Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1680: ?(?Δ?)? The real origin of the bear child

Located in front of the red soil continent in the middle of the great shipping route, there is the world's largest mangrove 'Alchiman mangrove' and the Chambord Islands with a magical bubble culture. In this beautiful dreamlike place, today, In a conference room of the naval base in the No. 66 area, the top leader of the world government is also the pillar of the world government 'Five Old Stars', the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces 'Kong' and a general of the navy. High-level people gathered here and had a meeting.

And what they are discussing is undoubtedly about the response to a series of major incidents that the bear child Anne Hastur passed by and made trouble on Fishman Island a few days ago.

Up to now, whether it is the Five Old Stars, the Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies, or the big men of the Navy, they have actually reached a consensus, that is:

Anything involving that bear child will end up being a bad thing and certainly not a trivial matter!

From the Chambord Archipelago at the beginning, then to the advance city, then to the Marine Headquarters Marine Vandto, and now to the crucial Haitian passage, Fishman Island, the series of events that the arrogant child made and participated in is about to make the A group of senior executives present felt a little exhausted.

But there is no way, since things have already happened, they can't escape, and this is the main reason why they gathered here in the Chambord Islands today and are preparing for a meeting!

"Is everyone here?"

"Then let's talk about it, the fish-man island..."

"How to deal with it?"

With the arrival of the staff and the start of the meeting, the one from the five old stars was wearing a black suit, curly white hair, a fluffy white beard, a flat hat, and a scar on his left face. The old man was the first to speak. .

"Presumably you all know the situation, right?"


"If we let the bear children continue to toss on Fishman Island like this, our world government will really lose that important waterway completely!"

"As you all know, the Holy Land Holy Land Mary Joa can only pass people, not boats. If you want to go to the New World through the Red Earth Continent or want to return from the New World, if you can't abandon the ship, even our navy can only go there. Take that undersea passage."

"Of course, so do cargo ships!"

"And once we really lose Fishman Island, it will only be a trivial matter if the cargo on both sides of the Red Earth Continent will be blocked. What I'm more worried about is that our navy will be constrained from here and will be inconvenient for transportation. I'm afraid the situation will become more and more embarrassing. "

Having said that, the Five Old Stars sighed heavily.

Yes, although their world government has the Holy Land Holy Land Mary Joa, a channel that can pass through the Red Continent in a better and safer way, but after all, it is only a land channel. If you pass it, you need to apply for it. More importantly, when passing through, you can only abandon the ship, and it is very inconvenient to carry goods. To a certain extent, it is not even comparable to that dangerous submarine channel.

And this is why they all gathered in the Chambord Archipelago today and held a meeting here, is it because that bear child has seriously threatened the interests of their world government and navy?


"Now Fishman Island hasn't said that we won't let our navy pass through, right?"

"Before Whitebeard died, they also occupied the place, and they didn't seem to cause us much trouble, did they?"

At this time, the lieutenant admiral and staff officer of the Navy Headquarters, who was able to wash the fruit, the old and gray-haired 'Crane' spoke up, and carefully refuted and comforted the irritable Five Old Stars. .


"They didn't say they wouldn't let us pass!"


"Anyone who doesn't follow their rules will be hit, whether it's a navy or a pirate, and they have already started to act, as evidenced by the detained Tianlong and the navy mediation fleet that was hit!"

"In short, such an important route can never be handed over to a group of murlocs!"

"no way!"

The five old star with a fluffy white beard seems to have some kind of discrimination against murlocs and mermen, so his tone of voice is also very disdainful and determined.


Hearing what the Five Old Stars said, there was nothing left. The female lieutenant general who was the vice admiral and staff officer of the Navy Headquarters went silent. She regretfully lowered her shriveled cheeks and frowned at the report on her desk. Talk again.

"It is said that now the bear child and her Sonny have arrived in the new world, right?"


"I mean, if we take advantage of her absence, we mobilize ships from the New World and Chambord to dispatch elite ships, and at the same time launch a double attack on Fishman Island from the east and west, how much chance can we win?"

