Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1666: ?*. ?(?ω?*)??*. Sailing to a new world

On May 23rd of the Great Pirate Age, the navy gathered nearly 130 large and medium-sized sailing battleships in the waters west of the Chambord Islands, on the only passage to the Red Land Continent, to confront the Sonny and the sea led by the Bear Boy. The band of thieves carried out a premeditated ambush.

For that ambush, the navy's preparations were not inadequate, the lineup was not unremarkable, and the weapons and training levels of the officers and soldiers were also very high. There were nearly two or three thousand guns of various sizes combined!

If other pirate ships were ambushed, even if it was like Whitebeard's flagship Moby Dick, it is estimated that in the end, it would definitely be on the spot, and it would be sunk by countless naval guns in an instant, and it was absolutely unreasonable, right?

However, something that shocked everyone's attention happened:

The navy's large fleet, the nearly 130 large battleship fleet not only did not get any victory, but also suffered the long-range dive of the Bear Pirates' cross-era weapon - the carrier-based Flying Fish Knights. bombing!

From the initial navy's full pursuit to the subsequent counterattack of the Bear Boy Pirates, to the end of the fifth round of the Bear Boy Pirates' air raid and opening a gap in the encirclement, the large sail and paddle wheel powered battleships of the Navy In the end, six ships were sunk, twenty-two ships were damaged (including lightly and seriously injured and stranded), and nearly ten thousand officers and soldiers were killed or injured (including missing).

In the end, because there is no anti-air force, and I don't know how to effectively fight the air, there is no strong general or lieutenant general to deal with it, and the iron wall in the original plan was broken. They had to voluntarily give up the pursuit and let the Sonny and the Bear Boy Pirates calmly swagger away from the opening of the torn encirclement at high speed.

After this battle, the morale of the naval officers and soldiers plummeted again, and the face of the world government was also damaged, so that even the little face that was saved by the official media's distorted facts and publicity after the war was completely gone!


Not long after the battle, dozens of officers at the commander-level of the navy were dismissed on the spot, and the brigadier general in charge of the battle command was directly dismissed and convicted. The main person in charge of the navy, the Warring States Marshal, who originally stayed in the middle of the war after the war, but was prepared to see the aftermath of his resignation was put on the agenda on the same day. .

However, compared with the debut of the USS Sonny and the alternative combat style of the Flying Fish Knights, the internal personnel adjustment of the Navy seems a little insignificant.

Although, the navy paid great attention to and tried to cover up the relevant details of the battle, and strictly sealed all relevant information after the battle, but the 'Flying Fish Aircraft Carrier Sonny', 'One Ship Worth Thousands of Bears Pirates' and Key words such as 'dive bombing' and so on are still quietly disseminated in a very fast time, and appear in the sight of some interested people all over the world, intentionally or unintentionally.

Of course, the Bear Boy Pirates and the Bear Boys don't care about the above news, nor do they want to know about it!

Because, after the war ended, the Sonny returned to the Chambord Islands once again, and was resupplying ammunition (powder barrels and impact ignition devices, etc.) and incorporating all the Knights of Flying Fish stranded on the Chambord Islands After the remaining members and the flying fish, under the watch of the former vice-captain of the Roger Pirates, the Pluto Silbaz Reilly, known as the 'Right Arm of the Pirate King', and the Aunt Shaqi who opened the rip-off bar, they set sail again. and left the Chambord Islands.

"Uncle Rayleigh!"


"Aunt Xia Qi, goodbye!"

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~

Standing on the stern of the Sonny, which was windless and sailed against the wind, a certain bear boy was waving goodbye to the two little people on the hillside far away from the shore, no matter how far away the two were. Can't hear.

"Her Majesty Queen Anne, we are going to speed up, you have to help!"


"Sonny, full speed ahead!!"

Dybalu, a certain first mate on the ship and the leader of the Flying Fish Knights, shouted and ordered with satisfaction.

