Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1695: ?*. ?(????)??*Golden (…

In this splendid, super-luxurious room, where the pillars, beams, furniture, floors, steps, walls and doors and windows, etc., seem to be all made of gold, a gray-green hair, with a big back, wears Very luxurious, the whole body is equally golden, the gold necklace, gold earrings, etc. are just casual, and there is even a guy with a gold cap and boots sitting on a gold seat and looking down at a newspaper.

And the content described in the newspaper, there is no doubt that it is Don Quixote Doflamingo, a member of the King Shichibukai of Dressrosa Island, who joined the Bear Boy Pirates and broke away from the World Government and advanced the city. Coverage of Warden Magellan's Rebellion.



"That bear child is really so strong and so charming that it is worth getting so many people to join her and swear allegiance to her little brat?"

Staring at the newspaper for a long time, sitting on the golden throne, the green-haired man with the big back like a big dog thought for a while, then threw the newspaper aside, and then propped his hands on what seemed to be also made of gold. The heavy pure gold table began to ponder.

Like the whole world, of course he has been paying attention to the matter of that bear child Annie Hastur. After all, it is not okay to not pay attention, because I don't know when most of the content in the newspapers is about the bear. child's.

Therefore, from the beginning of the chaos in the Chambord Islands, the beating of Tianlong and the Admiral Kizaru, to the later forcible invasion of the city, the overturning of the Marine Vantau Battle of the Navy Headquarters, the victory of the single ship over the naval fleet, and the **** of Fishman Island, and then He has been paying attention to the peaceful incorporation of the Kingdom of Dressrosa, etc., and he also secretly paid attention to the bear child, and was shocked that he was able to do it at a mere eight-year-old.


What he can't understand is...

Why even his business partner, who is arrogant and arrogant, never takes anyone in the eye, eats both black and white, has a privileged background, has dark forces, and has the title of 'JOKER' in the dark world Quixote Doflamingo also completely fell to that young girl?

No matter how powerful the opponent is, and the ability to rival the three major admirals of the navy, he is nothing but an eight-year-old girl. Is it worth so many people to swear allegiance or follow her?

How could he not understand this!

So, after thinking about it, he still couldn't figure it out, he couldn't help but sit upright at the golden table again, then picked up a golden goblet, drank what was in the glass and didn't know whether it was a drink or wine, and fell into meditation.


He is Gilder Tezzolo, the head of Guran Tezzolo, the world's largest entertainment city, who controls many industries around the world. He is known as the 'Golden Emperor', a person with the ability to fruit of gold and gold. He has the ability to control gold to expand and contract. and the ability to deform.

Because of his Devil Fruit ability, he now owns about 20% of the world's Bailey, and 20% of the world's total, so it's an understatement to say that he is rich enough to rival the country. , in fact, he is richer than both the Dragon and the World Government combined!

Therefore, under the great charm of money, he naturally has already achieved both black and white, and can easily use the power of money to freely manipulate the Tianlong people, and even, to a certain extent, can use the various powers of the world government, It is the uncrowned emperor who dominates the entire dark world and can influence the world government. The various forces under his command are spread all over the world, and it is unimaginably huge. Compared with the forces of Don Quixote Doflamingo. It can be said that it is more than enough.

"Don Quixote Doflamingo..."

"What exactly do you mean?"

"That bear boy, what's so special about it that it's worth doing that?"

Gilder Tezzolo's finger with the gold ring began to tap unconsciously on the heavy armrest of the golden seat, and at the same time, he began to rack his brains and think about it.

He is an independent country recognized by the world government, the king of the world's largest entertainment golden city 'GrandTesoro', a first-class entertainer, known as the 'Golden Emperor', the king of casinos who reigns over casinos, the world's premier business wizard, and he has never been in business in just 12 years. To have, from a penniless slave to the existence of the world's richest man!

Therefore, of course, he has long been associated with the Don Quixote family, who also has great influence in the new world and the dark underground world, and has long been associated with Don Quixote Dover, one of the seven kings under the sea. Brother Lang Ming has become an important business partner with a decent relationship, and the various exchanges between the two parties are still relatively close.


