Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1677: ?(*?)? Bear Child and Fishman Island (10)

At noon, the sun was shining, and the sea breeze was extraordinarily hot and humid.

The Marine Headquarters Marine Fando, at this time, a large group of workers are sweating and carrying out the busy post-war reconstruction work here.

Before that, many family members of naval officers and soldiers who had to take refuge in the Chambord Islands because of the war had migrated back here, and walked back and forth between the spacious dock squares and dilapidated streets in twos and threes. It finally added a lot of popularity to the island that was still a bit broken.

However, no matter how much Marinfando rebuilds or tries to restore it to its original state, it will not change the iron-clad fact, and that fact is:

The Navy once fought Whitebeard and Bear Boys here, and finally suffered the first major defeat in the Navy's history, which resulted in the loss of a large number of the Navy's elite generals and officers here, and almost brought the Navy to a standstill from now on!

Perhaps, that is the main reason why the Naval Headquarters and the Commander-in-Chief of the World Government agreed to the resignation of Marshal of the Warring States Period and Lieutenant General Garp, but they retained their military rank in the end, letting them take a back seat and train new recruits. ?

Think about it too, the loss of the navy is already big enough, they can't lose two powerful generals, even if one of the two is pushed out to take the blame, and the other is more with the rebels and some marines The same is true of thieves.

But those national affairs have nothing to do with the coolies who are doing construction here in Marin Vando, they don't care what the specific thoughts of the navy's top management are, because they just follow the engineering team to come here from other islands by boat and work. , they only care about their meals and wages, and nothing else.

clang! clang! clang!

Is this not?

When they saw a foreman carrying an iron triangle not far away and knocking it with an iron rod, the crisp metal crashing sound spread throughout the huge construction site of Marin Vando, those workers put down their work one after another. , gathered in groups of three or five to prepare for rest and lunch at the meal places.

After a while, several sturdy migrant workers who were **** and tanned by the scorching sun finally got their working meals. They all came to a tree that was filled with large wooden bowls. Under the shade of the Crooked Neck tree that had been hit by the tsunami, he started to gulp down.

Marin Fanduo was severely damaged by the war and the tsunami, especially the family town of the officers and soldiers below the fortress, which was basically completely destroyed by the tsunami.

Therefore, the reconstruction work is protracted, and the whole project is likely to last for a whole year, which makes these migrant workers no longer have to worry about work problems for a long time.

In fact, some workers once said in private that they wished the navy would lose a few more battles and lose a few more islands or bases. In that case, their foreman would have an affair with the world government and could secretly take over the job. There is no longer any fear of not being able to get jobs, and workers like them at the bottom no longer have to worry about not earning enough wages to support their families.

Moreover, when working here in Marin Vando, the navy provides them with the same meals as ordinary navy soldiers. There is meat, vegetables, soup, and the portion is quite sufficient, so that although they are there every day Doing physical work, but now they are getting stronger and stronger.


"Have you heard?"

"Something big has happened recently!"

At this time, when a group of workers under the shade of the crooked-neck tree were half full, they were picking and choosing among their big names, when suddenly, a dark man with a face full of rice grains joined the crowd. And said slyly.


"What did you hear?"

"Is it because of Whitebeard's death?"


"We already knew that."

"that is!"

"We knew it yesterday morning, and we also knew that his funeral was on a hidden island in the new world. I heard that there are still many big people going to attend!"

Hearing what the dark-skinned worker said, a group of workers laughed and laughed.

In their opinion, the only big thing that has happened recently is the death of Whitebeard and the grand funeral, but those things have nothing to do with them, the world government, the navy and some big pirates. What needs to be cared about is that these little people are just having fun.

In comparison, they are more concerned about whether this month's wages will be paid on time, whether they will be deducted by unscrupulous foreman, and whether tomorrow's food will be as good as today's.

"no no!"

"That's not what I'm talking about!"

"What I'm about to say..."

"It's about that bear child. It is said that she had another big incident on Fishman Island a few days ago!"

Seeing that this group of co-workers didn't seem to get the first-hand information, the dark-skinned man was overjoyed, and then he simply put down the half-eaten meal, got closer and said mysteriously. write.

"bad boy?"


"What's wrong with her again?"

"and then?"


"Yeah, hurry up, hurry up!"

Hearing that it was about the bear children, these people who were enjoying the shade under the tree looked at each other in dismay, and soon, they couldn't help being shaken. They all stopped eating and moved to the dark coworker. , intend to hear a little more clearly.

At noon, they had a two-hour break for meals and breaks, so when they heard news, and it was still a big news about the bear boy, those workers suddenly became interested.

"Did she fight the navy again on Fishman Island?"