Seeing that no one was speaking, at this time, another five old star who was wearing a dark red suit, no tie, blond hair, golden beard, and a scar on his chest asked tentatively.

Obviously, listening to his words, he knew that he must also be a main fighting faction, and he also wanted to take advantage of the boy's absence and the opportunity of Whitebeard's death to take advantage of Haiti, which is very important and often used by pirates. The passage was completely seized into the hands of the World Government.


"There must have been a great chance to win before, but..."

"Now, there is almost no chance of winning!"

After being silent for a while, the female lieutenant admiral 'Crane', the vice admiral and staff officer of the Navy Headquarters, who had not dared to say something just now, spoke again, and poured cold water on the five old star as soon as he spoke.



"Now, the navy's generals Kizaru and Aokiji are back. With the three generals, can't they take down the fish-man island without bear children?"

Just now, the five old star with white curly hair and fluffy white beard asked angrily again.

Yes, everyone present knows that the two unfortunate children, Kizaru and Aokiji, have now returned to the Navy, but Aokiji is arguing with Akainu over who will be the new Marshal of the Navy Headquarters. The two often fought so blushing and thick necks that they almost didn't fight directly.

As for the ape...

Because that **** was not nominated, he was still idle all day and didn't want to go to work, and if he hadn't been named by the Five Old Stars, he probably wouldn't have come to this meeting.

"Because of those Naga royal guards!"

"With them there, the navy will probably not be so easy to take down Fishman Island."

Finally, the Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies of the World Government, 'Kong', spoke up.

However, he still tried his best to say it in a euphemistic direction. Now that the world government or the navy wants to take down Fishman Island, it is definitely not just as simple as 'not easy'.

"I must have seen from the surveillance screen of the spy phone bug at the time, those aquariums named Naga Royal Guards are very powerful!"

"Let's not say anything else, just their huge size and terrifying level of physical attack are enough to make us humans on land feel desperate."

"I really can't think of what our navy is going to do to compete with those monsters with absolute underwater advantages in the 10,000-meter-bottom trench."

"Monsters of that level can no longer be described by mere sea kings."

As he talked, thinking of the information he had already obtained, the commander-in-chief 'Kong' shook his head in frustration, and didn't plan to say any more, so as not to damage his morale.


"The Yellow Ape!"

"If it were you, what chance would you have against those Naga royal guards?"

After thinking about the empty words for a while, after hesitating for a while, the one of the five old stars in a dark red suit and blond and golden tiger beard suddenly asked.


"It's terrifying..."

However, Kizaru flattened his mouth a little carelessly, looking like he was wandering in the sky.




Hearing Kizuna's opening, the five old stars and Kong and other bigwigs present did not rush to interrupt each other, but just watched and waited for Kizuna to continue talking.

"Alright alright!"

"On land, against the big and stupid big guy, that's not to say, I'm 100% confident that I can win!"

"Of course, that has to be a one-on-one situation?"

Seeing this problem, he couldn't avoid it, and there was no other way. Kizaru had to fold his arms, and at the same time, he reached out and grabbed a photo of the 'Naga Royal Guard' on the table, while looking at it and explaining it faintly.

He began to recall the sights he had seen on the surveillance phone bugs when the Naga sent shockwaves of water, frozen arrows, summoned water monsters, and beat Vander Deacon and Hody Jones, and then, thinking , the brows could not help but slightly wrinkled.

"If it's in the sea..."

"Even if there are bubbles to isolate the sea water, even if it is one-on-one, I think, I may not be a match for any of them, let alone there are so many of them."

"It's scary..."

After speaking, Kizaru dropped the photo, and then lay down in his position with his arms crossed and Erlang's legs crossed without speaking.

Of course, if what he said was true or false, only he would know.

"That's it..."

"I see."

Hearing this, the face of the five old star who asked the question turned a little ugly. Obviously he knew that Kizaru said that on purpose and he clearly didn't want to go to the bottom of the sea, but he finally nodded and did not continue to ask more about that question. .





Then, the meeting room fell silent again, everyone was staring at the information and photos on the desktop in a daze, and no one was in a hurry to speak.

"Cough cough!"

