Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1712: (?????) Little white rabbit, white and white!

There is no doubt that the one who suddenly appeared and attacked the maid Dasqi was a bunny girl!


Unlike the bunny girls who were waiters in the Golden King Hotel on the Golden Mothership of the Bear Child, the bunny girl in front of her was a real bunny girl!

Or, can it be said that the other party is a rabbit spirit?

Anyway, after a brief and 'friendly' exchange (wèn) between the two sides, Annie and Dusky learned all the information they wanted to know.

It turned out that the other party was actually the island, that is, the indigenous fur tribe on the back of the elephant, a rabbit fur tribe whose name was Garrott, who was also a member of the 'King Bird' and a member of the Musket Team of the Fluffy Principality of Zou And the messengers of the troops who alternate day and night.

And this time, the reason why bunny girl Garrett suddenly attacked Annie and Dasqi, the two 'monkey fur tribes with sparse body hair', was because: the 'furry principality' on Zou Island Yu Annie and Dasqi Half a month before Sky's arrival, she was destroyed by a bad guy named 'Jack', which is why Annie and Dusky saw that the town was so dilapidated and empty.

It just so happened that the villain Jack had a lot of 'monkey fur tribes with sparse body hair' like Annie and Dusky, which made Garret mistakenly think that the two were also Jack's men, so he blatantly disagreed with what looked even worse. The stronger Dusky launched an attack.

However, the cub of a certain 'monkey fur tribe with sparse body hair' is too deceptive in appearance, and Garrot, who did not know that a certain bear child is more powerful, was caught off guard the moment he attacked Dusky. Cubs' captured.


Until now, Garrot of the Rabbit Fur Tribe still insists that if the first target she selected and launched a raid was not the maid Dasqi but a 'monkey fur cub with sparse body hair', then the result would be Certainly not the kind of thing that happened to her that she was captured in an instant.

Just now, she was completely careless, and she didn't **** a certain 'monkey fur cub with sparse body hair' at all, which led to the consequence of the final miss.

Of course, that kind of thing doesn't matter anymore.

After the two sides communicated and resolved the misunderstanding, after learning that a certain rabbit spirit is a human-speaking intelligent creature, Annie, a bad bear child, finally let the other party go with a little regret.

So, now there is a scene of the three of them walking towards the whale forest together, talking and laughing.



"Little white rabbit, white and white, ears pricked up~??"


"After cutting arteries, cutting veins, it's cute to stay still!"


"Peel the skin, chop it into pieces, put it in the pot and fry it~??"


"Add water, cover, and sprinkle cilantro before serving~??"


"Ha! So cute!"


Little Annie, who was at the forefront, hummed a nursery rhyme she liked very much while dancing.

Just now, she thought she could eat a delicious big rabbit meat, but it turned out...

But the bunny has become shrewd by accident, and can speak human words, which is no longer within the scope of her great Queen Anne's recipe, so she has no choice but to sing and try to soothe her now. All kinds of grievances and depression in my heart.


Hearing the terrifying song of the bear child in front of her, the corners of the maid Dasqi's mouth twitched. He glanced at Garret, the angry bunny girl next to him, and then continued to walk forward as if he didn't hear anything.


Sure enough, Dasqi didn't react, that doesn't mean Garrot of the Rabbit Fur Tribe didn't react either!

Is this not?


"It's enough!"

"You sparsely-haired monkey fur cub, rabbit or something, just eat it if you want!"


"Please at least don't say such evil things in front of our rabbit fur clan!"

When a certain bad boy had just finished singing, Garrot of the Rabbit Fur clan hurried up and protested loudly like that.

Although the fur tribes on the island also have carnivores, at least she Garrot is not a carnivorous fur tribe, and she is also the least likely to see other fur tribes eating rabbits, even if it is just a wild rabbit, not a rabbit fur tribe. Same!

Especially the terrifying song sung by this monkey fur cub just now, to her, it was as if she had been **** by the other party, then stripped naked, stripped the fur, chopped it up, and threw it in the pot to fry it. Goosebumps all over my body are about to stand up, and until now, it is still full of that chill-like shiver.



"You are talking nonsense, they are not some monkey fur tribe with sparse body hair!"


Blinking, Annie tilted her head playfully and made a big face at Rabbit Jing who came to stop her from singing.

Although she has never seen what the so-called 'monkey fur' on the island looks like, she only knows one thing: they must be completely different from the 'monkey fur' in the other's impression species!



Seeing that she couldn't help Annie, who had short blond hair, white hair all over her body, two long tubular ears, and a round fluffy short tail on her butt, Garrot pinched her angrily. Fist with sharp claws, walking alone at the forefront with those **** long legs.

Now, she doesn't want to see any more evil monkey fur cub with sparse body hair!



"It's a pity..."

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Annie stared at the long legs of the bunny walking in front and the furry tail behind her butt. Then, she flattened her mouth, swallowed, and then sighed in disappointment.

Originally, the other party's long legs, round buttocks, and fluffy and cute little tail could be cooked in a pot.

It's a pity that the other party has become sperm and can't eat it...

That kind of thing, as long as you think about it seriously, you will find that it is something that makes Her Lady Queen Anne very sad.


"I don't want to stay with this guy like you!"

"Not flattering at all!!"

