Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1669: ?(*?)? Bear Child and Fishman Island (2)


Beep beep beep ~!

At a border surveillance office at the entrance of Fishman Island, everyone who was busy here suddenly heard the sound of melodious snail horns coming from afar.

Immediately afterwards, when everyone looked up and followed the place where the sound came from, they found that there was a huge bubble wrapped around it, and at the same time, a huge sea snake-shaped sea beast passed through it and was responsible for traction, and there was a brush on one side. Long Miyagi's bubble spaceship is slowly heading towards the entrance, floating towards the Sonny, which is being registered and investigated.


"Look! Isn't that the royal family's excursion ship, the Dragon Palace Castle?"

"Sure enough, it seems to be really..."


"I saw it too."

"But, why did the royal family's cruise ship come to the entrance?"

"do not know……"

"Maybe something went out?"

"Going out? If you go out, doesn't Fishman Island have a special passage for the royal family?"


"Maybe there is no royal family up there?"

"Yes, I also think that the royal family is unlikely to come to our **** place easily, and it seems that there is no appointment yet..."

Seeing the bubble spaceship of the royal family's 'Dragon Palace' flying over and slowly reducing its speed, the border inspectors of the Ryugu Kingdom on Fishman Island who were investigating and registering beside the Sonny couldn't help but look at each other and wonder, and then whispered. discussed.

After all, they did not receive any notification in advance that any royal family would come here to supervise the work and require them to prepare the reception in advance.


"The three princes of Neptune are here!"


Then, it was unknown which loud guy on the boat was shouting through the loudspeaker bug.


"Three, three princes?"


"Line up!!!"

As a result, the border inspectors of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island who were investigating the registration and customs clearance business were so excited that they no longer cared about the Sonny, but rushed forward and lined up on both sides of the road. Ready to welcome, and directly put aside the people who have just disembarked, such as Annie, Hachi, and Dibalu.



"What are they doing?"


Seeing those people running away and rushing towards the other side, Annie knocked on the fish-man Little Eight beside her a little strangely, wanting to ask what was going on.


"Those are the three princes of our Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island. I think they may have come to find you."

I looked at the 'Dragon Palace City' that was slowly approaching, and then looked at the bear boy captain beside me, and the Sonny, which was moored alone at the dock for foreign ships ready to clear customs. If you think about it with your fingers, you can probably guess what it will be.



"I came to find someone, but why?"


Annie, who came to Fishman Island for the first time, said that she didn't know anyone except Xiaoba, Kemi and a certain Pai Daxing, so she expressed that someone came to her door as soon as she came here. Very strange.


"What else could it be, not because you are a bear child?"

With a sigh, Xiao Ba didn't even want to explain.

Think about it too, such a big defeat of the Navy, bullying the Navy Admiral, completely abusing the Naval Science Unit, forcing the advance city, making a scene at the Navy Headquarters Marin Fando, beating Wang Xia Qiwuhai and the three Navy Admirals, and finally winning the Navy in the naval battle The bear boy who had retreated from the United Grand Fleet came to Fishman Island. As the ruler of this place, the Ryugu Kingdom would definitely not be indifferent and make no representations.

Not to mention anything else, in Xiao Ba's opinion, it's just personal force, and the little girl in front of me is afraid that she already has the ability to turn the whole fish-man island upside down, even if there are millions of people here. It is estimated that it is no good with a very powerful armed force?



"You are the bear boy!"


Annie obviously didn't like the title the other party said, so she walked aside angrily, not wanting to pay any more attention to the annoying octopus man Xiaoba.

At this time, a group of nautilus warriors and three mermaid princes who looked more than one to the audience jumped out of the bubble ship with 'Dragon Palace Castle' painted on the side of the ship. Instead of taking care of the fisherman island customs officers on both sides of the road, they went straight towards Ben Annie and Hachi.

To be precise, it should be walking towards Annie?


"I am the Shark Star Prince of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island!"

