Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1681: ?(*?)?G-5 Fleet VS Flying Fish Mothership

Most of this vast world is ocean, and the area is likely to exceed 70% or more?

Therefore, the significance of sailing around the planet from the Upside Down Mountain along the great route is equivalent to conquering the world to a certain extent. Such feats are undoubtedly very important and meaningful to the people of this world, and Once it's done, you'll get a great reputation and all sorts of unspeakable benefits.

It's a pity that, so far, it seems that only the former Pirate King Gol D. Roger, who has been recognized by the whole world, has accomplished that feat.

Because the magical red earth continent of this world divides the great route and even the entire planet into two halves, so, in people's popular understanding, if you can cross the sea trench where the Holy Land of the World Government Mary Joa or Fishman Island is located After crossing the red soil continent and entering the second half of the great waterway, that is to the new world.

And here in the New World, it is said to be the most difficult and dangerous sea area in the world. Countless warships, merchant ships, cruise ships or pirate ships have been buried here due to various factors or disasters. Therefore, I want to complete the The feat of sailing around the great route is not so easy.

Under normal circumstances, there are two ways to enter the second half of the great route, that is, the new world. One is to make a request to the world government, and then after applying and agreeing, you can spend a lot of money to directly cross the peak of the red earth continent. The Holy Land of Mary Joa arrives on the other side of the red continent.

However, there is a downside to this approach, which is that the ship must be abandoned!

Of course, for the navy, tycoons or those rich people, as long as there are ships in the ports on both sides of the red earth continent, the problem of abandoning ships is not a problem. They don’t need to spend a lot of money to buy ships. It's just time-consuming to apply, but it's better than it's very safe.

And if you don't want to abandon the ship, don't want to apply to the World Government, or don't dare to apply at all, then you can only go through the second way of Fishman Island.

Just like a certain bear boy and the pirates who once gathered in the Chambord Islands, first of all to gather in the Chambord Islands, and then find someone to use the resin of the mangrove tree to coat the boat (God knows that Why is the resin film so resistant to pressure), and then dive from the waters off the Chambord Islands to 10,000 meters to the bottom of the sea, then pass through a huge cave under the red soil continent, pass through Fishman Island for supplies, and finally drill out of the cave and If you rise to the surface, then you will be considered to have reached a new world.

However, compared with the first route, the behavior of crossing the seabed channel is obviously more dangerous. The situation on the seabed is very complicated. In addition, there are all kinds of terrifying sea beasts and sea king-like monsters. Therefore, it is said that they can successfully travel from Haiti The probability of the passage reaching the new world is less than three layers?

Of course, compared to a certain bear child, the probability is undoubtedly 100%.

After all, compared to the complex sea conditions, sea beasts and sea king-like monsters in the Haitian passage, the bear child may be the most dangerous existence?

But fortunately, the bear child has long since left the Haitian passage, left the fish-man island, and is now dangling on the sea of ​​the new world.



"Hey! Dibalu, when will we arrive?"


When Annie woke up on the turf deck of the Sonny, she found that the Sonny was still sailing forward, and there was no sign of the port or other ships around, so she couldn't help asking a little strangely. road.



"My Lady Queen, where are we going?"

While fishing, Dibalu, who was somewhat inexplicable, looked left and right, and then asked back.


ヽ(゜Q.) ノ?

"You don't know where you're going and you just drive around?"

∑(△`)? !


"But you didn't say where you were going..."

Dibalu looked innocent and didn't think he had done anything wrong.

"Didn't you say it?"


"of course not!"

"Xiao Ba can testify!"


Dibalura passed Little Eight who was fishing for octopus with him.

Because he is an octopus person, Xiaoba has a very good understanding of the habits of octopuses. He caught a lot of octopus in no time. The speed and performance have completely beat Diba. Lu was left a few blocks away.


"Indeed, Captain, you don't seem to have said..."

It doesn't matter Xiaoba, as long as he follows the bear boy and sails west, it will be better if he can really complete the feat and find the treasure of Roger One Piece, he doesn't care where he is going now.


( )

It turned out that she really did not give clear instructions, which made Annie a little surprised.

"Hey! Uncle Little Eight, what are you going to eat tonight?"


But it doesn't matter, I don't say it if I don't say it. Compared with the destination of the sailing, dinner is obviously more important.

