Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1719: (???) Declare war on the bear children (3)

At the terminal of the first half of the Great Route, there are big and small resin bubbles floating everywhere due to the action of the Alchiman mangroves, and at the same time, those bubbles also emit colorful rays of light under the sunlight. It looks like Over the colorful and dreamy Chambord Archipelago, a newspaper delivery pigeon flew to the naval base in Area No. 6, and then started howling loudly:

"Outside the nickname!"

"Kaido, one of the four emperors, has officially started a war against the bear children!"

"Outside the nickname!"

"Kaido, one of the four emperors, has officially started a war against the bear children!"

"Come and see!"

"Super big news in the new world!"

After howling loudly to attract the attention of many officers and soldiers and tossing down several newspapers, finally, its behavior finally caught the attention of a navy boss.


"Delivering newspapers!"


"Throw me two copies!"

Seeing a newspaper delivery pigeon flying by, and hearing what the other party said, the retired Vice Admiral who was sitting on the edge of the school grounds, the dozing Karp's eyes suddenly narrowed, and then he made a sound. He waved to the newspaper delivery pigeon hovering in the sky.

The news did sound very exciting and unexpected. The important thing is that Karp didn't receive any news beforehand.

In Garp's opinion, Kaido, one of the four emperors, the powerful 'beast' suddenly has the same power without any warning this time, and at the same time likes to act recklessly In the eyes of the organization, even the navy and Tianlong people dared to beat the bear boy many times to declare war, that is indeed a great event, and he must think about it carefully.

'Gah~! ’

Soon, with the chirping of the newspaper delivery pigeon, the two newspapers were accurately dropped on the table beside Karp when it swooped down, and then the newspaper delivery pigeon did not stop. Go to Garp's Vice Admiral to get the money, just glide and fly away.

Obviously, it knows that this is a naval base, and the newspapers that the navy people need only need to write down the share, and then there will naturally be a special person to go directly to the navy for reimbursement.

'Outside the nickname! ’

'Kaido, one of the four emperors, has officially started a war against the bear children! ’

'Outside the nickname! ’

'Kaido, one of the four emperors, has officially started a war against the bear children! ’

The newspaper delivery pigeon, which was gradually flying away, continued to howl at the top of its throat, and soon disappeared without a trace, apparently having flown to other areas of the Chambord Archipelago.


"It's Garp!"

"Staying here every day drinking tea and reading newspapers, life is really leisurely..."

When Karp was frowning, burying his head in the newspaper and carefully scrutinizing the words on the front page, one wore a pair of sunglasses, had a stubble on his face, was tall and thin, and was dressed in yellow and white stripes. The guy with the suit, purple tie, dark green shirt, white leather shoes and 'justice' robe, with his hands in his trouser pockets, walked over like that.

That's right, the person here is the leader of the huge armed organization, the Navy, which is under the command of the World Government, that is, the new marshal of the Navy - Kizaru!


"Are you here again today?"

Karp just glanced at each other, then resumed looking at his paper.


"What does it mean to come again today?"

"You Garp is now a recruit instructor, and I, Kizaru, are now in charge of the world's conscription-related matters. Can I not come and watch you?"

"whispering sound!"

Having said that, Kizaru sat directly on the chair beside Garp, then picked up the teapot unceremoniously and poured himself a cup.



"The tea is cold."

After taking a sip, Kizaru vomited to the ground, and said dissatisfiedly.

"It's hot!"

Karp still didn't look up and continued to immerse himself in his paper.

"I am the Admiral of the Navy!"

"That's your attitude?"

Huang Yuan raised his brows directly, as if he had just heard something wrong.


"Even if the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces came, I still have this attitude..."

"I like to drink or not!"

Karp turned his head and glanced at Kizaru again, then quickly turned back and continued to pay attention to the contents of the newspaper in his hand.

"All right!"

"I forgot that you are retired, it seems that it is not easy to wear small shoes for you..."

"It's really troublesome..."

