The navy once again held an emergency meeting at the navy station in the sixty-sixth area of ​​the Chambord archipelago, which is the closest to Marin van Dou.

No hurry!

Because, Admiral Aokiji and Admiral Akainu, the two popular candidates for the Admiralty, Kuzan and Sakaski, were killed by the Great Pirates when they launched a duel on Punk Hassad Island in the New World concerning the battle of the Marshals. The bear child Annie Hastur intervened and defeated both of them. They are currently in a state of disconnection, and no one knows whether they are dead or only temporarily or permanently missing.

In short, things were very bad, and the Navy Headquarters, which was preparing for a power transition, was caught off guard, so such an emergency meeting was held.

Today, in addition to the ugly-faced commander-in-chief of the three armed forces Sora, the dark-faced Admiral Sengoku (temporary), and the gloating Admiral Kizaru, there are also the sad-faced lieutenant general and chief of staff Chang Tsuru, due to The flying squirrel, who recovered from an unknown reason, and other major lieutenant admirals and brigadiers of the navy who were able to arrive attended the meeting.

Of course, it's basically useless to attend. After all, they already knew what happened before they came, and whether it was the troublesome person who created the problem or the problem created by the troublesome person, they didn't have anything too much. Good solution.

So, at the moment, they can't do anything but smoke, drink tea and sit in their respective seats staring at each other.

"My colleagues in the Navy!"

"Presumably, you have also heard about the fact that Admiral Aokiji and Admiral Akainu were attacked on Punk Hazard Island a week ago and their whereabouts are still unknown, right?"

"Then I won't go into details..."

The commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, who was sitting at the long table of the conference, who took the time to participate in the conference, first flipped through the documents in annoyance, and then pushed them aside.

"I'm here today just to announce one thing!"

After speaking, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces with an ugly face and annoyance sat up slightly, first swept around the senior navy generals present, and saw that everyone began to focus on himself. Then went on to say:


"It's about the appointment and removal of the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters!"


"After research and decision by the Three Army Headquarters, in view of the disappearance of Admirals Aokiji and Akainu and the wishes of the current Admiral Sengoku, I am here to announce!"

The commander-in-chief of the three armed forces read out loudly.




At the same time, the admirals present, except for the warring states who were sitting across from the chairperson's table, did not know what to think, those generals, lieutenants, and brigadiers all stood up straight from their positions.

"Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, will be officially replaced by General Kizaru!"


"This is only a temporary announcement and excessive power, and the official appointment and handover time, including the appointment ceremony, is expected to wait until a month or two at the earliest before making specific arrangements."

Glancing at the general Kizaru who was standing, but still felt a little condescending to be unbearable, the commander-in-chief of the three armies Sora said with a sigh.

Now, he has completely brought the curtain down on the battle for the position of the Admiral of the Navy. Even if Aokiji and Akainu are found or returned later, there is no chance of changing the position of the Admiral of the Navy.

But there is no way, the abdication of the Warring States period is inevitable and cannot be delayed any longer. After all, the Battle of Marin Fando always needs an explanation to the world government, and the disgraced abdication of the Warring States period is the best explanation!

Therefore, the vacant Admiral must be filled by an Admiral, and the popular Admiral Aokiji recommended by the Warring States Period and Admiral Akainu, who has a higher approval rate from the upper echelons of the World Government, are the best two choices. , but at this critical time, the two of them had an accident again, so there was no way, and the only choice for the moment was the lucky one who was left behind.

There is no way to do this. After all, there is really no talent in the navy now, and it is impossible to directly drop a marshal from the army who does not know about naval warfare, so we can only do this first, is it difficult, let them To choose the stronger old **** Karp as the marshal?

Although the old guy is indeed very suitable, whether it is strength or prestige, he is the best choice, but the other party's son is the leader of the rebel army, and the two grandsons are pirates, and they are also with the big pirate bear child Anne Hasta The relationship is complicated. If the old **** is really allowed to be the marshal, the world government will simply announce its surrender and dissolution.

