Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1714: ?(*?)?Marshal Porusalino

Admiral Kizaru finally became the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, which he did not care much about, and the official and grand inauguration ceremony that the original three-army commander-in-chief had promised him was never mentioned again.

Perhaps, the navy has lost enough face these days that the navy doesn't want an admiral who has been beaten twice and three times by a bear boy to take up the post of marshal in the newspapers and be pointed at and ridiculed?

Or, is there another reason?

But anyway, in the middle of today's meeting, after the former Marshal Sengoku made a brief summary and officially took the blame and resigned, in front of a group of high-ranking navy officers and commander-in-chief of the three armed forces Sora, Admiral Kizaru Porousa Lino took up his new post in the meeting room of this naval base in the Chambord Islands.

Perhaps after the meeting, official documents will be sent to the various fleets and bases of the Navy to announce this matter, but the grand and solemn inauguration ceremony originally planned will definitely be gone.

So, after Kizaru took over the white scepter that symbolized the power of the Admiral, this happened.

Immediately afterwards, with the conclusion of the simple inauguration ceremony, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces Sora couldn't wait to stand up and start his report without waiting for Kizaru to deliver his speech.

"Everyone in the Navy!"

"After thinking about it, you all already know."

"After Don Quixote Doflamingo of Dressrosa, Gilder Tezzolo of the Grand Desolo and his ship plus the hundreds of thousands of people on board the Golden City, Now they have all fallen to the side of the big pirate bear child."

"The current situation has reached a very serious point!"

Looking at the group of high-ranking naval generals present sitting at risk, looking at the condescending new Admiral Kizaru, and the current Chief Inspector Sengoku, who was a little depressed after resigning from the position of the Marshal, Commander-in-Chief Kong first sighed in his heart, and then said: Going on, he continued:

"Especially after the Grand Desolo, the current golden mothership of the 'Bear Child' broke away from the World Government and defected to the Bear Child, plus the occupied batch of 'Heavenly Gold' and the **** fleet, now, the Bear Child has The power of myself and my subordinates has swelled to the point where it cannot be suppressed..."

"If you add the advance city and Nine Snake Island, the Bear Boy Pirates and their subordinates can basically be sure to master a huge sea and sea power!"

"It has been found out that the total population controlled by its forces has exceeded 10 million, and as for wealth, it has reached one-third or more of the total wealth in the world!"

"Everyone, that's a terrifying number!"

"Because that means, the Bear Boy Pirates can easily pull up a fleet and armament far exceeding the weight of our navy with the wealth she has now!"

"And, there's enough intelligence that they're already doing that."


"You must have seen the latest information from Fishman Island and the 'Bear Child' golden mothership, right? On Fishman Island, a large number of troops are being trained! And on that golden mothership, A large number of flying fish knights are also being trained by the so-called Air Force Commander Dibalu!"

"Things like that are a very dangerous and scary signal for us!"


"Don Quixote Doflamingo of Dressrosa also completely stopped the trade in black market arms and artificial devil fruits not long ago. You can guess why."

"That's right!"

"That Don Quixote Doflamingo must have been preparing his army for battle, and he obviously received some kind of explicit order from the arrogant boy!"

"But now..."

"The Fishman Island is still firmly in the hands of the bear children, let alone our navy, and even those other pirates have no way to carry any ships and goods in the New World and the Red Continent. Transportation, this situation is obviously very unfavorable for our navy's deployment!"

Speaking of this in one breath, the commander-in-chief of the three armies paused for a while.

Then, he looked at the faces of the high-ranking navy generals present, and found that they were all mourning and uglier, and after he sighed in his heart again, he continued to summarize and state. Other than that, there is no other way.

"Apart from what I just said..."

"What's worse right now is that there is reliable information showing that those rebels, the so-called revolutionary army, are frequently sending people to contact the bear children, and the two sides have established some intention of cooperation!"

"Not long ago, the bandit leader Monkey D. Long also ordered to gather rebel leaders from all over the world, and his specific intentions are temporarily unknown."

"But it can be guessed that the other party's actions must be related to the contact with the bear child!"



"I said yes just now, which is the basic situation that this meeting will read and inform you!"

"The rebels on the land are naturally handled by the armies and armies of various countries, and the navy must come up with a response or plan to solve the current predicament as soon as possible!"


