Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1722: ??(?ω?*)?? Pirate World War (2)

Unlike the original flying fish carrier Nasunny, which had only a few dozen flying fish 'carrier-based aircraft', this time, the Air Force Commander Dibalu under the Bear Boy Pirates dispatched a full 300 flying fish sorties at a time. 'Bombers', after they circled in the air, they rushed towards the Beast Pirates fleet in the distance.

In fact, if there was more time to train, Dibalu could still pull out more flying fish, but it is still too hasty in just half a month. Now these three hundred flying fish and knights , is already all he can do so far.

'Hey? ’

‘Boss Dibalu! ’

'What are we going to do this time? ’

When the flying fish bomber formation flew forward for a distance, the voice of a former member of the flying fish knights came from the small communication phone bug on Dibalu's shoulder.

Thanks to Gilder Tezzolo's previous wealth and wealth, now Dibalu and other flying fish commanders are basically equipped with a communication phone bug to ensure that the air force can perform combat missions in the air without hindrance. Communication, command and coordination between squads and squads can be performed efficiently.


Dibalu didn't answer, just stared at the sailing shadows that were getting closer and closer in the distance and frowned in thought.

Of course, he has read the information of the Beast Pirates in advance. Let's not say anything else. There are many guys who can fly or have the ability to attack air. Therefore, their mission this time is not so easy. , even if he had already vaguely guessed that their attack this time was just a test of the enemy by Commander Sivara.

"Attention all flying fish captains!"

"In view of the strong strength of the enemy leader and the ability to fly, I now order: all people directly throw bombs from high altitudes, and do not make close dives!"


"Everyone directly throws bombs from high altitudes, and must not dive!"


"The captains lead the recruits to choose the nearest target, and after dropping the bombs, return immediately, and don't fight!"

"Good luck everyone!!"

After he finished speaking, Dibalu, who had given the order, stopped talking.

He first looked at the two rows of eight specially-made steel high-explosive spherical bombs in Feiyu's lower abdomen, then he gritted his teeth, and took the nine recruits behind him and rushed straight towards the flagship in the front of the enemy fleet. past.

Now the bombs of their flying fish 'bombers' are completely different from the old powder keg. After all, there is a well-equipped military factory on the golden mothership. Therefore, as early as half a month ago, those scientists developed There are spherical steel shell bombs that can be installed on both sides of the lower abdomen of flying fish.

Unlike the previous modified powder barrels, these aerial bombs have stronger penetration, greater power, smaller physique, lighter weight, and are also very safe. A flying fish can carry a full eight bombs. Bombs, and their percussive ignitions that only trigger them when dropped, simply don't get any better than them.

'clear! ’

'OK! ’

‘Understood, Boss Dibalu! ’

'Hahaha! ’

'Break them down! ! ’

'Come with me, little boys! ! ’

‘Yohe~! ’

Soon, the strange horns of his subordinates came from Dibalu's phone worm, and the phone worm also made various expressions. It was obviously tossed by the information from the flying fish captains.

"very good!"

"Let's have a blast!"

After seeing that his subordinates were optimistic and did not have any negative emotions, Dibalu finally felt a little relieved, and then seeing that the distance between the two sides was getting closer, he patted the flying fish and went straight to the enemy in front. The fleet rushed over.


At this time, on the flagship in front of the Beast Pirates fleet, the big sign, the head of the 'Three Great Disasters', nicknamed 'Flame Disaster', Zoology·Dragon Dragon Fruit·Ancient Species·Toothless Wing For those who are capable of dragon form, the bounty is 1.39 billion Bailey, and Jhin, who is also called the 'right hand' by 'Beasts' Kaido, of course also saw the huge bear child from the far away Golden Mother. The large group of flying fish that the ship lifted into the sky.

His whole body was covered by the dark clothes, the dark metal mask and the goggles helmet, and he even wore black gloves on his hands, leaving not an inch of his skin outside, but his back was burning with that orange-red flame, The black feathered wings that were folded were not worried about being burned by those flames.