No matter what he thinks now, he can't understand why that Don Quixote Doflamingo is suddenly willing to give up everything that the other party has, let go of his rebellious and arrogant nature and ambition, and willingly attach himself to that Under the command of the newly-emerged Bear Boy, he became a subordinate force under the command of the so-called 'Bear Boy Pirates'?

Did the bear kid threaten that guy with force?

However, according to information obtained by Gilde Tezzolo himself, it seems that Don Quixote Doflamingo took the initiative to invite the bear child to the palace on the second day after the bear child landed on Dressrosa. , The two sides did not have any conflict, and then three days, the king of Dressrosa, the arrogant Don Quixote Doflamingo announced to the outside world to join the 'Bear Boy Pirates'.

Therefore, Gilder Tezzolo felt that it was definitely not the bear boy who used force to coerce Don Quixote Doflamingo, and there must be other factors playing a crucial role.

And then there's that advance city!

Everyone knows that the advance city is the largest prison in the world, and the man in charge of the advance city is Magellan, a poisonous man who is loyal to the navy.

But it is such a warden of Magellan who has worked diligently for the Navy for more than 30 years, and unexpectedly, shortly after that Don Quixote Doflamingo announced that he was electrified, he also followed the lead. Rebellion and help Bear Child take the advance city in one fell swoop.

What is it that can make that Magellan do that for the bear child?

Well now, the three places with absolute influence, Advance City, Fishman Island and Dressrosa, have been put into the arms of the bear children one after another, although Gilder Tezzolo still does not know that the navy and the world government will What would be the response to this, but all he needed was to know...

The world is about to change!

Because, the Bear Boy Pirates, the new pirate group that has been around for less than half a year is expanding wildly with a devastation and snowball-like attitude, especially when it accommodates Fishman Island, Advance City and Dressrosa After the power of the Don Quixote Doflamingo family, I am afraid that it has surpassed the four emperors of the new world in one fell swoop and has become a pivotal pirate power.

In particular, the fact that the other party controlled Fishman Island has even seriously affected many of his businesses!

Although, in Gilder Tezzolo's view, traveling between the two sides of the red soil continent does not necessarily have to take the two paths of Fishman Island or the Holy Land Mary Joa, but other ways are either too expensive or have All kinds of restrictions are definitely not as convenient and fast as the submarine route on Fishman Island.


"It seems..."

"I have to find a time to meet that bear boy properly."

After thinking and thinking, and then looking at the newspaper on the table, Gilder Tezzolo, who still had no idea what to do, finally gave up, and was not going to continue to fight against that Don Quixote Dou under the condition of lack of information. More analysis by Flamenco, or the bear boy who made him dread.


Somewhat annoyed, he sneered softly.

So, after roughly making a certain decision, Gild Tezzolo slowly leaned on his golden throne and began to look in the direction of the door of this golden room.

"come in!"

He had already discovered that someone was waiting outside the door, so he signaled that the person outside the door could come in.


What came in was a **** maid with a graceful figure, a beautiful figure, a beautiful face, and a bikini with red hair tucked lazily behind her head and two heavy gold bracelets on her arms.

"Just now there was news from the watchtower that the Sonny was found ahead."

"It's fast approaching us now, and it's expected to arrive at the dock of our Grand Desolo in a few minutes. Do you have any instructions for that?"

The maid walked to Gild Tezzolo's side, then lowered her eyebrows and whispered softly.




"I was thinking about that bear child just now, but she came here..."


"Calculate the time, it should be almost the same."

Gilder Tezzolo's eyes flashed, and then he subconsciously glanced at the newspaper he had just put on the table.

At this time, in the big picture of the headline above, who is it not the bear child Annie Hasta who is grimacing at the camera?

"Looks like the show is about to start!"


"Let's not stop them, and welcome them in as distinguished guests. I will make arrangements later!"

