Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1705: ?(ψ'?')o Golden game middle game (7)

It was already the evening of the second day, and it was about to get dark. At this time, the blind Fujitora, the murloc Hachi, and the mermaid Kemi stood facing each other on the bustling street of the Golden City. At this point, they have absolutely no idea what to do next.




On the Grand Desolo, they played and played, ate and slept, and slept, so now, apart from seeing me and seeing you, I don't know what to do next.

"Little Eight?"

"It's almost time for us to meet you all?"

Having already made millions of Baileys and enjoying a day and night of extravagant life, Kemi, who saw that the next day's night was about to fall, felt that it would be impossible to continue like this.

"That's right."

"It should be almost time to meet up, but this city is so big, where are we going to find people?"

"Fujitora, what do you think?"

The golden city is too big right now, Xiao Ba looked around, he was at a loss, and he didn't know what to do.


"I'm blind, is it appropriate for you to ask a blind man about this kind of thing?"

Shaking his head, Fujitora sighed in disbelief.



"so what should I do now?"

Scratching his head, Xiao Ba, who also felt a little embarrassed, was completely helpless.


"Before, Captain Anne didn't make it clear when and where to meet!"

Kemi thought about it for a while, and felt a little frustrated, and then of course threw the blame on the head of their unreliable bear boy captain.


"Let's just go back to the Sonny and wait!"

"They'll have to go back sooner or later, don't they?"

Although Fujitora was blind, he was not blind, so seeing Hachi and Kemi's brains seemed a little out of order, he had to sigh again and help out such a comparison. Solid idea.


"Everyone has to set sail sooner or later, it's right to go back to the ship and wait!"

"Why didn't I just think of it?"

Xiao Bayi patted his head, thinking that what Fujitora said was right.

After all, no matter what time it is to gather, everyone always needs to go back to the Sonny, and since the captain did not agree on a time and place in advance, it must be right for them to return to the ship at the dock and wait.

Moreover, if you rest and eat on the boat, you can save a lot of expenses. Although he and Kemi made a huge sum of two or three million Baileys because of following Fujitora, it would be better if they could save a little. It's better to save a little, but they are still going to save a house on the upper floor of the island and open a better shop when they return to Fishman Island.

"Then let's go back to the boat and wait. By the way, we can also supply the boat in advance."

"Let's go Kemi!"

After seating Kemi on his shoulders, Hachi quickly led the way to the indoor pier of the Grand Desolo.


Fujitora naturally didn't care, holding his cane directly and swaying behind the two of them.


What the three of them didn't know was that their bad boy captain never thought about going back to the Sonny again, and he never thought about sailing on the Sonny again!


She is now in the VIP room of the Golden King Hotel, staring at the angry Gilder Tezzolo!

At this time, standing beside Gilder Tezzolo were his singer and Xiaomi Karina, his powerful subordinate Baccarat, and the captain of the guard, Tanaka, who was still wearing a bandage on his face.

On the other side of the bear child, there were only the newly 'recruited' crew members she had recruited last night, the former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the candidate for the General Admiral, Gion nicknamed 'Peach Rabbit', and the maid Tatsuya who came back by herself. Just the two of them.

Of course, in addition to the two of them, there is a pile of chips that are almost like a mountain, worth a full 256 billion Bailey!


Gilder Tezzolo didn't speak in a hurry, but stared badly at the bear boy who was sitting opposite him, earning him 256 billion baileys and letting him pigeons all day and night.



Annie didn't speak in a hurry, she was blinking her big blue eyes curiously, looking at the owner of the titular Grand Desolo sitting across from him, the 'Golden Emperor' Gilder Tezolo.

Yes, in name only, because Annie knows that soon, the other party will no longer be the owner of this ship, and she is very, very sure, certain and certain about this!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"All right!"

"Welcome to my Grand Desolo, this..."

"The mighty bear child, Your Excellency Anne Hastur?"