Flat mouth, there is no other way, the yellow monkey had to stretch out his hand and use his ability to directly focus the light on the teapot, and soon, when the teapot gradually turned red, the tea inside was heated, and even the white steam was boiling. It started gushing out from the spout.


"Have a drink!"

"It's still early today, let's drink a few rounds first, otherwise, this day's shift will not be easy..."

Shaking his head, Huang Yuan muttered while he did not forget to pour a cup of hot tea for Garp and himself.


However, Karp just hummed, ignored it, and continued to frown at the latest newspaper in his own hand.


"What are you looking at, so serious?"

After taking two sips, seeing Karp's abnormal reaction, Kiabou finally got interested, and couldn't help asking a little strangely.

"You didn't hear the newspaper pigeon?"


"It seems that there is no more, there is still one on the table, you can take it and see for yourself!"

Karp hadn't read his own, so he obviously wasn't in the mood to deal with Kizaru, even if the other party was an Admiral.

"Mysterious and mysterious..."

Frowning, Kizaru picked up the newspaper on the table and shook it away. Then, when he saw the huge line of subtitles on the front page, he was also taken aback.


"So that's what happened, the bear boy is going to fight Kaido?!"

After exclaiming, Kizaru also began to browse quickly at a glance.


"you know?"

"Then why haven't I seen you talk to me these days?"

Hearing Kizaru's exclamation with a hint of understanding, Garp turned his face strangely and asked such a question.

"It's nothing."

"I got a piece of information a few days ago, saying that the bear child has gone to the country of Zou, and there may be a conflict with Kaido's Jack, but that is a CP0 matter, and I will directly let Lieutenant General Crane hand it over in the future. to the Holy Land Mary Joa."

"But what I didn't expect was that Jack was actually killed by the bear child, and then Kaido was forced to fight her directly. This is really interesting."

Kizuna said noncommittally, and then continued to read the contents of the newspaper.

Before, he had a premonition that the big sign of the Beast Pirates, the confidant Jack of the 'Four Emperors' Kaido would definitely conflict with the bear children, but he did not expect that the conflict would be so violent, and even developed directly to To the point where Kaido, one of the four emperors, and the bear children officially broke out at war?


"Since you know in advance, you, the admiral, don't want to take care of it?"

Hearing Kizaru say that, Garp couldn't help but feel a little curious.

In his opinion, since Kaido has fought with the bear children, if the navy takes the opportunity to prepare, it may not be possible to reap the benefits of the fisherman at that time?

However, recently, he has not heard any information about the navy to be transferred. Although he has retired, Garp will definitely not be able to hide it from him if the navy conducts a large-scale transfer.



As if hearing a joke, Kizaru looked directly at Garp and asked back strangely.


"If you take care of it, what good will it be for our navy and me, the admiral of the admiralty?"

"Whoever wants to go, I won't go anyway."

With sloppy shoulders, Kizaru directly showed his passive attitude.

In his opinion, now is a bad time for the raging of the bear children. It is better to have less than one thing, and being able to take the blame and resign and take a back seat like the Warring States period is actually a good end. If the navy suffers a tragic loss, God knows what tragic end he will have in the future?


Will he be slandered and imprisoned on trumped-up charges of 'malfeasance' at some point?

Of course, it is more likely that one day in the future, he will not be able to hold on to it, and then he will have to go straight to the field, give up his post and run away with gorgeous money?

"If you want to manage..."

"Why don't you, Karp, be the marshal?"

Seeing the hesitant look on Garp's face, Kizaru suddenly laughed and suggested.


"Do not……"

"I don't want to be, and they won't let me be!"


"I'm retired now."

Opening his mouth, Garp, who felt that he didn't seem to be able to tell what was wrong with Kizaru, finally sighed and shook his head, putting down the newspaper in his hand that he had read the important content.

"Let's talk about the bear child and Kaido..."

"What are you going to do?"

"Can't there be no reaction at all?"

After seeing Kizaru also put down the newspaper, Karp continued to ask.

