Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1718: (???) Declare war on the bear children (2)

Ding dong!

As the dedicated original VIP elevator arrived at the top floor of the Golden King Hotel, and before the elevator door opened, a certain bear boy rushed out in a flash.

"Let's have dinner!"


"It's dinner! It's dinner!"

Immediately afterwards, when the elevator door slowly opened, the rabbit fur Garrot also cheered. She was also wearing a cute red dress, and the real bunny girl rushed out without seeing her at all, and rushed to the dining table before Annie. Before the host was seated, he grabbed the knife, fork and tableware and ate.

She has been here with the Golden Mothership of the Bear Child for more than ten days, and has already gotten to know Annie and the people around her very well, so no one will mind her actions, she has long been taken aback No wonder, even the Naga royal guards who stood guard around the palace garden on the top floor of the Golden King Hotel were the same, and they didn't mean to blame her at all.



"It's 11,000 times better than what our fur chefs make!"

As soon as he took his first bite, Garrett shouted loudly.

Although the food on the plate in front of her was some pieces of meat, she ate it with relish, and she couldn't tell that her 'rabbit essence' was originally a vegetarian thing.



"What did you eat today?"


However, it was only after Annie took her first bite that she realized something was wrong.

So, she first looked at Garrett's plate, and then at her own, and found that both of them had the same food, and then she looked strangely at the restaurant in the eight-star hotel that was standing not far away. asked the chef.

"This is..."

"Report to Her Majesty the Queen!"

"This is a special product that you brought back from the Kingdom of Lugnica a few days ago. Today, I specially slaughtered a few of them to entertain Miss Garrett according to your order."

The head chef first looked at a bunny girl who was feasting, then thought about it, and finally had to say this vaguely.

"A special product from the Kingdom of Lugnica?"




"I think of it, it's the murderous beast with red eyes, long ears and horns, right?"


Annie suddenly blinked comprehensively and asked Mengmeng the head chef.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Yes, it is!"

"That's right!"

The head chef took out a handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, then looked at the bunny girl Garret, and finally nodded slightly to a certain bear boy with a dry smile.

"That's good!"


Annie didn't ask any more, and started to eat in big gulps.

"Uh uh uh..."

"Lord Anne, what are those ferocious monsters with red eyes, long ears and horns?"

"Why is their meat so delicious?"

At this moment, Garret suddenly asked while eating.


(??~??) Hmmmm!

"Do you really want to know?"


Annie asked with a wink while eating too.

"Of course I did!"

"What kind of monster?"

Actually, when the head chef mentioned the red eyes and long ears just now, Garrot's heart throbbed suddenly, and he had some kind of bad premonition.

However, when the other party said that it was some kind of ferocious monster with horns, she gradually felt relieved.

"You better not know!"

(? ̄?? ̄??)??°

Annie said slyly, not wanting to answer the other party's question.

"Say it!"

"I really want to know!"

Garrett took another big mouthful and continued to ask.

"Really want to?"


Annie tilted her head maliciously to confirm and asked another question.


"I want to think about it, I want it very much!!"

Garrot kept nodding his head, and the little tail behind his **** was shaking excitedly, looking very cute.

It's a pity, no matter how cute you are, you can't eat it...

"I'll tell you when you're done eating."


Annie thought for a while, looked at the other party's plate, and suddenly said with a grimace.


"No problem!"

Garret began to speed up, like the wind and the clouds, and he grabbed the delicious, mother-like meat, and at the same time melted in the mouth, shoved it into her mouth and chewed it. stand up.

She just wanted to eat quickly now, and then let Annie quickly tell her what kind of magical beast with red eyes, long ears and horns.

Anyway, Garrett doesn't reject eating animals without intelligence, just like she doesn't reject eating fish.


At this time, the maid Dasqi standing by the dining table on the side secretly raised her eyes and glanced at Garrett, and then looked at some wicked bear child, but in the end, she chose to keep her mouth shut and said nothing. did not say.

"All right!"

"I'm stuffed!"

"Sir Annie, tell me quickly, what kind of ferocious beast with red eyes, long ears and horns is?"

More than ten minutes passed, and when the two were almost full, Garrett licked the plate impatiently to ensure that no food was wasted before continuing to question again.



"Now take her to see those two ferocious beasts with red eyes, long ears and horns!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Annie did not refuse, and directly signaled the chef to lead the way.

Then, after seeing Garrett dragging the head chef downstairs impatiently, she continued to sit at the main seat of the dining table with peace of mind, slowly eating the little meat left on her plate, and at the same time began to silently Counting numbers.

one two Three……

Because Annie knew that it would only take about thirty seconds to go from the garden to the royal kitchen downstairs at Garrett's speed.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Eleven, twelve, thirteen...





Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine...



Soon, when Annie just counted to thirty, as expected, a deafening scream came from downstairs.

"People are full!"


"Go play!!"


"See you tonight!"


Saying that, Annie, who jumped off the chair, ran to the edge of the sky garden without waiting for someone to appear again, and then jumped straight down, planning to go to other places in the Golden City to wander and digest something. of.


And when a certain bad boy had just invited Garret the rabbit fur to eat the 'specialty' brought from the Kingdom of Lugnica, the pier of the golden mothership of the bear boy just came in. A pirate ship that looks a little broken.


"That flag..."

"That's not the Kidd Pirates!"

"What are they going to do?"

"I don't know, maybe you came here to play in the Golden City?"

"After all, this is a neutral zone."

"Neutral zone?"

"It used to be, but not now!"



"If you don't say it, I've forgotten about it, but, thinking about it, it doesn't seem to have changed much here..."

"It hasn't changed!"

"That's because our arrogant queen has not banned outsiders from visiting, but even then, there are a lot fewer people coming here. At least the navy and politicians from the world's governments don't dare to come."

"Also, Tianlong people don't dare!"

"After all, there are still three Tianlong people in the prison on the ship!"

Seeing that the pirate ship slowly driving into the inner bay of the golden mothership of the Bear Child was heading towards the indoor berth here under the guidance of a barge, several dock workers hanging out at the pier immediately All of a sudden, they started talking.


"In addition to the navy, there should be a large group of navy prisoners. The navy of those ten ships is estimated to have tens of thousands of people?"

"Ten thousand people?"


"There are no more naval prisoners now!"


"No? Why?"

"Lord Queen Anne has ordered them to be Didn't our ship stop for half an hour when we passed by that naval base island last time?"


"But what's the problem with that?"

"Of course there is!"

"Our bear child queen thought they were wasting food and didn't have to work for the captain, so they all threw them into the sea there. They swam back to the shore of the island by themselves."


"It turned out to be like that, I thought it was Her Majesty the Queen who wanted to attack and occupy that island..."


"Now that those flying fish knights have not been trained, it is impossible for Her Lady Queen to attack the naval base casually."


"But what exactly did the Kidd Pirates want to do here?"

"who knows?"


"They seem to be negotiating with those Naga guards..."

"Ha ha!"

"They're going to be out of luck!"


"Look! They were taken away by the Naga Guards. What are they trying to do? Going to provoke those Naga fish as soon as they come, are they crazy?"

"do not know……"


Under the chatter and exclamations of the idlers on the docks, not far away, the captain of the Kidd Pirates, known as Eustace 'Captain' Kidd, is one of the supernovas, and he was also the first in the supernova bounty two years ago. The guy in the first, along with several crew members under him, was quickly escorted by two Naga guards and walked slowly towards the King of Gold Hotel.


(???) I went to get the booster shot today, so I will write that much. If you have a monthly pass, remember to give it, of course, you can also give it at the end of the month.

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