"We must not let the bear child continue to develop with such a rapid momentum. Even if it is at all costs, we must kill or suppress it!"

"as above!"

"In addition to being the opinion of the commander-in-chief of the three armies, it is also the highest order of the Holy Land Mary Joa and the Tianlong people!"

"The loss of Tiantianjin and the defection of the Grand Desolo made Mary Joa very angry, everyone, just do it yourself!"

After speaking, I finally took a look at the admirals who were present with their eyes closed, and then looked at the big characters "Wu Yun Long" hanging on the wall of the conference room. I felt that the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces was a bit dazzling. Can't wait any longer.

"I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

"Marshal Polsalino..."

"Have a good discussion with your generals, and be sure to come up with a charter!"

So, he signaled the new Admiral Kizaru to continue to preside over the meeting and continue to discuss how the Navy should deal with the current situation, then he turned around and left and left early.


"stand up!!"

The senior generals of the navy did not express any opinion on the early departure of the commander-in-chief of the three armies, but just habitually stood up with a 'stand up' sound and watched the other side leave.




Then soon, when the other party left the door of the conference room, they sat down one after another and either meditated or closed their eyes in their respective positions, and no one wanted to speak.


At this time, the same goes for the newly appointed Admiral Kizaru.

He didn't follow the commander-in-chief's words to make any representations, and he didn't want to give any meaningless speeches. He just sat on his marshal's seat with his legs crossed, and stared at the water glass on his table with his arms fascinated. look.

As if he had never seen those dull prints on the quilt?


Anyway, Kiabou himself does not intend to express any opinions.

After all, everyone knows that the bear child is too difficult and terrifying. It seems that he can't beat him.

Therefore, he didn't know what additional effect the commander-in-chief of the three armies said just now could have any additional effect in addition to the heavy and effective blow to the morale of their admirals.

Facts have proved that facing the bear children, they have nothing to do with each other, whether it is a naval battle or a land battle, whether it is a one-on-one battle or a group fight, the result has long been clear. All the high-ranking naval generals here include him. Kizaru himself has long been aware of it, otherwise, the two generals, Aokiji and Akainu, would not have remained missing, and it would have been even less his turn to be the marshal.

"Bear boy..."

"whispering sound……"

"It's scary..."

With a flat mouth, Kizaru continued to cross Erlang's legs and sighed softly.

This is the situation now. Facing the bear children, their navy, including the world government, is in a state of extreme powerlessness with nowhere to start. It is useless for the commander-in-chief of the three armies to push the problem to their navy. The ape can't do anything by himself, love it.

He just takes his class, plays his card, and gets his salary. As long as the bear child continues to stay in the new world, as long as he doesn't come back to harm him, he can do whatever she wants. Law to manage.

After all, in the current situation, the naval ships on their side will definitely not be able to turn over the red soil continent.




At this time, the other generals of the navy also sat in their respective positions with their arms folded, just like Kizaru, and said nothing about the issues concerning the bear children.

They also know that it is an unsolvable problem. Even the Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies and the World Government have no way to do it. Now that the problem is pushed to them, what can they do?

Besides, the bear boy has just acquired the Grand Desolo, and it is said that tens of thousands of flying fish are still being trained on it. That is tens of thousands of flying fish. How many warships are enough for them to blow up?

Before the effective prevention and control measures were developed, there was no way to target the sea king-like behemoths and those terrifying Naga guards in the sea around the golden ship. !

If you really dare to do it, then who will strike who may not be sure!


At this time, just as all the admirals were silent, when the atmosphere in the conference room was a little embarrassing and cold, just in time, an assistant officer wearing a navy 'justice' coat hurriedly walked into the conference room and put a copy of Important documents were handed directly to the Chief of Naval Staff, Tsuru.


"Marshal Polsalino!"

"Something big happened."

"Just received a report from the spy lurking around the bear child, and now, the bear child has boarded the back of the giant statue named 'The Country of Zou', and is preparing to participate in those ancient fur tribes and the new world beasts In the conflict of the pirates."

After quickly reading the document, the old female lieutenant general He finally found the conversation, so she stood up first to break the silence at the meeting and handed the document to Kizaru.



"That Chief Dusky, I remember seeing it in the report last time, she's from G-5, right?"

"But I don't understand, when did our navy's own people change careers to be spies for CP0?"