Maybe when she's full, she'll figure out where to go and re-orientate tomorrow?

Although, there seems to be no navigators on her Sonny for the time being, but as long as it keeps driving westward, there must be no big problem. After all, the planet is round, and there is no such thing as navigators, right? , anyway, the ship is still coated with film, even if it accidentally sunk, it can still be used as a submarine general, right?

"Eat octopus!"

"Just now we passed an octopus fishery and caught a lot!"


Lifting the lid, he pointed to the octopus full of a large wooden barrel on the deck, and seeing how they were still trying to climb out, Xiao Ba quickly closed the lid again as he spoke.

"Later I'm going to make braised octopus, octopus with sauce, sizzling octopus, cold octopus and pickled octopus!"

"By the way, there are also octopus balls!!"

Just now Dibalu said he would compete with him, but in the end, the opponent could only control one fishing rod with both hands and he was still in a hurry, while his little eight had six hands and could control six fishing rods at the same time. Familiar with the habits of octopuses, the opponent is completely humiliating himself, and it is not on the same level as his victory.



"Then, so many octopuses..."


Although Annie wanted to say if she could not eat all octopus, and even the chefs were octopus or something, but seeing that the other party seemed to have really caught a lot of fish, she thought that the other party was the chef and the chef who cooked the octopus. After Yi seemed to be barely getting along, she hesitated for a while before giving up the idea of ​​protesting.

"okay then!"

ε=(ο`*))) alas

"Octopus is octopus!"


After all, she still has a whole food industry. If she is not satisfied with the octopus deluxe package, she can secretly go back to her room to eat alone, and she will not care about these stupid guys!


(● ̄ ̄●)


"Your Majesty, you asked just now. Now we can't do it all the way to the west. Do you have any destination?"

Seeing that some bad boy was going to go back to the cabin after getting enough sleep, Dibalu hurriedly put down his fishing rod and went up to ask.





"Have any of you been to the New World and know what islands or countries are ahead?"


She scratched her head first and looked at the sea in front of her, which was still in the horizon, before Annie asked with a blink of an eye.

"It's not..."

"But Xiaoba used to be from the Sun Pirates. He should have been here, right?"

Dibalu looked at Little Eight, who was still fighting against each other along the boat, and wanted to see if the other party had any good suggestions.


"Don't ask me, I'm not a navigator. I can't tell the difference between east, west, north and west at sea. How can I know what islands or countries are ahead?"

Xiao Ba hurriedly waved his hand, he is just a cook on the boat now, just do his own thing, and he will not care about anything else!

"Then keep going!"


"Because people are not familiar with this place!"


Bah! !

After saying that, after making a face, Annie jumped into the cabin with Tibbers the bear, and then closed the cabin door with a flick of her hand, not wanting to worry about sailing at all.

She plans to take a hot bath in Miss Nami's bathroom before dinner, and then go to eat a meal of Uncle Eight's kin?

As for the Sonny or something...

Anyway, she's not worried about sinking, so those guys like to drive, she doesn't want to care about it for the time being.



"You! Lower the other side of the sail, and tuck this side in half. Let's drive slowly, and we'll be ready for dinner later!"

Seeing that the captain had left his post irresponsibly, Dibalu, the first mate, deputy captain and captain of the bombing formation of the Flying Fish Knights, hurriedly shouted at the crew members by the mast.

After all, the sky is getting dark, and if the boat is still so fast, it is easy to hit things. For Dibalu and the others, whose navigation skills are not very good, since they are not in a hurry, they must be safe. in the first place.

"Little Eight!"

"You go to the kitchen first, this time even if you win!"

Then, Dibalu pretended to be very generous, saying that he let Xiaoba win this game, and he didn't even look at the fact that there was only a pitiful little octopus in his bucket.

"It was me who won!"


"Forget it, then you remember to help me pack the fishing rod later, and I'll move these little guys to the kitchen first."

"Remember to let the helmsman drive steadily, otherwise, the work in the kitchen is not easy to do."

Shaking his head, Xiao Ba didn't want to entangle with the scumbag Dibalu, so he directly lifted his wooden barrel full of fish and walked towards the kitchen on the second floor of Sonny's.

"do not worry!"

