Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1665: ?(*?)? USS Sonny Flying Fish!

After learning that Luffy said that he would learn domineering from the Empress on Nine Snake Island, and that Zoro would also learn swordsmanship on Kraigana Island, Chopper, who was found by Annie, still decided to stay in that bird kingdom. In the Kingdom of Reno, they continued to study the special medicinal properties of the herbs on the 'sacred tree', and made it clear that they would not leave with Annie in a short time.

After that, Annie took the Sonny around for a week, and finally found the stupid Nami on a small floating island country called Visalia that uses scientific research on meteorological weather.

Then, after the other party learned about the performance of Luffy and Annie during the war on the top, and then learned that Luffy was going to learn domineering, Zoro was going to learn swordsmanship, and Chopper was going to study medicine to become stronger, she also A decision was soon made to continue to stay in Visalia to learn the knowledge of weather magic, and proposed to let Annie go to find other partners first.

And then……

In line with the principle of no more than three things, Annie got angry and decided not to look for those hateful guys, and directly abandoned the remaining Usopp, Sanji, Robin, and Franky in the Straw Hat gang. As well as Brook and others, and further ordered, let Dibalu and others drive the boat to the end of the great route, planning to go to the Chambord Islands first, then snorkel to Fishman Island, and sail to the new world first.


Annie and her crew of the 'Bear Boys' pirates successfully reached the Chambord Islands and set sail the next day after resupplying and meeting with Aunt Shakey and Uncle Rayleigh at the Hangman's Bar. , officially sailing in the direction of the new world.



"Alert! Alert!"


"Found a large fleet of the Navy ahead!"


"There are at least thirty or forty large warships!!!"

At this time, in the watchtower of the Sonny, a member of the Flying Fish Knights stuck out his head from the upper window in panic, and shouted hurriedly towards Dibalu and the others on the lawn deck below.



Hearing this, Dibalu and Hachi looked at each other, and then ran towards the bow together.

"That is……"

"not good!"

"We are ambushed!"

Just looking at the front, Dibalu exclaimed.


"Xiao Ba! Let's dive ahead of time and go to Fishman Island now!!"

Ahead, at the end of the sea level, is the sail shadow of a large fleet of the navy. Although I don't know how many, Dibalu only knows that there are definitely a lot of them.

So, now he can't think of a better way than diving before.

"No! No!"

"Dibalu, although our boat is coated, it is still too far from the scheduled diving area."

"If we start snorkeling from here, before we reach Fishman Island, you will all be suffocated by running out of air!"

Hearing Dibalu's words, the murloc Hachi hurriedly waved his hand to dissuade him and explained the reason.


"Then what do you say?"


"Or we turn to leave first, our ship is fast, they will not be able to catch up!"

"Either we can still snorkel, but instead of going directly to Fishman Island, we will go a little ahead, and then surface after we get rid of the navy?"

There is no good way for Xiaoba to be anxious, so he can only say it in such a way.

"not good!"

"More navy ships appeared on the left and right!"

"They emerged from the bottom of the sea!!"

At this moment, the watchman on the watchtower of the Sonny stuck his head out again, and shouted again.


"It's a trap!"


"Dibalu, we must turn and escape from here!!"

Seeing that the navy has also emerged from the bottom of the sea, and it has also formed a pocket array in an instant, knowing that Xiaoba, who has entered the trap, has not waited for the naval ships on both sides to complete the encirclement, so he hurriedly shouted at Dibalu. shouted.

However, in fact, there was no need for Hachi or Dibalu to command. After seeing the navy appearing in front and left and right, the helmsman completed the steering without waiting for the order, and then started to move towards the direction they came. direction, fleeing quickly in the direction of the Chambord Islands.


"Sink that ship!!"

In the rear, seeing that the Sonny was about to escape, a Commodore planned to order the battleships to fire.



"It's so fast, it's out of our range now!"


"Then keep going!"

"There are two of our fleets in front of us. It can't escape. Today, we must sink it directly here!"

The officer said angrily.

He obviously knew that he would definitely be unable to beat a certain bear boy in jumping gang battles. However, their navy is not only a lieutenant general with a strong personal force, but also a ship Jian and a sharp gun. Since the melee combat cannot be played, they Could it be that you can't play artillery yet?

As it is now, their navy has mobilized a large number of warships and prepared them in advance. Although they may not be able to kill the bear boy, as long as they can sink the Sonny pirate ship, their navy can also be on top of the snow. The former shame in the previous war, and being able to explain to the Tianlong people, that is a great thing that can be done in one fell swoop!


"Chase at full speed!!"

Soon, with the movement of the messengers, the navy's fleet of nearly forty large battleships formed a huge crescent-shaped formation with the two winged fleets that also had nearly forty ships on both sides. Fan chased at full speed towards the Sonny, which was fleeing in a panic.

Although their speed is definitely not as fast as the Sonny after the magic reform, they are not in a hurry, just chasing at full speed.

