Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1687: ??^??^? People like to bully the blind


"Here's the Dresses Lobster Risotto, Rose Squid Ink Wheat Noodles, Leprechaun Pumpkin Soup, and Garlic Roasted Oysters you just ordered!"

"Please enjoy?"

When a certain bear child was eating, a puppet maid came over with several large plates, and put four dishes on the table that was already full and was eaten in a mess, and then some He glanced in amazement at the strange combination of a bear, a maid and a little girl before turning and leaving.

Actually, that combination is normal here in Dressrosa, but the little girl's appetite is a bit big, and, for some reason, she always feels a little familiar?



"Hey! Dusky, are you not eating?"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

While eating and eating, seeing the maid across the table stopped and started looking around, wondering what she was thinking, Little Annie asked strangely.

Of course, she just asked casually, not caring about whether the other party was full.

"No, master."

"The slaves are already very full and can't eat anymore."

Seeing the little eyes of the bear child, Dusqi was startled, and then hurriedly sat down in her place in a ladylike manner and lowered her head slightly, daring not to act like that before.



"Eating so little spicy, no wonder you are so weak..."


Don't eat it if you don't eat it, Annie doesn't want to worry about it so much, and she is also happy that the other party doesn't eat it, so she can eat a little more.

So, as soon as she stretched out her hand, she brought the hot Dreis lobster risotto that the puppet waitress had just brought to her, and ate it directly on the plate.

'Hey! ’

‘You lose again, this time for white. ’

'Are you going to come again? ’

'Best one? ’

‘Good good! If there is, then we will definitely accompany you, and I will also play this last game with you, all pressure! ’


When Annie was almost finished eating, suddenly, a group of people not far away were playing roulette and burst into arrogant laughter, causing Annie to look over.

This is a big hotel, so there is a kind of roulette or something similar to a card table not far from the dining table for the guests to entertain, and by the way, it can also make the hotel more extra income, specifically to make those people who have a lot of stupid money. Stinky money for guys.



Under normal circumstances, Annie would not meddle in her own business, but now that she is almost full, she has nothing to do, so it must be different from the usual situation. Looking for something to do.

Not far away, the group of villains who were bullying a blind man just made her a little blind.

After all, bullying a blind man or something, that kind of fun, must be more interesting only if Her Lady Queen Anne is in person, so how can you let those bad guys do it for you?


(● ̄? ̄●)

So, a certain bear Tibbers who understood her came over, hugged her in the bear hug, and walked directly towards those people.


Dusky was a little confused, but she still didn't say anything, just stood up silently and followed behind.

"Hey! Uncle!"


"They all lied to you just now. They have been white just now, but they have been saying that they are black. You should stop playing with them. How about they come to play with you for the last time?"


After throwing the almost eaten plate into the hands of an inexplicable badass thug standing next to her, Annie sat in Tibbers' bear hug and sat opposite the big roulette wheel. said the blind old man.


The blind man made a noncommittal 'oh' without much reaction, even when he heard that he had just been deceived countless times.


"Little devil, who are you?"

"Come to take care of the uncle's business, do you want to die?!"

At this moment, the guy with the black bat mask at the head glared viciously towards Annie who was talking and made a threat.



"It's called Annie!"


Annie doesn't know if she wants to die or not, anyway, she only knows that bullying blind people or something, that kind of interesting thing should be her.



"I don't know, there is an Annie across from my house..."


"Nosy guy, get out of here..."

The group of villains headed by the masked man in plain clothes looked at each other for a while, and then one of the strongest-looking ones came over and wanted to stretch out his hand to try to interfere with Little Annie.



At this moment, the maid Dasqi stepped forward and grabbed the arm of the guy who wanted to kill himself.

Although she doesn't know what the bear child is trying to do, whether she wants to escape or get more information from the bear child, she must gain more trust, and now, this group of A guy who is weak enough, it would be better to use it to court her.

"I say……"

"You scumbags!"

"My master's name is Annie, keep your eyes open, the bear and the little girl are in front of you, you idiots, don't you know who she is?!"

Then, she didn't know what was going on in Dusky's mind, she just said so loudly, with a volume that almost everyone in the hotel lobby could hear, directly at those idiots who wanted to do it. shouted.


"little girl?"


"Annie? Haas..."


At this moment, the guy who didn't know if he was a gangster or a pirate suddenly widened his eyes and took a deep breath.


"She she she she..."

"Bear, bear child?!!"

"That's right, she's the kid who was wanted by the Navy, won the three generals, and got a bounty of 1 billion baileys!!!!"

Immediately afterwards, he stuttered and pointed with trembling fingers for a while, and finally, the guy who didn't know if it was a gangster or a pirate screamed hysterically.

"Bear, bear child?"


"not good!"

"Quick, run!"

"Go tell the boss!"