With a grin, Gild Tezzolo first stretched out a hand in front of the red-haired bikini maid and rubbed it fiercely, and then patted the person behind him and gave an order.


However, the maid did not resist or get angry, and even attached to Gild Tezzolo's cheek and gently kissed before twisting her waist and turning away.

"Bear kid..."

"very good!"

"Let me see, what ability do you have?"

After the maid gently closed the door and left, Gilder Tezzolo picked up the newspaper again as soon as he stretched out his hand, and stared at the bear child's photo on the newspaper for a while.

Suddenly, with his hands, the newspaper was gradually assimilated into a golden foil newspaper at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the picture of the bear child on the newspaper gradually disappeared without a trace.


A few minutes later, the Sonny had gradually approached the front of the huge 'Great Desolo' conjoined giant ship that radiated extremely bright light in the night and seemed to be made of gold.





"What a big, beautiful, big ship..."


Looking at the golden ship in front of her, looking at the burly, huge and beautiful golden ship like a moving city, without saying, Annie was immediately attracted by it, and instantly felt that she was riding an old and broken ship. , And the small Sonny is a bit unscented.

"Suddenly want it!"


Annie took a fancy to the big ship in front of her.

From her point of view, it seems that only the kind of big, golden, golden boats that exude the smell of a big dog all over the body can barely be worthy of being her Queen Anne, and can barely be her most, most, most, most, most. The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most powerful, the temporary car of the most powerful Arcane Archmage?

Yes, it is temporary, it is absolutely impossible to become permanent.

Although she did fall in love with the other party, how could the well-informed Lady Queen Anne have never seen anything before, so how could she take this kind of thing too seriously?

Now, she just thinks that the other party is a little bit better than the Sonny, so she decided to find a way to buy the other party's big ship, and then send the broken ship Sonny. Go back to Nine Snake Island?

Now that Her Lady Queen Anne has decided to visit this new world, it must be more face-saving to take such a big boat. As for whether the owner here will sell anything, that kind of small thing is not handled by her. Take it to heart.

Because, if the other party doesn't sell it, won't she force it?


In short, now Her Lady Queen Anne has taken a fancy to the other party's big ship, the other party has to sell it, or not sell it, there is no other choice!


(● ̄? ̄●)

"Grand Desolo?"


"Is this an island?"

"too exaggerated……"

"Yeah, I've heard of it many times before, but I didn't expect that the real thing is even more powerful than the photos in the newspaper and what I imagined."

"This length is at least 10,000 meters, right?"

"there must be!"

"Look, that height may be hundreds of thousands of meters!"

"Is this really a ship?"

"How can something so big still move at sea?"

"It's incredible..."

When a certain bear boy captain fell in love with the Grand Desolo and was thinking of a way to occupy it, the crew of the Sonny, Dibalu and his members of the Flying Fish Knights, of course, also flocked there. The bow exclaimed Of course, a blind new crewman did not come to join in the fun, because he is blind, he must not be able to see the fun, so he should be in the cabin at this time .


"That's the world's largest entertainment city, a playground that promises to get rich overnight, and we're finally here!"

"You see?"

"They've opened that huge dock door."

At this time, it seems that the fishman Xiaoba, who has been to the new world before, and may have been to this golden ship, first comforted the mermaid Kemi on his shoulder, and then excitedly introduced to a bear child who was thinking about it. arrive.

"People saw it!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"Go! Target, the Great Desolo!!"

?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*.

Go grab the boat!

Of course, grabbing a ship or something is just Anne's subtext and her last choice. If the other party is willing to transfer it in a normal transaction, then it will be the best. Her Lady Queen Anne can even use the Exchange gold of equal weight with each other!

However, she is not in a hurry to make a decision on what to do, so she will wait until she goes in and see the situation.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(It's useless no matter how you look at it, Tibbs knows that anything that the nasty little master of his family sees must already belong to her, and how it becomes her is just irrelevant. It's just a small process, and the result is already doomed at the moment.)


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