Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1671: ?(*?)? Bear Child and Fishman Island (4)



"Is there a shortcut over there?"


Annie was originally following the crowd in front, followed by the mermaid king and a group of ministers and guards, walking towards the banquet hall of Dragon Palace City, but when she saw a huge murloc pushing a huge dining cart halfway through After passing by, her feet could not help slowing down and gradually landed at the back of the line.

Because, she saw that there seemed to be a lot of delicious food on the dining cart pushed by the big fish man, and it also exuded a tempting smell that was very different from the food on land?

"All right!"

( )

"It must be!"



Thinking that the murloc was going to return the food to the banquet hall, thinking that there must be Annie who was a shortcut, first looked at the guys in front, and then looked at the murloc pushing the dining cart towards the other side, she thought Thinking, she was not going to miss some kind of fancy food on the dining car, so she turned around and followed.

Before long, Annie followed the other party to a huge tower made of hard shells, and took advantage of the opportunity of the murloc guard to open the door to carry food and walked in carelessly.

But the murloc only focused on putting food in and hurriedly closing the door to leave, never seeing her who was relatively small in size.



Soon, the gate of this strange palace was hastily closed by the murloc guard.



Immediately afterwards, even though it was a dimly lit environment, Annie could see it too: here, it doesn't seem to be a short cut as she thought it was, nor a banquet hall, but just the boudoir of a giant mermaid sister?

Yes, she saw that there was a very large mermaid lying on the big bed in the huge room not far away. The other person was much bigger than Kemi who Annie knew, and she was the only one who saw him. To roughly estimate the appearance of lying on that big bed, it may be at least ten meters above?



Then Annie began to look at the room.

Much of the room was submerged in water, and there was a lot of furniture around, except for the huge scalloped bed with long drapery, bedside table and two bedside lamps, and intricately carved chandeliers. Beautiful decorations such as seat vanity mirror.



"Looks like we've gone to the wrong place!"

ε=(ο`*))) alas

Right now, seeing that there is only a sleeping young lady and the dim environment, Annie knows without being reminded that she must have come to the wrong place, and this is not the place she imagined to receive guests.


(● ̄() ̄●)

(Tibbers said that Uncle Xiong did not go wrong, it was some nasty little master who insisted that he kept him and advised him to bring him here, so he would definitely disagree with that 'we' or something. .)

"never mind!"


"Anyway, she's here, and she wants to eat wherever she is, and she hasn't woken up yet, so let's reluctantly eat a big meal first!"


Looking at the huge lady mermaid who was still sleeping on the bed, and looking at the delicious food on the table that was relatively heavy and sure enough to fill her with a full meal, Annie said: Without even thinking about it, he jumped onto the table without seeing the outside world at all.

"People are going to start!"



( ̄~ ̄) Chew!





Then, Annie, who felt that the food seemed to suit her own taste, did not consider herself an outsider at all, and sat carelessly among the hills of food that might have been eaten for the giant lady fish who was still sleeping. I ate it up.


(● ̄() ̄●)

After a few minutes.



When a certain bad boy was eating happily and didn't mind that the food wasn't for her at all, suddenly...

Whoosh whoosh~!



At this time, there was a sound of breaking air when heavy objects cut through the water and air, and then...

Bang! !

The heavy object slammed into the thick gate of the palace with a muffled sound, and was directly embedded on it.



Annie was a little puzzled.



However, since the broken axe has no deterrent effect, and the target doesn't seem to be her, and she is busy eating now, she just ignores the little things and continues to eat on her own. .



At this time, the sound of pulling the switch sounded first.

Then, it seemed that the previous giant mermaid sister who was sleeping on the bed was awakened by the movement outside the door, so she took the switch of the crystal chandelier as a matter of course, making this huge room instantly bright.


Then, with the brilliance, the mermaid who was lying on the huge scallop bed slowly sat up, rubbed his eyes and looked at his Fang.




Of course she exclaimed.

Because, she saw at a glance that she was sitting on her table and eating with big mouthfuls, and her body seemed to be only over one meter, only about one-tenth of her length. little girl.



"Hey~! How are you, big sister mermaid, do you want to come over to eat together?"


When she found out that the other party was awake, Annie directly invited her without noticing at all.

At this point, she seemed to have completely forgotten the fact that the other party was actually the owner of the place, and she was just an uninvited, uninvited guest who broke in and ate other people's things without being ashamed at all.


Hearing Annie's words, seeing Annie's mouth and hands full of greasy cuteness, the giant mermaid lady who was about to exclaim again couldn't help covering her mouth subconsciously.

"You are……"

After a long time, she gradually calmed down, and she asked in surprise and caution after finding that there was no threat from Annie.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"The Lun family is... a guest of the Tireds. It was the red-nosed mermaid king outside who invited them to be a guest here!"


As she spoke, Annie's hands kept moving. As soon as she reached out, she lifted up a piece of sea beast meat about the size of her body and opened her mouth to take a bite.

"Is that so?"

Listening to Annie's words, the giant mermaid couldn't help but relax even more.


