Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1672: ?(*?)? Bear Child and Fishman Island (5)

Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi is very happy today!

After all, this is the first time in the ten years since she was threatened and attacked by Van der Deacon IX that she had eaten and talked with so many people in such a public setting without worrying about her own safety, so, sit down She couldn't help but tremble slightly in the position, feeling a little at a loss for this novel experience, so that eating or something became less important.

Then, she didn't eat much, that is, she sat excitedly in her seat watching her father, her brother and ministers, and listened carefully as they began to follow the little boy beside her. The girl Annie was talking.


"What, what?"

"Annie, they said just now... you are the most powerful pirate bear child in the world?"

"is that true?"

"You're amazing. I've seen that newspaper before. They said you were terrible!"

Then, of course, after hearing the real identity of Annie from everyone, Bai Xing couldn't help exclaiming, and looked down at the little girl who was sitting on the table and eating delicious food.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

"It's not like the Lun family... what are you kidding me..."


Annie was eating and didn't really want to answer that boring question, but just habitually refuted the nasty 'bear boy' statement again in public.


"It's exactly the same..."

Bai Xing attached his body, leaned down and began to look closely at Annie's appearance, and compared it with the reward notice in her mind and the picture in the newspaper.


"I didn't think it would be you before, but now I look closely, isn't that you?"

The cute little girl with blond hair, blue eyes and red dress, plus the stuffed teddy bear that never leaves her hand, the iconic configuration is exactly the same as the content and pattern she saw in the enlarged newspaper before!

Before, maybe it was because she saw a real person for the first time, and, compared to the enlarged newspaper, Annie's body was still too small, so she didn't pay attention and think about it.

"You turned out to be a bear child!!"

Nodding, Bai Xing finally understood. If Annie was a bear child, it would make sense. No wonder her father and so many ministers invited each other to come here, and she felt assured that she would come out and join everyone in the banquet.

Thinking about it too, with such a powerful guy by her side, she will definitely not have to worry about her safety being threatened for the time being.



Seeing that the other party kept saying that she was a bear child, Annie rudely gave a fish princess a big white eye, and she didn't want to pay attention to the other party anymore.



"Why don't people see you as a bad person?"

After looking at it for a while, Bai Xing thought for a while, and then simply lay down on Annie's huge table, leaned in front of Annie and blinked her huge blue eyes like a curious baby. asked softly.



"People are not bad people!"


Annie waved her greasy little hands angrily, then looked at her, she felt a little indecent, she turned her head and grabbed the little bear she had put aside and wiped it with her hands.




"It was said in the newspaper that you did a lot of bad things..."

Shrinking his neck, Shirahoshi finally said a certain fact in a timid way.

"What's wrong?"


"for example……"

"You hit the Tianlong people, and you also shot one. I heard that the other party has not been found yet, and they have all been considered dead?"

After hesitating for a while, Bai Xing tapped her huge and round chin and said that.

"Dragon people?"


"Those guys are bad!"


"They bullied people casually and shot casually without saying anything, and they also wanted to buy Kemi to be a slave. They were so angry at the time that they beat them so hard. Who knows that they would be so unscrupulous that they would be beaten with a single punch. Was it beaten up by someone?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie didn't think she made a mistake when it came to the Tianlong people, but did the guy who was kicked away by her at first really drowned or was eaten by sharks and sea beasts in the sea or something? She won't feel sorry for anything at all!

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, they're really bad..."

At this time, Bai Xing remembered that it seemed that ten years ago, a dragon man from the Holy Land Mary Joa came to Fishman Island. The other party tried to coerce the residents of the island to help him with a very arrogant attitude. In the end, her mother Yiji kindly went to help the guy, but in the end, the guy not only didn't feel grateful to Yiji, he even prepared to attack with a pistol...

Therefore, it is not a bad thing that Annie beat the Tianlong people and then defeated the Admiral Kizaru and the scientific troops who came to support the Tianlong people.


"Why did you go to attack the advancing city later?"

So, Shirahoshi excitedly asked another thing he saw in the newspaper.




At this time, the banquet hall gradually became quiet.

In addition to those crooked melons and cracked dates under Annie, such as Dibalu and Xiaoba, who are still eating and drinking excitedly, the people around, such as King Neptune, the ministers of the left and right, and the three princes of Neptune are also eating and drinking excitedly. They didn't even bother to eat, they just listened and silently watched the conversation between Bai Xing and a certain bear child.

Because the questions asked by Princess White Star are also of concern to them, and they also very much want to listen to them and learn more about the inside story.

"Promote the city?"


"People didn't really want to go..."


"But that guy Luffy begged people to say that he was going to save his brother, and then, if they were too soft-hearted, they would go with him to help!"



"Who is Luffy?"

