Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1678: ?`?(* ̄o ̄*)&am…

The second half of the Great Route is called the New World.

That is the place where all the pirates who dream of getting the legendary OnePiece and want to become the pirate king yearn and scramble to arrive.


For the first time in history, the one who successfully conquered this sea area was only the former One Piece Gol D. Roger!

After Roger, the new world destroyed the dreams and ambitions of one pirate after another, and now, the crew member of the Straw Hat Pirates, the current captain of the Bear Boy Pirates, Annie Hasta herself, is on Fishman Island. After staying for a few days, I finally took the Sonny and took the flying fish knights under her command through the dangerous underwater passage on the Fishman Island, from the bottom of the red soil continent, 10,000 meters below. Successfully passed through the trench and reached this place.

boom! !

The originally calm sea suddenly became turbulent, and then, the coated Sonny broke through the sea, and with the little waves and crystal light, leaped back to the sea again and officially came to the new world.




"Is this the new world?"


"Our Bear Boy Pirates finally succeeded in coming here!"


"Long live!!"

"Long live the Queen!!"

"Long live the bear boy!!!"


"New world, here we come, we see, we conquer!!"

On the deck of the Sonny, the large group of 'Knights' of the Flying Fish Knights who saw the sky and the sun again were cheering and celebrating on the deck, and Hachi, who had planned to stay on Fishman Island, also came here with him. Of course the mermaid Kemi too.

Because Kemi is a waiter in the Xiaoba Takoyaki shop, and now the owner of Xiaoba is here, of course her waiter lost his job and had to follow him. As for whether it can play a role, that kind of thing is anyway. No one will mind, after all, her mermaid is now a member of the Bear Boy Pirates no matter what.

Originally, Bai Xing, the princess of Fishman Island, who was very much looking forward to the outside world, also wanted to come with her, but she was too big. Annie, who felt that the other party was a little difficult to support, categorically rejected the other party's reasonableness. Require.



It wasn't long before the Sonny jumped out and landed on the sea again. Soon, four dark green, huge Naga with huge golden anchors on their shoulders emerged one after another under the sea around the ship. Royal guard.

They are the strongest troops of the Naga tribe, the most powerful sea tribe forged by the most powerful Naga thugs through the sea devil abyss, and they also have the power to control the sea, with frost arrows, sea elements, water strike Wave, resistance skin, diving and more skills.

Before, in the palace of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island, when they dealt with drugged Hody Jones and Vander Deacon IX, they relied on that kind of frost magic, sea control power and The highly resistant skin easily crushes the rebellious murloc pirates.

In the face of absolute force, in the face of these terrifying Naga royal guards transformed by the combination of the ancient gods and the huge magic power of the exploding Well of Eternity, those boring pirates, whether they are those who have taken the medicine E.S's still have the power of Devil Fruit, they are not enough to watch, and they are easily crushed by them.

Naturally, those little things will not be repeated.

This time, they were actually escorting the Sonny through the Haitian passage. Although the Sonny didn't actually need their escort, they still followed their lord's orders, just to make sure Their great Annie can safely arrive here in the new world.

"The ally..."

"The new world has arrived, what else do you order?"

First, I looked around and found that the sea was calm at this time, and there was nothing around that could affect the normal navigation of the Sonny. One of the Naga royal guards, the huge body, was turning around and got close to the Sonny. In the sky above, he tried to suppress his voice and asked carefully to a little **** the deck who was looking around curiously.



"Is this the new world? It looks normal, no different from the ordinary sea..."


"Forget it! Come here, always have to look around!"

'ο'*))) alas

When the Sonny broke out of the sea and officially came to the waters of this new world, looking at the vast sea in front and the towering red earth continent behind her, Annie suddenly felt that it didn't seem like a big deal. But it just got through from one side of the mountain and reached the other side.

If she had known it was like this, maybe she wouldn't have bothered to drill through the submarine channel before, and just opened a portal and came over.

"Hey! Big man!"


"You can go back and tell your commander that the land of Fishman Island will be under his control in the future!"


"Also, let him remember to say hello to Big Sister Azshara and Big Sister Sylvanas who went to give it to you. Anyway, they are busy playing around, and they must not have time to go back to see them for the time being. of."


"That's about it, you can go back now."


After finishing speaking, Annie waved her hand, indicating that these unsightly big men can get out of the way. Her Lady Queen Anne will continue to go everywhere now, so don't bring these troublesome guys with her!


"Master Meng, do you really want the four of us brothers to follow?"

