Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1713: (??ω??) 'Drought' Jack!

Boom~! Boom~!

The battle in the west of the whale forest in the distance is still going on, and now I don’t know who is fighting who, but as the sound gets closer, the rabbit fur Garrot who is leading the road in front seems to be became more anxious.

Therefore, unconsciously, the other party's speed on the road could not help but be a little faster.



"Hey! Big Tutu, what was that sound just now?"


Of course, Annie heard that voice too, so she couldn't help asking a little strangely towards the accelerating rabbit fur Garrot.

"It should be Jack and his pirates!"

"That guy, he seemed to have left a while ago, but I don't know why, he came back soon after a few days!"

"He should be leading the team to attack our forest now. They must have discovered everyone's secret hiding place. I must hurry up and go there!"

Saying that, Garrot's face gradually became a little ugly, and the speed of the journey couldn't help but become a little faster, but he still barely suppressed the speed, as if he wanted to take care of a monkey fur cub with sparse body following her. And that female mature individual?

"Is that so?"


Annie followed, while concentrating on listening.



"Big Tutu, you don't seem to be very weak, and you just said that all of your Mao Mao people have strong fighting power, and also have the ability of frictional discharge, don't they?"


"Look, this Dusky idiot, she used to be the captain of the navy. I heard that she is about to be promoted to brigadier general. Even someone like her is not your opponent. Why do you still lose to that little pirate named Jack? "


"Being beaten so badly that the city was destroyed, and then had to hide so miserably?"


While continuing to follow the road, Annie couldn't help but asked curiously.


"Hu, nonsense!"

"I didn't beat her, it was just an accident!"

At this moment, a certain 'idiot' named behind hurriedly protested loudly.

"Besides, Master, you didn't give me a weapon either..."

"And these shoes..."

Dusky said that if she had a weapon in her hands and put on her tighter clothing and thicker heels, which made her move more freely, she could guarantee that if she couldn't beat that rabbit fur Garrot, she would at least be able to maintain a good relationship with her. Invincible situation?


"Jack is not a little pirate!"

"According to our navy's information, he was originally a saddle-banded grouper, nicknamed 'Drought' and one of the famous 'Three Disasters' in the New World, and also a big sign of the Beast Pirates. The important confidant of the 'Four Emperors' Kaido, the bounty is as much as one billion Berry, and he is also a person with the ability of fauna, elephant fruit, ancient species, and mammoth form. He is the captain of the Mammoth and the country of Wano. The local governor of the Guri area."

"He's very scary!"

"Master you..."

"Compared to the Straw Hat Pirates you were in before, he is not weak at all, even far stronger than the Straw Hat Pirates!"

Dusky argued aloud with some resentment, and at the same time stated what she knew about that 'Jack'.

In fact, let alone the straw hat Luffy who had a bounty of only 230 million when he was in the Chambord Archipelago, even their g-5 naval branch would not dare to provoke the beast pirate. Team Jack.

In short, the other party is definitely not just a little pirate in the mouth of the bear child, at least, not in the eyes of senior naval generals like her, Dasqi, and other pirates in the new world!



However, Annie didn't pay any attention to the rebuttal of the stupid maid behind her, and just continued to look at the silent Garret and waited for the other party's answer.

"That Jack..."

"His subordinates are not bad, we can handle it, but he is really very strong, it can be said that he is very strong!"

Finally, after being silent for a while, Garrett spoke up.

"You don't know..."

"He is not only huge, but also has rough skin and flesh. General attacks, whether it is swords, claws or electric shocks, have almost no effect on him!"

"The daytime king of our furry principality, the Grand Duke of Inuarashi and the night king of the principality, the Boss Cat Viper, once led their respective fighters to launch wheel battles against that Jack and those pirates alternately during the day and night. Every day and every night, he is fighting against each other, and he has never stopped for a moment.”

"In the beginning, the battle was barely going to last, especially after that Jack left suddenly for some unknown reason?"

"At that time, we really gained a great advantage. Those ordinary pirates were not our opponents at all. We recaptured most of the city smoothly, and even almost rushed the invaders directly. went to sea."

"But then..."

"That Jack, that scary guy is back all of a sudden!"

"Then, the enemy's reinforcements poured in from the sea, and we couldn't stop them..."

"Especially that Jack, that's a real monster!"

"No matter what attack we use, we can't do anything to him, even if it is the king of day in our furry principality, the Grand Duke of Inuarashi, and the king of night in the principality, the Boss Cat Viper!"

