Flying Fish Knights, Octopus Little Eight, Mermaid Kemi and others stood on the edge of the boat and moved towards the bear child Annie who was already standing on the foggy island at this moment. He waved his hands and said goodbye with tears.



"Well, why are you all looking like that? If you don't want to, why don't you come along and help find someone?"


"If there are more people, it may be faster to find it!"


Annie felt a little inexplicable about the reaction of those evil guys, so she asked strangely and invited.


"No no no!"

"Your Majesty Queen Anne, you are very kind. We are waiting for you three sea miles away. If you find it, you can send a signal here again, and we will come to pick you up immediately!"

"Or you can just teleport to the ship with a 'swish' of magic, just like in Marin Vando's time?"


"The boss is right, Her Majesty, don't be polite to us! Also, you must pay attention to your own safety!"

"That's right!"

"We'll all be on the boat praying for you!"

As soon as they heard that Annie wanted to invite them up, the expressions of the Flying Fish Knights on the boat froze, and then their faces changed greatly with fright. go.



"Be honest! Why don't you all dare to come down, what's so weird about this island?"


Looking at the exaggerated expressions of the guys on the Sonny more than ten meters away, how could Annie still not know their thoughts?

So, she became impatient, and she straightened her face and questioned those guys in a coquettish manner.




A group of people, you look at me and I look at you, look at each other for a while, but no one speaks.

But there was no way, they didn't dare not answer the question of the bear boy, so the leader of the Flying Fish Knights, that Dibalu was pushed forward by everyone.


"My Lady Queen. This is how it goes..."

"This island of Kraigana on the Great Route is the ruins of the former kingdom of Sizkeal. It is said that there are all kinds of terrifying monsters and undead on it. No one who goes up can come out alive again. so……"


Yes, this is the main reason why Dibalu and others dare not go ashore.

In fact, if there is only that kind of powerful existence on the island, they are not very afraid even if they are as powerful as the three major admirals of the Navy. After all, their bear child, the Queen, is even the terrifying Propulsion City and Admiralty Marine Fando They've all been through.


If it is the kind of weird and bizarre undead and monsters, that kind of unknown existence that can't be seen or touched, even more mysterious than Skeleton Brook, they definitely don't have the courage to follow.



"It turns out to be the undead, but what's so scary about the undead?"


Hearing that it turned out to be the case, Annie couldn't help but cast some contemptuous glances at the group of pirate uncles on the boat.

You must know, when she was in the world of Azeroth, what kind of undead she had never seen?

It doesn't matter if it's a banshee, a skeleton, a zombie, a death knight, or a dreadlord, the difference between them is only the difference in appearance and energy. If you burn it, you will always die, so what's the point? afraid?

Even, even a female ghost Sadako who likes to crawl out of the TV and like to frighten the people of the earth to sleep at night, that guy is not just a crooked person from another dimension. In the end, the thief was caught by her. After grabbing his hair and dragging him out of the TV and beating him, didn't he become more honest?


When she heard that Miss Sadako, Annie felt a little nostalgic. Maybe one day she could go back to see them if she was free?

"never mind!"

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"Then you can wait on the boat, and you don't need to pick it up. After finding the guy on the island, they will send it back by themselves!"


"Come on, Tibbers!"


Saying that, Annie jumped directly onto Tibbers' shoulders, and then, regardless of what the people on the boat thought, one person and one bear slowly moved towards the gloomy mist that couldn't be seen from fifty meters away. I walked deep into the jungle of Kraigana Island, where things are clear.

"Lord Queen Anne, be careful!"

"be careful!"

"Go early and come back early, we will definitely wait for you to come back!"

"If you encounter a terrible enemy, remember to send us a signal, although we certainly can't help you..."

"Be careful all the way, and come back as soon as you find someone!!"


Seeing Annie turn and leave, the guys from the Flying Fish Knights pretended to shout a few words from the side of the boat.

Then, when they saw that the figure of the man and the bear completely disappeared into the fog that filled the island of Kraigana, and no longer saw the slightest figure, they immediately put away the flattery and worry they had before. The look of Qi Qi became ugly.


"Let's go three miles away..."

"Do not!"

"Wait five nautical miles away!"

"Anchor and sail!!"


"Follow orders!!"

Then, they shouted in unison, pulling up the anchor for the first time, and then raising the magic sail, can't wait to accelerate and make a beautiful 180-degree turn, fleeing away. The island of Kraigana on the Great Route.


"Xiao Ba, is Annie really going to be alright?"

As the Sonny swerved quickly away from the huge, eerie, misty island, Kemi the merman couldn't help but get a little worried.


"Besides, it's useless for us to worry!"

"If even Annie can't figure it out, wouldn't it be a death sentence if we go up?"

"Hope everything goes well..."