"Excuse me!"

"The one in front, is the bear child pirate Annie Hasta?"

Then, the guy at the head, the self-proclaimed eldest prince of the Dragon Palace Kingdom of Fishman Island, and the eldest of the three Neptune brothers, has a dot on his forehead, has shark teeth and gill slits, and has long wavy blue hair. The sturdy mermaid prince with a blue-spotted fishtail on his lower limbs introduced himself, walked towards Annie and the others, and stared at someone standing beside him, and he recognized him. the bear child asked.



Annie believes that she is not a pirate, and she is not a bear child, so of course she did not answer.



Anyway, she doesn't really want to pay attention to each other now, and she doesn't want to pay attention to anyone, so she looks into the distance very rudely, and directly treats the other party as non-existent.

She is a little angry now. If there is no delicious and fun food, she will definitely not be able to coax her back easily!




"Hello, Your Excellency Bear Child!"

However, the self-proclaimed eldest prince of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island, the eldest of the three Neptune brothers, didn't seem to see Annie's expression at all, so he walked up to her in a very untimely manner and saluted again.

"I'm Shark Star!"

"The two next to me are my second brother Huangxing and third brother Roverstar."

"We received a notification that you have come to Fishman Island, so my father specially asked me to come to greet you, and I want you to go to Dragon Palace City for a while. What do you think?"

The eldest of the three Neptune brothers, Shaoxing, the next king of Fishman Island, had obviously seen the impatience and faint disgust on Annie's face at this time. I didn't mind too much, I just invited the bear boy with the back of his head to him again with a gentle attitude.



"Rollover Star? Why does it have such a weird name?"


Annie was attracted and turned around directly.



"She is the legendary bear child?!"

"No way?"

"Really, I didn't expect it to be her..."


"The bear in her hand, and the little girl who is also a human, don't they add up to a bear child?"


"It really is!"

"But, why didn't we recognize it just now?"

"This...maybe we are a little blind to humans on land?"


"It's really possible to say that!"

Hearing what the eldest prince of the Dragon Palace Kingdom said, the border inspectors of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island, who were in charge of the entry investigation and registration, once again exclaimed and discussed each other, and at the same time moved towards a certain bear. The child casts surprised and frightened looks.

After all, in their eyes, it is the same level of existence as the protective umbrella Whitebeard of Fishman Island, and it can also beat the navy and the world government as a terrifying existence that has no temper at all!

While surprised, they also began to rejoice in their hearts, secretly saying that fortunately they did not choose to make things difficult for each other just now, they just did things according to the procedure, otherwise, it is very likely that even the sea **** would not know what would happen when the other party was provoked Terrible thing, right?




The three Neptune brothers did not answer why the third among them had such a strange name, but just reluctantly and tried to show a dry smile, and then patiently waited for the little girl's reply.



"Dragon Palace City? Is that the one in the sky over there?"


Originally, Annie was a little disgusted, but when she heard the other party said that she was going to invite her as a guest, she thought that there would definitely be a lot of delicious food by then, and after thinking about it, she directly reached out to the huge and located in the The one on the top of the fish-man island that can shine in the sun is made of large coral reefs, shells, and other building materials. At the same time, there is a large luxury palace with a giant dragon entrenched on it.

"Yes sir!"

"It's there, that's the palace of our Fishman Island royal family."

"And our father, King Neptune, and the ministers are waiting for you there!"

The Prince Shark continued to speak in a kind of gentle words that did not match his strong and muscular appearance. At the same time, his attitude is also relatively low, and even a little flattering?

In fact, in normal times, although he is also gentle and elegant, but this is not the case.

However, the mission this time is very important, and the person they want to invite now is a big man who can completely abuse the three generals, and has repeatedly attacked the world government and the navy, and also left the navy helpless. Therefore, it must be It's worth his treatment.





"Let's go, then let's go! It seems that people's stomachs are already a little hungry!"