Obviously, they want to keep the Sonny going and end up falling into another trap they set up!

That is the hunting ground they have prepared since the top of the war, and it has been brewing for nearly a month. At the same time, the intelligence agencies of CP0 and the Navy have been providing information support for today's hunting operation, Therefore, they firmly believed that the Sonny in front would definitely not be able to escape.

And the straw hat pirates and bear children on the boat will definitely pay the price for their evil deeds!


After half a day.

The chase continued, and as expected, the Sonny was once again thrown into a trap by the navy ships, and was bombarded for dozens of times by the large warships that suddenly surfaced from the sea, and was almost unscathed. Really sinking!

But fortunately, the Sonny once again ran far before being sunk by the advantage of its speed, so that a certain child who had just rushed out of the captain's room angrily only saw that he was left behind. of more than thirty or forty large naval ships.

As for the other naval ships, they have disappeared, and it is temporarily unknown whether they dived again and ran to an ambush field in advance to prepare.


( )

At this time, the captain of the 'Bear Boy Pirates', a certain 'Bear Boy' himself stood upright at the stern of the ship and stared at the large naval fleet behind him.

Those battleships were still chasing them, and they fired a few guns from a distance and from time to time, as if their navy had already won.

"Those guys!"


"They must not know what a dimensionality reduction strike is, right?"


Annie is angry, and the consequences are serious!

Because she didn't take the initiative to find trouble with them. It's okay. Now, they took the initiative to find her Queen Anne's trouble. They also dispatched batches of warships to ambush, and even Do you really think that she is a good bully if you don't hesitate to coat the battleship and hide it at the bottom of the sea?



"Go! Prepare the flying fish, it's time for you to perform!!"


After thinking about it, Annie looked at Dibalu and the others of the Flying Fish Knights, and asked them to prepare for the attack.


"An An An An, Lady Queen Anne!?"

"You must be joking, right?"

"Our Flying Fish Knights can't beat the Navy! In fact, if any general-level officer runs out, they can rub me on the ground..."

Hearing that he was going to lead the Storm Knights to attack, Dibalu's face turned pale, and then he jumped out and waved his hands in rejection.

"Me too!"

"I can't beat it either! I'm just a guide!"

Fearing that a certain bear child would let him attack, the murloc Xiaoba quickly raised his hand, indicating that he was just a soy saucer, not really a combatant.

"Don't you have flying fish?"


"Are you blind with so many flying fish on board?!"


Annie was a little angry. I didn't expect these guys to be so cowardly.


"Lord Queen Anne, flying fish are means of transportation, and they can't beat the navy!"

Dibalu waved his hand again, refusing to say anything to execute the order.


"My Lady Queen, why don't you go there yourself?"

"That's it!"

"Our flying fish can do nothing but glide on the sea for a few minutes!"

"Your Majesty, will you spare us all?"

"Female, Madam Queen, you are invincible. Even the admiral of the navy can't beat you, so why don't you go up?"


"We will firmly support the Queen, you will take action yourself, and teach those navy members to see the power of the 'bear boy'!"

"That's right!"

"Long live the bear boy!"

"Long live the Queen!"

"Queen Race High!"

Anyway, as long as they don't go to the navy and go all out in person, everything can be said. So, the guys from the Flying Fish Knights started to make a fuss, and wanted to continue to encourage their captain, the bear boy, to show it again. As for them, only Just wait on the Sonny to see the results and be ready to run.



"Is Feiyu really just a means of transportation? Sure enough, you guys with a slippery mind, there are more difficulties than solutions!"

ε=(ο`*))) alas

Seeing the performance of the guys who were greedy for life and fear of death, Annie couldn't help sighing.




Seeing Annie's appearance, the members of the Flying Fish Knights just looked at each other, and no one dared to talk to each other.

"never mind!"


"Then, people will reluctantly show you what is called a dimensionality reduction blow?"


"You have to remember!"


"Flying fish are not just means of transportation, as long as they are used well, they are also the most powerful weapons, and they are the kind that transcend the times!"


After speaking, Annie walked directly to the edge of the boat, and then motioned to the idiots to prepare a flying fish for her to ride.


"Flying fish is a means of transportation..."

"Yeah, the attack power of the flying fish is very weak, even we can't beat it, let alone the navy..."

"that is!"

"Lord Queen Anne, you- are you kidding?"


"What is a dimensionality reduction strike?"


A group of people surrounded them inexplicably, not knowing what trick the bear boy they were following was going to play.



"Isn't there a lot of powder kegs on the Sonny?"


"Bring two buckets, tie it to the back seat of this flying fish, and then go to Franky's workshop to find that kind of impact blasting device. Today, I will teach you stupid guys the correct usage of flying fish!"


Seeing that the flying fish was still strong, even if it was carrying two barrels of gunpowder, it shouldn't affect its movement, Annie ordered proudly.

"Correct usage?"


"What's the meaning?"

Dibalu and Xiao Ba glanced at each other, still not sure what a certain bear child was going to do.

