Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1674: ?(*?)? Bear Child and Fishman Island (7)

into the night.

Although it has been known in advance that the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island has regained a new backer, they have found Anne Haas, the great pirate of the newly emerging Bear Boy Pirates, who is said to be so powerful that even the three major naval generals do not look down on it. Tower came as a backer, and at the same time raised the flags of the bear children all over Fishman Island and Ryugu Castle, but the pirate alliance of Hody Jones and Van der Daken IX was already on the line at this time. Had to send it, and launched a raid on Dragon Palace City that night.


Boom! Boom!


Is this not?

Outside the hard-shell tower where the Mermaid Princess Baixing lived, tonight there was another continuous and continuous sound of intensive collisions that were very different from the past.


Different from the axe and sword thrown by Vander Deacon IX using the ability of the target fruit in the past, this time tonight, the other side was indeed throwing big living people, and it seemed that all of them were still alive. A group of heavily armed pirates?

At this time, when the sound of the impact stopped, those pirates were lying on the ground one by one, and they were still piled up everywhere. It was just a rough estimate that there were at least a thousand people in number!

What is surprising is that although quite a few of them have been motionless, some are even embedded in the wall with blood, or they have been knocked out of their heads, but some are still not dead, And is wobbly trying to sit up or stand up.

As for the two Nautilus guards who were supposed to stand guard on both sides of the gate, at this time, they had already been knocked to the ground by the previous dense 'human bomb' impact.

"Is anyone alive?"

"Cough cough!"

"Get up, gather!"

"We're out of time!"

I don't know how long it took, under the scolding of a pirate leader who was full of blood on his face, but wearing a captain's hat, those pirates who had not been killed but had already woken up staggered towards the pirate. He gathered around him, and hundreds of people gathered at once.

It turned out that this was the battle plan for the raid on Ryugu Castle formulated by Hody Jones and Vander Deacon IX!

They originally wanted to use the ability of the 'Target Fruit' to throw the pirates in the pirate group that they captured and wooed through the Fishman Island as weapons and threw them directly into Ryugu Castle, and of course the target was Vander Day. The goal that Ken IX had set ten years ago - Princess White Star!

In their plan, if the pirates who were thrown in were lucky not to be killed on the spot after hitting the wall or the door, they had to complete the task they assigned, which was to suppress a small number of guards in Ryugu Castle and The inside should be combined with the outside, open the gate of the Dragon Palace, and let the combined army of murloc pirates from Hody Jones and Vander Deacon IX enter and occupy the palace in one fell swoop.

Although the plan seems a bit crazy, judging from the fact that the thousands of pirates who were thrown in can still stand up to hundreds of them, the plan of the two seems to be very likely to succeed?

After all, the hard shell tower is far away from the main hall of the palace. In order to avoid accidental injury, few people usually come here, which gives the pirate coalition an opportunity!

"Just so many people?"


"So many died..."

"This blood debt is written down, and if there is a chance in the future, I must not spare the two **** of Hody Jones and Vander Deacon IX!!"

After a while, after counting the number of people, the pirate who wore the captain's hat and seemed to be the leader looked at the countless dead companions around him, and he couldn't help gnashing his teeth with hatred.

But it's a pity that it's useless how much they hate now.

Because, if they don't act quickly, once the guards in Dragon Palace City find out the abnormal situation and react, they won't wait for Hody Jones and Van der Deacon IX to do it, those Nautilus of Dragon Palace Kingdom The guards will keep coming and kill the invaders first!


"The state is fine, if you can run, go to attack the main hall immediately, you must turn on the switch of the Dragon Palace City passage as soon as possible!"

"As for the rest..."

"Come with me, go in and capture Princess White Star as a hostage!"

The human pirate leader seemed to be quite strategic. While ordering those who were less injured in the impact and in better physique to open the door and watched them leave, he did not forget to gather the rest of the people together, and then Prepare to find a way to open the door of the hard shell tower and capture the mermaid princess Shirahoshi inside.

"Can you still move?"


"All move, let's push this door open together!"

"Before the murloc guards came to check, we must rush in!"

"hurry up!"

"Everyone push hard together!!"

While the surviving hundreds of pirates were rushing towards the distant Ryugu Castle, the remaining two or three hundred who were seriously injured or who didn't want to be used as spears stayed behind. And Qi Qi began to squeeze in front of the gate trying to push the huge gate open.