Looking at the misty island in the distance, the octopus man Xiaoba thought about it, and finally shook his head, and then hugged Kemi, who couldn't walk on land, and then went to San Go to the entrance to the aquarium on the No.

Recently, the aquarium of the Sonny has not only kept all kinds of caught fish, but also kept the mermaid Kemi. After all, for Kemi, who can't walk, staying in the Sonny's aquarium It made her feel more free and comfortable than sitting on a boat all the time.


"Hope it..."

Kemi also knows that Annie is now the strongest pirate that even the three generals can defeat together, and no matter how terrifying and mysterious the Kraigana Island is, it is estimated that it will not be more difficult than the three generals. These people just have to wait in peace on the boat.


The world government is the highest authority and ruling institution in the world. It has more than 170 member countries and is the largest international organization alliance.

Its head is Im, the leader of the world's aristocratic Tianlong people, and also the supreme master behind the world government, the master of the Void Throne, who lives among the flowers in the deepest part of the ancient city of Mary Joapan, no one knows him (she) Who or what he looks like, many people have never even heard of his (her) name.

And what people know more is the five top executives under his command, that is, the five old stars!

Those are the five people with the highest power in the world, and their organizations include the secret spy agencies CP0 to CP9, the Navy, Wangxia Qiwuhai, the Naval Science Force, the Deep Sea Prison, and the Judicial Island.


So far, in addition to the directly subordinate secret spy agency (CP0-CP9), the navy, Wangxia Shichibukai, the Navy Science Force, the Deep Sea Prison, and the Judicial Island Organization have all been violently harassed and humiliated by the Straw Hat Pirates. pass.

Especially after the "top war" not long ago, the face and prestige of the world government and the navy disappeared!

So, today, the five old stars, the five people with the highest power in the world and the high-ranking members of the navy, such as the Warring States Marshal and others, gathered in the Holy Land Mariejoa for a meeting to discuss the follow-up finishing matters and handling after the top war. detail.

"Warring States..."

"What is the situation of the three generals now?"

At this time, as the meeting progressed, a man wearing a white Taoist robe, bald head, and glasses, who was also the only one among the Five Old Stars who did not wear a suit or bearded, asked aloud.

"Your Excellency!"

"Akainu's injuries are very serious. The doctors estimate that it will take him at least half a year to barely recover."

Admiral Sengoku didn't dare to hide it, and directly told what he knew.

After all, all the high-level officials of the World Government were present. In addition to the Five Old Stars, the former Marshal of the Navy Headquarters and the current Commander-in-Chief of the World Government, 'Kong', were also present. The pressure is unprecedented.


"What about Kizaru and Aokiji?"

Then, the five old star continued to ask.

"Aokiji's whereabouts are currently unknown!"

"Some people say that he was photographed into the sea by a giant bear, some people say that he was kidnapped by the pirates, and some people say that he walked away by himself, but I don't know the specific situation yet."

"As for the yellow ape..."

Warring States looked up and found that everyone was waiting for his answer, and then hurriedly continued:

"Since Huang Yuan was hit by the bear child's light, he has completely lost news. There is no news at all. We are not even sure if he is dead or not, let alone where to find him."

Having said that, Sengoku bowed his head in shame.

Well now, he doesn't know what the situation of the army is, but anyway, the three generals of the navy are basically finished.

At present, the navy has no available generals, and the top-level combat effectiveness can be described as extremely weak, and Garp, who is not inferior to the generals, is clamoring for early retirement all day long. Recently, his days as a naval marshal are hard. Very good!


"The situation is not good..."

After listening to the report of the Warring States period, the five old star with glasses pondered for a while, and finally shook his head and did not continue to speak.


"How is the handling of the wounded going now?"

At this time, another bald five old star who was wearing a dark green suit, bald, with a splayed beard and a birthmark on his forehead spoke up.

"Most of the injuries are stable, just..."

"Thousands of people, including Qiwuhai Eagle Eye and Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, are still petrified. We don't know how to deal with it yet."

Having said that, Sengoku bowed his head in shame.


"Go and send someone to Nine Snake Island to deliver a letter to that woman, just say..."

"If she is willing to lift the petrochemical, we can not pursue her rebellion, or we can keep her title of King Xia Qiwuhai."

The bald five old star with a birthmark on his forehead made a quick decision after looking at the other four five old stars.


"I'll send someone to deal with it."

Of course, Sengoku had no objection to being able to save a lieutenant general and thousands of naval officers, so he quickly nodded his head.


"It's about the Straw Hat Pirates. They have caused a lot of trouble and topics recently. Is there any news about them now?"

At this time, another five old star with long straight white hair and a long beard in a dark blue suit spoke up.

He was very impressed with the Straw Hat Pirates.