Because, after returning to the Chambord Islands and gathering the remaining members of his island, he finally got a new flying fish for himself, and no longer worries about being killed on the next bombing mission. Abandoned.

"Just drive your boat, and people won't be thrown off!"


Annie grimaced at that Uncle Dibalu.

At the same time, the Sonny really started to speed up, and Annie, who was standing behind Chuan, stood there firmly as she said, and would not be affected at all.


As the Sonny went away, on top of a big tree on the coast of the 13th area, there was a huge figure with a stocky figure like a wrestler. His face and hairstyle looked like a girl, but he had The man with the scar that was sewed and mended finally breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right!

This man with a stocky figure is Zhan Taomaru!

At this time, he was hiding here with two 'pacifists' from the scientific unit and closely observed the Sonny, who was leaving towards the open sea, and the Hades, Rayleigh, who was seeing off on the hillside on the shore.

However, Zhan Taomaru did not choose to show up and launch an attack until the Sonny was gone.

Obviously, that Zhan Taomaru probably knew that whether it was that bear child Annie or Hades Rayleigh, it was not something he and his scientific troop could fight against, so he did not carry out any irrational actions, Just silently watching from a distance.

And for a long time, when the Sonny's speed became faster and faster and completely disappeared at the end of the sea level, he looked at the two people, Hades Rayleigh, who were still sitting on the hillside full of flowers and floating colorful bubbles. Finally got out a phone bug and dialed a certain number.

"Report to Admiralty!"


"This is the captain of the naval headquarters' scientific unit, Zhan Taomaru!"

"it's me!"

"The Sonny has left the Chambord Islands. Based on the other party's heading, I am sure that they should be preparing to dive to Fishman Island."

"Yes, I saw it leave, please rest assured, I didn't act rashly!"


After a pause, he looked up at the sea in the distance and found that he could no longer see the sails of the Sonny before Zhan Taomaru continued:

"Please tell the Naval Headquarters of the New World immediately, I just saw that the Sonny 'Flying Fish Mothership' replenished a large number of powder kegs and more flying fish knights, the flying fish knights on the island should all be gone, plus Bear boy himself, that ship is more dangerous now!"

"That's right!"

"Tell the navy of the New World to be vigilant!"


"Bear Child and her Sonny Flying Fish Mothership must be arriving in the New World soon. We can't intercept it in the middle, so they must be careful and vigilant!"


"As for Silbaz Reilly, the king of the underworld..."

"He is still stranded on the Chambord Islands, and that 'coating craftsman' is not a threat for the time being!"

"Okay, I get it, I'll go back now, the report is over!"

After the report, Zhan Taomaru, the stocky captain of the Naval Science Unit, took a deep and dreadful look at the back of the underworld king Silbaz Reilly sitting on the hillside in the distance. Without saying anything, the two pacifists who took him directly turned around and jumped to a tree branch farther away and quickly left the 'No. 13' area without a sound.



Not long after Zhan Taomaru left, Aunt Shaqi, who was standing behind Rayleigh smoking a cigarette and was silent together, suddenly turned around. She first glanced at the top of the huge Alchiman mangrove tree in the distance, and then vomited. smoked a ring of smoke and said softly:


"That navy, he's gone!"

"I was worried just now, will he bring someone to crusade you!"

Xia Qi said quietly, and flew the cigarette **** with only one **** left into the distance, watching the sparkling cigarette **** scald a small bubble that was rising and made a 'pop' A crisp sound.

"Kill me?"

"That doesn't mean..."


"After the navy suffered two disastrous defeats in the Battle of the Top and the Flying Fish War yesterday, it has no intention of taking care of a little guy like me anymore."

"At least, if I don't plan to come back, they will definitely not attack me again."

Shaking his head, Pluto Rayleigh smiled playfully, then picked up the silver jug ​​in his hand and raised his head to take a sip.

"Little people?"

"When did the famous Hades become a little guy?"

Aunt Shaqi obviously didn't agree with Reilly's words, so she made a rare statement to ridicule him.