After learning that it was the legendary bear child standing in front of them, and thinking about it carefully, after both bears and children matched the photos on the bounty list, those who were bullying a blind man just now wanted to bully The little gangster-like pirates panicked, screamed and screamed, and soon disappeared, and they didn't know where they went.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie didn't care about the little scoundrels, because bullying those guys didn't seem like it was fun to bully the blind uncle in front of him.


"bad boy?"

"I've heard of you, and they all say you're a villain, the most terrifying pirate in the world who does all kinds of evil..."

"But I really didn't expect that you are actually a child."

At this time, the blind uncle, who had been calm about Annie's arrival, finally sighed when he sat across from the roulette wheel after all the idle people around him had run away.

"That's right! They are eight years old this year!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

"That, blame uncle, are you really a blind man?"


"Can't see?"


Annie didn't mean to get down from Tibbers' arms, but she still sat on the top of it, and curiously stretched her head and kept looking at the strange crocodile holding a cane.


"I really can't see..."

The man didn't hide it, and even slightly opened his eyelids facing Annie, revealing the cataract-like eyes inside.



"What is your name?"



"Some people call me a lifetime, some people call me a smile, and some people call me Fujitora, but that doesn't matter, it's just a name."

The blind man said so, and said his names.



"Why are you blind?"

ヽ(゜Q.) ノ?


"I blinded myself."

In this way, Annie and the blind Fujitora dared to ask one question, and the other dared to answer.


Dusqi didn't know why her bear child's owner was interested in such a blind man, but she didn't dare to interrupt, just stood by silently.




At this time, some daring diners not far away did not escape.

They are sitting in their respective positions in surprise, looking at the bear child here and the blind man, as if they want to know what terrible things can be done by the legendary villain, the great pirate bear child.




∑('△')? !


"It's also a blessing that you can't see things with your eyes. There are too many dirty people in this world that people can't bear to look at."

Blind Fujitora said this quietly, and at the same time raised his head and 'looked' at Annie. He didn't know who he was mocking, and he didn't know whether what he just said was true or not. .

"Is that so?"


"If you don't want to see it, then don't watch it, and you have to make yourself blind. You are really a weirdo, so people will just call you a blind uncle who is heartless in the future."


Annie has always been good at giving other people nicknames, and of course the strange **** in front of her is no exception.


"Strange, they all say you are a very evil pirate, but..."

"Why don't I see sin in you?"

After a while, the blind Fujitora suddenly spoke quietly.


'ο'*))) alas

"You are obviously blind, how can you see?"


Suddenly, Annie made a face in Tibbers' arms. After seeing that the other party's face did not change much, she became more and more sure that the other party was really blind, and there was no special way to see her facial features. and expressions.

"And oh!"


"Don't you know? Those guys who like to speak ill of others are the worst and worst villains!"


And just like that, Anne sighed and said solemnly.


At this time, what she didn't see was that the maid Dasqi on the side secretly gave her master a blank look, obviously disapproving in her heart.


"A bad guy?"

"I heard people say that you killed a lot of people in the Chambord Archipelago. Is that true?"

Blind Fujitora didn't care about the crooked conclusion of a certain arrogant child, and just continued to ask in a low voice, as if he was very interested.

"There aren't many!"


"At most one!"



"Which one is it? Why kill him?"

Fujitora asked again.

"No reason!"

 ̄? ̄)????

"That's a nasty guy called Tianlongren. When people saw that he was bullying people casually, he dared to shoot at people indiscriminately, and even wanted to steal a young lady. Punch him away!"


"Who knew that he would die so easily, but that's what he deserved, so people won't pity him!"


That's right, Annie didn't think there was anything wrong with her beating up those Tianlong people, and ah, if the Tianlong people were all those kind of annoying guys, she would beat her up when she saw her!


At this time, the maid next to Dasqi really wanted to say that her 'little sister' was also robbed, and she was also spoiled by the giant bear in the other's arms a few nights ago, and now there is still pain in the back of her butt. .

Of course, since the perpetrator in front of her was a bear child and possessed the other party's lewd power, she was stunned and didn't dare to say a word.


"What about the advance city?"

Blind Fujitora seemed to be getting excited.

"Advance the city?"


"Oh! You mean the place where there are many prisoners?"


Annie remembered that she still seemed to have subdued that guy called Magelwen there, but now she didn't have time to pay attention to that demon-like uncle.

"That was Luffy begging others to save his brother, and then they went."


She went, but she couldn't be saved, so she was so angry that she went to Marine Fando with Luffy, and then there was a big fight there before it was over.

"Is that Ace?"

"I've heard that too, but... the navy will indiscriminately kill off Roger's heirs, which is indeed a bit too much."

"never mind!"

"Let's talk about what happened just now. You want to play with me for the last time, don't you?"

At this time, Fujitora seemed to have come to a conclusion, so he suddenly did not intend to continue talking, but just stretched out his hand and pushed out the chips in his hand.

"They don't have chips, but they don't want your chips either. They bet on something else with you!"


"other things……"

"Tell me?"

Blind Fujitora was a little noncommittal.

"Is such that!"