"Flying fish?"


"How did they know that I like flying fish, so I can't wait to deliver it to my door?"

Seeing the flying fish appearing in the sky in the distance, Jhin, who was standing on the bow of the flagship, not only was not worried, but instead, bursts of sarcastic laughter came from his helmet.


"The big kanban is right!"

"Who doesn't know that the big kanban of our Hundred Beasts Pirates is famous for eating flying fish sashimi? Well now, the guy from the Bear Boy Pirates sent flying fish to the door."

"Ha ha!"

"That's right, there are so many flying fish, in addition to the big kanban, we guys can probably end up with a lot of soup!"

"a ha ha ha!"

"Kill them all!"

"Eat them all!"

"Don't leave one!!"

Seeing the enemy's flying fish unit, seeing the enemy's air unit that had defeated the naval fleet in the newspapers, as expected, they took the lead in attacking as rumored. On the deck of the flagship of the Beast Pirates, those looking more than each other are sorry for their parents. The 'beast' form devil fruit capable pirates screamed and ridiculed.

And it is not difficult to judge from their jeers, they obviously already knew about the existence of the 'Flying Fish' troop, and the reason why they dare to come now shows that they still have confidence.


"Around three hundred?"


"Let the fleet slow down and wait until I kill those flying fish first!"

Staring at the flying fish that were getting closer and closer in the sky, he silently counted the number of each other, and after finding that there were fewer than he thought, the majestic Jhin standing on the bow first snorted coldly, then turned to face him. The crew members of the ship gave an order and pressed their feet hard. At the same time, the bow of their large sailing flagship was suddenly pressed into the sea and shook.

And when the crew members of the odd-looking Beast Pirates recovered from the violent shaking of the ship, they only saw that their big kanban and fleet commander Jhin had already shaken his huge wings. It flew into the air and was heading towards those enemy flying fish.

Emperor Yan! !

As the two sides approached at a rapid rate, soon, without waiting for contact, the black and huge body, six or seven meters in height, the huge beast sign board that became larger after spreading its wings slammed towards the flying fish formation far away. Just throw a few fireballs.



Of course Dibalu also saw the arrival and attack of the enemy, but he had time to control the flying fish to dodge an oncoming fireball and shout in the phone bug, the fireball that flew over his head. Just behind him, he bumped into a flying fish recruit in the air and exploded instantly.

boom! !

"Wow ah ah ah!!!!"

The unlucky Feiyu recruit only had time to subconsciously pull Feiyu and use Feiyu's body to block the fireball, and was directly overturned by the blasting shock wave and screamed. The sea fell.


boom! !

boom! ! !

Immediately afterwards, more fireballs exploded in the flying fish formation one after another, causing the flying fish knights who could not avoid one by one to be killed or injured in the blasted sparks, moving towards the hundreds of meters and thousands of meters below. Falling off the sea.


"Everyone disperses immediately!!"


"I'm going to lure him away!"

"Other captains, lead your people to attack nearby!!"

Seeing that dozens of Flying Fish Knights were shot down by the opponent in an instant, and some of them were the core direct line members of his own Flying Fish Knights, Dibalu hurriedly issued an order through the communication phone, and took out the A musket, and then without retreating, it flew towards the terrifying enemy and shot at the ferocious black helmet of the opponent with one shot.

Snapped! !

The bullet precisely hit and exploded between the eyebrows of the opponent's black metal helmet!


The other party has nothing at all.


Seeing that there was a little rogue who dared to challenge his majesty, Jhin, the big beast sign, grinned, and then another fireball slammed into the back of the 'little robber' who flew by.


"I'm Dibalu!"

Dibalu obviously felt the threat from behind, and then he gently pulled the flying fish under his crotch, letting it dodge the terrifying fireball with a dexterous rollover, and let it explode in the unmanned airspace ahead. open!


"Come after me!"

"Otherwise I will blow up your flagship!!"

