Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1670: ?(*?)? Bear Child and Fishman Island (2)

The Goya Kingdom is a country far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, like a 'spotless' mirror. It is known as the most beautiful in the East China Sea, and at the same time it perfectly excludes unnecessary things and does not participate in world hegemony and politics. It can be called a country. The most successful example of a 'segregated society' in the world!

After the War on the Top was over, Garp returned to his hometown, Windmill Village, and returned to the Goya Kingdom for a vacation, and spent a long time enjoying himself.

Until a guy who was very unsightly and annoying to him, the one with frog glasses, a long beard tied in an ugly twist on his chin, and a cape with a winged seagull on his head. The warring states marshal of the navy hat came to the door in person.


"Warring States, are you here?"


"I'm coming……"

"sit down?"

"What would you like to drink? But let me state first, I only have tea here, snacks or something, which I have just eaten."

Looking at the person who came, and the supreme commander of the navy, Monkey D. Karp grinned, and in the end, he greeted him with a stern face and invited him to sit down.


"No, I'll just stand. The scenery here is pretty good."

"Let me consider?"

First, he took a deep look at Garp, and finally, the Warring States Marshal didn't say anything, just took two steps forward with his hands behind his back, stood in front of Garp's seat and looked ahead, looking at the beautiful island in front of him. , the rotating windmills and the distant ocean scenery sighed slightly.



"It's up to you!"

There is no need for the other party to point out that Garp also knows that the scenery here is good. After all, this is the windmill village of the Goa Kingdom, where Luffy and Ace grew up. The scenery, of course, is better than the average city or that still The tattered Marin Fando is much stronger.


"The air is good, you're so laid back, Karp..."

After watching the scenery for a while, breathing the fresh air from nature, and standing for a while in this place without industry and far from the hustle and bustle of the world, Warring States was a little dazed, and bluntly envied Karp's current life.

"I think……"

"It must be very comfortable to be on vacation in a place like this, right?"

"I'm starting to feel a little jealous of you!"

Naturally, whether the jealousy that Warring States said was real jealousy or just polite words, I am afraid that only he himself knew.

"Jealousy is useless!"

"You personally approved this, and I'm semi-retired!"

"Now I'm just a bad old man who teaches new soldiers, and I won't be bothered by so many things like before!"

"Also, I still have a long vacation before I officially go to the recruit camp to take office."

Karp said proudly.

In fact, not only before taking office, but even after taking office, he can work for three days and take four days off, and the salary and benefits are still the same as before, and the pension after retirement can also increase a lot according to his resume. , the small days in the future will definitely be very nourishing. It is very different from the ordinary people's life like a slave in 1997. After retirement, they may not even have a pension!

"Don't be jealous, jealousy is useless!"

"I deserve it."

For a period of time after the end of the top war, Karp has repeatedly proposed to completely resign the position of lieutenant general. After all, his son is the leader of the revolutionary army, and his two grandsons are the great pirates and important participants in the top war. He really has no face to continue to stay in the Navy.

But unfortunately, his resignation was not approved, and the Warring States Marshal in front of him tried his best to keep him at that time, and he refused to sign his resignation report.

In the end, there was no way, Karp thought about it, and felt that those people might not trust him, and he was even more afraid that he would completely fall in favor of his grandson or son, so in the end, he did not insist too much, but agreed with the Navy Headquarters. Another suggestion that he made was to keep the rank of lieutenant general and transfer to the navy's recruit battalion as a recruit coach, responsible for training the new generation of the navy.


"But I will soon be able to live such a comfortable life as you. Maybe we can play chess and drink tea together in the future?"


"Why? You quit being a marshal?"


"I resigned last week. Although I haven't approved it now, I'm already going through the process. It's an empty approval."

Nodding, Sengoku said so.


"So it's empty?"

Karp snorted and frowned slightly, but didn't say anything in the end.

Of course he knew who 'Kong' was. That guy was called 'Steel Bone'. He was the former Marshal of the Navy Headquarters before the Warring States Period, and the current Commander-in-Chief of the World Government. The general commander of the forces, scientific forces and intelligence agencies.

"and then?"

"If you don't want to be a naval marshal, what are you going to do in the future, just retire?"

Karp continued to ask strangely.


"I think so, but the Sora guy probably won't allow it."

Shaking his head and continuing to look at the scenery in the distance, Sengoku didn't care what Garp's expression was behind him, he just continued to say:

"Although I explained that the navy does not need outdated leaders, after all, you know that in the war, the losses of our navy are too great, and the world government has been hit hard. It always needs one person to take the blame. There really is no one more suitable than me."

"In the end, Sora accepted my resignation, but still tried his best to keep me, so, like you, I ended up staying in the navy and in charge of training new recruits."

"I think that's ironic!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at Karp, seeing that there was no special expression on Karp's face, not the kind of schadenfreude he imagined, he couldn't help but be taken aback, but in the end he didn't say much, instead He walked back with a relaxed face, and sat down on the empty chair beside Garp.