"Sit down..."

After thinking about it, I saw that the naval generals present seemed to have foreseen their announcement and no one expressed any objection. After taking a look at the Warring States across the long table of the conference, the commander-in-chief of the three armies raised his hand and signaled that everyone could sit down. .


Hearing this, Kizaru sat back in his seat without any expression, and continued to play with the steaming teacup in front of him in contemplation.

Regarding the appointment of the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, Kong just now, he had also been ventilated before the meeting, so now he is not too surprised.

Before, he was hit by the light of the bear child, and fell to the far east. He was injured on that mysterious island for a period of time, and he had to come back until he was almost healed and had no money to spend.

And while he was recovering from his injuries, he read a lot of ancient texts on the island, and in one of the books he read a philosophical saying: "Husbands can't compete, so the world can't compete with them!"

Isn't that what it is now?

He Kizaru was not selected at the time, and everyone looked down on him and mocked him, so he simply stopped arguing with those two guys.

The result can be...

But because of his lack of contention, he became the final winner, and if he had gone to that Punk Hazard Island to join in the fun, he would have been beaten for the third time by that terrifying bear boy. Bar?


Sure enough, today's children are getting more and more terrifying, and he will have to hide in the future.

"Cough cough!"

"General Yellow Monkey?!"

At this time, without waiting for Huang Yuan to continue thinking about it, the Warring States Marshal who had not said a word before spoke up and interrupted Huang Yuan's contemplation by knocking on the table. When he looked up, he realized that he did not know when, the general manager of the three armies. Shuai has already left the stage, and now Sengoku is presiding over the meeting.



Kizuna was a little baffled, and he didn't know why the Warring States period called for his name.

"I was just asking..."

"Have you figured out how to deal with that big pirate bear child?"

Warring States is slightly dissatisfied. After all, he is still sitting in the position of the marshal, and he can't finish the process in three or two months. Now, that Huang Yuan has not officially taken office, but he has not paid much attention to him. I've been ignoring his questions just now?

"Bear boy?"

"It's terrifying..."

Shaking his head, Kizaru said that of course he didn't think about it, and he didn't want to think about that worrying problem.


Kizaru's words made Sengoku a little dissatisfied.

After all, the other party has just been announced by the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces to be appointed as the admiral of the navy. Now it is time to talk a little bit and boost morale. Ruhu, is that what a marshal who is about to take office should say?

"All right……"

Seeing that he couldn't avoid it, seeing that those colleagues were staring at him with inexplicable eyes, there was no way, he had no choice but to push the table, lay down deeply on his chair, and relax leisurely. He opened his mouth and said:

"Everyone, do you know?"


"During the time when I was kicked off, when I was recovering from injuries on that island in the East China Sea, I read a lot of books, and among them, in a very interesting book, it was written like this... "

"She makes him strong, the breeze blows the hills, she makes him sway, and the bright moon shines on the river..."

Kizuna said leisurely, and then looked up and found that his colleagues around him did not seem to understand, and he was not annoyed, so he continued to talk.

"I still remember……"

"There is also a Buddhist scripture that says this, and I also think it makes sense."

"That bear child, she slandered me, bullied me, insulted me, laughed at me, despised me, humiliated me, hated me, lied to me, so what? Just bear with her, let her, let her, avoid her, be patient with her, respect her She, ignore her, stay for a few more years and look at her?"

"I think it's good to follow the instructions in the book. Anyway, you can't beat it, so why don't you just do it first?"

Complete disregard for his words and deeds is not commensurate with the upcoming marshal position, but Kizaru still doesn't mind saying it at all.

As for whether it will affect morale or make other people's impressions unfavorable or not, Huang Yuan doesn't want to care anymore.

Anyway, there are not many people in the navy and the world government who support him as a marshal, he is just a spare tire, and he is not absolutely necessary, and now is a difficult time for the navy, since those guys have to General Kizaru pushed him into the fire pit, so he wouldn't blame him for going wild.