However, to their surprise, before they could find the right way to push the door open, the solid metal doors of the two hard-shell towers slowly opened from the inside.



"From the beginning, it's you who have been arguing outside?"


Yes, after having a banquet with King Neptune of Fishman Island and others and simply negotiating a trivial matter, of course Annie stayed in the palace and in the room of the mermaid princess Shirahoshi. .

To be honest, the 10-meter-tall Mermaid Princess Bai Xing had big, soft and warm breasts. Annie was lying on top and wrapped tightly by the treasure. She didn't even need a bed and quilt to sleep comfortably. , so that when she just heard the rain-like crashing sound outside, she didn't even pay attention to it.

However, after finding that someone outside was shouting to push the door, she finally couldn't bear it anymore.


!? (?\'\'??)?

"Did you die so much, was it thrown over? People just thought it was that bad guy who didn't eat the pain and continued throwing weapons over here!"


As soon as she walked out of the crack of the opened door, Annie discovered that besides a group of crooked pirates outside, there were also many corpses on the walls and on the ground. It is not difficult to infer that those guys must have been thrown over and smashed to death.



"She is……"

No one answered Annie's question. The hideous-looking pirates outside who were holding weapons with wicked intentions just looked at her up and down curiously.

"Is she the mermaid princess?"


"How can she be a mermaid without a fish tail?"

"Is that a murloc?"

"No, look more clearly, idiot, she's human!!"


"Hey! Strange, how can there be humans here in the Fishman Island Palace?"

"do not know…..."

Then, this group of pirates, who had injuries of various sizes and some even lacked arms and legs, looked at each other for a while, and then whispered in whispers.



"She, she is..."


"Yes, yes, yes, yes..."

Suddenly, one of the pirates seemed to have thought of something, so he sucked in a sharp breath, then widened his eyes and stretched out a finger tremblingly, but he couldn't say a word for a long time.


"Burgling what?"


"What are you trying to say?"


Seeing the pirate's strange reaction, some of his companions around him couldn't help but feel a little baffled, not knowing what he was trying to say.

"She she she..."


"She's a bear child!!!!!!!"

Finally, without waiting for the pirate who pointed his finger at Annie to speak, someone suddenly stuttered and exclaimed in the crowd of pirates, shouting out what he wanted to say for that person.



"Yes, is it her?!"

"No, it wouldn't be so unlucky, would it?"


Hearing the man's tragic howl, a group of pirates were instantly frightened and their faces changed suddenly, and then, one by one, their eyes widened, and they began to tremble and retreat in unison, and suddenly they were squeezed by them just now. The full door left a large circle of places vacant.



"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, they are not some arrogant children!"


Seeing that the pirates retreated a large distance from a safe distance, of course, Annie strode out of the hard shell tower without any precaution, and pooh-pooh the pirate who just pointed at him in a bad mood. One sound!


"Yeah, so it's not?"

"Hoo! That's great..."

"Haha, scare me!"

"Me too, my pee was scared out."


Hearing the little girl said that she was not a bear child, the group of pirates who had just been frightened and looked ugly all breathed a sigh of relief, and then took a few steps forward in unison, grinning maliciously and preparing to go Annie and the hard-shell tower rushed in.

"Of course it's not a bear child!"


“People are actually the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most the most powerful The Arcane Archmage is!"


"My name is Anne Hastur!"


The name was originally meant for people to call, so Annie didn't mind, she just said her real name.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether they call her Arcane Archmage or Queen Anne, as long as they don't call her a child, she doesn't like that nickname at all!


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Annie Hastur?"




"you you you……"

"Isn't Annie Hastur just a bear child?!!!"

When the group of human pirates were grinning and trying to say something, suddenly, one of the pirates turned pale again.


"Everyone, look, is that her face?"

Immediately after, another pirate took out a lot of wanted orders, and then, with great difficulty, he took out one of the largest denominations from the pile of wanted orders, which was a full 10 billion baileys. The Navy Bounty Wanted came out.


When a group of pirates leaned over and stared at the photo of the face above with round eyes, and at the same time compared to the sleepy little girl in front of them, how could they not recognize who the person in front of them was?

That's right!

