Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1698: (?′???) Do whatever you want

Not only is the entire ship of the Grand Desolo made of gold, but even all the houses, street lamps, flower beds, fountains, floors and decorations in the city on the ship are also made of pure gold. Existence is completely shocking to people in this world.

So that every place in the city must be equipped with surveillance phone bugs and monitored 24 hours a day, and at the same time there are special troops to guard them, otherwise, God knows if there will be a certain building Suddenly a brick was missing or a street lamp was uprooted or something.

But even so, this ship, or the prison underground in this mobile city, is still full of people. Obviously, in the face of that terrifying wealth, there will always be no shortage of those who dare to take risks.

Of course, those caught were just idiots blinded by wealth.

If they think about it a little bit, it is not difficult to know that gold is soft, but Gilder Tezzolo was able to make this huge ship and this huge city with pure gold, and built countless towering buildings but completely Don't worry about collapsing, and dare to drive it across the sea, it must have his confidence.

However, she didn't know what it was, and she didn't want to know, because, after wandering around this golden city for a while, she finally came to the tallest building in the city.



"Tibbers, the aunt on the way just said that the best place to eat, sleep and play should be here, right?"


Annie first looked at the tallest building in the Golden City in front of her, then looked to the left and right, and then she was sure that she was definitely not in the wrong place this time, because the building in front of her was really recognizable, and it looked real. is the highest, so there should be no more mistakes.


(● ̄? ̄●)

That's right, the golden building in front of you is the best entertainment city on the Grand Desolo. It is the proudest building in this golden city.

At the same time, it is also the only eight-star international hotel in the world - the King of Gold Hotel!

"Let's go!"


After looking at it for a while in front of the Golden Bridge with several golden fountains, Annie, who felt that she must have gone to the wrong place, finally stopped hesitating and planned to jump in.





"Hurry up and stop!!"

Suddenly, a group of rambunctious children rushed out in the distance. They looked like they were only four or five years old. They were both male and female. They were all weird-looking little ones.

Then, when they stopped Annie, they rushed forward, surrounded her in the middle and blocked the bridge.


!? (?\'\'??)?

Thinking that these guys were trying to attack her, of course Annie was taken aback.

"What are you doing?"


But fortunately, she was a little relieved when she saw that those little guys were holding red roses instead of other messes.

Fortunately, these guys didn't attack her with mud **** like the uneducated little brats she met in a certain world, otherwise, she would definitely take revenge back!

"Looking at your clothes, you should be the VIP guest here, right?"


"Buy a flower!"

At this moment, the little fat man who seemed to be the leader, dragging his nose, stretched out a rose in front of Annie, and demanded in a rude and stubborn tone.

That's right, it's a request, not a request.

"Yeah, buy one?"

"And mine!"

"Me too!"


"I beg you too, buy one?"

Then, the accomplices beside the little fat man, those little brats who were surrounding Annie, eagerly, expecting, or begging, stretched out the roses in their hands to Annie's front. I don't ask her if she needs it or not, I just want her to buy it quickly.



Annie was a little baffled and didn't know why these guys came to sell themselves such boring stuff.


"Buy one?"

At this time, a four- or five-year-old girl with a full flower basket was still slung in one elbow, and a little girl of four or five years old squeezed to the front, and pitifully stretched her flower to Annie's front eagerly. pleaded.

And the tone and expression of the other party finally made Annie feel a little more comfortable.

"It turned out that I wanted to sell flowers..."


"But, they can't be eaten. What do people buy them for?"


The little girl is so cute that people can't help but want to help, but unfortunately, Annie doesn't want to buy it.

Well, the flowers are beautiful and fragrant and the little girl in front of her is very pitiful, but Her Lady Queen Anne never liked such useless things, and if they were selling something delicious As for snacks, she didn't say anything, she waved her hand and bought them all without asking the price.

But unfortunately, there are flowers in front of her, and she has no interest at all...

"I beg you!"

"Buy one!"

"Without enough money, we can't be free!"

At this time, the leading little boy with a snot on his nose spoke again, and he still used that semi-command stubborn tone, as if he wanted to force Annie to buy them Like flowers, there is no attitude of asking for help at all.



"Why is that?"

∑('△')? !

Annie couldn't help but feel a little inexplicable, wondering what strange connection there was between whether she bought flowers and whether they had freedom.


"Are you going to buy it or not?"

"We're begging you!"

However, the boy did not want to explain the reason.



At this time, the other little brats, including the little girl who came up to Annie, all showed fearful expressions, and did not dare to answer that question.



Annie knew that there must be some weird reason for it. She was already a little impatient and wanted to buy it directly and send these little brats away, but...

The attitude of the guy with the snot dragging his nose made her really uncomfortable, so she decided that she must teach them a deep lesson and let them know the sinister society?

"Are you asking for someone like that?"


"People don't buy it, and they don't give you money, how can you take it?"

(? ̄?? ̄??)??°



With that said, Annie snatched the rose from the poor little girl's hand, and then ran straight to the King of Gold Hotel without paying any money.




"You haven't given the money yet!!"


Seeing that Annie not only didn't buy it, but instead snatched the flowers from their companions and ran towards the hotel, the little boy who was in the lead was anxious and wanted to chase forward.

However, when they were about to step over the deck of the Golden Bridge, they suddenly realized something and had to stop with hesitation, as if something terrible would happen once they dared to step over there.


"my flower!"


The flower was not sold, but one was snatched away. The poor little girl first glanced at the empty palm, and then at Annie who had already run to the bridge. Then, she flattened her mouth and immediately Whoa burst into tears.



"Goodbye, idiots!"

?ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~

Annie held the rose smugly and waved at the guys.



"La la la~?"


Seeing that those guys didn't dare to follow Annie simply stopped running, but she didn't pay any attention to them anymore, but turned around and strode towards the superhero not far away. The doors of the luxurious hotel leaped away.

In fact, Annie dared to see that there was something wrong with the little ones just now, and she had already decided to help those poor little ones, especially the one who was crying at the other end of the bridge after she stole the flowers little girl.

But well...

She is not going to spend money to buy those flowers and solve the problem, but to solve the problem once and for all!

But for that kind of complicated thing, Her Lady Queen Anne would definitely be disdainful to explain it to those little broken children who didn't understand anything, especially the guy with his snot, what the other party said made her very uncomfortable, so, She must also let the other party know how powerful she is, just like now?


(● ̄? ̄●)


At this time, not far away, at the end of the Golden Bridge, a red-haired woman with a seductive look and a wavy curled head was standing at the door of the Golden King Hotel, wearing a black evening dress. Everything is in sight.

"whispering sound……"

"Sure enough, as expected of a bear child, a guy with a bad personality..."

"never mind!"

"It doesn't matter, I've been waiting for half a night. It's just right, now let me meet you!"

As she said that, she stood up straight, then flicked her flowing curly hair, twisted her tightly clenched waist, and greeted the little girl who was walking towards her.


(?ω?) Monthly Pass

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