Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1686: ????Arrived in Dressrosa

Dressrosa, this is a country in the New World, and it is also an island, and it is also a tropical island with a resort style, and this country has three very distinctive features and is widely visited by foreign tourists. All relished.

The first is that it has golden sunflowers and many other flowers all over the mountains and plains, and there are large and large flower fields exuding charming fragrance all the time. It can be said to be a well-deserved romantic tourist destination.

Furthermore, the country has always been proud of its food culture and various delicacies, enough to make any gluttonous diners who love food to linger here!

The third is, it's beautiful music and young women and **** and hot dancing.

Tourists who have been here know that the women on this island are very persistent and single-minded about love.

It's just that while they are single, they also have a very strong jealousy. As long as they are betrayed by a man, they will make terrorist acts of attacking or assassinating the other party, and the more beautiful women are, the more vicious they are. The hatred is so clear that you can often see the scene of a man and a woman falling in love and killing each other on the street. In short, it is very scary!

In addition to the above three points, Dressrosa has a very important and very distinctive last point, that is:

For some unknown reason, in addition to the normal human residents, the local residents have many, many magical dolls with vitality.

Those dolls can talk, walk, eat and sleep at the same time, and even serve as patrols in the city to maintain order, so that, I don’t know when, the local residents seem to have become accustomed to all kinds of things. The dolls or toys coexist harmoniously.

At this moment, I just passed by Punk Hassad Island a few days ago, and I also beat the two admirals Aokiji and Akainu, and caused the two innocent admirals to interrupt the battle and the missing bear child and her again. The Sonny came here.





In this endless flower field, with the fragrant smell and cool sea breeze that permeates the air, a tall maid wearing glasses and a black ponytail is holding the corner of her skirt and trying her best to catch up in the path of the flower field. The little girl in front of her who was sitting on the shoulders of a giant bear strode forward.

"Wait for me……"


She stumbled under her feet, and the maid almost didn't fall to the ground, but she barely stood still, but she didn't dare to stay for too long, and continued to chase after her.

However, I don't know what happened. When she ran, her footsteps were a little vain, and she didn't know whether it was because she was too tired or something else.

"Hurry up!"


"There's a town ahead, and everyone's hungry!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

That's right, it was Annie and her little bear Tibbers who were leading the way at this time.

Now Tibbers has been released by Annie and used as a mount. It is comfortable all the way, not only fast but also has a shock absorption function, but the maid Dasqi who follows behind is not so good. After being treated, she could only follow along on foot, and she was still wearing those high heels to walk on this kind of field road, one can imagine how hard it was.

It is also fortunate that she is a powerful former senior naval officer. If it were an ordinary person, I am afraid that she would be tired already.


Looking at the city wall and city gate in front, and then looking at the bay cliff where the Sonny was hidden in the distance, Dusky had to speed up his pace again and try his best to keep up.


"Please be sure to slow down, it's still early, don't be in a hurry."

Dasqi didn't know if she was in a hurry, anyway, she only knew that her bare feet were uncomfortable now, and her buttocks began to throb a little again because of the rush.

After all, she, Da Siqi, was severely damaged both physically and mentally the night before, and she has not yet fully recovered.

"Who told you to follow me?"


"Also! Just drive the boat directly to the port, and I don't know what you said to that Dibalu and the others, but you scared them to stop in that kind of ghost place!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie didn't care about the maid behind who liked to occasionally act dishonestly, she just patted Tibbers' bear head, told him not to stop, and continued on his way, trying to get to the one in front of him on the spire of a tall tower. Go to town with an eerie Smiley Orb contraption.


Dasqi didn't dare to defend herself, she just gritted her teeth and loosened the neckline of her maid outfit slightly, letting the flushed skin on the inside of her neck dissipate a little heat. Quickly followed.

Fortunately, this is the last part of the road, and the city gate is just ahead, so the road after entering the city will definitely be much easier to walk than the outside, so that she can relax a little when the time comes.

After a few minutes……

A bear, a little girl, and a maid who looked a little unsightly, like a little daughter-in-law who was wronged, the combination of these two people and a bear finally came to this beautiful and fantasy-style town.



Just after entering the unattended town gate, Little Annie, who was sitting on Tibbers' shoulders, looked at the scene in the city and couldn't help being stunned.

Originally, she was worried that Tibbers' moving puppet would scare others or something, but now, she found that she was completely overthinking it.

She couldn't tell if others were frightened, but she herself was taken aback by the situation here!

Because, ah, there are moving puppets, dolls, etc. everywhere, and they all seem to be alive, talking, and walking?


"It's incredible..."

"Before, the slaves have also heard that this place has been ruled by the king's Qiwuhai Don Quixote Doflamingo for several years, and I know that this place has become a little different from the outside, but this is the first time I saw it. At this point, it's still surprising.”

"So many living puppets, what are they..."

Looking at the puppets, puppets and all kinds of toy creatures coming and going on the street, Dasqi wearing a maid costume was full of incredulity.

"Lord, Lord."

"Isn't your little bear Tibbers also from here?"

Surprised, Dusky asked tentatively.

At the same time, she didn't forget to reach out and caress her own buttocks subconsciously.

There was still a faint pain there, and she still had lingering fears to this day.

After all, that night the other day, she was really beaten... At that time, her entire buttocks were bruised and swollen, and she suffered from pain for three days. On the Sonny, the sneering, teasing, taunting and teasing eyes and all kinds of nasty words were endured by those hateful pirates.