"Even if you're a guest, why are you here?"

Finally, the one with a huge body, maybe 11 or 2 meters tall, has flowing pink long curly hair, wearing taiyaki-shaped hair accessories on his head, and a pair of shell-shaped earrings. With beautiful blue eyes, a beautiful face, a plump upper circumference, and the lower half of her body is a pink fishtail in shades of light, she got off the huge scallop bed and slowly shook it towards Annie.

"It's very simple. When people saw someone pushing you these foods, they thought they were going to the banquet hall, and then they followed."


Then, after coming over, Annie realized that this was not the place she subconsciously thought, but she definitely wouldn't take that kind of trivial matter to heart.



"Sister Mermaid, you definitely don't mind people eating your food, do you?"



"Dang, of course I don't mind!"

"Please eat whatever you want!"

After taking the entrance exam and looking at it for a while, the mermaid finally let go of her vigilance completely, and said with a smile and a wave of her hand.

It can be seen that she seems to be very rude to Annie, a little human, so she leaned on the table and stared at Annie with her huge blue eyes. Never seen a creature like Anne.



"Then people are welcome!"


Although Annie never knew what politeness was, anyway, since the master had agreed, she could be more reckless.



"It's called Annie, big sister, what's your name?"


"White Star!"

"My name is Bai Xing!"

"It's the mermaid princess Shirahoshi of the Ryugu Kingdom!"

Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi introduced herself excitedly.

"Then Annie!"

"Are we friends now?"

I don't know why, Bai Xing always felt that the little girl in front of her was very lovable, so she asked nervously when she wanted to make friends with him.

After all, her friends have always been very few, or even none at all. Now that she has finally come to such a villain who can talk to her, let alone how precious she is.

"Even if it is?"


She pouted, Annie didn't care, she just continued to eat with big gulps, and she didn't want to ask the other party if they wanted to be later.


"Annie, where are you from?"


"Why do I think you are different from ordinary people?"

The fish princess Shirahoshi didn't care about Annie's behavior, just continued to lie on the table and asked curiously.



"Where is it different?"



"You have no tail, no gills, and no fins..."

"You are different from everyone else!"

Leaning forward and swept up and down Annie with that huge face again, Princess White Star said with certainty.



"Of course they don't have those messy things, they came from outside, they're a human being!"


"It's not a murloc or a mermaid like you, of course there is no such mess as you said!"



"Are you human?"

"Are you really human?"

"You... are you really from outside?!!"

Princess Bai Xing was very surprised and immediately exclaimed.




"Have you...have you ever seen the sun, flowers, animals, and other things on land?"

"What do they look like?!"

Bai Xing asked again impatiently.



"Of course I've seen it, those things are normal, right?"


Involuntarily, Annie frowned, not knowing what the other party asked about the ordinary things.

"I've seen too many things. Those flowers and plants are already tired of seeing them, so what's so rare?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

You know, Annie has been swaying between various planes and universes. Whether it is outside the universe or inside the planet, she has seen a lot of things, such as stars, flowers and animals on land. , Just don't be too ordinary, she usually doesn't take a look at it at all.

Of course, if there were plants and animals that could be eaten and eaten, she would reluctantly take a few more glances.



"Shouldn't it be..."


"You've never seen those things?!"

( ̄mouth ̄)!!

Annie finally got the point and realized the real reason why the other party asked those words.

In this regard, she felt a little incredible. You must know that even the little mermaid, Kemi, went to the shore for several laps, and the mermaid princess in front of her was even rare in those things?

Even if the other party can't go ashore, it shouldn't be difficult for other murlocs to bring back some flowers, plants and animals, right?



She opened her mouth, but in the end, the mermaid princess Bai Xing couldn't say anything. She just bit her lip and lowered her head silently. At the same time, her bright blue eyes began to fill with sparkling water. .



Scratching her head, Annie didn't speak in a hurry, just put down the food in her hand and waited for the other party's answer.


"I've been locked up here since I was a child..."

It took a long time for Bai Xing to say such a sentence in that very small and aggrieved voice.



"Why? But, aren't you the princess of this Dragon Palace Kingdom?"


Annie is a little strange, not knowing that the other party is obviously a princess, but she will be locked in this place like a prisoner.

"It's the princess..."

Bai Xing's expression still looks very aggrieved, and it is still the kind that will cry at any time.

"Then why are you locked up here?"



Looking at Annie's serious appearance, Bai Xing finally had to tell what happened to her.

It turned out that ten years ago, White Star's mother was assassinated when she was collecting signatures from the islanders in Geelongcord Plaza. The hand of the target fruit's ability touched Shirahoshi, and since then, Shirahoshi has become a sniper target of the opponent's fruit ability.

At the beginning, the guy named 'Banta Deken IX' just threw the letter of marriage proposal at Shirahoshi, which made her feel very strange and troubled.


The other party intensified in a threatening way, and continued to threaten her with various terrifying weapons, so that her father, King Neptune, had to order to hunt down the guy, and she had to stay in order to avoid the sniper. In this hard-shell tower, and stay for a full ten years.