"Aircraft carrier!"


"You know the aircraft carrier, right?"


"Since there are already ships and 'airplanes', then the Sonny is an aircraft carrier, and of course the aircraft carrier is going to be a bomber. Who still plays gun battles with their navies?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

"The age of battleships is over!"


"What are you looking at, why don't you get ready?!"





"Follow orders!!"

Although it was still incomprehensible, but soon, the greedy fellows of the Flying Fish Knights followed Annie's instructions and prepared a flying fish and two large barrels of gunpowder tied to the back seat of the flying fish.


The flying fish quickly glides off the water next to the Sonny and takes off smoothly, then, after a nice turn, it heads towards the rear of the large ships of the navy still chasing. rushed over.

And then……

Dibalu of the Flying Fish Knights and all the members plus the leading party murloc Hachi and others only saw in amazement:

Under the control of a certain bad boy, the flying fish nimbly and high glide to somewhere in the sky above the naval fleet, and then, when neither party knew why, the other party suddenly looked at a certain ship Headed the battleship and made a dive!

Then, after the speed increased to a certain level, the two fixed powder kegs were suddenly released.

Immediately after...

boom! boom!

With two violent explosions, the fastest and most advanced naval battleship was blasted with two gaps on the front deck, and at the same time, two groups of fire and smoke rose into the sky.

Although it was not sunk, its speed suddenly slowed down, and it was obviously not a threat.

As for the flying fish that was controlled by the bear boy after the bombing, it was deftly and high-speedly skipping the sea, and then lightly pulled up again, and the naval guns of the navy are not because of insufficient shooting angle or rotation speed. He couldn't keep up with the speed of the flying fish, so he couldn't fight back at all, and he could only let it fly towards the Sonny pirate ship that was sailing ahead after its precise dive bombing.

Of course, it is not appropriate to call the Sonny a pirate ship now, because now it has been successfully upgraded, from a pirate ship to the world's first quasi-'aircraft carrier'!


"So that's what happened?"


"How come we didn't think of such a simple thing before?"

"That's right, isn't it just diving and throwing two barrels of gunpowder? Who wouldn't know about that kind of thing in our Flying Fish Knights?"

"that is!"

"It looks really easy..."


"Long live the Queen!!"

"Long live the bear child!!"

"Queen Race High!!"

"Oh yeah!!"


After looking at each other for a while, the knights of the Flying Fish Knights cheered excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, before the 'bear boy' who was still flying in the sky in the distance returned, they rushed to the Sunny's ammunition depot to carry the few powder kegs.

After a few minutes.

One after another flying fish flew up, and under the terrified eyes of the naval ships behind, they rushed towards the upper air of the naval fleet, and began to raise the height very skillfully, and then dived.

Afterwards, probably due to unskilled reasons, although nearly half of the powder barrels fell into the sea and only splashed a stream of water, the remaining powder barrels still successfully hit the Navy ships.


boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

With the sound of explosions, the maiden show of the 1st Air Bombing Squadron of the Flying Fish Knights of the USS Sonny was a complete success.

In the absence of top generals in the navy, the Flying Fish Knights only bombed in the first round, causing several navy's giant battleships to fall into a sea of ​​fire and thick smoke.

One of them, unfortunately, was hit directly at the ammunition depot and exploded, and soon turned into a piece of burning garbage at sea.


"I'm obviously the head of the Flying Fish Knights, but why am I the only one who doesn't have Flying Fish?!"

"It's not fair!!!"

The leader of the Flying Fish Knights, nicknamed 'Iron Mask', Dibalu looked at his strong black pet yak, and then looked at the Flying Fish Knights in the distant sky who had replenished their ammunition and took off for the second sortie. A member of the regiment, he collapsed in despair on the lawn deck of the Sonny.


"So that's how flying fish is used!"

Rubbing his chin, Hachi seemed to have thought of something.

Speaking of which, flying fish or something is really difficult for ordinary people to get, even the navy doesn't seem to have it, but... for a octopus like him or a mermaid like Kemi, catching and domesticating flying fish doesn't seem to be a big deal. too difficult?



"I'm going to get a flying fish too!"

"I don't want a motorcycle baro anymore, it can't fly!!!"

Suddenly, Dibalu jumped up from the deck and shouted hysterically.


"Moto Barrow, it's a yak, of course it can't fly..."

Little Eight comforted with a bit of tears and laughter Boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, another explosion sounded in the distance.

Listening to the movement, it is not difficult to find that at this time, there were more explosions than the previous one. Those flying fish knights who were conducting the second round of dive bombing were obviously more proficient than the first round, and the hit rate had been significantly improved. improvement.

"Wow ah ah ah..."

"Why is it only me, the head of the regiment, who doesn't have flying fish?"

"It's not fair!!!"

Looking at the explosion in the distance, seeing the outstanding performance of his team members, and seeing that they were flying back to prepare for the third reload, Dibalu cried even louder...


(ω) Two consecutive updates, ask for a monthly pass


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