After a while, seeing the meeting scene seemed a bit dull, Sora had to speak again.


"The current situation is indeed very urgent. Not to mention the nearly 100 terrifying Naga royal guards who were summoned by the bear child. Now there are new situations at the bottom of the sea!"

"Look, here it is!"

"According to the latest information from our CP0 intelligence personnel, those Nagas seem to be building some strange devices like 'doors'."

"And then, just like when they appeared that day, more Naga came out of those door-like devices..."

"Although many of them don't look as strong and tall as those Naga Royal Guards, there are more female Naga that even those Naga Royal Guards can only obey obediently, and now their number is increasing. many!"


"Everyone! If we still do nothing, in the foreseeable future, our navy will lose more than just the Fishman Island and that important undersea passage."

After raising his hand to pick up the documents and photos and gestured to the participants, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces of the World Government said in a deep voice.



"I want to know more now, where did those Nagas come from?"

At this time, Akainu, who had been silent for a while, suddenly asked with a sullen face and all of them attracted the attention of the participants.

Now Akainu's injury has almost recovered, but in the war on the top, he was humiliated and lost!

Now almost everyone in the world knows that his Akainu was eaten by the abominable flaming giant bear when he became molten and was pulled out as a 'baba'. Then, many pirates now And some **** mob, even the navy likes to call him 'red dung' admiral in private, which makes him lose face, and directly affects his competition with Aokiji for the marshal of the navy headquarters.

Therefore, among all the people present, he is undoubtedly the one who hates the bear child and the person or thing related to the bear child the most, and there is no one!


"I don't know yet!"

Hearing this, he flipped through the thick stack of information in front of him, but in the end, he regretted it and shook his head.

"There's no way. After all, they are a race in the sea, and the sea is still too vast for our world. Who knew that they came out of that corner in the deep sea?"

His shoulders slumped, Sora didn't know where to start.


"One thing for sure!"

Suddenly, Sora straightened his face and sat up straight.


"Tell me?"

Hearing that Sora seemed to have found something, the five old star who was wearing a dark blue suit, with long straight white hair and a long beard, and who was always on the ground without speaking, asked with great interest.


"Before I say it, I can give you a few key pieces of information here..."

However, Sora did not rush to speak, but took out some documents and photos and put them together.


"We all know that the identity of the bear child is still a mystery, and no one knows where she came from, which is very interesting!"

"Also, according to reliable information, that bear child Annie Hastur always likes to call herself the 'queen' and the 'most, most, most, most, most, most, most...most powerful Arcane Archmage'. ."

"There are many, too many, I won't read them out for you, anyway, that's probably what it means."


"It's the thing about Annie Hastur, the bear child, who summoned the Naga, and it's not hard to guess the affiliation between the two from the reaction of the Naga to her submissive, right?"

"On this point, I believe everyone can basically determine some things."

"Of course, it's not over yet!"

"One more important point, let's take a look at this group of photos..."

"This is what happened when the two rebel murloc pirates pierced the bubble on the mermaid princess Shiraishi. You see, they managed to submerge the bear child directly into the sea, but..."

"She doesn't show any need to hold her breath or feel suffocated like we humans on land, and even speak calmly?"

Having said that, Sora looked up at the surrounding participants.

Then, from the surprised or clear expressions on everyone's faces, it was not difficult for him to guess that they must have understood what he meant, so he continued to say:


"The names of those terrifying deep-sea monsters, those Naga's names are 'Naga Royal Guard', everyone should know what 'Royal Guard' means, right?"


"We might as well take a bold guess here!"

"In our world, somewhere in the deep sea that is unknown and has nothing to do with land, there is a kingdom, a city or an unknown place called 'Naga', and their queen or high-ranking, Possibly the bear boy, Annie Hastur!"

"This is the reason why we have exhausted all means, but we have never been able to find out the origin and true identity of the bear child!"

"This also explains why she can summon those Naga by some means and they are still obedient to her!"

"To sum up, that bear boy, the other party will never be as simple as we thought before. The other party is just a secret weapon sent by the anti-thief 'Dragon'."