"Is that so?"

"Then what position are you in now?"

Picking up the hot tea in the cup and taking a sip, Karp turned his head and asked quietly.

"I don't know yet..."

"However, I think it should be the Chief Inspector of the Navy Headquarters?"

"The kind of recruits."

Sengoku, who took off the seagull's hat and exposed his explosive hair, said so.

"Great Inspector?"


"You are a marshal after all. Even if you step back from the blame, you always need to arrange a suitable position."

Smacking his lips, Garp gently put down the tea in his hand, a little undecided. After all, he never thought that his lieutenant general would be able to compare with the other side's marshal. Even if the other side is the culprit, the nature is definitely no more serious than his family. Lieutenant will be serious!

To tell the truth, in Garp's opinion, if it weren't for his ability to make up the contract, if his achievements were decent, he might have been thrown into the city by the Navy for a name.


"Come to me today, what's the matter?"

After chatting and chatting, Karp didn't plan to wait for the other party to ask, and asked directly.

"It's nothing, I just wanted to see you."


"of course it's true!"


Garp stopped talking, just squinted at Sengoku who was sitting next to him, obviously not willing to believe it.

"Am I lying to you?"

"Now that most of my power has been handed over, my admiral is inappropriate, what else can I have bad intentions?"

Sengoku was a little dumbfounded, not knowing how to say Karp.

"It's true!"

"But you're not a marshal, who will be?"

"Blue pheasant!"

"I recommended Kuzan to Sora to be my marshal."

"Blue pheasant?"


"He's not dead yet?"

"Cough cough..."

Sengoku, who was drinking tea, almost choked, and then he turned his head in dissatisfaction and gave Karp a blank look before continuing.

"He suffered a lot of injuries, but it's not a big problem, but the yellow monkey hasn't been found yet, and I don't know what happened to that guy."

"Is that so?"

"Don't worry, we'll find it."

"I didn't say don't worry, I just think..."

"What do you think?"

"I think it's better not to look for him, he might be dead!"

Karp said with a sudden grin of schadenfreude.

Of course, Garp is not sure whether he will die or not, but in his opinion, even if Kizaru is not dead, after being beaten twice by the bear child, he is afraid that he will not show up in a short time.

When he thinks about it, the shadow area under the guy's heart must be very large, maybe he has that kind of bear child phobia syndrome, even if he comes back, it is almost useless, and it is not very useful.


Warring States didn't talk to him, he just raised his teacup and took a sip. After a while of silence, he suddenly asked:

"Kapp, your son has been very active recently, and the world government is a little bit overwhelmed."

"To this..."

"What do you think?"

Sengoku put down the teacup, then crossed his hands and fingers, and asked Erlang's legs casually.


"I don't know, don't ask me!"

"Although that guy is indeed my own son, apart from giving birth to him and giving him my blood relationship, I can't control anything about him, just like I can't control my two Like a grandson!"

Seeing Sengoku mentioning the dragon, Garp's face instantly turned ugly.

You know, he is most disgusted by people mentioning the blood relationship between his son or grandson. He Karp is not the kind of evil feudal parent, and he never thinks that being an old man must intervene. Son's or grandson's behavior, what's his business?

"You still suspect that I have contact with him?"


"Then you can just dismiss me. It just so happens that I can stay here every day in the future."

Then, Garp said in that aggressive tone as if he broke the jar and smashed it.


"Then, it seems that you really don't know the situation of your grandson Luffy."

Nodding and shaking his head, Sengoku didn't care about Karp's angry words just now, just looked at the distance and said faintly.


"You mean Luffy?"

"Didn't he go to the new world?"

Garp really doesn't know about Luffy. After all, he is the lieutenant general of the navy, and Luffy is one of the culprits who made trouble with Marin Vadod and caused heavy damage to the navy. He must avoid suspicion when it comes to Luffy. It's impossible. Every day I stare at Luffy's information, and when I get it, I will be criticized again.

"His ship, the Sonny, went to Fishman Island, but his men didn't go!"

"The ship went, but the people didn't?"




"The bear boy arrived at Fishman Island in his Sonny, and that's the latest news from the Navy's intelligence officers."

"It is said that there are only Bear Boys and the Flying Fish Knights who were active in the Chambord Islands."

"By the way, did you read the newspaper a while ago?"

"Of course I did!"

"You mean the flying fish carrier Sonny battled the combined naval fleet, and then won a big victory?"

"That thing has already gone crazy!"

Kap said as a matter of course.

"However, Luffy didn't go to the New World, that's impossible, right?"

"He dreamed of being the Pirate King, how could he not be on the boat?"

Garp knows that the dream of his little Luffy guy from Monkey's family is to find the legendary OnePiece and become the Pirate King, so it is impossible for the other party not to go to the new world.

"Not really!"

"The specific reason, our navy still doesn't know, but..."