"What, what do you mean?"

Seeing that other people had the same expression as him, Warring States first frowned, pondered for a while, and then asked tentatively.

"It's nothing."

"Marshal, since we can't beat it now, and we can't beat it, why don't we just avoid its edge for a while, what do you think?"

Kizaru didn't say much, just asked with a smile.


"what do you mean……"

"Our navy will recharge our batteries first, let the bear children toss with others in the new world first, and then, after two years, wait for our navy to recover before taking advantage of the opportunity?"

As he spoke, Sengoku, who thought he understood Kizaru's idea, couldn't help but raised his brows, and looked at the sloppy guy for a few rare moments.


"I did not say anything."

Piece of lips, Kizaru picked up the teacup in front of him and took a careful sip.

If possible, in fact, Huang Yuan would like to say that he was just looking for an excuse to strike passively. There are so many doorways there?

Besides, how dangerous is the trouble of looking for a bear child? If you have that skill, can't you hide in the base, drink tea, chat, and get paid?

After all, in recent years, the things that Tianlong and the world government have been doing are indeed a bit strange. He is in the navy just for that errand, should he risk his life?


"Since you have your own arrangements, General Huang Yuan, then I, the old man who is about to retire, will not ask more."

Nodding his head, he thought about what the three-army commander-in-chief Sora had told him before, and thought that the other party's arrangements and expectations for the navy were somewhat in line with what Kizuna said just now, and he was relieved. Skip the topic just now.

"My colleagues!"

"In addition to the arrangements for the position of Admiral, there is one more important thing to announce here."

The most important thing is undoubtedly the issue of the appointment and dismissal of the new marshals by the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, but that matter has just been announced, and now the Warring States period certainly does not want to continue to say more.


"In view of the increasing threat of land rebels and pirates in the world, especially the threat of big pirates such as bear children, the world government has decided after research: starting next month, a world conscription event will be held!"

"And the purpose..."

"It is to select powerful capable people or warriors from around the world to make up for the vacancies of the generals and colonels lost in the navy after the battle of Marin Vando and to develop and strengthen the navy!"

"This matter, since Huang Yuan you are going to be promoted to marshal, then you will take the lead and be responsible!"

After speaking, after seeing that everyone present understood it, Senguo thought for a while, and then handed the document to Kizaru.

The navy lost nearly 100,000 generals and officers in the battle of Marin Fando. Therefore, this world-class conscription and the upcoming large-scale promotion of officers are an excellent opportunity for generals at all levels to install cronies and control all key units of the navy. !

And now, since Kizaru will take over as his own naval marshal, in order for the other party to better perform his duties and control the troops in the future, the Warring States period will hand over this job to the other party. After all, he is about to abdicate, and some things must not be done and others are not suitable to do.


"World conscription, but what's the use of that?"

With his mouth flat, Kizaru didn't take it seriously, and didn't take the beautiful business that the Warring States Period gave him seriously.


However, just after Kizaru finished speaking, he received a very stern look from the Warring States Period.

"Alright alright!"

"I know."

"Isn't it conscription? Don't worry, I will work hard to do it well."

Although he said so, it is not difficult to guess from the noncommittal expression of Kizaru, it is difficult for him to do it carefully.

"It's really a headache..."

To be honest, if given a choice, Kizaru doesn't want to be a marshal at all.

After all, everyone knows now that the navy's food is getting worse and worse. If nothing else, the navy can be devastated by just that new arrogant child, and even forced the Marshal of the Warring States Period to resign. , the two generals, Aokiji and Akainu, were defeated for the second time, and they have not been seen yet, and they do not know whether they are dead or not.

Therefore, even if it is replaced by his own role as the marshal, it is probably not very useful. Whatever the situation is now, it will definitely be the same in the future. Anyway, there is no way he can do it, love it.




Looking at the document in front of Kizaru, the admirals present did not express any opinions despite their jealousy. After all, one is the current admiral and the other is the future admiral, and there is no room for them to speak now.


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