Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1706: ?(ψ'?')o Golden game middle game (8)

When Gilder Tezzolo was on the top floor of the Golden King Hotel, he announced in the sky theater that he was going to have a great game with the bear child Anne Hasta, and announced the whole city at the same time. Live broadcast all over the world, and then set off fireworks and gold-leaf fountains to celebrate and warm up before the competition. When the purple-haired singer Karina and a large group of bunny girls sang and danced around the two of them. When it's hot...

In a 'safe house' in the Golden City, an organization directly belonging to the 'world nobles' Tianlongren, the members of the CP0 who are known as 'the strongest shield of the Tianlongren' and the 'world's strongest espionage agency' The meeting that was preparing to secretly target the Bears and Gilder Tezzolo was only halfway through.

Then, of course, when I saw that all the big and small screens in the city started to play the live pictures of the Sky Theater in sync, when I heard Gilder Tezzolo's speech and the bear child Anne Hasta did appear in the center of the stage. Afterwards, they stood up in unison, and had to interrupt their suddenly meaningless meeting.

Obviously, the progress of their ridiculous, planned conspiracy against the 'Bear Child' and the 'Golden Emperor' is still too slow.

Because, at this moment, whether it is that terrifying bear boy or that sly Gilder Tezzolo, the plans of those two have reached the final critical step. No matter who wins or loses, the consequences will be for the world government and the Tianlong people. Said, are extremely serious and terrible!

Therefore, their CP0's so-called action to destroy the relationship between the two parties that is still brewing is really too lag, naive and stupid, and it can even be said that it has completely lost its meaning.




In this way, this group of CP0 members, this group of sneaky senior spies who deliberately wore hoods when they were in the room, stood in the room dumbfounded, watching the live broadcast screen for a long time speechless. .


"That fellow Gilder Tezzolo..."

"How dare he?!"

After a while, finally, one of the tall CP0 members first roared angrily.

Boom! !

Immediately afterwards, he slammed the wall beside him with a hateful punch, and easily dented the solid wall into a big hole.

The matter is obvious, even the former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the candidate for the Admiral, Gion, nicknamed 'Peach Rabbit', and the maid of the G-5 Naval Branch of Dusky can see through and understand things in an instant. Professionals who are used to collect intelligence and prevent various risks will certainly not fail to see it!

Therefore, just because he saw the seriousness of the problem, the tall guy lost control of his emotions and made an extreme act of throwing his fist at the wall.

Of course, they saw it too late.

Now, the final duel between the 'Golden Emperor' Gilder Tezzolo and the 'Bear Child' Anne Hastur is about to begin, plus it is now on the Grand Desolo and nowhere else, so, When caught off guard, even if they wanted to do something to save or stop the match between those two, it was definitely too late.

Then there is...

Whether it's Gilder Tezzolo, who has home-court advantage, or Annie Hasta, the bear child with unpredictable personal strength, neither of those two seem to be a few CP0 agents in their area. can be prevented.

"He really dared, and is doing it!"


"We should have arrested Tezzolo earlier, but unfortunately, things have developed to such a bad point, you said..."

"What are we going to do next?"

At this moment, another CP0 member in a cape spoke up.

From his anxious tone and the slightly trembling words, it is not difficult to guess that he must be hesitant, helpless and hesitant now.

"How to do it?"


"What else can be done?"


"Once he wins, with the bear boy around, we will have nothing to do with him!"

"And what's worse is..."

"At that time, with the bear child in his hands, and the enormous wealth of the enemy country, this world might really be his!"

Another CP0 member spoke angrily.

However, he just complained and sighed with grief and indignation, and finally expressed his views incessantly, but he was not able to give any constructive or effective opinions on the current situation.


"If Gilder Tezzolo wins, the world, maybe it's really up to him in the future, that's bad enough."

"And if the bear boy wins..."


"That's no good for us either, and it's no different than a Gilder Tezzolo victory?"

The tall man CP0 who threw his fist at the wall just now withdrew his fist, then slowly sat back on his sofa, and said so dejectedly after a miserable laugh.