"We don't need to hurry, we won't drive like that..."


"What's over there?"

Suddenly, Dibalu turned his head and found that there were sails on the sea level to the southeast of them?

Then, hesitantly, he walked to the edge of the boat and picked up the binoculars to look at it for a while. When he recognized the seagull pattern on the sail and the word 'G-5', he couldn't help but shudder. , I almost jumped up without being frightened!


"Who is on duty at the watchtower?!"

Seeing that it was the navy, and that it was already in his sight, Dibalu grabbed the only octopus in his barrel and smashed the watchtower of the Sonny. There was a muffled sound on the window.




"What's the matter, Boss Dibalu!"

"what happened?"

At this time, the people in the watchtower didn't seem to know that the naval ship was approaching, and they even pushed out the window to ask.

Looking at the cards in the man's hand, it's not hard to guess. Just now, those guys were clearly in the watchtower, but they didn't find out in advance why the navy was coming.

"what happened?!"

"You bastards, over there, see for yourself what that is!"

Having said that, Dibalu, who was in a hurry, didn't care about them anymore, but roared in the direction of the helmsman angrily:

"Turn northwest!"


"Fill this sail, speed up, don't let their navy get too close, must stay out of their shelling range!"


"The First Bomber Brigade of the Flying Fish Knights assembles immediately! Prepare to take off!"

"What about the ground crew?"

"Quick! Get them out of the cabin and get ready to carry the ammunition now!!!"

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

With the roar of Dibalu, and the rabble on the watchtower who were still playing cards on duty, they finally found the enemy and sounded the alarm. Soon, the crew on the Sonny was in a hurry. Take action.



"Why do you all look like newbies?"

At this time, the leader of the more than ten naval G-5 fleet that was rushing towards the slanting thorn in the southeast, who was standing on the bow of the flagship, had short silver hair, and was wearing a shirt with the words 'Justice' written on the back. Brigadier General Smallg, in a large coat and visors around his neck, also saw movement on the unresponsive Sonny.


"Has it finally been discovered?"

"No fun!"

"The navy on the other side of the Red Earth Continent was actually defeated by such a guy?"

Then, Smoker slowly put away the telescope, and was a little disdainful of the Sonny, which was clumsily turning to flee in front of his own fleet in the distance.

"The order!"

"Boiler boost, full speed ahead!"


"The main gun is ready. When it enters the range, it will be bombarded freely. I must sink that ship!"


"This time, don't get close! Don't start a jumping gang battle!"

Seeing that the Sonny in the distance took a long time to complete the turn and start to accelerate, and left the **** of the ship to them, Smoker grinned and waved the order.


Soon, with the departure of the messenger and the raising of a command flag, the Navy's G-5 fleet completed the battle arrangement, and the barrels in the main gun turrets in front of each door were slowly raised to the maximum. Forty-five degrees elevation of the range.


"The Flying Fish Knights who discovered the Sonny took off and are now flying towards us!!"

At this moment, the shrill exclamation of a navy soldier suddenly came from the watchtower of the navy mast, which made Smoker, who had already put down the telescope, pick it up again and observe it carefully.

"one two Three……"


"Are there twelve flying fish in total?"

"whispering sound!"

"You still want to play the air raid with me?"

Seeing that the Sonny wanted to use the same aerial bombardment that they had used to defeat the navy in the sea off the Chambord Islands, Smaller grinned and put down the telescope in his hand and turned and ordered! "

"Let the ships continue to maintain their speed, and at the same time move closer to our ship, and prepare to implement the No. 1 combat plan!"

Following Smog's order, soon, the Navy's G5 fleet gradually moved closer to Smog's flagship.

Then, while they maintained a dense formation, Smog, who was standing on the bow, slowly released a thick smoke, and it didn't take long to wrap the entire fleet in, so that the outside could not see it. The specific situation inside is clear, but the general scene outside can be vaguely seen inside.

Obviously, this G-5 fleet has obviously studied the combat methods of the USS Sonny Flying Fish Mothership, and has found an effective response in a short time, that is:

Using the ability of the smoke fruit of their commander, Commodore Smog, to block the entire fleet directly with smoke, so that the flying fish flying at high speed in the air directly lose their bombing targets!


(ω)←The little eyes that ask for the monthly pass


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