Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1673: ?(*?)? Bear Child and Fishman Island (6)

Fishman Street, which was originally a large-scale place officially set up by Fishman Island to house orphans, is a project for the benefit of the people. However, there are incompetent redundant officials everywhere, and of course the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island is no exception!

Therefore, under the random and blind command of the incompetent management at that time, the original project of benefiting the people, that fishermen street that was beneficial to the rule and the people lost its original value and significance, and turned into a The illegal groups on Fishman Island, such as those illegal places where the fishman pirates gather and entrenched.

Is this not?

Today, a huge ugly bald sea monster with a thick towed a tattered sailboat came here majestically without any hindrance.


"Has Captain Daken arrived?"

Under a huge sea shell, a cave house was hidden among the dim seaweed, and at this time, a murloc standing guard in front of the door saw a ragged sailboat dragged by the sea monster and walked out of a small head wearing a small hood. After the four-legged captain with a top hat, wavy hair and a beard, and many necklaces hanging from his body, he hurried up to meet him.


"Captain Daken!"

"Inside please?"

That's right, the person who came here is the one who has been tirelessly pursuing the mermaid princess Bai Xing for ten years. In the end, because of love and hatred, he often uses the ability of the devil fruit to attack Bai Xing, forcing Bai Xing to hide in the hard shell tower for ten years. The captain of the Flying Pirates who are not allowed to go out, the descendant of the original Vanderdeaken, and the shark man Vanderdeaken IX!


"It's me who made you wait for a long time."

First, he stretched out his hand and pulled the little beard, and then Van der Deacon IX held on to the bubble wrapping him. Under the cheers of some murloc pirates who welcomed him, some staggered. He moved his steps to the hidden house.

"Captain Daken!"

"This way please!"

Under the guidance of another giant murloc, Vander Deacon IX soon came to an old **** sitting on the sofa, with long black curly hair, sharp teeth, and a three-pointed painting on his head. A flat hat with a halberd pattern, a wolf-skin scarf around the neck, a large-scale tattoo on the left arm and a scar on the upper left abdomen, wearing a red short-sleeved ripper, and wearing black spotted trousers in front of the great white shark human race.

"Feel sorry!"

"Notorious Captain Hody, I'm late..."

"no way."

"There was a volcanic eruption on the way, so it took a little time."

His cheeks twitched slightly, and his expression was a little unnatural. Van der Deacon IX stopped in front of the other party, and then grinned and half-sarcastically toward the 'Huo' who was sitting in front and didn't want to stand up to welcome him at all. Captain Di' said.



"Be with each other!"

"I know that Princess Bai Xing has been tortured by you all these years!"

"Am I right, mad Vander Deacon?"

That's right, the great white shark human who is sitting and talking to Daken is wearing a red short-sleeved rip-top and black spotted trousers. It is the extreme murloc supremacist who will do anything to achieve the new murloc sea. Bandit Captain Hody Jones!


"Vander Deacon..."

"What's the matter with you hiding in the bubble?"

Immediately afterwards, Hody Jones, the captain of the new fish-man pirates, finally noticed the bubbles on Vander Deacon IX.

This strange situation made him feel a little strange unconsciously.

After all, everyone is a murloc, and it will be more comfortable and natural to soak directly in the sea water, but the other party is better. Seeing that he is still hiding in the bubble, he can't help but glance at the other party.



"What's the matter with your ass, hurt?"

"Could it be..."

"I see!"

"You finally don't plan to pester that White Star Princess anymore, and turn to liking other things, such as your sea monster?"

After discovering the injuries and bandages on Vander Deacon IX's buttocks, and thinking of the somewhat unnatural steps the other party had just entered, Hody Jones deliberately pretended to understand and grinned. He winked at each other and teased.

"Ha ha!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely not talk nonsense. After all, everyone is a pirate, and they travel around the sea all the year round. It's normal to have some offbeat tunes, isn't it?"


"To shut up!"

"Hody, this is just an accident, it's definitely not what you just imagined!"

However, without waiting for Hody Jones to continue speaking, Vander Deacon IX covered his bandaged buttocks, fiercely interrupted the other party's words, and explained angrily.

Anyway, he definitely wouldn't say it in front of so many people, it was just a small accident with the axe he threw at Princess White Star to 'show love', and that thing accidentally flew back and crashed. Just a hard **** on his ass.

In short, it is definitely not as bad as what Hody Jones just said, and it is even more unlikely that he will do any invisible and dirty things with the bald sea monster in his family!

What he likes is always the mermaid princess Bai Xing, and what he likes is always the mermaid, always!

Moreover, he was hiding in the bubbles not only to isolate the sea water so that the injury could recover better, but also because his Devil Fruit could not touch the sea water.

He has always claimed to the outside world that he was able to acquire the ability due to the 'curse of the target'. This time, the injury gave him a better reason to cover up his current practice of hiding in the bubble. However, this kind of coincidence must make He felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

"All right……"

"Don't get excited, if you say no, then consider it no..."

"It's the first time we met, please take care of me?"

After taunting each other in the way of pirates, Hody Jones didn't want to make the relationship between the two parties too stiff when they first met, so he finally stood up from the sofa and didn't say anything about the relationship just now. The thing is, he just stretched out his right hand with a layer of fish web membrane between his fingers towards Van der Deaken IX.


He stared at the opponent's palm and hesitated for a while. In the end, Daken IX put on gloves and stretched his right hand out of the bubble to shake the opponent's hand.