The funny thing is that they were still planning how to target the bear boy and Gilder Tezzolo just now, and how to guide and intensify the conflict between the two sides. Fighting for a lose-lose or something, and at the same time, also kept saying that the matter of Dressrosa Island cannot be repeated here on the Grand Desolo?

But the result?

The direction of things is not based on the will of their CP0!

In less than two days, before they recovered and made more arrangements, plans and arrangements, those two people were already under their noses, and before they were caught off guard, they left. It's the last step that their CP0 most want to see!

"no solution anymore……"


"Let people go and report to Holy Land Mary Joa!"

After being silent for a while, another CP0 member spoke anxiously, wanting to send this crucial information back to the Holy Land as soon as possible.

"Do not bother!"

"That Gilder Tezzolo, he should be using the giant signal phone bug to broadcast live to the world, I think, now the Holy Land Mariejoa must have known it?"



"Then what should we do now?"

"What do you mean?"

"it's useless."

"We can't do anything right now."


"It's too hasty, we haven't received any information in advance, that sly Gilder Tezzolo, we should have cleaned him up earlier!"


"Okay, that's it, it's useless to say that!"


"I'll wait and think about some post-event disposal plans!"

"That's right, we should really think about it."

"What do we do if Gild Tezzolo wins, and what do we do if the Bears win?"


As they talked, the CP0s in this room began to rack their brains to think, but in a hurry, how could they have a good solution?

After all, no matter who wins or loses, they still need to face the combination of the world's most powerful fighting force and the world's richest chaebol. That kind of terrifying situation can be easily imagined. It makes them feel desperate and trembling, so how can it be that they can come up with an effective way to deal with it in a short period of time?



"No matter how they win or lose, now, the first priority is to withdraw the naval fleet and the 'Gold in the Sky' as well as the Kamael Holy Family from the Grand Desolo!"

"So do my colleagues!"

"We're running out of time, hurry up!"

At this time, a certain CP0 leader who had been silent all the time before, and did not say a word about the development of the situation, finally couldn't help but speak, and immediately gave the clearest instruction as soon as he opened his mouth.


Gu "Withdraw the noble Tianlong and Tiantianjin, as well as the **** fleet?"


"I see, you want to..."

Soon, someone seemed to have guessed the general meaning of their leader, and the mood became a little bit more excited.

"Although I don't know if it will work..."

"But there's no time to explain."

"Everyone, hurry up and do it!"



"As ordered!"

Hearing what their leader said, the CP0 people present were all excited first, and then, without waiting for their leader to assign tasks, they tacitly responded, and then hurriedly walked out of the door.

After a while, the safe house, which was originally their CP0's secret stronghold, was directly empty. Only the dim candle light in the room was still stubbornly swaying in the wind and emitting a faint orange light, barely. Light up everything in this room.

But at this point, no one needed it anymore and trimmed its wick, and it wouldn't be long before it burned out and plunged into complete darkness with the safe house.



Night continued to fall, and the starry sky began to cover the entire sea.

On the top of the tallest Golden King Hotel on the Grand Desolo, in the Sky Theater, countless lights and colorful fireworks are still swaying, as if they are celebrating a great festival.

At this moment, all over the world, whether it is Fishman Island, Dressrosa, Advance City, Marin van Dou, Chambord Archipelago, Holy Land Mariejoa, Nine Snake Island, or any other well-known and unknown place, it is All received the phone bug radio signal from the Golden City.

So, at almost the same time, on the other side of the planet, on the other side of the red earth continent.

The one who was identified as the 'world's most vicious criminal' because of his revolutionary ideas of subverting the Tianlong and the world government, was considered to be the only revolutionary army leader who had the opportunity to directly overthrow the world government. Monkey D. Long, who has overthrown dozens of kingdoms in a row and has become the number one criminal of the world government, also watched the live broadcast of the scene without exception.


"Compete with the bear children?"



"That guy Gilder Tezzolo, he's killing himself..."

In the picture, I saw the gold and gold leaf fountains shooting out of the sky theater around the sky, the fireworks all over the sky, and the singing and dancing that made the atmosphere of the whole game scene extremely lively and noisy, and then look at the huge screen on the scene about the game rules. To describe in detail, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Long, suddenly sighed and shook his head at this time, which is considered to have sentenced the 'Golden Emperor' Gilder Tezzolo to death.