"We are the strongest warriors under Queen Azshara. If we are with us, no matter what the enemy is, we can wave it for you and solve it, even the four emperors in this world!"

Yes, these four Naga Royal Guards are very confident about it!

Because they are not ordinary Naga royal guards, they are the strongest Naga heroes, specially sent by Queen Azshara.

If they want, a water shock wave can cause a tsunami and easily destroy a city or island, and the Frost Arrow magic can easily freeze a large sea area, and the summoned sea element can even be as high as tens of meters. The skin and enormous power are also enough to make any enemy and any form of attack despair!

Even if they encounter the existence of the demon lord of the Burning Legion, they are sure to smash the opponent!

Of course, the premise is that it is under the sea. If it is on the shore, although their strength is not reduced, the flexibility in battle is estimated to be greatly reduced.

"do not want!"


"You are too strong, if you are following, it will not be fun!"


That's right, Annie just wants to come to this new world that has been rumored to be magical by those pirates. If she follows these four powerful Naga royal guards, it will definitely affect her game experience seriously. .

In fact, if the Flying Fish Knights weren't weak enough and stupid enough, she might not even want to bring them!



"too strong?"


"Master Meng, you are the strongest, aren't you?"

"Compared to you, we..."

Hearing the words of Annie Mengzhu, the other Naga royal guard on the side was a little puzzled, and then he couldn't help but contradict.


Then, of course, what awaited him was a cordial greeting from the huge golden anchor weapon that was also more than ten meters long in the hands of his companion.


"I-I didn't say anything!!"

The honest and honest Naga royal guard who was slapped by his companion on the back of his head and then finally reacted, hurriedly rubbed the back of his head and stepped aside.


"Then I'll retire first..."

"If necessary, please remember to call us!"

Bang! !

After clenching his fists and saluting his chest and making a muffled thunderous sound, the Naga Royal Guard who seemed to be the leader said so and prepared to dive away with his other three companions.

"go Go!"


"You guys should go back and slowly build your abyss portal. Just remember not to tear the world apart. People will definitely remember to call you if they need it!"



Annie was already impatient, she just waved her hand and signaled the four unsightly guys to get out of the way. It doesn't matter whether she is going back to build the portal or go back to play with Miss Murloc. Anyway, just hurry up and get out of her sight. Disappear, and don't bother her with anything in the future.


"In the name of the Flame Alliance!!"

After a final salute, the four Naga who had completed the **** mission slowly dived and left hesitantly, for fear that the turbulent waves would affect the smooth sailing of the Sonny.

Although the world of Azeroth has been unified for a long time now, the phenomenon of gang formation within the Azeroth Empire is still relatively serious. After all, there is always a fight where there are people, not to mention the big one. There are so many different races in the world of Azeroth.

As a result, the high elves of Quel'Thalas, the humans of Lordaeron, the dwarves of Eagle's Nest Mountain, the fire elements of the Flame Kingdom, and the Naga clan who were originally associated with Illidan naturally liked to treat their clans They belong to one faction, and always like to call themselves the heroes and elders of the empire, and their slogans and banners always carry some traces of the old flame alliance period. , even the imperial parliament has ordered rectification many times without much effect.

"Finally gone!"

'ο'*))) great!

"Hey! You lazy bastards, hurry up and set sail!!!"


After seeing those troublesome Naga finally get out, Annie raised her face and scolded the crew members who were still herding sheep and basking in the sun.

Soon, as the sail with wind magic on its face was pulled up, the Sonny speeded up in vain, rushing out towards the unknown new world sea area ahead like an arrow.

"That's it!"


"Remember to be careful, don't hit the reef, or you will look good!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

After reprimanding the crew members and making them move, Captain Annie walked over to the turf deck of the Sonny, dragged a beach chair, and lay down comfortably on it, and began to lazily The sun came up.

Doing what you want to do to others is definitely not good for Annie, anyway, she just likes to have privileges, she just can sleep in the sun and then don't have to work!


(● ̄? ̄●)


When the Sonny was speeding on the vast sea of ​​the New World, far above the Nine Snake Island in the first half of the Great Route, Luffy was having a picnic with the Empress Boya Hancock on a deserted beach.

At this time, there was no one around the two of them.

Because ah, this place has been sent by the Empress before to clear the Amazon female warriors. It is guaranteed that this afternoon, the world that belongs to only her and Luffy within a few hundred meters of this place will never be used by others. Beast to disturb.


Empress Boya Hancock, who was basking in the sun, blowing the sea breeze, drinking fine wine, and slouching lazily on the beach cloth, had red cheeks, and was obsessively watching Luffy, who was sitting beside him meditating and practicing.