Of course she knew what they were thinking, and she had also defended aloud with grief and indignation that Tibbers, the abominable puppet bear, just hit her in the back, definitely not what they imagined! But unfortunately, those despicable guys seem to have limited understanding, and they only think things in some boring and evil directions, which makes her resentful but helpless.

So, since then, in addition to being the bear child's exclusive maid, she also has the title of "Mrs. Bear" on the ship.

Even if the truth of the matter was not what they thought, in the end, she had to grit her teeth and acquiesce under the unanimous determination of the pirates who were bizarre and did not trust her.

To this day, when she now sees the real situation here in Dressrosa in shock, she suddenly feels that it must not be completely unreasonable for those pirates to misunderstand her, and she Dasqi was taken by the other end. The giant bear has done it like that, and has seen it many times. Isn't it completely unreasonable to say that she is 'Mrs. Xiong'?



"It didn't come from here!"


"Tibbers was caught in the Fossil Forest of Voodoo Land by others!"


Annie still remembers that back then, stupid Tibbers still wanted to eat her, but as a result, she did a little trick, and the other party was caught by her magic, and she has been bullied by her until now.



(Tibbers glanced sullenly at the female human on the side, and expressed his dissatisfaction with the other party's behavior of not opening the pot, and at the same time, he secretly made up his mind and waited for the other party next time. When it wants to run again, it will definitely work harder when it hits each other's **** balls.)

"Tree Fossil Forest?"

"Voodoo Land?"

"What place is that?"

Dusky was startled, and then silently wrote it down.

So far, no matter it is the navy or anyone else, they have not been able to figure out the true origin of this terrifying bear child in front of her, but now, she has heard the 'fossil forest' and 'voodoo'. Two key words, if she can secretly pass information back to the naval headquarters, even if she can't make a contribution, presumably, no one will hold her accountable for the fact that she was captured and had to join the enemy camp. It must be like that?



"Let's go Tibbers, let's go to the front to watch that young lady dance, and then go to eat delicious food. They seem to smell the aroma of some good-smelling food!"

?( ̄??)???

Annie didn't answer the question of the scheming and dishonest maid Dasqi. She just stood on Tibbers' shoulders and looked forward, and then excitedly patted its head hard, signaling it to hurry up and open the way. , don't stand foolishly in the middle of the street.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(No way, Tibbs's fluffy bear ears twitched, and he walked deadpan across the street of people and puppets to the place where the music was playing.)


Seeing that the bear child's owner didn't answer his question, Dusqi didn't dare to ask any more, so she followed behind a little annoyed.


At this time, as she walked, she couldn't help but exclaimed again.

Because, Dasqi suddenly saw a pair of pedestrians pushing a stroller coming towards them, it seemed to be a couple of pedestrians, a puppet husband and a beautiful human wife, and in the stroller in front of them, there was a The puppet baby made her eyes widen immediately.


So, she subconsciously slowed down, and stood by and stared blankly at the strange couple, talking and laughing, pushing the stroller past her, and then the two of them looked at her After talking to the giant bear in front of him, he nodded kindly towards her.


"How, how is it possible..."

Can wood, puppets and normal women still have children? !


Muppet bears and women, can they also...


Thinking about it, Dusqi was suddenly shocked!

Then, with her cheeks turning slightly red, she couldn't help but nervously raised her head and glanced at the tall, strong and ferocious giant bear Tibbers in front of her.

There is no doubt that it is a strong giant bear, and it is said that even the two admirals of Aokiji and Akainu have been defeated by the other side. In addition, the other night, the other side also did her to Dasqi. That shy thing, so...

Thinking about it, Dusqi's entire face gradually became more red, and the heart began to beat unsatisfactorily.



"Dusky, hurry up and keep up!"


At this time, a certain bear child in front of him turned his head and shouted.



"Master, this servant is here..."

Dusky's heart skipped a beat, and then he couldn't care about his thoughts any longer, and hurriedly chased after him.

"There seems to be a lively restaurant over there, let's go there for dinner today!"


Watching Miss Sister dancing or It must not be eaten as a meal, so Little Annie lost interest after looking at it, and did not go to reward those young ladies and sisters who were performing arts. He patted Tibbers' bear head directly, motioned the maid Dasqi to follow, and then walked towards a restaurant that was wafting out a strong aroma of food.


"Master, slaves listen to you..."

Dasqi dared not have an opinion, because she knew that even if she had an opinion, it was useless. Now she is still a prisoner in the hands of the bear child, and she does not even have the most basic personal rights, let alone interfering with the other party's. Decided.

"Set off!"

?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*.

"People have already smelled that scent!"

(╯▽╰) So fragrant~~


At this moment, Dusqi suddenly stopped talking, just bowed her head slightly behind the giant bear Tibbers with flushed cheeks.

Because she is thinking...

A woman like her is walking with the giant bear, and there is a bear child sitting on the shoulder of the giant bear. Will others think that they are a family like the couple just now?

It must be, right?

Otherwise, why would the pedestrians or puppets passing by would smile and look at them with those weird but kind eyes?


it's over... it's over...

It must have been misunderstood, and it was the kind that she couldn't explain clearly...

Dusqi began to bow her head again, as if feeling sorry for herself, and was shy and indignant. If she had known this was the case in this city, she should have suggested to stay on the ship, rather than follow to find an opportunity to escape.


(?ω?) Monthly Pass

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