Knowing that his own strength would definitely not be able to compete with the terrifying enemy at the head of the big kanban of the Beast Pirates, so Dibalu simply accelerated, rushed towards the enemy fleet in front, and turned his head at the same time. He taunted the black giant hovering in the air with its huge wings outstretched.


The double king in the blade!

However, the big beast signboard didn't seem to care about Dibalu who was flying forward at a high speed, but just glanced at it. Then, at the moment when the flying fish knights dispersed, he suddenly flicked his wings, from Countless flame bullets were fired from the flames behind him, causing them to scatter like bursting machine guns toward the flying fish and the flying fish knights who were still in front of him.

The next moment!

‘! ! ’

'careful! ’

'not good! ’

'Wow! ’


'cough! ! ’

'Wow! ’

‘Help, help! ! ! ’

With the sound of screams ringing in Dibalu's phone bug, under the second round of fierce attack by the terrifying beast big kanban Jhin, at least nearly a hundred flying fish knights from far or near did not have time to disperse. When they opened, they were beaten to the point of their skin and flesh, and then they followed their flying fish, splattering blood, like dumplings, and fell from the air towards the sea.

Only this time, when the flying fish knights finally dispersed and looked around in dismay, they were stunned to find that there were only about half of the three hundred flying fish and the same number of knights left at the time of departure?


"Never mind me, right?"

"You will regret this!!"

Seeing that the big sign of the Beast Pirates did not pay any attention to him at all, and he had no intention of catching up. Dibalu, who had already flown far away at high speed, was furious, and then he looked directly at it. The nearest enemy ship in front, followed by a dive, and after locking on the wooden deck of the enemy ship, suddenly pressed the bomb button.


Then, feeling the sudden lightness of the flying fish, Dibalu, who knew that the bomb had been successfully thrown, yanked the reins again, allowing the flying fish to complete the turn at a distance of more than 100 meters above the enemy ship and restart the rapid ski-jump ascent. .

boom! boom!

Soon, without waiting for Dibalu to fly far, he heard two violent explosions behind him.

Immediately afterwards, when he took time to turn his head to look sideways, he found that the enemy ship that he was the first to bomb had already opened two huge openings directly by the two bombs. At the same time as the billowing smoke was emitted, it was slowly sinking, apparently being blown through the bottom bulkhead.

Then, while turning his head to look at the black giant in the distance, he did not forget to provocatively let the flying fish rush towards the largest flagship in front of the enemy fleet, unabashedly to the one who still wanted Enemy Chiefs chasing other Flying Fish Riders stretch out a middle finger.



"You succeeded in angering me!"

Seeing that one of his own ships was sunk by the opponent, and seeing that the other party blew one was not enough, he even rushed towards his flagship. The Beast Kanban Jin finally dispelled his plan to continue chasing those ships. The plan of the flying fishes who had fled.

Then, the horns on his head grew longer, his arms merged with the wings on his back, turning into huge pterosaur wings, and after turning into a human-beast form, he suddenly accelerated and swooped behind Dibalu. .



"I'm the King of Flying Fish. It's not that easy to catch up with me!"

Feeling the pressure behind him, Dibalu didn't have to look back. Just by looking at it, he knew that his plan was successful. So, he bent down and pressed against Feiyu's back as much as possible, trying to ease Feiyu's flight forward. The air resistance at the time makes the speed of the flying fish a little faster.

"The enemy is chasing me now, you immediately seize the opportunity to bomb the enemy's outer ships!"

"be quick!"


"Let the murlocs be dispatched, and hurry to rescue those knights who fell into the water!!"

After hurriedly saying so much in the phone bug, Dibalu continued to move forward, rushing towards the enemy's flagship.

"Don't even think about it!"

"go to hell!!"

He found that the speed of the flying fish was a little faster, and found that he was a little bit behind in the human-beast form, and the big beast Kanban Jin was a little anxious.