In the meantime, she couldn't even attend her mother's funeral, and she didn't usually have any friends to come to see her. It took no more than five minutes for the soldiers to deliver meals or the ministers to see her for business, and that's why the guard just finished delivering the food. The main reason for leaving in a hurry.



"That is to say, the axe that flew outside just now came at you?!"


In addition to being surprised, Annie remembered that an axe had just come flying and startled her!


When she came in, she seemed to see that there were indeed many strange weapons nailed to the door of this house. At first, she thought it was the decorations of these fish people!


The mermaid princess Shirahoshi lowered her head in frustration.

"So this is ah……"

( )

"bring it on!"


"People are taking you outside now, to the banquet hall to eat with everyone!"


Knowing the reason, Annie stood up directly and jumped off the table, greeting and preparing to take the poor mermaid princess in front of her for a walk outside.


"No, no, no!"

"I can't go out..."


Although there was a little bit of excitement in his heart, Bai Xing shook his head and rejected Annie's kindness because she was no longer a child and didn't want to cause trouble to others because of herself.


So, thinking about it, the tears in the eyes of the mermaid princess Bai Xing became more obvious, and she was about to cry.

"People say it can be done!"


After speaking, Annie stretched out her hand and pulled the other's fish tail out.


"Ann, Anne? You, how can you be so strong?!"

After struggling for a while, he found that he was completely unable to open, and Bai Xing, who could only let the other party pull him out, couldn't help but exclaimed a little strangely and asked.

"of course!"


"Tell you, people are the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, most powerful Arcane Archmage!"


In this regard, Annie expressed very proud, because she is so powerful, whether it is power or magic, she is the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most powerful, the one who can do whatever they want!




"No way!"

"Annie, let me go..."

"Let go!!"

Even though she said that, Bai Xing still started arguing and begging, but unfortunately it was useless, because where would some bad boy take her opinion into consideration?


Soon, the two noisily arrived at the banquet hall, and successfully frightened all the people present in the Dragon Palace Kingdom of Fishman Island.


"Bai, Bai Xing?!"


"How did you get out?"

While everyone was still stunned, King Neptune, the guy wearing a crown, bigger than the average mermaid, with thick fluffy orange-red hair and beard, was the first to react and rushed over in fear. shouted reproach.

Of course he didn't want to keep his daughter locked up, but when he thought that a terrifying weapon would fly from somewhere at any time, he wanted to immediately lock the other party into that hard-shell tower for protection.

"It's Annie she..."

Whoosh whoosh~!

However, at this moment, before Bai Xing's words were finished, a huge, sharp axe flew in from outside the palace with a whirl and slashed directly at the chest of the people who were talking.

"not good!"


"Quickly protect Her Royal Highness!!"


"Stop that axe!!"

"White Star!!"

Upon seeing this, a group of kings, princes, ministers and guards of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island exclaimed in surprise and wanted to rush to Princess White Star's side. However, the incident happened suddenly, and even King Neptune could only watch Watching the axe slashed towards his daughter's chest, how could those of them have time?





At this moment, Annie jumped up suddenly, and as soon as she stretched out her hand, she easily took down the huge axe that was fierce, cunning, and extremely fast.



"Catch, catch?!"

"Yes, she, she caught..."


"That's great, it's really worthy of being a bear child..."

"It's so messy..."


Seeing that the deadly axe was caught by the bear child, the senior officials of the Dragon Palace Kingdom of Fishman Island and the guards who were present couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.



Although Annie wanted to argue that she wasn't a bear child, she felt that she was not at that time, so she didn't speak in a hurry, she just waved her hand vigorously, and the huge axe was sent to the air by her. The direction was thrown back fiercely. "It's done!"


"Let's go!"


"Miss Bai Xing, let's continue to eat, don't worry, no one can hurt you when someone is here!"



"Really, is it really possible?"

Seeing Annie's behavior just now, Bai Xing's heart was also a little moved.

"People say it can be done!"



"Father, father?"

No way, Shirahoshi, who really wanted to eat with everyone here, had to look weakly at her father and the few brothers who looked at her worriedly.


"If it's a bear child, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

After thinking about it, and combining with the behavior of the bear child just now, King Neptune finally gritted his teeth and nodded reluctantly.

After all, according to legend, the bear children are not even afraid of the three major admirals of the navy, so the weapon thrown by Bantar Daken IX must be able to be blocked as easily as just now, right?


"You must go back immediately after eating!"

However, in the end, King Neptune still warned him.


"That's great, thank you, Father!"

Cheering, the fish princess Shirahoshi rushed towards the banquet table like a child, and sat next to Annie excitedly.

"By the way, Annie, where did you throw that axe just now?"

Then she suddenly remembered and asked with a wink.

"This is..."


"You wouldn't want to know anyway!"


Annie didn't intend to say anything, just made a playful face at Bai Xing.


(● ̄() ̄●)

(Tibbers said it knew, because the nasty little master of his family made some worse guy write to the author.)


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↓For more exciting stories, please see what the author said in the ㊣ version↓


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