"Whatever you say!"

"Anyway, when the navy lost two generals and even that old guy Karp started to retire, they definitely wouldn't dare to provoke me, a loner. They really don't have the capital and energy now. already."


"Bears and Whitebeard are the ones they need to focus on, aren't they?"

Yes, in Reilly's opinion, when Annie was still active, when Whitebeard was still alive, he certainly didn't have to worry about being troubled by the Navy. With a little understanding, he believed that the Navy and him. There will still be in between.

Otherwise, those navies would be completely helpless.


"Compared to the dying Whitebeard, Annie has been a little too happy recently."

"I heard that the navy, the world government, and even the five old stars are all attracted to her. I don't know if that's good or bad?"

After lighting a cigarette again and starting to puff of mist, Xia Qicai frowned and sighed, then looked at the direction where the Sonny had just disappeared and said quietly.


"Whether it's good or bad, that's out of our hands."


"Believe it or not, our era has indeed come to an end. Now, it is the world of those young people!"

Having said that, Pluto Rayleigh paused for a while when he was about to cover the spout, and after a while, he seemed to think of something, and continued to add with a smile:

"I still remember that when Roger found me and wanted me to go to sea with him, he said so..."

"He said, 'Rayleigh, our meeting was meant to be, let's turn the world upside down'?"

"At that time, I still felt a little inexplicable, and felt that he was just a little brat..."

"But the result..."


After thinking about it halfway, Rayleigh laughed again like a self-deprecating laugh.

"As a result, he seems to have done it..."


"It doesn't seem to be completely done yet?"

"But who knows!"

"Anyway, after he died, people like Luffy appeared, and then Annie..."


"She first made a riot in the Chambord Archipelago, then she raided the advance city, participated in the top battle, and finally fought the main naval fleet..."


"Will she really be the one who will help him realize that great dream and turn the world upside down?"

After speaking, Rayleigh looked up and drank the little wine in his silver jug ​​with a smile.


"But isn't Annie's appearance an accident?"

Shaqi, who was standing behind Rayleigh with his arms crossed, was noncommittal and just asked this question softly.


"Do not!"

"There may be no coincidence in this world..."


"It's all inevitable!"

Shaking his head, Reilly obviously didn't quite agree with what his companion Shaqi said.

"All right!"

"Xia Qi, I'm going to Nine Snake Island, I'll leave it to you for the time being."

Finally, after completely drinking the fine wine in the silver jug ​​in his hand, and now that the distant Sonny could no longer be seen here, Rayleigh slowly stood up and walked directly towards the sea in the distance.


"Didn't you just say that Annie is that person? Why are you going to Nine Snake Island to find Luffy now?"

"A bit superfluous, right?"

Of course, Xia Qi knew what Rayleigh was going to do when he went to Nine Snake Island, but he planned to teach Luffy domineering and some combat skills in person.

However, because of that, she was a little baffled, and she didn't know what Rayleigh's inconsistent words meant.

“Whether it is or not, multiple coverages are always good!”

"If Annie fails..."

"We'll have another Luffy two years later, and he's a good match for that straw hat, doesn't he?"

After speaking, he gently waved his hand towards Shaqi, who was standing unmoved behind him, and Silbaz Rayleigh, the king of the underworld, quickly disappeared in the floating one by one. Colorful bubbles that look dreamy in the size of the Alchiman mangroves of the Shambord Islands.


"Multiple insurances?"


Xia Qi exhaled a smoke ring, and didn't care about Rayleigh who disappeared in the mangroves, and he didn't worry about how the other party would use to get to Nine Snake Island. He just frowned while thinking about it.

"Indeed, none of the Straw Hats seem to be on board!"


"Rayleigh, I always think your insurance doesn't work!"

Shaking his head, he took a last look at the place where Rayleigh disappeared. Xia Qi didn't say anything more, just turned around and walked back to the pitiful bar she opened ^-^)~\'\'☆ミ☆ミ Monthly Pass


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