"This time, which general or lieutenant general was beaten?"

"Wouldn't it be that another Tianlong person was killed?"

"I guess the Admiral may be dead!"


"Be quiet!"

In this way, a group of construction workers who were afraid that the world would not be chaotic began to speculate excitedly, regardless of whether they were working here in Marine Vendor at the naval headquarters and counting on the navy to provide them with three meals a day and monthly wages. kind of thing.


"No way?"

"Have none of you read today's paper?"


"I'm tired like a dog every day, so I'm in the mood to go to the newspaper? Do you think we are all just like you, and we only know how to cheat and do those easy jobs every day?"

"That's it!"

"Alright, alright, everyone is quiet, don't give a shit, you guys, tell us all about it?"

"Yeah, let's talk about it?"

"Cough cough!"

"Just talk, talk!"

Seeing that his co-workers really didn't know about it, the dark-skinned worker gradually became interested. Then, while enjoying the gazes of his co-workers, he proudly recounted the big news he took time to see before. came out.

"It's actually like this..."

"A week ago, the bear boy went to Fishman Island. You all know about Fishman Island, right?"

"It's just 10,000 meters from the seabed not far from here, right below the Red Earth Continent, the holy land of those Tianlong people, Mary Joa!"

"She was..."

"It is said that she took the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates of the Sonny, and then I don't know what happened to her, but she got mixed up with those murlocs and mermen, and quickly let the fishes The Isle of Man flies her flag."

"Then, she easily smashed the rebellion of the two local fish-man pirates, and then announced that the fish-man island and the Dragon Palace Kingdom became a subordinate force under her command, and anyone passing through the fish-man island must strictly observe the local law?"


"The Dragon Palace Kingdom of Fishman Island also announced in the name of her arrogant child that any act of selling mermen or mermen as slaves will be regarded as a serious violation of the law!"

"And even the Tianlong people are no exception. All murlocs or mermen slaves must be unconditionally released within the specified time and fined. Otherwise, once the investigation is clear, they will be punished by the royal guards of the Naga clan of the Dragon Palace Kingdom. The most terrifying blow ever!"

Just like that, the dark-skinned worker began to speak vividly, ignoring that his spittle had already splashed into other people's bowls.


"Naga clan, what is that?"

An addicted worker suddenly asked in confusion.

"do not know……"

"It should be a merman or a murloc, but who knows!"

"Is that so?"

"But, the blow or something, is it a bit too much?"

"that is!"


"Who doesn't know that those abominable Tianlong people are arrogant and domineering and like to keep slaves. They are just a small Dragon Palace kingdom, do they dare to manage that kind of thing?"


"Be quiet, do you want to kill everyone?"


"There are no Tianlong people here, so it doesn't matter, right?"

"Beware of misfortune coming out of your mouth!"

"Yeah, just be careful..."

Seeing a co-worker talking loudly about the Tianlong people, the others were so frightened that they stopped him, and then they looked at the dark guy who started the conversation again.


"I thought like you at first, but you know what?"

As he talked, seeing that those workers were reluctant to believe their own words, and seeing that they were once again attracted by their own topics, the dark-skinned worker couldn't help but feel even more proud, as if those things had his credit. Or he was involved in the same.

"what do you know?"

"Say it!"

"Come on, don't make people ticklish!"


"Okay, don't worry..."

"I heard that a boat carrying Tianlong people passing through Fishman Island was detained, and that Tianlong person was also imprisoned in the prison of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, not to mention how much hatred!"

"And that's only because a merman slave was found on the Dragon's ship!"

"There's still more!"

"Just the day before yesterday, a small fleet sent by the navy to Fishman Island to protest was sunk by almost all the ships. The casualties are not known yet, but the living people were all stuffed into a ship by the soldiers of the Dragon Palace Kingdom. The boat was thrown back, that's no joke!"

With a tensed face, the dark-skinned worker with quirky eyes said so, and successfully frightened the surrounding workers to gasp, obviously frightened.

After all, arresting a Draco and destroying a naval fleet is no small matter!


When everyone thought that the matter had something to do with the bear children, they were quickly relieved.

Think about it too, from the very beginning of the chaos in the Chambord Islands and the attack on the Tianlong people, to the later attack on the advance city and the participation in the attack on the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando and causing the tragic loss of the navy, what else in this world is that What scary bear children dare not do?

As for now occupying and occupying Fishman Island, and then arresting a Dragon Man and wiping out the naval negotiating fleet, that kind of thing sounds a bit commonplace.


"That is to say, the Dragon Palace Kingdom of Fishman Island is going to be completely separated from the World Government?"

