Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1697: (*???*) Slaughtering plate


It was late at night, and this sea area in the New World was quiet. A large white tourist boat was driving westward alone, not knowing where it wanted to go.

At this time, in a VIP room on the ship, CP0, the institution directly belonging to the 'world nobles' Tianlong people, is known as 'the strongest shield of the Tianlong people' and the 'world's strongest espionage agency', the 'CIPHERPOL' - Several important members of the AIGIS0' organization are sitting silently in this room.




None of them made a sound, just sat silently in their respective positions, not knowing what they were thinking.

Moreover, unlike in the past, they liked to appear in a high profile wherever they wanted to go. Now, for some unknown reason, they are very low-key hidden on such a sightseeing boat, and they have deliberately replaced their previous high-profile recognition. The tall masks and white suits that symbolized status, status and power turned to ordinary people's clothes and hooded capes to hide their faces in the darkness.

Likewise, on both sides of the door of this cabin, two strong guards with hoods were standing, dutifully guarding the door and watching vigilantly at every guest passing in the aisle.


"What's the situation now?"

"Has any news come back?"

I don't know how long it took, but finally, one of the CP0s spoke up, breaking the silence in the cabin and breaking the suffocating silence.


"It was an hour ago!"


"Rob Luigi is there now. He personally confirmed it before. The bear child has now arrived at that place. She is now in the Golden City, on the Grand Desolo."

Following the opening of CP0, another hooded man who was sitting alone on a sofa and leaning on his arms with both hands also followed.

At this time, it is not difficult to analyze from their brief conversation. It turns out that these people, these CP0s, are actually playing the idea of ​​some bad and terrifying bear child?



"She now has actual contact with the Golden Emperor, with that fellow Gilder Tezzolo?"

The CP0 who spoke just now paused for a while, and then asked aloud again.

At the same time, his hands and fingers were crossed in front of his chest and abdomen, and he kept closing them one by one. That kind of small gesture obviously betrayed the fact that his mood was fluctuating sharply at this moment.

"very lucky!"

"not yet."


"According to our spy's report, Gilder Tezzolo seems to be very interested in the bear child, and even sent his men to receive him, but he missed it."

"Of course!"

"It was our people who took action, which delayed some time for the person who came forward to receive them."

The CP0 man who was sitting alone on a sofa said dully, which was a little bit of good news for the colleagues present.


"That said, the situation is not very good."

"That kind of small trick is only temporary, and we can't be naive to think that with that kind of small action, we can forever prevent the intersection between those two people."

"There must be another way!"

Another tall CP0 with a sharp voice spoke up.

"makes sense."

"Don Quixote Doflamingo has completely fallen to the bear boy's side, plus Magellan and Fishman Island in the advancing city..."

"Once Gilder Tezzolo is also close behind, then I'm afraid it's really going to be a bad thing."

"The same thing must never happen again!"

The CP0 sitting on the sofa agreed with his companion and expressed his concerns deeply.


"While there is still a chance, we must do something as soon as possible!"


"Although so far, there is no definite information that Gilder Tezzolo will join the side of the bear child, but we also have to guard against it!"

"The situation in the world is a little bad now. Many people seem to be optimistic about the bear boy unexpectedly. It is said that even the rebel leader, Monkey D. Long, has sent messengers to contact the bear boy. Have the two of them contacted the bear boy? It is still unknown for the time being.”

"But in any case, the facts are clear, and the situation is very bad right now."

"If more people join the bear children, what the world will be like in the future, I'm afraid it will no longer be predictable."

While talking, the CP0 who spoke at the beginning suddenly stopped the small movements of his hand, and directly and unabashedly expressed his concerns.




So, talking about this, the cabin began to become silent, and the members of CP0 began to digest the conversation just now and silently thought about countermeasures, and no one was in a hurry to say anything.

'Ha ha……'

'Come! keep drinking...'

'Honey, kiss me! ’

‘%##@! ’

"How are you guys, six six..."

'drink! ’


When the cabin gradually became quiet, various abnormal noises naturally came from other cabins, decks or restaurants of this sightseeing boat, but the group of CP0 members gathered here at this time. But he didn't care, and still sat dully in their respective positions thinking.


"It seems that one-third of the world's wealth continues to be in the hands of Gilder Tezzolo. We can't predict what his next move will be. For us, It's still too passive."

"We must make a decision early!"

At this moment, the CP0 sitting on the independent sofa spoke up, slowly raised his head, and looked at the companions around him with fierce eyes.


"Yes, once the other party really joins the side of the bear children, the consequences will be unimaginable!"


"You think about..."

"The bear child now has the most powerful combat power itself, as well as the vital waterway of Fishman Island. Once she gains one-third of the world's wealth, I am afraid that no one will be able to. to stop her."

Another CP0 seemed to have heard the meaning of the words of the fierce-eyed companion just now, so he hurriedly responded.

Although, so far, they still haven't been able to figure out what the bear child wants to do or what he wants, but from the various things the bear child has done, it is not difficult for them to judge that the bear child must be doing And the terrible things that will subvert the world government and subvert the privileges of the dragon people.


"Can we take advantage of this opportunity to try to capture that fellow Gilder Tezzolo, and then take the opportunity to gain his ability and his huge wealth?"



"After all, so much money is still in the hands of our Holy Land Mary Joa, which will be more reassuring."



"As far as I know, that guy Gilder Tezzolo used to be a slave. If it weren't for that guy Fisher Tiger making a riot in the Holy Land Mary Joa more than ten years ago, he wouldn't be today!"

"So, it is conceivable that he will never have a good impression of us people or the world government."

"He, without a doubt, is a huge ticking time bomb that must be cleared as quickly as possible, especially at this difficult time!"

"That's right!"

"I'm also in favor of cleaning up Gilder Tezzolo. He has too much wealth and it's time to harvest it."


"But how to do it, you still need to think carefully."



After discussing for a while, the members of CP0 became silent again. Then, when the inside became quiet again, all kinds of noises from the tourists outside the ship and the sound of the waves began to come in again.

"What about the bear boy now?"

"It should be wandering around in the Golden City. The people from CP9 have been paying close attention to her every move. There are also our people in the monitoring room of the Grand Desolo."

"very good!"

"Then, how long will it take for our ship to reach the Grand Desolo?"


"It's expected to be like this for another two hours."

"Well, two hours..."

"Then, let's talk about the action plan this time!"



After discussing for a Then, this small group of important members of CP0 sat up straight and looked at the leader who was about to speak.


"You must do your best to prevent Gilder Tezzolo from contacting the bear children, and cut off any cooperation or merger between them!"

"at the same time!"

"Do everything possible to intensify the contradiction between the bear boy and Gilder Tezzolo, and if there is no contradiction, create a contradiction!"


"Be sure to take Gilder Tezzolo and all the wealth the other party holds in one fell swoop in this operation!"


"For the above two purposes, we can use all means, even at the expense of tens of millions of people on board!"

That CP0, who seemed to be the leader, stood up abruptly and spoke loudly in that murderous tone.




"As you wish..."

Immediately afterwards, the CP0 members around the leader also stood up one after another, and then slammed their promises.



The night is getting darker...

And far away in the direction of sailing of this tourist ship, a huge golden ship that is exuding extravagant light is being pulled towards each other by two huge turtles.

In fact, it is not difficult to infer from the speed and distance of the two sides. After two or three hours at most, they will definitely be able to see each other, and then the tourist boat will enter its destination.


??(*??????????)???????? ask for a monthly pass


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