Rabbit-fur Garrett, who was walking in front, didn't know at this time that some unfortunate sparsely-haired monkey fur cub was actually spanking her legs, **** and tail, and was still leading the way angrily and complaining loudly.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)

"Who told you to attack us first?"


"It's good that they didn't cook you!"


Fortunately, the other party doesn't seem to be a bad rabbit spirit, otherwise, even if Queen Anne doesn't like to eat it herself, she might have thrown it to her little bear, Tibbers, and swallowed it.


(● ̄?? ̄●)

(However, Tibbs said that for the delicate female rabbit in front, it doesn't matter whether the other party is a sperm or not. If it is allowed, the uncle bear will definitely not swallow it directly, it will only swallow the other party. Pinch the head and the tail, peel off the skin and cut the belly, and then slowly chew and eat?)

"I didn't attack!"

"I said it was just a misunderstanding!!"

"It's really a misunderstanding!"

"I thought you were in a group with those intruders, that's why you launched the attack, really!"

"If you don't believe me..."

"Anyway, you'll find out later!"

The rabbit fur Garrot in front turned his head and continued to protest loudly.

She has said the same thing many times, and she has sincerely apologized, so after finally affirming that point, she continued to walk forward angrily, not planning to repeat that kind of boring thing.

After all, it was really just a misunderstanding, and it was just a misunderstanding.



"It's a pity, I can't eat such a good pair of legs..."

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Annie didn't care about any misunderstandings, she just kept staring at the other person's long legs with white fluffy fur and the big **** with a round and cute little tail, and then she couldn't help sighing. Say it out loud.



Rabbit Fur Garrot stopped instantly and turned around, then glared at a certain monkey fur cub with sparse body fur with eyes wide open, unable to say a word for a long time.

"Look at what?"


"Look again..."


"Let Tibbers eat you if you look at it again!!"




Looking at the bickering between the two people in front, the maid Dasqi shook her head, and in the end she had no choice but to sigh in her heart and didn't bother.


Seriously, if she wasn't very sure, the little guy in front was the bear boy who had attacked the Tianlong people, beat the navy admiral, forcibly broke into the push city, made a riot at Marin Fando, and so on. Based on her understanding and contact with each other these days, she must think that the other party is just an innocent little girl with some 'bears' at the same time, right?

It's a pity that the other party is not an ordinary little girl, but a bear child, and is destined to be the enemy of their navy all the time!

Otherwise, she Dasqi really wanted to find a chance to run back to the G-5 naval branch, and really didn't want to continue lurking under the opponent's men.


Rabbit Fur Garrot snorted, and then continued to lead the way with brisk steps, without paying any more attention to some abominable cub.


"Please wait for me!"

However, I don't know if it was because of anger, the other party walked a little faster, so that Dusqi had to follow with gritted teeth and frowned.

She was still wearing high heels, and it was very inconvenient to move, and it hurt a little after walking too much... After all, she was on that golden ship before, and she didn't predict that she would come here to 'adventure', so she had no chance at all. Go change your clothes or shoes or something.



"Big bunny, people ask you... will you bite someone suddenly?"


At this time, Annie also accelerated her pace and ran to the side of the rabbit fur Garret before she suddenly asked curiously.


"I'm not called Big Tutu, I'm Garret!"

"Also, why would I bite someone?"

Garrett was a little puzzled, and gave a certain monkey fur cub with sparse body hair angrily.

Compared to the quiet and weaker adult female of the monkey fur tribe with sparse body hair, she obviously hated the cub beside her a little more.



"It says in the book that rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry. You are so anxious now, why don't you bite people?"




"You go and bite that idiot Dusky, they will definitely not stop you, how about it?"


Annie, who was eager to seal a certain point of view on the certificate, directly suggested excitedly and considerately, and raised her hands, indicating that she would never interfere with the instinctive reaction of a rabbit creature like 'rabbit is anxious to bite'. .




"do not want!"

"What's the matter with me?!"

Dasqi was startled, and subconsciously stopped in place, and looked vigilantly at the rabbit fur Garrot, for fear that the other party would really rush over and bite Although, she I don't know which book the bear child came from to read the bizarre truth of 'rabbit is anxious to bite', but Da Siqi only knew that without a weapon, she, the Admiral of the Navy It seems that she really can't beat that powerful rabbit fur, and she doesn't want to be bitten at all, no matter where it is!

"I just said it!"

"I am a rabbit fur from the furry kingdom, not a rabbit!"


"I just want to hit people, I don't want to bite people!!!"

In the end, after using almost all of his strength to yell at a hateful, especially annoying monkey fur cub with sparse body hair, Garret simply turned around and ran away, not wanting to be there for a moment. The opponent stayed by his side.



"Wait! Don't bite, don't bite, what are you yelling at!!"



ヾ( ̄□ ̄;)??

Seeing the other party speeding up and running forward, Annie had no choice but to stop talking, directly striding forward with her short legs and quickly chasing forward.



"Slow down, wait for me!"

This time, Dusky is suffering.

Because she was wearing high-heeled shoes and a maid outfit, which was really not suitable for running or rushing in this uneven jungle full of thorns and stones.

However, the two people in front of her didn't pay any attention to her, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and chase after her.


??(*??)?? Ask for a monthly pass and eat bunny!


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