Bai Xing blinked and continued to ask,

"A silly monkey with long hands and feet!"


Yes, Luffy looks like a funny monkey in Annie's impression, and is it made of rubber?


"Then did you finally successfully rescue his brother?"

Bai Xing made up a strange picture in his mind, but in the end he continued to explore and ask.

"That's not it!"


"The people in the navy are too cunning. They took that guy to Marin Fando in advance, and they just released a guy named Jinping..."


"Right! That guy seems to be from your Fishman Island too!"


Annie remembered the little thing, when she really asked Magellan to release the big murloc in prison.


"Is it Boss Shiping?!"

Hearing Annie say the name of 'Jinpei', Bai Xing couldn't help covering his mouth and staring at him and exclaimed.

"The navy even arrested Boss Jinping, no wonder..."

"Good fight!"

"Sure enough, they are not good things, Annie, you are doing it right!"

After exclaiming, Bai Xing nodded firmly, and quickly drew the Navy into the ranks of the bad guys.

Even if she hasn't been out for ten years, Bai Xing knows that the navy and some pirates used to come to Fishman Island to catch fishmen and mermaids to be slaves. She has always hated those guys. The eldest Jinbei, who had been in the army of the Ryugu Kingdom and had been protecting Fishman Island since then, was also locked up in the advance city by the navy. Of course, Shirahoshi stood by Annie's side without any hesitation.

"It's probably like that anyway."


"Then there is the matter of Malin Fando. At that time, Luffy's brother was taken there, and he was about to be beheaded by the navy. Then, when people saw that the white beard fell off the chain at a critical moment, it was not useful, so they helped him. To help them!"


Without waiting for Bai Xing to continue to ask, Annie directly told what the other party might ask next, and the rest of the beating Qiwuhai and the three generals was something that everyone knew.

"Good help!"

"Annie, you did the right thing!"

"I'm with you!"

At this time, Bai Xing had completely turned to the side of the bear boy, and began to hold a very strong hostility to the navy. At the same time, for the first time, he felt that the things that were said in the newspapers were playing with words and confounding black and white and the truth. Not worthy of full confidence?

"The white-bearded grandpa is also a good man, those navy, you should beat them!!"

Even if he was locked in a hard-shell tower and was not allowed to go out for ten years, Shirahoshi knew very well that since entering the 'age of pirates', the fishman island that could avoid the navy and the Holy Land Mariejoa would naturally change. It has become an impossible zone. A large number of pirates who went to the New World came here and took the opportunity to make trouble. Many murlocs and mermen were captured by outsiders and sold into slaves, and they have not been able to return so far.

At that time, when Fishman Island was in despair, it was Edward Newgate the Whitebeard who took action and rescued them, and publicly said that Fishman Island was his domain, and since then, no one has No matter how dare they attack Fishman Island without permission, at least they don't dare to take it openly, so that they finally regained a rare peace here.

Therefore, Shirahoshi, like other murlocs and mermen, has always been grateful to Whitebeard.

Of course, the same is true for Boss Jinping. After all, when the other party was the king of Qiwuhai, he always worked hard to protect and bless Fishman Island.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Annie didn't care what the other party thought, just eating her own food.


"Annie, you must have seen the sun, right?"

"Do the stars really rise to the sky at night?"


"Is there a lot of flowers, trees and weird animals covered in hair on the land on the sea?"


"Is there really such a kind of forest and grassland in the world that are all green?"

"And there's..."

"People on land like hot food, don't they?"

"I heard that there is another kind of scary place called desert, which is all sand, without any drop of water or plants, right?"

"What does it look like?"

After confirming that Annie is not a bad person, and that the bear child is a good person, but the world government and the navy are bad people, Bai Xing completely let down his guard, and then asked her what she wanted to know and what she wanted to ask one after another. Everything was asked out of the blue.

Of course, those were just a few of the questions she wanted to ask, and she had many more questions!



"Here! Here it is, you'd better take it and see for yourself!"


Annie grew impatient.

So, not wanting to explain the naive question like a hundred thousand whys to the other party in person, she reached into her pocket and took out a universal tool and put it directly on the other party's finger, and then The intelligent voice operation mode is also thoughtfully set.

That is a universal tool, from the world of Mass Effect, it is a handheld universal device that integrates a microcomputer, an analysis and detection kit, and a small processing maker. Its main purpose is to analyze and adjust most standard equipment and production modules from a distance. Craft common, reusable industrial plastics, ceramics and light alloys into ammunition and certain tools, as well as repair and modify most standard props and more.

Of course, playing 3D holograms and answering questions from elementary school students like Bai Xing would definitely not have any difficulty, and even if that thing directly trains the opponent into a mermaid, the most knowledgeable engineer in the world, there is no difficulty!