Seeing what was said in the document and looking at the description above, Kizaru raised his head a little strangely and asked back.

"She was developed by CP0!"

"Marshal, you should also know that Da Siqi was forced to become a maid after being caught by the bear child, and when the incident on the Grand Desolo happened, she contacted the people of CP0 herself, and then she was ordered to continue lurking. Beside the bear child, this is the latest news she just sent back on the phone bug in the country of Nazou."

"Now the bear child is afraid that he has already intervened in the events of the country of Zou."

After looking at the senior generals present and seeing that they were all officers with the rank of lieutenant general or above, the chief of the general staff, He, did not hide it, and directly explained the reason.

"Is that so?"


"Since it's about CP0, let her continue to contact CP0."

The people in his own navy are actually related to CP0, and this alone makes Kizaru very upset.

In addition, he didn't want to take care of the bear child's affairs, so after hesitating for a while, he directly pushed the document away, and politely rejected it under the pretext of not wanting to interfere in the CP0 affairs.


"The CP0s who developed her down the line are now being held in the 'Bear Child' prison, and this information was passed on to the Navy Headquarters through Lieutenant Admiral Small of the Navy's G-5 Branch."

Crane did not hide it, and directly explained the reason for the twists and turns.

Now that CP0's people have been caught, that Dasqi Da Shiqi will definitely not be able to contact CP0 directly. However, in view of the seriousness of the matter, the other party has to urgently contact Lieutenant General Smog, and then Siege Lieutenant General Mog couldn't handle it, so he forwarded it to her again.


"I remember..."

With a clapping of his palms, Kizaru remembered those Tianlong people who were caught in the incident of the Great Desolo, the naval **** fleet, Tianshangjin and the unfortunate CP0s. He read the report and it was true one thing.


"Then you can transfer it to the CP0 headquarters in Holy Land Mary Joa!"


"As long as it is the information sent back by the Navy Chief Dasqi, it will be handed over to the CP0 headquarters without passing through me. Our Navy will not care about it, do you understand?"

Since it was CP0 who bypassed their navy and privately developed the captured naval officer into an offline one, after that, this **** thing would naturally be assigned to CP0, and Kisumu himself had no choice but to take care of that business, so , he directly ordered the Vice Admiral and Chief of Staff Crane.




"The old man understands!"

Crane originally wanted to say something, but when she saw Kizaru's unquestionable expression, she hesitated again and again, feeling that the navy was really helpless and incapable of interfering with the bear child, so she nodded in frustration and said: will obey orders.


"My colleagues!"

"Let's break up!"

"after all……"

"It's almost time for get off work..."

Saying that, Admiral, oh no, it was Admiral Kizaru who stood up first.

"I'm going to recruit today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, don't come to me if there's nothing important..."

"In fact..."

"It's better not to come to me if there's something important?"

Then, without waiting for others to speak, after saying such a few words, Huang Yuan walked away.

As for what was just explained by the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, it is useless to talk about that kind of topic, so Kizaru doesn't want to waste time discussing it at all!

After all, everyone knows bear children or something, it's terrible!

He, the Admiral of the Navy, was forced to take office. He already has a phobia of bear children, and it is too late to retire early. How can he shyly discuss with those incompetent lieutenants who are also helpless to bear children at all? What about the plan against the bear children?

That kind of thing is beyond the ability of his Kizaru. Anyway, he doesn't plan to take care of it now. He just wants to carry out his big conscription plan and see if he can find a hundred and eighty generals. The newcomer came out, if he can make up 180 generals, maybe he can raise a little idea of ​​​​targeting the bear child?

But unfortunately, after so many days, and I don't know why, the number of people who signed up for the navy seems to be getting less and less. Slightly!

Therefore, as the Admiral of the Navy, he must keep an eye on it at all times!

Anyway, compared to thinking about how to deal with things like the bear children and other headaches, going to the recruiting point to drink tea with the old fox Garp, chatting with melon seeds and bullying the recruits, it is too easy. Too much.

"stand up!"


Soon, Kizaru, who walked out of the door of the conference room, heard the sound from inside.

Obviously, those lieutenant generals are not stupid, and they must be thinking the same as his yellow monkey.

No, their group of guys also went off work with him, and they left behind the things that the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces had just explained.


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