Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1696: ?(????)??Grand Desolo

The Grand Desolo is also called the 'Golden City'. It is the car of the Golden Emperor Gilder Tezzolo. It is huge and unusual, and its length is even more than ten kilometers. When the Sonny approached it, it was discovered that it was the same as the one in front of him. Compared with the Grand Desolo, the Sonny is more like a huge warship coming from a leaf.

Maybe that's the main reason why some bad boy suddenly thinks the Sonny is not good?

Since the Grand Desolo has a terrifying length of ten kilometers and a huge size, it may be inappropriate to say that it is a ship. In fact, it should be a city?

However, unlike ordinary cities, this ship has more entertainment and food venues, such as: huge casinos, amusement parks, winding racing tracks, wide stages, tall palaces, shopping malls, Luxury hotels, aquariums, golf courses, commercial and residential areas, and more.

Because of its huge size, ordinary sails are definitely useless. Therefore, its power is drawn by giant sea turtles with a length of at least a few kilometers at the two ends of the bow. They can make the Grand Desolo not affected by ocean currents and wind directions. It can reach any sea area in the world and the speed is not slow, which is roughly comparable to the general sailing pirate ship.

Moreover, the ship has a self-contained system with complete supply and everything, providing one-stop play services for guests who come here. It is completely a mobile sea castle, and this is the origin of its "Golden City" name!

When the Sonny slowly drove in, it found that it was not a pier, but a large circular waterway like a huge inner lake and a dance scene, surrounded by dense audience seats?

However, there is no performance now. Apart from the splendid lights and the seawater of the inner lake that seems to be blended with gold, there is only one guiding ship responsible for guiding the new ships to the surrounding indoor piers. moored.

That's right, this place is actually just a huge turning place like an inner lake. It is used for those new boats to wait, moor and turn around, with a radius of at least a kilometer!

Soon, the Sonny didn't wait long, and the staff who were gorgeously dressed and wearing all kinds of gold jewelry held up signs and guided the ship to slowly drive to the berth of an indoor pier with countless berths. .


"This this this..."

"Is this really a ship?"

"This is obviously a city, isn't it? Besides, it's a super luxurious city!!"

"so amazing!"

"I never thought that there is such a magical place in the world..."


"Look, those floors are also made of gold, right?"


"Why is it impossible?"

"This is the Grand Desolo, and Gilder Tezzolo is the richest man in the world. He owns one-third of the world's Bailey!"


"Three, one third?!"

"That's right!"



"Then you said..."

"If we secretly dig a few pieces and take them away, will we be found?"


"Be quiet, don't be heard by those people..."

When the Sonny slowly entered the berth of an indoor pier and parked, and then the fish-man Xiaoba came forward to negotiate and go through the relevant berthing procedures, Dibalu and his members of the Flying Fish Knights rushed to the place excitedly. On the trestle, they began to humiliately tap the golden floor with their hands, and there were even people who tried to bite their teeth to see if the floor was pure gold.

No way, this place is really too luxurious, not only all the building materials look golden in the past, even the floor is covered with a soft red carpet, and as long as the road is covered, there is no head at all, It directly reveals the luxury of the big dog family.



"It's really big..."


When she was outside, Annie felt big, but when she came in, it was even bigger than she thought, which made her more and more satisfied.

However, Annie didn't mind whether it was luxurious or not.

Because in her eyes, gold or something is just a boring metal, and it is no different from copper and iron. She can have as much as she wants. Therefore, so much gold is used here to give Pretending like this, there is nothing but making her look very beautiful, big and luxurious.

Of course, she was quite happy at the thought that this would soon become her Lady Queen Anne's own personal car.


(● ̄? ̄●)



First, she took a look at this splendid and luxurious indoor pier. The more satisfied she looked, Annie nodded. Then, she turned around and looked at the group of people who seemed to really want to pry' The idiot crew on the floor of their own ships shouted:



"You guys!"


"If you want to play, just go and play by yourself! Don't you have a lot of gold coins in the boat? If you want, you can take them all!"


Annie would never allow those idiots to pry on the floor or something, and it was too embarrassing, so she directly gave them the gold coins and treasures on the ship.


"Is it really possible?"


"Long live Queen Anne!"


"Go grab the money!"



"You guys leave me a little bit!!!"

Hearing the words of Captain Bear Boy, Dibalu and the members of the Flying Fish Knights under his command were stunned for a while, and then they no longer cared about the shameful things like prying the floor or scraping the golden pillars, and they all made a noise. up, and swarmed up again towards the Sonny.

They know that there are hundreds of millions of Bailey's worth of gold and silver treasures in the cabin of the Sonny. Even if there are so many of them, it will be enough for them to eat and drink here on the Grand Desolo for a long time. .


"Hey! Uncle Fujitora, why did you **** a box of gold coins by yourself, so why don't you give us a share?"

"That's right, you're not fair!"

"What's fair?"

"Blind man, I also like to gamble. Besides, I took it first. There's more in it. You want to take it yourself."



"Don't grab it, it's mine!!"

"Hahaha, this bag of jewelry is mine!"

"Give me a share!"


"Get out of here!!"


Soon, there was a commotion in the cabin of the Sonny.

Those crew members, including the blind Fujitora, robbed a lot of money, and soon came down from the boat, and then bowed their heads and bowed their thanks to Captain Bear who was standing not far away. They left in a hurry, not knowing where to go to have fun.