"But sir!"

"As far as we know, Gilder Tezzolo has a lucky fruit ability. With that woman, will he still lose?"

Hearing Monkey D. Long's words, a revolutionary army adjutant who was also standing in the room watching the live broadcast couldn't help but be a little surprised, and then he asked in confusion, wondering why their leader suddenly said that Come out without a reason.

"I know!"

"However, you still underestimate that bear child."

Wearing a dark green coat, with a red square tattoo on the left side of his face, short black hair combed back, and no eyebrows, Monkey D. Long, whose expression looked a little vicious, paused, and then continued:

"From Chambord Archipelago to Advance City, then to Marin Vando, then Fishman Island and Dressrosa Kingdom..."

"Her approach seems a little cynical at first glance, but if you think about it carefully, isn't she playing a big game of chess?"

"And now..."

"As long as she gets the wealth of Gilder Tezzolo, then this game of chess..."

"It's alive!"

Having said this, Monkey D. Long couldn't help but smile again.

In order to win Gild Tezzolo, who is strongly hostile to the Tianlong people, their revolutionary army has sent people to the Golden City of the Grand Desolo many times, and they have tried every means to get in touch with Gilde Tezzolo. , but all in vain.

Well now, as soon as the bear children came out, they did something they hadn't done for many years in less than two days. Although there is no result yet, it must be soon, and there should be no surprises.

"Think about it……"

"The world's strongest combat power, and the strongest aquarium Naga controls Fishman Island and the vital waterway that connects both sides of the Red Earth Continent. That's enough to make the World Government devastated."

"Not long ago, I added all the strength of the Dressrosa Kingdom of the Don Quixote family..."

"Thinking about it, the daughter country of Nine Snake Island, Empress Boya Hancock and her Amazon warriors also seem to be on the side of the bear children."

"In addition, there is a large group of powerful thugs who can serve their lives as long as they give money to the advance city..."

"All things added up, what she currently lacks seems to be only funding."

"And now, Gilder Tezzolona accounts for almost one-third of the world's wealth, and I believe it will soon be in her hands."

"Look, the purpose of her actions is too obvious, but you can say that if she had a 100% chance of winning, she would let Gilder Tay Is Zoro messing around like that?"

Monkey D. Long analyzed it with a wry smile, and finally didn't forget to ask such a question with a long sigh.

In fact, at the beginning, he thought it was okay without a careful analysis, but now, once he thought about it seriously and discovered the truth of the matter, his own heart was half cold.

Thinking about it, he himself did not hesitate to abandon his family and his son, and even to break with his father, he had to do and work hard for the great cause of his life, and now he has let that arrogant child quietly finish it in less than half a year. .

And once Gilder Tezzolo's farce-like performance ends, presumably, the world's general trend will soon set the final tone.

Presumably when the time comes, the existence of these people will definitely become dispensable with the passage of time?

Comparing the two, the performance of these people who have worked hard for so many is really poor and clumsy compared to the arrogant child who has only appeared suddenly for less than half a year.


"This this……"

Hearing the analysis of his own leader, gradually, the adjutant of the revolutionary army frowned and thought for a while, and then he quickly realized the correctness of the conclusion, and was shocked by the amazing point of view. froze in place.



"Sabo should still be on that big ship, you go and send him a message, just say, let him use the name of me and Luffy, and let him go to see the bear boy as soon as possible after the incident!"

"Let him first talk about our revolutionary army's idea of ​​wanting an alliance and some demands, and see what her opinion is?"

Monkey D. Long waved his hand, and he didn't know what he was saying to his adjutant.



"Don't be."


"Although our existence is just the icing on the cake for the bear children, but this is at least better than nothing, right?"


Hearing the leader's words, the adjutant wanted to stubbornly say something, but seeing their leader just looking at the screen, he struggled for a long time, and finally lowered his head silently.


"I'm going to send a message!"

In the end, he just nodded in frustration and responded, then he turned gently and left the small room where the live broadcast of the sky stage was being broadcast on the OB, and went outside to carry out orders.


(??ω??) Is there a monthly pass?


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