"It is already certain that Straw Hat Luffy and the Straw Hat gang are not on the boat. We only heard that he is currently on the Nine Snake Island with the pirate queen Xia Shichibu Hai Bo Ya Hancock. As for whether it is true or not, it is impossible to determine, after all, that island is too exclusive, and our people can't get in at all."

In fact, let alone getting mixed up, the battleship could not even approach within three nautical miles.

That daughter country has an agreement with the navy and the world government. The navy's ships can't approach the island for three nautical miles. Even if you want to sneak in with a small boat, it is impossible. After all, the sea area is full of sea king-class sea beasts. People with the strength below the lieutenant general did not wait to get close, but they were afraid that their lives would be lost.

"Pirate Queen Hancock?"


"I remembered, is it her?"


"That girl is pretty good, her identity and appearance are excellent, although she is a little older, but she is a little older. As the so-called female junior holds gold bricks, it's a big deal to hold her two or three more, which is just right. You can take care of that guy."


"That guy Luffy is only seventeen now, is he a little too young?"

"never mind!"

"Let's be smaller. After all, pirates are a high-risk occupation. It's better to get married and have children earlier."


"I don't know if they will invite me, the old man, when they have a wedding?"

"whispering sound……"

"It seems that we still have to think of a way to resign from the Navy's post and rank as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise, not only will my son not be able to see each other in the future, but even my grandson, grandson-in-law and great-grandson will not be able to see each other..."

After listening to Sengoku's words, Garp began to fantasize about his beard.

Even in front of Garp, he whispered about the real idea of ​​getting out of the Navy early and cutting ties with the Navy early.



"You old guy..."

So, of course, the Warring States Marshal on the side was instantly darkened, and he was so angry that he couldn't utter a word for a long time by the **** words said by his old friend and old subordinate Garp.

And while Sengoku and Garp are meeting and chatting in the windmill village...

Under the ocean depths of 10,000 meters, in the Red Earth Continent, at the depth of the ocean trench 10,000 meters below the Holy Land Mary Joa, on the Fishman Island, the only place to reach the new world, the bear child Annie and her men The crew who helped the crooked melons and jujubes have arrived safely in the large luxury palace built with large coral reefs, shells, and other building materials, as well as a giant dragon, and successfully met the mermaid king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island.

At this time, the father of the three Neptune brothers had a sturdy physique, with thick fluffy orange-red hair and beards, flaming tattoos on his arms, and thick body hair on his body. The 'Poseidon Neptune' and the 'Great Knight of the Sea' with a finely carved trident weapon are sitting high on the throne and majestically overlooking the approaching Annie and her party.

On both sides of the palace under the Neptune Throne, stood a row of ministers and generals of the Dragon Palace Kingdom and the brave Nautilus guards that Anne had seen before.


"I saw."


"Is that what the newspaper said, the big defeat of the three admirals of the Navy, the forcible invasion of the advance city, and the bear child Anne Hastur who participated in the war on the top?"

After his three sons brought the guests to the merged column, looking at the little girl looking left and right in the center of the palace, Nipton pondered for a while, and then asked tentatively.



However, Annie directly confronted her face-to-face rudely.


Seeing the little girl say that, and then looking at the familiar face of the other party, which is exactly the same as the photo in the newspaper, King Neptune was choked up in an instant, and he even forgot what he was about to say. clean.

"Uncle, tell you!"


"People are not a bear child, people are actually the moster the moster and the most first-andner and then the moster The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most powerful, the most powerful Arcane Archmage!"


After speaking, looking at the dumbfounded faces present, Annie playfully gave them a cute face.


For a long time, King Neptune didn't say a word, because he had forgotten all the lines he had prepared before, and he didn't know what to say.



"Cough cough..."


"The banquet is ready, this bear... the most, most, most, most, most, most, most powerful little guest of the Arcane Archmage, let's go to the banquet hall and talk while eating?"

He pretended to cough, and then King Neptune slowly stood up from the throne, motioning Annie and everyone to move the place, and if there is anything they can go to eat before talking.



"Can I go straight to dinner?"


"That's great, Shu Mi, people are very optimistic about you!!"

*. (ˊωˋ*)*. ~

Seeing that the sturdy fish-man king uncle in front of him was so neat and tidy, he was going to treat himself to a big meal after a few words. Of course, Annie would not refuse, and cheered on the spot.

You know, before she came, she thought that the other party would be like some annoying guy, like those weird uncles who like to hold meetings, and then talk like a red ear and a thick neck and dry mouth. It will stop after the saliva and saliva are flying!




Seeing the king's performance, the ministers and generals of the Ryugu Kingdom and the three mermaid princes who were present couldn't help but look at each Although they wanted to say something, they saw the bear child and some outsiders there. , they just looked at each other in the end, then followed behind the king tacitly, and guided the bear boy and his party to the banquet hall of the palace.



"Xiao Ba, what is the king trying to do?"

"do not know!"

"do not know?"

"Yes, let's just follow..."



Ask for a monthly pass ヾ(^▽^*)))

↓More exciting, please pay attention to what the author said in the ㊣ version↓


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