From the beginning of the chaos on Judiciary Island, to the recent invasion of Push City, and then to Marin Fando's top war, the navy and the world government have been swept away by the other side, so now the Straw Hat Pirates and The straw hat pirates and the bear boy pirates in the Straw Hat Pirates are the most important, especially the bear boy, who has reached the point where he has to deal with it.


Hearing Wu Laoxing's question, and seeing that the Warring States Marshal had no intention of speaking, a head of the secret spy agency CP0 with sunglasses stood up and said:

"Recently, our intelligence personnel have seen that ship many times on the great voyage, but the Straw Hat Pirates seem to have changed their name. In addition to the emblem of the Straw Hat Pirates on the sails of their ship, There is also a hideous bear-head flag on the mast!"

"According to the latest information!"

"Some ships have seen the ship in the waters near Kraigana Island, but the speed of the ship was so fast that they couldn't keep track of it, and they don't know if they are still in the waters now."

In this way, the leader of the CP0 loudly reported what he knew.


"Bear Boy Pirates?"

"Have you found out the origin of that bear child?"

At this time, another five old star, the strong old man wearing a dark red suit, no bow tie, blond hair, golden beard, and a scar on his chest suddenly asked aloud.

"very sorry!"

"Even if we send the most capable intelligence personnel, but..."

"We couldn't find any information about her before that, except to find out that the bear boy first appeared in the Chambord Islands with the Straw Hat Pirates and attacked the Tianlong people!"

"Not at all!"

Having said that, the leader of the CP0 agency lowered his head in shame, because he couldn't find out the origin of a person, which was indeed a shameful thing for them CP0.


"Then continue to pay attention and closely monitor her every move. Whether they are the Straw Hat Pirates or the Bear Boy Pirates, they must be listed as the top priority!"


"My subordinate understands!"


"And then Whitebeard, how are they doing recently?"


"According to the report of our spies in the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard's body seems to be dying. After returning from the war, he is seriously ill, and he probably won't last long."



"That's good news!"

"Although we have long heard that the old guy is terminally ill, he often needs to have IVs and oxygen tubes inserted all over his body, and is taken care of by the accompanying doctors and nurses, but it is a bit unexpected that he has not collapsed until now."


"It would be better if he died early. After all, he is the guy who is most likely to become the new One Piece. If he dies, we can rest assured."

At this time, one of the five old stars did not speak, and kept his eyes closed. He was wearing a black suit, with curly white hair, a fluffy white beard, a flat hat, and an old man with a scar on his left face suddenly opened his eyes. And said quietly.

In the war on the top, the loss and pressure caused by Whitebeard to the navy was too great, and the prestige after the war was even more flourishing, and the impact was extremely bad. If the opponent did not die, then they would have trouble sleeping.


"Your Excellency, Whitebeard is dead, and that Ace has already determined that he is the only bloodline of Roger One Piece."

However, the leader of that CP0 said this with some embarrassment.


"I'm so sorry about that!"

"That's my responsibility. If I could have made up my mind to execute him early, there would be no trouble now. It's all my fault!"

"I am willing to take the blame and resign!!"

At this time, when he heard that Portgas D. Ace was mentioned, Admiral Sengoku quickly stood up, bowed deeply and apologized, and also said that he was willing to take all the responsibility.

"Do not……"

"this is not your fault."

"After all, no one expected that bear boy to be so fierce. If you killed that Ace at that time, maybe the navy would really be over."

The bespectacled one of the Five Old Stars shook his head and comforted the Warring States with gentle words.

"That's right!"

"That Roger's son isn't ready yet, and now, I'm more worried about that bear boy..."

"You have to think of a way!"

At this time the former Marshal of the Navy Headquarters and the current commander-in-chief of the World Government's 'Kong', the very strong, broad-chested, tawny skin, white hair and beard shaped like a 'mountain' The old man opened his mouth and went straight off to excuse the Warring States.




Hearing what the commander-in-chief of the whole army said, the five elders did not refute, but they did not intend to continue to comfort them. They just thought silently about what was in their hearts.

As a result, the meeting room gradually became quiet, and needles could almost be heard.

Right now, with Whitebeard getting old and precarious, who doesn't know that the bear child is the key?


Know how?

Could it be possible that they can still arrest the other, the bear child, and then execute a public execution just like they did with the Roger before, in order to restore the majesty of the navy and the world government?

You know, now that even Qiwuhai and the three generals have been defeated by the other party, they have almost nothing to do with that bear child, and the previous increase of the other party's bounty to an outrageous one billion Bailey is just doing This superficial effort shows the attitude of the navy and the world government and adds a wave of popularity to the other party. As for the actual effect, it is almost nothing!



Time passed by minute by minute, and no one in the conference room wanted to speak again.

Including the five elders, almost everyone is racking their brains to think about the question just now, that is: how are they going to deal with that difficult bear child and the other party's pirate group?

Do you try to make peace like those kings under Qiwuhai, or continue to fight?


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