"This is really a big deal. After all, Fishman Island is still very important. Sometimes naval warships need to pass through that place. Otherwise, if they pass through the red soil continent on land, the ship will not be able to carry it!"

"Yeah, something big is going to happen!"


"Unfortunately, in the case of the submarine war, the post-war reconstruction work will not be our turn..."

"Ha ha!"

"It's almost a world war, and you're still thinking about work?"

"Why don't you want to?"

"We can't get the benefit of a single Bailey in the World War. It's better to fight Marin Fando like this. It's better if we fix that little brat and fight here again, and then we fix it again, fix her again, and fight her again. A few times, our brothers can earn enough money to go home and marry their mother-in-law!"


"That's right, I also hope that the bear child will come here to toss a few more times, so he won't have to worry about running out of work..."

As they talked, a group of workers burst into laughter to themselves, and attracted many workers around who were concentrating on eating to look at the shade of their tree.

"and then?"

"How is that Fishman Island, that Dragon Palace Kingdom now?"

"Yeah, keep talking?"


"I don't know the rest."

"However, it must be a sure thing for their Fishman Island to completely fall to the bear boy's side. Otherwise, the powerful Naga troops under the bear boy's command won't be allowed to enter."


"Naga army?"


"By the way, what is the Naga you just said?"

"A kind of murloc, right?"

"But it could also be a mermaid!"

"I really want to see what they look like..."

"Want to see?"

"Simple! Can't you just go to Fishman Island?"


"How dare I?"

"Don't worry, as long as you don't violate the law and remember to pay taxes, Fishman Island will promise to ensure the safety of tourists and passing boats."


"of course it's true!"

"Look, it's written in the newspaper here, you can look here again."

Finally, after the squeamish-eyed worker had finished talking and enjoyed enough of the eyes of his co-workers, he proudly took out the latest newspaper that he didn't know where to get it.



"There are newspapers that are only taken out now, why did you go earlier?"

"that is!"

"It's better to read the newspaper directly after listening to your nonsense!"

"Let's go, I want to see too!"

"Hey! Don't squeeze!"


When they saw the newspaper, the workers grabbed it, and then directly pushed the thief-eyed guy away, and gathered together to watch it.

Although, some people are illiterate, but that does not prevent them from looking at the wonderful color photos in the newspaper.

Soon, they had a general understanding of the events of Fishman Island. For example, Hody Jones' New Fishman Pirates and Van der Deacon IX's Flying Pirates conspired to rebel and almost succeeded, but In the end, because the bear children intervened, they fell short and Qi Qi was captured alive and put in prison, and Qi Qi ended up in a bleak ending.

Especially the one named Vander Deacon IX, who had his hands chopped off by the angry mermaid prince for harassing Princess White Star with his Devil Fruit ability for ten years, not to mention how miserable it was.

At the same time, the newspapers also published many details of the battle and a large number of descriptions of those undersea races called 'Naga', and even those Naga used powerful force and various strange means to beat the The shocking photos of the captains of the two pirates and various powerful murloc pirate officers under his command, etc.


"Is this Naga?"

"It doesn't look any different from a normal murloc..."


"It's still different. Their upper body looks like a merman, but their lower body looks like a mermaid?"

"Do not!"

"The lower body is more like a sea snake!"


"I also remembered that the lower body of the mermaid should be a fish tail, and their Naga's do not seem to be like a fish tail..."


"How are these photos taken? This is the palace of the fish-man island under the sea!"

"Look! It's written here!"

"It said above..."

"It was filmed by a spy phone bug in the palace, and was later discovered by the mermaids. Then, the navy just deliberately pretended to be a leak and released it?"


"They dare to write anything..."

"It's too much!"

"It turns out that the navy even set up a spy phone bug in the palace of the fisherman?"


"Then we don't know. It may also be done by the spy agency CP0, but who cares about this kind of thing?"


After a, when the newspaper was read by those workers, it was passed on to the next group of workers.

Soon, during a short two-hour break, about the bear children passing through the fish-man island and occupying the fish-man island, sheltering the Dragon Palace Kingdom, and openly supporting the Dragon Palace Kingdom to fight against the Navy, the World Government, and the Tianlong people. , like a gust of wind, spread among the entire group of construction workers in Marin van Dou and caused a great uproar.

Of course, most of those workers were just having fun and letting their bad image of the world government, the navy and the Draco people collapse again and plant some dangerous seed, except Besides, there is not much more for now.

As for the situation that the workers are spreading bad news about the navy and the world government at the Marin Vando construction site, the naval officers and soldiers who are in charge of supervising the work have of course also been informed.

However, none of them thought about intervening. After all, that kind of thing had already been made public through newspapers, so they just turned a blind eye and continued to do their duty.


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