"People's boats are full of idiots, and Uncle Blind, you look very good, kind, and easy to bully, so people think, if they win, you will come on board and be a thug, how about that?"


Annie didn't want to do anything by herself, and Dibalu and the others couldn't be trusted easily when they took idiots, and the lady maid next to her always wanted to run away or make small moves, so she suddenly started recruiting seriously. Ideas from some awesome guys.

"Is that so..."


"It's not impossible!"


"What if I win?"

Surprisingly, Fujitora responded, and confidently asked a situation he thought was likely to happen.

"Then one of your wishes will be fulfilled!"



"It's a word!"

Fujitora stood up with his cane stick, indicating that Little Annie could start roulette.

"I still choose black!"

Soon, the bead was thrown into the roulette wheel, and then the game officially started, and the blind Fujitora spoke first while the roulette wheel was still spinning at a high speed.

"Then people choose white!"


Gollum Gollum Gollum...

The roulette wheel was spinning at a high speed, and soon, under the watchful eyes of both parties, the bead finally slowly rolled into a grid as the kinetic energy was consumed.



Seeing that it was really dark, Dasqi looked at the bear child in astonishment, wanting to see how the other party would smooth things out.

"I won!"

At this time, Fujitora laughed directly.

Obviously, although he is blind, even if he is blind, he can tell whether the beads rolled into the white grid or the black grid, anyway, he has his own way.



Annie laughed too.

Because, at that time, the ball blatantly slowly floated up, and quietly and slowly fell into the white grid next to it.



"It's people who won!"


Annie directly smugly refuted the other party's statement and declared her victory so blatantly.


"You cheated!!!"

Fujitora scolded directly with grief and anger.

Although he did 'see' it, but he clearly felt it, that little girl, who didn't know what unknown method she used, actually controlled the ball and changed it to a grid, she really thought he was an ordinary blind man Can't do it?



"Your eye saw someone cheating, who saw it again?"


"Right now, it's in the white grid, and no one has reached out to touch it, everyone can testify!"


Annie looked at her maid next to her, because at this time, there was only Dasqi around the 'everyone'.


Dusky didn't speak, but slowly lowered his head in shame.

Right now, there are only her and Tibbers and a bear around. There is no one who can uphold justice. Her bear child is bullying the blind man, and the group just now is no different.


"You cheat!"

"Although I don't have eyes, I still know that you cheated!"

"You just took control of the ball."

Fujitora said sadly and indignantly, isn't this obviously bullying the blind? It's a pity that he just thought that the bear boy was not the same as the rumors. Now it seems that he is not a good person.





"What if someone secretly uses gravity to control that little ball? Is it cheating?"


Annie didn't admit or deny it, she just asked this question playfully in front of the other party.


Hearing this, Dusqi suddenly raised her head and looked in astonishment at her master Bear Child and the blind Fujitora whose face suddenly became stiff.


At this time, Fujitora was also silent.

There is no doubt that the bear child's words are not aimless. His secret method was discovered for the first time, so he is also very embarrassed now. After all, strictly speaking, it is indeed that he cheated in the first place. , even if the bear child is really a blind man, it is understandable.


"Devil Fruit?"

Seeing that the blind man didn't refute any more, Dasqi, who knew that the bear child was right, nodded knowingly, and stretched out her hand to push the frame on the bridge of her nose, and guessed the method of cheating by the blind Fujitora.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Not bad!"

Suddenly, perhaps to ease the embarrassing scene, or to find himself a step down, the blind Fujitora raised his head and laughed.

"Good! Good! Good!"

"As expected of a bear boy, presumably, you must have found out that I was cheating at the beginning, right?"

"What amazes me even more is..."

"You seem to have known for a long time that I was using gravity to cheat..."

Having said this, Fujitora lowered his head and began to frown and Okay! "

"You win."

"I'm willing to admit defeat, now, I'm your crew!"

Finally, Fujitora stood aside and pushed the chips away.

He has now become a member of the Bear Boy Pirates, and he will definitely not worry about food and clothing in the future, so these chips have become irrelevant to him, but he still lives as the kind of person he hates. Become a blind pirate in this era of great pirates.


"Master, how did you find out that he used gravity to cheat, and when did it happen?"

She frowned and stared at the blind man for a while, but Dusqi still felt a little inexplicable, because she followed the bear child all the way, and at the beginning she paid attention to the situation here, but she didn't find anything, and even thought that Blind simply because of good hearing.

"Want to know?"


Annie moved towards her heroic maid and beckoned her to bring her ears.


Dusky looked expectant, and did so.

"People don't tell you!"


However, what awaits Dasqi is not a secret, but Annie's big grimace and a banging head.



Exclaimed, Dusqi couldn't help covering her head and squatted down in pain, but in the end, in addition to looking up in grief and indignation, she stared fiercely at a certain proud bear child with tears in her eyes. Besides, nothing can be done.


(● ̄? ̄●)

Tips from Tibbers: The monthly pass can be given now or tomorrow

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