Saying that, Annie couldn't wait to run towards the other party's bubble spaceship that was pulled by a sea monster.

She had already seen that beautiful big house and palace just now, but now, since the three strange guys in front of her have sincerely invited her, then perhaps Her Lady Queen Anne reluctantly agrees, so she can not investigate the other party just now. Guilty of calling her that rudely?




"Hey! Wait for us!"

"And I!!"

"Her Majesty, wait! We want to go too!"

"I-I want too!"

Seeing the captain of their own family, and seeing that the Queen, who was followed by them and others, was invited by the royal family here, Dibalu and the others were shocked, and then they felt that it must be a good thing. At the same time, they could increase their knowledge. Hastily shouted and chased after him.


"Come on, Kemi!"

"We have to go and have a look, otherwise she might cause some trouble!"


"You guys are optimistic about the boat here, don't run around!"

As a last resort, Xiao Ba had to give up the matter of continuing to go through the customs clearance procedures, and instead asked the crew members who did not have time to get off the ship, and then picked up Kemi and chased after him.

Of course, does he really want to go to the large luxury palace that is located on the top floor of the fish-man island that can see the sun, and is built with large coral reefs, shells and other precious building materials to experience and meet The thoughts of the world, I am afraid that only he himself knows.



"That human child, she looks weak, is she really the terrifying bear child in the legend?"

"Can she really protect our Fishman Island?"

Seeing that the bear child can't wait to bring a group of rabble to the bubble spaceship of 'Dragon Palace City' and others, and it seems that there is no 'master demeanor' at all, the second prince of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island, Neptune The second eldest of the three brothers, the second prince of the king star of the merman with the merman, asked their elder brother with some doubts.

"Yes, brother, I always feel that she is a little unreliable!"

"Just a kid!"

And the fat, pretty-looking guy who had just been laughed at by Annie's name, was standing aside, the third prince of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island, the third brother of the three Neptune brothers, the moonfish mermaid, and the car overturned. The third prince of the star also agreed with some doubts.


"I do not know either."

"But, after all, that is the decision made by the ministers and fathers and kings. We just need to act according to the order."


"You all know that prophecy yourself, and now it's almost certain that Whitebeard is no longer available. We Fishman Island must plan ahead."

Thinking of the terrible prophecy of Charlie, the owner of the Mermaid Cafe, thinking about the current situation of Whitebeard, and thinking of the terrible problems that Fishman Island will face once the news of Whitebeard's death spreads, the Prince of Shark Star is somewhat He sighed anxiously.

Back then, if it hadn't been for Edward Newgate, one of the 'Four Emperors', the Whitebeard, to declare that Fishman Island would be taken as a territory and to deter the Quartet, so that the navy and pirates would not dare to continue to invade, they are located in the red soil. Just below the mainland holy land, and another important route to the new world, Fishman Island, I am afraid it will never be as calm as it is now.

However, this calm will not last long now.

Once Whitebeard dies, once the Whitebeard Pirates do not have a strong leader and eventually fall Those navies or pirates who pass by here will definitely make waves again and start to attack the island's pirates. There is no doubt that the murlocs and the mermaids will carry out large-scale abductions and looting!

"Let's go!"

"Things are always left to the father and the ministers to decide, we just need to carry out the orders."

Seeing that the bear children and others in front of them could not wait to board the cruise ship Ryugujing and wave to them from above, the Shark Star Prince of Fishman Island did not want to delay any longer, and then waved his hand directly to signal his own The two younger brothers and the Nautilus guards hurry up.


Under the frustrating gazes of the members of the Flying Fish Knights who were left behind on the Fishman Island Ryugu Kingdom border inspectors waved goodbye, the 'Dragon Palace' bubble spaceship flew faster and faster, and disappeared in a short time. In the misty sunlight in the distance, he disappeared above the magical clouds at the top of Fishman Island.


?(*?)??Ask for a monthly pass?


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