"Their Naga and that mysterious country have officially appeared in our sight, and they are trying to summon more tribes and establish rule in the fish-man country. We must pay attention to this!"

After the analysis, Sora, who felt more and more reasonable and logical, slapped the table firmly and said.

Of course, attaching importance to attaching importance, but how to attach importance, he really does not know.




After listening to the intelligence analyzed by the commander-in-chief of the three armies, the people present did not speak, but frowned and digested what they had just heard.


"You're right, I can't find a reason to refute it."

"So, let's assume that your analysis and guesses are the closest to the truth, but..."

"There's nothing we can do about it!"

"You just said that the number of Naga clan now appearing on Fishman Island is probably more than 500. That is no longer a force that our navy can fight against, at least not in the sea."

At this time, one of the Five Old Stars was wearing a dark blue suit, with long straight white hair and a long beard, the old man spoke again and shook his head regretfully.


"The most important thing now is not how to deal with the Fishman Island and Naga, because at least the status quo can be maintained, and their strength has not expanded so drastically that they can immediately affect the land and sea."

"What's killing now is..."

"The Dragon Palace Kingdom of Fishman Island has once again issued an ultimatum to us, saying that we should unconditionally release all the murlocs and mermen slaves in the hands of the Navy, the World Government or the Tianlongmen within three months!"

"Although the ultimatum did not state what they would do if we refused, it is conceivable that the situation will be very bad then."

Then, the bald man with a splayed beard and a birthmark on his forehead also spoke up, and said so and so worriedly.


"Do we have murloc or merman slaves in our navy?"

Hearing the big guys talking, Aokiji, who had not spoken, suddenly asked and brushed his presence.


"It doesn't seem to be, but there are a few prisoners held in the push city."

After flipping through some information and recalling it, the Vice Admiral, Chief of Staff Crane said so firmly.

"What about the World Government and the Tianlong people?"

"Is there any more Holy Land Mary Joarie? How many?"

Aokiji asked again.


However, the female lieutenant general Crane suddenly stopped talking.

Because the slave thing is very sensitive, and it also involves the Holy Land and the Tianlong people, her little lieutenant general does not dare to talk nonsense at this kind of meeting.




The five old stars who were still discussing just now also kept their mouths shut at this time. Obviously, slaves and Tianlong people are a closely guarded issue, and they do not want to explain more.

"Cough cough!"

"as far as I know……"

"In every country in the world, whether in the hands of some big businessmen or dignitaries, there are quite a few mermen or murloc slaves. As for the Tianlong people..."

"The Holy Land, Holy Land, Mary Joaly, is likely to have hundreds or even thousands of mermaid and murloc slaves, as well as their descendants?"

Seeing that no one answered, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces said it indifferently, and looked at the Five Old Stars at the same time.

Back then, when Tiger freed the slaves, there were thousands of slaves who were freed from the Holy Land Mary Joey, and that was not all. Now, after so many years, the slaves in the hands of the Tianlong people are estimated to have recovered. A considerable amount too.


"There is no need to discuss this issue!"

"Tianlong people will not unconditionally hand over those slaves because of an ultimatum from a mere Dragon Palace Kingdom!"


"Issuing a warning to the navy and governments to try not to pass through undersea passages and nearby waters in the near future."

"As for other things..."

"We'll discuss it another day!"

Said, it seems that the matter of slaves made the five old stars feel a little embarrassed and angry, so they all stood up and announced their departure in advance, leaving only a group of navy executives looking at each other and sitting in their respective positions. .


"Am I right before?"

"That bear boy..."

"It's scary!"

After a long After the five old stars had all left, without waiting for others to speak again, Kizaru stood up for the first time and sneered with a flat mouth.

Then, without waiting for anyone to say anything, he left the venue angrily with his navy 'Justice' coat in his trouser pocket.



The senior navy officers present had no intention of stopping them. After all, they also knew that Kizaru was a jerk, and the other party complained about not being nominated to take over as the marshal of the navy headquarters. You can't criticize too much, otherwise, the other party will have to resign directly.


(ω) Is there a monthly pass?


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