At this moment, the one standing in front of them is the bear child himself!

And the bear child's name is Annie Hastur! ! !




This time, the pirates who had just relaxed finally changed their faces again. Then, their teeth chattered, their legs and feet trembled, and they slowly retreated, as if they were looking at the most terrifying prehistoric beast. Can't tell.


At the same time, when a group of rudimentary pirates confronted the bear children and were so frightened that they could not say a word, when another group of pirates with hundreds of people was launching a fierce attack on the main hall of the Ryugucheng Palace, which was caught off guard. , The Pirate Alliance of Hody Jones and Van der Deacon IX led several bubble boats and huge sea beasts to the channel interface of the Fishman Island and Ryugu Castle almost at the same time.

Then, looking at the passageway that was still closed, Hody Jones and Vander Deacon IX looked at each other with grinning smiles, and the Hody Jones walked to the bow and began to write The final pre-war mobilization.

"Murloc brothers!"

"You all listen to me!"

"Today is the anniversary of the unity of the will of our Fishman Island!"

"Including the mermaid, if our murlocs keep maintaining the old and pedantic ideas of the past, there must be no way out!"


"We will let those humans who can't even breathe in the sea know that this world, which is mostly ocean, should be ruled by our murlocs!"

"And they..."

"It's just some inferior race!!"

"The history that has been wrong so far..."

"We will let us fix it by hand!!"

"From today!"

"The ruler of this undersea kingdom has become us!!"


"According to the plan, each of them will capture the main areas of Fishman Island. Today, it will be remembered by history!!!"






"Long live! Long live!!"

"Definitely win!!"

"Definitely win!!!"

As the murlocs of the new murloc pirates shouted loudly, soon after Hody Jones's pre-war mobilization was over, they scattered, moving from the sky to different places on the murloc island. The direction swooped away.


"Boss Hody!"

"King Neptune and the three Princes of Neptune are easy to deal with, but what about the bear child?"

At this time, when the teams of the new fish-man pirates scattered and started their own actions, a pirate leader of the new fish-man pirates finally couldn't help but made a sound and walked behind Hody Jones. He asked timidly.

"Think about it!"

"After all, that bear child is a powerful person who cannot be beaten by the navy, the three generals, and the king's next Qiwuhai. If we can't suppress her..."

The leader of the pirate minion seems to be a bit of a brain. He was not fooled like other murlocs, like attacking everywhere on the murloc island without hesitation, but hesitantly said his thoughts. worry.

Now the flag of the bear child has been hung high all over the fish-man island, and what is even more frightening is that the bear child himself seems to be on the fish-man island, that is something that has been investigated.

"bad boy……"


"No matter how strong she is, she is nothing but an inferior human being!"

"Although no one knows what type of devil fruit she is, I firmly believe that as long as the bubble film on her body is punctured, once she touches the sea water, that low-level creature will die!"

"This is the sea, 10,000 meters deep under the sea!"


"Today, we will win!"

Hody Jones was obviously prepared, so, in front of countless murloc pirates on the ship, he directly proudly and loudly explained the strategies that he and Van der Deacon IX had analyzed and found reasonable and reasonable. The coping method is said.


"Yes, no matter how strong the bear child is, he is still a human being, and this is the sea!"


"Devil fruit people are afraid of sea towers and the sea!"

"In this way..."


"Definitely win!!"

"We must win! We must win!"

"Deacon! Hody!"




Hearing Hody Jones's highly credible and very operational analysis, the surrounding fish people no longer have any doubts, and once again shouted and cheered loudly.


"Take the palace!!"

Now is not the time to think too So, after Hody Jones and Vander Deaken IX looked at each other again, they felt that their morale was high and their military heart was available, so they gave a big hand. Swing, let the two huge sea beast bubble boats go straight towards the Fishman Island Palace at the top, and slowly fly towards the entrance of Dragon Palace City.

They have to prepare in advance. Once the human pirates who were thrown into the palace by Van der Deacon IX open the passage, they will swarm in, and then kill Neptune, defeat the three starfish and capture the bear child alive. !

By the time……

Not only can they become the supreme rulers of Fishman Island, but they can also negotiate with the world government and the navy with the bear children, and they believe that the benefits they can get are definitely not only the mere 1 billion Bailey's bounty So easy!


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