Although, she really wanted to do something with Luffy when no one was around, and then give birth to a lot of little monkeys, but how... Luffy, who was tricked out by her in the name of cultivation, returned The real one just went to practice, and didn't even look at her at all. Fortunately, she even wore this latest bikini!


"Stop practicing, come and help me apply sunscreen?"

After waiting for a while, the Empress finally couldn't bear it any longer, she directly picked up a bottle of cream, and then gently untied the red knot behind her, while fascinatingly moved towards the 'domineering', who was still focusing only on closing her eyes and meditating. ' said Luffy.

"No way!"

"Hancock, paint it yourself, or ask Sonia and the others to paint for you, I'm busy practicing!"

Luffy rudely refused with the tone of being single for 10,000 years.

He is very busy now. After nearly a month of practice, he has already touched the slightest hint of domineering, so he must hurry up, especially Hancock also said that in this kind of no one If you practice locally, will your progress be better?


The hand that the Empress was about to untie the knot when she stretched out behind her froze, and then she opened her mouth and looked at Luffy who was serious, unable to say a word for a long time.

However, she obviously did not give up so easily, and soon came up with a better idea.


"Let's go swimming, but no clothes are allowed!"

"I will try to attack you under the water. You can try to avoid it with a sense of arrogance when you can't use the fruit ability. That is also a kind of cultivation!"

"very important!"

With a blushing face, as soon as the Empress exerted force, the red knot was easily pulled away by her.


At this moment, as two pieces of cloth slipped, Luffy suddenly opened his eyes and jumped up in surprise.

But it is a pity that his eyes did not look at the female emperor Hancock at all, but excitedly waved towards the sky.

Then soon, a newspaper delivery pigeon flew by at high speed and dropped a newspaper at Luffy with precision.


"Delivery pigeons?!"

The empress, who was still subconsciously blushing and clutching her chest, immediately turned her face, and then stared fiercely at the newspaper delivery pigeon that flew away in the sky, considering whether to shoot the arrow of captives and give it to the other party. petrified.


"Annie went to Fishman Island?"

"Also defeated Hody Jones and Vander Deacon IX of the Believer Pirates?"

"No, I'll go find her now!"

Soon, after seeing the big events of Annie's sitting on Fishman Island published in the newspaper, and seeing that she became more famous, Luffy couldn't sit still, and wanted to run back.



"Luffy! Your practice is not over yet, and Annie might have arrived in the new world now. Do you have a boat, how are you going?"

At this time, the Empress didn't care about covering up, she directly blocked Luffy with her hands, and let him hit her body all of a sudden.


"Then Hancock, what can you do?"

Luffy, who bounced off the Empress, sat on the ground at once. Then, after thinking for a while, he scratched his head, and then grinned stupidly and asked the Empress who always liked to stand in front of him without clothes for some unknown reason.

"There's no way..."

"My Perfume Snake doesn't seem to be coated either..."


"It's better to settle down and practice. Besides, didn't Annie say so?"

"She must have passed through Fishman Island only to find your companions. She said it a while ago, and now she has found Zoro, Chopper and that Nami. After she finds everyone, she will definitely come back. pick you up."

As soon as her eyes rolled, the Empress pretended to be innocent and comforted Luffy.

In fact, her Perfume Snake is coated with a film, but it doesn't matter, she will let her sister secretly destroy the bubble film of the ship!

"makes sense!"

"Then just do it first."

Thinking that it was indeed what the Empress said, Luffy thought for a while, and felt that it made sense, so he sighed and lay down directly on the beach.


Seeing that Luffy didn't insist, the Empress could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"bring it on!"

"Luffy, help me apply sunscreen, okay?"

"People can't reach the back..."

Then, with a pitiful look, she approached Luffy's side and handed the bottle of cream to him.

"okay then!"

Turning his head to look at the appearance of the Luffy didn't think too much, and took the bottle of cold little thing carelessly.


Soon, the empress lying on the beach murmured Luffy's name, and her eyes became even more blurred.


What Luffy, who is busy, doesn't know, is that a certain bad boy doesn't want to help him find someone for a long time. Now, she just went to the new world to play, and she left their Straw Hat Pirates. The kind of everyone!

At the same time, the empress under Luffy also made up his mind. Starting from tomorrow, he ordered her sisters to intercept the pigeons, and resolutely prevent any outside news from falling into Luffy's hands.

Because, Luffy is hers, always will be! !


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