Gilder Tezzolo said welcoming words with a smile, but he didn't mean to stand up or want to shake hands with Annie, and the smile on his face was also very hypocritical and deliberate.

Yes, he did it on purpose!

Although Baccarat told him before that the bear boy didn't like being called 'bum boy', but since the other party left the stage early last night, he was blown away, and he released his own pigeons for another day during the day. No matter what, they won't give each other enough respect, even if it's superficial.



Annie just said 'oh', noncommittal, not too angry.

"Lord Hastur!"

"last night……"

"Are you having fun on my boat?"

"Are you living comfortably?"

Gilder Tezzolo began to ask smugly.

As for the fact that he lost a huge sum of money, he didn't pay much attention to it. It seemed that he believed that he would soon be able to win it back with profit?

"Of course!"


"People live very comfortably, have fun, and make a lot of small money!"


Annie said she will definitely be happier when the ship becomes hers!

Of course, she is not in a hurry to tell the other party that kind of words now, so as to avoid any misunderstanding in the middle, it will not be fun, after all, she is not a mindless idiot like Little Bear Tibbs.



(If he could speak, Tibbs would have jumped out and asked aloud: 'Are you so polite?' But it's a pity, don't talk now, without the permission of some nasty little master, it even Can't even move!)

"All right!"

"Just have fun!"

Subconsciously looking at the chips beside the opponent, the blue veins on Gilder Tezzolo's forehead couldn't help but jump.

"First meeting, let me introduce myself first?"

"As you can see!"

"I, Gilder Tezzolo, is the owner of this ship. I am very pleased with your visit. It is my honor!"

Gilder Tezzolo saluted Annie arrogantly, but he didn't mean to stand up, he just stretched out his hand on the seat and touched his chest and bowed slightly.



But Annie still didn't mind. After all, she had the idea of ​​'snatching' the other party's ship. The more rude the other party was and the worse his attitude toward her, the more at ease she would feel when she started. And righteous!

So, what the other party is doing now is what she can't ask for. At that time, she doesn't need to be polite at all, and she won't feel sorry at all.

(so troublesome!)


(This kind of shit, if it was Mr. Tibbers Bear, he would have directly robbed it. Someone didn't do that kind of thing... did...??)





(Suddenly, Tibbers didn't dare to go on talking, because at this time, its little owner was sneaking a sneak peek at it who was placed on the table, full of 'kindness' and 'love'. Cute little eyes.)


"Lord Hastur..."

"I heard that none of my men are your opponents, right?"

"It's not like this!"

"Please play a few games with me!"

After a night and a day of fermentation, at this time, Gilder Tezzolo's patience has basically been exhausted, so he directly stated his purpose of coming here, and he didn't want to smile and be proud of a hippie. Yangyang's little brat continued to greet each other.



In this regard, Annie said that she had been waiting for this sentence from the other party!

She just kept thinking that now her chips are only a mere 256 billion Bailey. If you don't turn it over a few times, it is not easy to get this golden golden ship smoothly!

"very good!"

"Dais, get ready..."

Seeing the bear boy entering the game, Gilder Tezzolo smiled, and then waved his hand, so that the subordinate could start. He planned to play a few games with the opponent first.

"People choose even numbers!"


"Full pressure! Is it okay?"

??*. ??(^▽^*)????*.

How could Annie, who just wanted to double her chips as quickly as possible, be so scruples, of course, she directly put all her chips on it.



A full 256 billion Bailey's wealth was taken away by such a arrogant child, Gion and Dusqi on the side couldn't help but subconsciously glanced at each other.

However, there is no room for the two of them to express their opinions, so in the end, they didn't say a word, just stood silently frowning.


"Of course, I'm the dealer, you can bet anything you want!"

"The fun begins!"

With a snap of his fingers, under the signal of Gilder Tezzolo, the sturdy man who likes to abuse himself started his bell-ringing show again.

boom! ! !