The reason why he wears gloves is not because he is rude, but because his hand touched Princess Shirahoshi ten years ago and wrote down the other party, making Shirahoshi the target of his target fruit, and letting him use his abilities. Everything thrown will automatically track the target to the ends of the earth, unless it is shot down or blocked by an obstacle along the way?

Therefore, Daken IX, who didn't want to let Bai Xing disappear from his target, and even less wanted to make Hody Jones in front of him his new target, must have to wear gloves to touch each other.


"All right!"

"In this way..."

"Our alliance has been established, right?"

Looking at the other party's behavior, Hody Jones just frowned, didn't mind too much, just shook it lightly, and asked with a grin after letting go of the other party's palm.

"That's right!"

"We are united!"

Daken IX withdrew his hand, and then nodded in response with the same grin.


"The alliance is established!"

"Daken! Daken!"

"Hody! Hody!!"



Seeing that the captains of the two most powerful pirate groups on Fishman Island shook hands and acknowledged the establishment of the alliance, the fishman pirates who were gathering in this huge seashell cave house cheered loudly. And shouted their names at the same time.

The Flying Pirates and the New Murloc Pirates are the two most powerful forces on Murloc Island. Now, the two sides are finally united. They firmly believe that with their current strength, they can do anything they used to be. Dare to think but dare not do!

"Quiet me all!!"



"You, what are you going to do?"

"Any plans?"

After reaching out his hand to signal those little scoundrels to be quiet, Daken IX crossed his arms and asked impatiently after rejecting the other party's kindness to invite him to sit down.

After all, the back of his **** was hit hard yesterday, and now the wound has just stopped bleeding, and he needs to use the other two legs to move slowly when walking. How could he dare to sit down easily?


"Of course! There must be a plan."


"tell me the story?"

"It's easy!"

"We should all have the same purpose, right?"

"The plan is..."

"Defeat the Neptune Army without the dignity of murlocs and mermen!"


"You said it's simple, what's your confidence?"

"It wasn't there before, but it is now!"

"Appreciate further details……"

"Is such that!"

"I confirmed yesterday that Whitebeard is dead. Although it has not been officially announced to the public, there is no doubt that there is no one's blessing on Fishman Island. This is our best chance!"


"Whitebeard is finally dead?"

"That's right!"


Hearing the news of Whitebeard's death, Van der Deaken IX was stunned at first, but soon, he laughed ecstatically again.

"That's right!"

"This is indeed a good opportunity. I have long wanted to take off Neptune's head, and then completely destroy the Dragon Palace Kingdom!"


"Let's say it first, the princess is mine, and I must get Bai Xing no matter what!"

"White Star?"

"Of course, no problem!"

"That mermaid is yours!"

In this way, in front of countless murloc pirates, Vander Deacon IX, the captain of the Flying Pirates, and Hody Jones, the captain of the new murloc pirates, came together mournfully. Together, they quietly discussed some details of the 'uprising' and the distribution of the spoils, as if they had already succeeded.

"Oh no!"


"Report, report!!!"

Suddenly, at this time, a panicked murloc pushed open the door of the cave house hidden among the seaweeds under the huge seashells and rushed in while shouting anxiously.

"What's up?"


"Why are you panicking?"

Hody Jones, who was discussing the details with Vander Deacon IX, saw that his subordinate rushed in at an inopportune time, and he snarled at the fish man with a sullen face with some dissatisfaction. asked angrily.


"No! Ship, captain!"

"Something happened!"



"The entrance to Fishman Island, the flag of Whitebeard has just been lowered!"


"That's a good thing, you see, what did we just say?"

Hody Jones has already known about this matter, and he doesn't think there is any surprise. Now the other party's report is just for him to confirm it again, so he doesn't think there is anything to be surprised about, just grinning And knowingly looked at Daken IX, who was also somewhat surprised.


"Captain, they're flying another new flag!"

However, before Daken IX or Hody Jones could continue to say something, the little guy who came to report the letter couldn't wait to shout again.


"A new flag?"

"whispering sound!"

"So, that spineless King Neptune, he found a new backer so quickly?"

"Tell me, whose flag is this time?"

"Is that the Shipin guy? I've heard people say that he really seems to have been released from the push city."

"No, no!"


"Who is that?"

Hody Jones asked unexpectedly, and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Because he had heard that Neptune seemed to have some connection with the other four emperors in the new world, and the BIG·MOM pirate group. If the island is sold, then they must be somewhat afraid.


"It's a hideous bear's head burning with flames!"


"Grim bear head?"

"Whose flag is that?"

Hearing this, Hody Jones frowned and thought for a while, and then he couldn't think of whose flag he was, so he looked at Daken IX, who was inexplicably, and wanted to ask him if he knew that kind of weirdness. bear head banner.


However, Daken IX just grinned and shook his head slowly, indicating that he also didn't know who he was.


"I asked..."


"Yes, it's the Bear Boy Pirates!!!!" Under everyone's attention, the murloc scoundrel who came to report finally stammered and shouted out that terrible word in a somewhat hysterical trembling tone.


"What, what?!"

"Bear, bear child?!"


The next second, as Hody Jones and Vander Deacon IX looked at each other and exclaimed in unison, followed by a group of murlocs in the cave house hidden under the huge sea shells. The pirate minions gasped in unison and instantly became silent.

Obviously, they must all remember to pay attention to all kinds of major events in the world, and they also know what the three words "bear child" mean.


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