Then, before he had time to think about it, he made an emergency stop, waved his wings again, and fired countless flame bullets from the flames behind him, making them, like machine guns, move towards the rogue flying fish in front of him who dared to blatantly provoke him. The knight blasted away.


However, Dibalu was already prepared when he noticed that the other party stopped in the corner of his eyes, so when the countless flame bullets hit, he suddenly pulled the flying fish and made it dive directly. He dived towards the bottom of the sea, narrowly avoiding those continuous flame bullets.

At the same time, he did not forget to constantly adjust the direction during the dive, diving straight towards the biggest enemy ship under the sea.

"How brave!"

"you dare?!"

Jhin clearly sensed the intention of the flying fish knight.

However, now that the other party is already diving at a high speed, it seems that he can't reach the flame bullet again. So, under the rage, he roared again, and once again began to deform in the air, directly becoming a complete The toothless pterosaur form.

Then, he flicked his wings and chased after the flying fish that was diving towards his flagship at a very high speed.


Dibalu had already seen the black pterosaur that was transformed and flew faster and was approaching, but at this moment he couldn't care too much.

"Come closer!"

"A little closer!!"

As the flying fish dived, seeing that the ship he was eyeing below was also accelerating and trying to turn, Dibalu also began to adjust the attitude of the flying fish slightly, while completely ignoring the enemy on the deck below. A mess of bullets or something from him shooting towards the sky.

Now they are still three or four hundred meters away from each other. At this height, no matter whether it is bullets or those with Devil Fruit ability, it is impossible to threaten him. After all, there is no way among those people who are like the three generals of the Navy. There are people like that, and existences like that have already been left behind by him at this time, and they won't be able to catch up in a short time.

Three hundred meters...

two hundred meters...


"good chance!!"

Taking advantage of the embarrassed moment when the enemy was still full of rudders, Dibalu, who had firmly locked on the enemy's largest battleship, suddenly pressed the bomb button and sent a series of six round bombs to the enemy precisely. smashed on the deck of the ship!


boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

As Dibalu yanked the fish and turned, as the sails of the largest ship were smashed with holes, followed by six explosions in a row.

Except for two shells that seemed to be intercepted and blown up in advance by the personnel on the enemy deck, the remaining four went into different positions on the hull one after another, and then exploded one after another.


Seeing that he successfully hit and destroyed two enemy ships in one attack, Dibalu shouted excitedly, and at the same time pulled an air jet device on the back of the flying fish, so that the speed of himself and the flying fish suddenly increased again. Ready to take the opportunity to escape.


"go to hell!!"

Seeing that his flagship was really blown up by a little minion, Jhin, who only felt that he was slapped in the face, couldn't bear it any and continued to pursue that one. While accelerating the fleeing enemy, the sharp head of his pterosaur also pulled back slightly like a slingshot.


After chasing for a distance and flying over a thousand meters, the big beast sign, who felt that the timing was right, suddenly let go of his tensed head, and then, a sharp and powerful shock wave was like Like a laser beam, it instantly pierced through the flying fish and the knight on the back of the flying fish who were escaping fast in front of them, causing the other side to splatter two blood flowers, and then they fell diagonally into the deep sea below.

boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, with the sound of explosions one after another, taking advantage of the opportunity to be led away by the big beast sign, the flying fish knights finally completed their task, and after throwing all the bombs, the ships of the Beast Pirates were allowed to Trapped in hot water.

Then, they turned to fly high and flew back towards the huge golden mothership on the horizon.

"Do not!!!"

Looking at the fleet that lost nearly half of his own, looking at the remaining flying fish knights who had already flown far away, knowing that chasing the big beast signboard, which was meaningless at this time, was like venting his anger. He didn't forget to grab fireballs one by one, constantly blasting them towards the place where the flying fish knight he had just shot down fell into the water.

boom! boom!

boom! !

After a long time, he had enough to vent, and he didn't see any enemies surfaced, so he turned around and flew back towards his fleet.


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