"A few days ago, when the king of the day, the Grand Duke Inuarashi, and the king of the night, the king of the cat, the viper, were defeated one after another and were injured and passed out. Our front line finally collapsed."

"Everyone had to hide in the forest and rely on the elephant Lord's daily flood to block the enemy's search."

"But even then, it's not too long before they find our hiding place, as you know, this island is like the back of the Lord, it's just that big, and you can always find it with a little bit of searching. of."

After speaking, the expression on Garrett's face became even more frustrated.

On the back of the Elephant Lord, the people of their furry principality have nowhere to run if they want to, and they don't have a boat to go to sea.

"Just now, Wanda said that there was a big ship in the east of the host. She thought it was the reinforcement of Pirate Jack, so she asked me to come over to the city and plan to go to the highest tower to check the situation."

"As a result, I met you first, and you should all know what happened next."

Garrot didn't hide it, and explained in detail why he appeared in the city just now and attacked Dasqi blatantly.

Now Jack's fleet is to the west of Elephant Lord, and the large ship of nearly 10,000 meters is to the south of Elephant Lord. If the two sides are really together, then their furry principality is really doomed this time.

"Do not worry!"


"That ship was not Jack's helper. At that time, our ship, we just came from there, I can assure you of this!"


Annie showed off proudly.


But Dusqi, who was behind, didn't say a word at this time.

In fact, she really wanted to say to that Garrett: The little girl in front of her is the big pirate, and the other party is the notorious bear child!

And that big ship is the private property that the other party has just acquired, and there is still a large number of powerful 'armies' on it. If the Furry Principality can get the help of the other party, defeating Jack is nothing but a trivial matter?


She didn't know what Dusqi thought of in the end. She struggled for a long time, but she still didn't say a word, just kept silent and followed behind the two of them.

"If you don't say it, how will we know?"

"Our furry principality is here, but we haven't visited a monkey fur tribe with sparse body hair like you for many years."

"We don't know much about your world."

Garrett muttered a little aggrieved.

If she had known that the big ship was not from Jack's group, she would not have come here at all, and now she must be resisting the attack of those pirates with everyone in the whale forest.



"How many times have I told you, this abominable bunny, that they are not monkey fur with sparse body hair, they are human beings!"


Annie refuted the other party with a little dissatisfaction.

"But I'm not a big bunny either, I'm Garrett!"

"I've told you so many times!"

Garrett retorted with the same tone.



Being so contradicted by the other party, Annie was so angry that she didn't know what to say.

So, she began to think, even if she can't really eat the other party, she must find a chance to let Tibbers beat the other party's big ass?


She must use scissors to cut off all the hair on the other side's fluffy tail, and cut it bare. When it becomes a dog's tail, will she dare to be so proud of this big bunny?



Boom~! Boom~!

Suddenly, there were two loud banging sounds in front.

Immediately afterwards, the collision of weapons and the screaming and screaming became closer and closer, and then, Garrot, who had been taking care of the speed of the two behind him, could no longer care.

"It's getting closer!"

"Just ahead!"

"I'm going to fight first!"

"If you don't want to be in danger, leave quickly!"

After he finished speaking, Rabbit Fur Garrot accelerated, nimbly moving and jumping between the branches of the big trees, and then he disappeared without a trace.



"What are you doing running so fast?"




"Dasqi, you idiot, hurry up and keep up!"


Seeing that the big bunny had left first, Annie muttered a little dissatisfied at first, then reminded the maid behind her, and then flashed, and disappeared in place, not knowing where it was teleported. .



"Wait for me!!"

Dusky panicked, and hurriedly ran after him while shouting.

However, in front of her, apart from the dense virgin jungle, where can she see any of those two figures?

She had no choice but to follow the direction the voice came from, chasing forward in the jungle step by step, not even caring whether the maid costume was cut by branches or thorns, revealing large tracts of snow-white skin. up.


At this time, in the battlefield ahead.

Saddle-belted grouper, nicknamed 'Drought', one of the well-known 'Three Disasters', the big kanban of the Beast Pirates, the confidant of the 'Four Emperors' Kaido, with a bounty of one billion Berry, Jack, who has the ability of fauna, elephant fruit, ancient species, and mammoth form, is leading a small patrol and reconnaissance member of the 'King Bird' Musketeer team of the furry principality and the furry principality Beluga Forest Knights. The remnants of the defeated generals who supported them carried out a fierce attack.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Stupid fur clan, surrender now!"

"Hurry up and hand over Leizang!"


"I will kill you all!!"