With a loud crash, the steel dice cup shattered!


"Three, three and five!"

"Eight o'clock!"

"Double number win!!"

After looking at the points and looking at the face of the owner Gilder Tezzolo, Dais, who was standing in the field, opened his mouth, and finally had to declare the victory of the bear boy.

This is good, the bear child's chips have doubled again, directly from 256 billion baileys to 512 billion baileys, which has exceeded the time when it was moored at the Grand Desolo. The total value of the 500 billion 'heavenly gold' escorted by those naval frigates.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

"very good!"

"As expected of a bear boy!"

"Anyway, I have more money than I can spend. Let's continue, no problem?"

Seeing that he lost, Gilder Tezzolo didn't mind, and even laughed and applauded.

"Of course!"


Since the other party is not afraid, how could Annie show weakness?

Besides, it is far from what she expected now, because she has already calculated it. If it is roughly calculated at 100 million baileys per ton of gold, the displacement of this 10,000-meter-long gold ship is about one More than 10 million tons, even if it is not pure gold, but she still needs at least a few hundred trillion Bailey's chips to buy the other party's ship!

And now, it's only 500 billion baileys, and it's still a long way from hundreds of trillions of baileys!

"very good!"

"Then continue?"

With a smile, Gilder Tezzolo didn't take it seriously, but with a wave of his hand, that subordinate Dais started that kind of funny performance again.

After half an hour...

Finally, Gilder Tezzolo's originally relaxed expression changed, and he stood up with an ugly expression.

Because ah, after several rounds of games, at this moment, unconsciously, the chip of the bear child has reached the astronomical number of Bailey's 5,242,880 million (524,288,000,000)!

And there are so many chips that the VIP room is full of them, all of them are golden and shiny, one is a big chip of 100 million Bailey!

But even so, there are as many as millions, which is simply appalling! !



"They won again, do you still have money? Do you want to continue?"


Seeing the other party's face, and thinking about her own chips, which had reached 5,242,880 Baileys, Annie knew that it should be almost the same now.

As long as she comes back once or twice, she can officially enter this beautiful golden ship, the Grand Desolo!


Gilder Tezzolo stared at the bear boy opposite who was almost drowning in chips, his chest heaving sharply.

But in the end, he slowly 'calmed' down.

"Why not?"


"Although I really don't have much money on my books, but..."

"I still have this Grand Desolo!"

"It's made of gold, and there are endless treasures on the ship. Now, I'm going to use it to bet you on that last game!"

"Your Excellency Annie Hastur, Bear Child, do you dare to fight?"

Gilder Tezzolo said with a grim expression, roaring in a hysterical tone to excite him.

"Of course you can!"


"People can't wait!"


At this time, Annie didn't care about it anymore, she jumped up with cheers and agreed.

"very good!"


"With these chips of yours alone, it's still not enough to change my Grand Desolo, you have to add something else!"

Seeing the bear kid taking the bait, Gild Tezzolo simply stopped pretending, returned to his normal face, and said with a sneer.



"What do you want to add?"


Annie doesn't mind anyway, the other party can add anything they want.

"It's easy!"

"Except for those chips you won..."

"I still want you!"

"If you lose, you must serve me under my command for a hundred years unconditionally, and obey my orders!"

"And the same!"

"I lost, my ship and my money will be yours when the time comes!"

Gilder Tezzolo, who was in the dark, directly stated his final thoughts.

Before, he had allowed the bear boy to win so many hands in a row and flip those chips to this appalling level in front of him, in fact, just to wait for such a moment!


"Gilde Tezzolo!"


"how dare you?!"

At this time, when they heard Gilder Tezzolo's words, they were standing behind the bear boy, the former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the candidate for the general, Gion, nicknamed 'Peach Rabbit', and the maid Dasqi changed their faces. He couldn't help but widen his eyes, and the face that looked at the front in disbelief gradually became calm, but it was still a bit grim Gilder Tezzolo.