Of course, the reaction he said must be the reaction of the Navy to the start of the battle between the bear boy and Kaido. After all, the impact at that time must be extremely far-reaching. If the Navy does nothing, it seems a bit unreasonable?


"How else can you react?"

Kizuna shook his head and asked back with a sad face.



"No matter who wins or loses, the Navy seems to have nothing to lose. The best way to deal with it now is to let them fight!"

"You have a good idea!"

"Not long after Whitebeard, the 'Four Sovereigns' of the New World will soon become Double Sovereigns!"


As he spoke, Garp laughed for a while, then picked up the cup of tea heated by Kizaru's light and drank it happily.


Bianbianzui, Kiabou actually has no idea at all, he just simply doesn't want to take care of it, and besides, the current navy doesn't have the ability to take care of it.

"Kapp, are you so sure that it must be the bear kid who won?"

"What if, then, Kaido's guy wins?"

"You know, it seems that our navy has always had nothing to do with that guy Kaido..."

After hesitating for a while, Kizaru suddenly asked expectantly.

Although I don't want to admit it, in fact, now whether it's the bear boy or the Beast Pirates, those guys seem to have the powerful strength to hang the new world navy, especially now that the air route is cut off, the navy has no way to mobilize any warships to support in the case of.

Therefore, there is no reason why he, the Admiral Kizaru, doesn't want to care about the war that is about to break out or has already broken out between the bear boy and Kaido.

"I do not know either……"


"I still think it might be the bear boy who will win, that's intuition!"

Holding the teacup in his hand for a long time, Karp finally said so firmly.


"Tell me your reason?"

Hearing Garp's words, Kizaru paused for a moment while holding the teacup.

"There's no reason."

"Maybe it's because, that bear child, she has never lost, right?"

"As for Kaido..."

"You know that guy, how many times has he been caught by our navy over the years? If it weren't for some reason, he would have died dozens of times!"

"Anyway, I'm still more optimistic about the bear boy."

After speaking, Karp drank the tea in the cup.

Then, he suddenly felt that his future in the navy had become even more bleak, and he didn't know how long his leisurely retirement life would last in the future?

"whispering sound!"

"I am the same, I am more optimistic about the bear child!"


"I would prefer Kaido to win. In that case, our navy will be much more relaxed in the future, and I won't be so nervous as a marshal."


With his mouth pouted and spit out another mouthful of tea foam Xingzi, he sighed in longing.



"That guy, compared to the bear child, is more honest and easier to deal with. However, some things are not what we want to do."

"That's it!"

"Stop talking, let's drink tea!"

"Who wins and who I'll know after a while, and the process shouldn't last too long."

Shaking his head, looking at Erlang's legs sitting on the chair, Garp doesn't intend to say anything that doesn't make any sense and is not based on their will.


"Come, drink tea! Drink tea!"

Kizaru also threw away the newspaper, and then followed Garp's example, crossed Erlang's legs and started drinking tea while watching the recruits who were training in the distance.

He's not just catching fish now, he's supervising Garp, the sly old fox, to train new recruits!

After all, that is the world conscription plan related to the future of the Navy, but it can't be sloppy at all. It must be watched by his marshal every day.

As for the issue of Bear Boys and Kaido, we should leave it to the World Government and CP0 to worry about it. Anyway, the naval fleet on the Red Earth Continent can't make it through, and the command of the navy on the New World side is already under the instruction of the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Kong. In the hands of CP0, he doesn't care about what the guys are going to do in the end.

At most, the navy on their Red Earth Continent only needs to look at the opportunity to see if they can take back the Advance City or Fishman Island. As for the New World, he definitely doesn't care.

No matter what, they won't assign him, the newly appointed Admiral of the Navy, to the new world and fight on the front line. Otherwise, if he is accidentally beaten again by the bear child, then There is really no place to put the faces of the navy and the world government.

Although, it seems that there is not much face now?


?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*. monthly pass

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