"this is……"

"How to use it?"

Looking at the ring-like gadget on his finger, Bai Xing was a little confused, wondering what Annie meant by giving her this thing suddenly.

"If you want to know what you want, ask it yourself. Now it's an intelligent voice mode, and its IQ is definitely much higher than you mermaids."

'ο'*))) alas

Seeing that the other party was successfully attracted by the ring, Annie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Ask it?"

"Is it really possible?"

Bai Xing sat up suspiciously, no longer leaning in front of Annie, but looked at the device on her finger curiously and asked this question softly:


"What is the sun?"

‘Beep~! ’

Following Bai Xing's inquiry, the instrument soon changed, and then a huge star holographic image was formed in front of Bai Xing, and the voice explanation followed.

'Sun! ’

‘The sun is a star at the center of the star system, almost an ideal sphere of hot plasma intertwined with magnetic fields, using nuclear fusion to release light and heat into space. ’

"Under normal circumstances, the diameter of the sun is about one million kilometers, and there are larger or smaller..."


Soon, Bai Xing's eyes widened, and he was stunned by the explanation of the holographic image, which was full of pictures and texts, but it sounded like a book from heaven.

As a result, she completely ignored a bad little girl beside her, and just held her hand in her hands and listened intently and in surprise.



At this time, seeing that it was already late, and seeing that Princess White Star finally stopped pestering the bear child to ask random questions, the left and right ministers of Fishman Island could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and began to frequently ask their king Ni King Puton winked.


For a long time, maybe it was because I knew it couldn't be delayed, maybe because I saw that the bear child seemed to be easy to contact?

Finally, King Neptune of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island, who wears a crown, is stronger than the average mermaid, has thick fluffy orange-red hair and beard, has flaming tattoos on his arms, and has a long body at the same time. The huge murloc with thick body hair staggered up from his position and looked towards a certain bear child.

"Cough cough!"



"That's it, Bear... Your Excellency Anne Hastur, can I ask you one thing from Fishman Island?"

King Neptune kept his attitude very low, not only because of what his ministers on the left and right had explained before, but also because he knew what level the strength of the bear child was!

After all, the other party is a powerful pirate that even the world government, the navy, and the Tianlong people can't do anything about, and their Fishman Island must be unstoppable. It can be basically seen from the fate of the advancing city and the Marine Headquarters. come out.


∑('△')? !

"What's the matter, talk about it?"


Annie was a little wary.

Although, she just ate the big meal provided by the other party, and she was relatively satisfied with it, but if someone came to invite her for a meal and wanted to ask her to do things, then she must be a little uncomfortable. Very happy.

Of course, if you ask for a few more meals, the result may be uncertain.


'?' ●))) Alas


"Can we ask you to stop destroying our fish-man island?"


Looking around, I found that no one but myself could come forward to discuss this matter. There was no other way, so King Neptune had to bite the bullet and said.



"It's good, why are people trying to destroy you?"


Blinking, Annie asked inexplicably.

You must know that even if she is provoked, at most she will kill the culprit and beat her to death. How could she casually destroy an island?

That kind of thing, I am afraid that only her little bear Tibbs can do it. Her Lady Queen Anne has long been disdainful of doing such boring things.



"Is that so?"

"That's great!"

Hearing the promise-like words of the bear child, King Neptune could not help but let out a sigh of relief and secretly cheered.

However, the expression on his face soon became squeamish again, as if he had something to continue talking about.



Annie didn't speak in a hurry, and she didn't eat anymore, but waited for the other party to continue talking.

"All right!"

"there's one more thing!"

"It's like this..."

"We got the exact news. Last night, Whitebeard passed away. I believe this news will spread soon. At that time, we are very worried that Fishman Island will be kidnapped and looted by the navy and pirates... "



"Your Excellency Annie, can you please declare this as your territory and protect us in the name of you and your bear boy pirates?"

Yes, this is the final decision made by King Neptune and his left and right ministers after learning that Whitebeard is about to die, the bear child is coming, and that "prophecy".

And their solution is: all members of the fish-man island fall to the side of the emerging big pirate bear child, so that the fish-man island can get basic shelter in the uncertain situation in the future, and at the same time try to avoid the 'prophecy' come true!

And what happened is the only way their Fishman Island Dragon Palace Kingdom can deal with it!


!? (?\'\'??)?

Anne was indeed a little frightened.

After all, she was obviously invited to eat, but now, not only did the other party not ask her to do errands, but she was crying and begging to give her the entire fish-man island?


"Father, Father?!"

At this time, Princess Baixing on the side was also taken aback by King Neptune's words and gestures, and finally took her attention and eyes away from the playful 'toy' in her hand, and looked at it in surprise. with the ministers and brothers present.


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