In the forest, that one was tall and strong, with a height of eight or nine meters, with a ponytail and two braids tied on his head, a metal jaw on his mouth, and two on his head and shoulders. The ivory-like decoration, the armor full of spiked rivets, the feather-like coat, and the giant with two sickle-like weapons are rampaging and unleashing a violent attack, while also arrogantly shouting loudly. Laughing wildly.

'Wow! ! ’


'not good! ’

'Save people! ’

'Stop him! ! ’

With the attack of the arrogant giant, and with the sound of screams, groups of fur tribes were cut off by him.

At the same time, more fur tribes also surrounded him one after another, and launched that kind of meaningless decisive charge.


"Stubborn guy!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't pay, I will find you all one by one sooner or later, and then..."

"Kill you all!!"

"I will find him sooner or later!"

"Sooner or later!"

Using a sickle to easily cut off a big tree and kick the fur warriors who were hiding on the tree to the distance, they heard the screams and saw more fur warriors endure. After rushing out of the jungle, the giant grinned and raised the weapon in his hand again and began to strangle frantically.

Although this is a dense forest, although this is the home ground of the fur tribes, he is not afraid at all, and ah, wherever he rushes, whether it is stones, trees or those fur tribes, all will be attacked by his weapons. To be chopped or twisted to shreds!


He is one of the 'Three Great Disasters', the confidant of the 'Four Emperors' Kaido, the big kanban of the Beast Pirates, the captain of the Mammoth, with a bounty of one billion berries, Elephant Elephant Fruit·Ancient Species·Mammoth Those who have the ability to form, because the place they step on is dry and decayed and perishes like a drought, the man nicknamed 'drought' - Jack! ! !

And now, on this island, after more than ten days of war, especially after he defeated those two guys, there are no powerful fur tribes who can stand in front of him, and the rest are all furs It's just a little scoundrel of the clan, with his Jack around, their victory will be just around the corner!

boom! !

With just a wave of his hand, the dozens of fur warriors who rushed up were instantly knocked off by Jack and fell to the ground. The scene was a bit horrific.



"Be sure to stop him! Buy time for the clan to transfer!"

Seeing the miserable state of the tribe, at the back of the fur tribe, a dog-headed female fur man riding on a huge crocodile just frowned. Then, she gritted her teeth and continued to shout loudly, calling for more furs Soldiers stepped forward.



At this moment, a vigorous figure quickly jumped from a tree in the distance to the crocodile's back, stood stably, pressed the dog-headed female fur man's shoulders affectionately, and shouted.

And that person is the rabbit fur Garrot who just parted with Annie and Dusky!



"What's the matter? Is that big ship an enemy?!"

Seeing that it was Garrett, the dog-headed woman called 'Wanda' hurriedly asked.

"It shouldn't be!"



Before Garrett had time to talk about Annie and Dusky, she only saw in astonishment: Not far away, that monster, that pirate Jack, just like an angry giant bull, went straight into the air. Dozens of clansmen rushed towards Wanda and her who were in command.

"not good!"

Obviously, there is no time to explain at this point.

"Hurry up!"

Last After Garrot shouted, he directly hugged Wanda's waist and jumped from the crocodile's back.

boom! !

The next moment, the crocodile was directly knocked away by Jack.

And that doesn't count!

At the moment when the crocodile was knocked into the air, the innocent creature was frantically turned into pieces of flesh and blood by the ferocious pirate Jack with the two huge sharp blades!

As a result, the terrifying, blood-like blood drenched Garret and Wanda, who were avoided by Jack and Kankan, all wet.



Immediately afterwards, without waiting for the two to grieve or react, they saw again that the monster Jack charged violently again.

"go to hell!!"

One of the 'Three Disasters', the confidant of the Four Emperor Kaido, the big kanban of the Beast Pirates, the captain of the Mammoth, the Elephant Fruit·Ancient Species·Mammoth Form Ability Jack, just like that, like a **** The demons that ran out of the room were generally roaring at the two of them.

Then, it was the two sharp blades that slashed Mount Huashan with force, and slashed straight at Wanda and Garrett.



The two who had just landed instantly widened their eyes.

At this moment, under the lock of Pirate Jack and the oppression of the violent momentum, they had no time to escape, they could only watch the other side's two sickle-shaped weapons flashing two cold lights, and crossed towards behead them...

Swish! !

In the next moment, Kobold Wanda and Rabbit Fur Garrot only felt that their eyes were flushed, and then it seemed that something was cut off in an instant and swirled...


(?w?) Monthly Pass

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