What I didn't say, the two of them are not stupid, of course they know what the ultimate goal of Gilde Tezzolo's last bet with the bear child at the risk of going bankrupt!



"Your Excellency Bear Child, do you agree?"

It's a pity that Gilder Tezzolo ignored the two women's questions at all, and just stared at the little girl who still looked ignorant, and stared at the bear child Anne Hastur.

There is no doubt that the bear child is powerful, and he, Gilder Tezzolo, obviously never doubted it!

Moreover, the power of the bear child is expanding day by day, and he also knows that the promotion city, fishman island, Naga and the Don Quixote family have joined in one after another!

However, it is precisely because he knows that he will deliberately use almost all the wealth on his book to bet this moment!

When he learned that the bear child was about to arrive on his Grand Desolo, he actually kept thinking, if only he got the allegiance of the bear child, plus the wealth of his Gilder Tezzolo, this world , will it be within reach for him?

And he, Gilder Tezzolo, the 'Golden Emperor', will not be the so-called 'Golden Emperor' at that time, but will be a brand new world emperor?

If you can have the combat power of a bear child, presumably, then it must be worthy of its name, it must be like that, right?

He can now imagine.

By then...

Whether it is the World Government, or the group of **** dragons living in the Holy Land Mary Joa, they will all be trampled under his feet by his Gilder Tezzolo!

Back then, the humiliation they brought him and the endless regrets, he would return to them ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times!

And this is the ultimate goal of the game he set up for the bear boy today, even if he bets everything he has, he will not hesitate! ! !


After thinking about it, Gilder Tezzolo once again looked at the bear child with a hint of smugness and a smile.

"Is that so?"


Although, in Annie's opinion, it's not fair to her to be the other party's subordinate for a hundred years if she loses, because the other party's money and the other party's boat are not worth the price, even if you let it It's not worth it for her to be a subordinate to each other for a day!


How could she give up this beautiful ship that was about to be acquired at this time?



So, under the apprehensive and expectant gazes of Gion and Dusky behind her, she just thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.


"very good!"

"very good!!!"

Hearing that the bear boy actually nodded in agreement, Gilder Tezzolo let out a sigh of relief and laughed out loud, as if he had already won.


"Since this is the last game, how about we move to a bigger place?"

After that, with Gilder Tezzolo's slight smile, he used his ability.

Immediately afterwards, the entire VIP room started to move like an elevator, and soon, it reached the top floor of the Golden King Hotel and allowed everyone to see the starry sky in the sky.

Then, as the lights came With the focus of those beams of light, everyone realized that...

It turned out that the top of the Golden King Hotel turned out to be a huge stage. At the same time, countless audience members had already sat in the surrounding seats in advance, and there were countless relay calls. Is the worm watching here?


"Welcome to my Sky Theater!"

"And tonight..."

"Here, there will be a world-renowned luxury match between my 'Golden Emperor' Gilder Tezzolo and the legendary most powerful pirate 'Bear Child' Anne Hasta!"

With the cheers of the audience and Gilder Tezzolona's speech using the loudspeaker bug, countless lights soon gathered on him and the little Annie across from him.

At the same time, on the huge screen of the Sky Theater, all the detailed rules of the game between him and the bear boy appeared in due course.

That's right!

Gilder Tezzolo did this on purpose, and at the same time, he also specially arranged countless audiences and used a large number of broadcast telephone bugs to broadcast live broadcasts of signals all over the world in real time, and what he did was to avoid the bear children. Lose and don't admit it!

As for the question of whether he would lose, he never thought about it at all.

"They're not some arrogant children!!"


Annie waved her little fist with some dissatisfaction.

However, she did not have any objection to the arrangements of Gilder Tezzolo and the arrangements that the other party had made it clear that they were calculating her.


????????????: Ow! Ask for a monthly ticket~!


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