"Ann, Captain Annie, is this not a good idea?"

Seeing that those guys really ran away with the money, Xiao Ba couldn't help being a little stunned, and then hurriedly asked Annie, their bear boy captain.

"What's wrong?"


"It's like paying them wages!"


It doesn't matter to Annie, it just so happens that those idiots have been hanging around with her for so long, she has never paid her salary, and now it is settled as a settlement, so as to save her troubles again.


"If the money is all divided, what will we use to buy supplies when we set sail?"

Hachi is more worried about this.

He saw it just now, those people must have divided up the treasure in the warehouse, and by that time, they will not even have the money to buy food.

"Set sail?"


"Why are you sailing?"


Annie was a little puzzled, because she, the captain, never seemed to say anything about going sailing.


"But Captain, we can't stay here forever, can we?"

"It's alright just now. After a while, they've all spent all their money. If they've had enough fun, they'll definitely have to sail, right?"

Seeing that his captain didn't even think about such a thing, Xiao Ba had to be patient and explain.

"It's not necessary!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

"You don't have to worry about setting sail or something!"


In fact, Annie has already planned to occupy this big ship, so there is absolutely no such thing as sailing. In the future, the Sonny will be temporarily left here. When she goes back later, she may remember to let someone Take that broken ship back and throw it to Luffy and the others.


"The treasure on the ship was collected by Luffy and the others. Now that it's all gone, Nami will be furious, right?"

Of course, Xiao Ba didn't know what Annie was thinking, so she could only sigh.

Although it is too late to say, he must remind the bear boy captain in front of him. After all, the boat and the things on the boat belong to Luffy. It is not good to dispose of it casually now. If you have money, is it better to make it up when you sail?

"no problem!"


"Uncle Little Eight, don't worry, they have plans!"


Annie's plan is to change to a bigger boat!

However, she didn't want to explain now, she just blinked and made a playful face at the other party and the mermaid Kemi on the other party's shoulder.

"People are going to play now, so hurry up and go!"




After speaking, Annie turned her head and left, not wanting to pay any attention to the long-winded Uncle Eight, and even less wanting to tell her plan to the other party. After all, they were too weak to talk about it.


"Xiao Ba, what should we do now?"

At this time, the mermaid Kemi, who was sitting on the shoulders of Little Eight, asked worriedly.

Because she saw that many passing pirates or other people were staring at her and Xiaoba with greedy eyes, because she was a mermaid, and Xiaoba was a murloc, and there was no cover at all. In the eyes of some people, it is only two piles of walking Baileys, especially her mermaid, which is worth hundreds of millions in the black market.

It's okay to have the bear child Annie just now. After all, the Sonny and the bear child are still quite recognizable when they are combined, so she wasn't very scared just now, but now, she's starting to worry a little bit.


"Let's go with Fujitora!"

"Captain Anne has said that he is very good, so it should be no problem, we can just hang out."

Hachi looked at it, then thought about it, and rushed directly towards Fujitora, the blind crew member who was walking slowly with a box in front of him.

Since the bear boy captain didn't want to take them for a walk, and it was too boring to stay on the boat, then they had to follow Fujitora, which was better than following the unreliable guys of Dibalu!

Moreover, now that Dibalu and the others stole the money, they have long since disappeared, so they can only follow the blind man.

A few minutes later……


"It's too bad, I'm just a little late, why did they all run away?"

"I can't wait..."

It took a while for the people of the Sonny to leave the berth at the dock, and a red-haired woman arrived here belatedly, and negotiated with the staff at the scene, and found that the bear child of the Sonny and the other party After the crew members had already left here, she stomped her feet in annoyance.

"It's all to blame for that pirate!"

"If it wasn't for him, I would have come here long ago."

Originally, she also wanted to provide super VIP services to those guys, but since the bear children and the crew of the other ship have all run away, she has to stop there.

"It's embarrassing!"

Looking at the Sonny, which was parked on the berth and looked empty, finally, the red-haired woman had to sigh resentfully, and then tossed her long red hair with a seductive fragrance. Under the blurred gaze of the staff, she twisted her clenched waist and upturned buttocks on the red carpet and walked towards the archway leaving the indoor No matter, still Let's go back to life, I just hope that Mr. Gilder won't be too harsh? "


At the Golden Arch, there are several super-luxury extended version 'Turtles' VIP turtle cars made of ivory and gold. They are high-end luxury cars powered by upper-class gentleman turtles. They were originally brought here. To receive the bear children and relevant important crew members on the Sonny.

But how would she know that when she was ordered to lead the team here, the important little guest and the other party's subordinates had all run away?

"It's so frustrating..."

"I was thinking of seeing what the bear child looks like..."

After saying this at the end, the woman got into the car, and then stepped on the accelerator and led the team away.

Their Grand Desolo is a huge ship with a length of more than 10,000 meters, which is larger than ordinary cities and islands, and there is a huge and fully functional large city inside the ship. They want to find people here. , it must not be easy, so she had to give up temporarily.


At the same time, on a boat parked not far from this indoor pier, after seeing the woman drive away, a guy in a white suit closed the window on the side of the boat and picked up the phone bug.


"Yes! I'm Rob Ludge!"

"The bear child has arrived at the Golden City, and I found out..."


"I'll keep watching..."


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