Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1723: ??(?ω?*)?? Pirate World War (3)

In the evening, before the dinner party, all the important figures of the Bear Boy Pirates gathered in the palace hall on the top floor.

for example:

Abyss Commander Sivara, Blind Fujitora, the guard boss on the first floor of the Golden King Hotel, Commodore Gion who lost himself, Mermaid Princess Shivara, Naga Royal Guard Commander, the Third Prince of Fishman Island, Gilder Tezzolo, who lost his entire family and had to stay to work, Don Quixote Doflamingo, who was one of the leading party and one of the kings under the Shichibukai, and Eustace, who was eager for revenge from the Kidd Pirates Almost all the important people gathered here, including S Kidd, a curious bunny girl Garrot, and the maid Dasqi who was in the bear camp.

Of course, in addition to the above important figures, there are also some less important guys, such as the representative of the Revolutionary Army, Rez Max, some generals from Fishman Island, and some important city officials in the Golden City.



"You lost like this?"


Hearing about the result of today's air battle, Annie, who was sitting on the golden throne, her whole body being illuminated by the huge golden screen, patted the armrest of the throne angrily.

"That's not it!"


"Our two sides just conducted a test, the other party retreated after losing more than a dozen ships and a lot of crew, and we only lost a part of the Flying Fish Knights, and most of them were rescued. came back."

In that Naga form, the abyss commander Sivara, who looked extremely ferocious and huge, hurriedly stepped out and bowed his head in defense.

She didn't dare to say that she deliberately showed weakness to the enemy like that, and the reason why she did that was to make the enemy and the people of the world think that the Brat Boy Pirates were of average strength, and let those people see that they had won. and take the opportunity to bring more forces into the upcoming 'maelstrom', and then go all out to destroy all the enemies?

That's Sivara's grand strategy and ultimate goal, and she's not going to tell anyone, not even their queen!

Because she thinks that, the one on the throne will definitely find it troublesome and ruthlessly reject it after listening to it. In that case, her previous series of arrangements will all be in vain.



"You idiots, if you don't sink them all, then you lose!"


Annie is very upset now.

Because, when she was sleeping, these stupid guys didn't know what was going on. They had such a big advantage, but they even let go of more than half of the enemies and caused the Feiyu troops to lose so much. That's not Lost what?

She always thought that she might not be very good at commanding that kind of large troops, so she gave up the command to save trouble, but now it's better, these stupid guys seem to be more than her Queen Anne. Not good at it?


"I'm sorry, it's all my fault..."

Sivara didn't try to explain, but just bowed his head and took all the responsibility.

"next time!"


"If the enemy comes again, you must remember to tell others!"


"When the time comes, they will personally direct them to show you!"


Annie waved her small fists with some dissatisfaction and commanded.

Isn't it just a big group fight?

Although, she suffered heavy losses every time she used to simulate commanding operations on the interstellar immigrant spaceship, and when she commanded the Fire Elemental Corps of the Flame Kingdom to attack the undead in the world of Azeroth, it was even more so that the massive The Fire Elemental Army directly herded the sheep, but, no matter what, she won in the end every time!

Therefore, Annie felt that Her Lady Queen's commanding ability must be stronger than those of the stupid fellows present. Since she has rich experience, she should take up that responsibility!


Just remember to sleep a little less every day?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)



Opening his mouth, Sivara wanted to say something, but finally nodded in response.



"Didn't they say before, go directly to the ghost island in the waters of Wano country? Why now, people seem to see the ship turning?"


After reprimanding this group of incompetent guys, Annie asked another question she had just discovered.

Although, she knows that these people will take her to her destination no matter what, but she certainly knows which one is more time-saving than detouring or going straight.

Now, she can't wait to take care of that beast pirate group, and secretly decides that she must let those enemies know the wise and greatness of Her Lady Queen Anne's command of the battle, and she will definitely be able to play a game. Pretty epic victories come out!


"His Majesty!"

"I know about this, because I am responsible for the steering order."

At this moment, the Gilder Tezzolo in a red suit stood up.

"Is such that……"

"Because the front is the Totland Sea area, that is, the 'Wan Guo', that is the territory of the Bigmom Pirates, one of the four emperors, the opponent's strength is not weaker than the 'Hundred Beasts' Kaido, and it is not one to rashly provoke the opponent now. It's a good choice, so the subordinate advised Commander Sivara to take a detour."

Seeing that Sivara, who didn't say a word, had been reprimanded so much that he could hardly raise his head, Gild Tezzolo had to hurriedly explain flatteringly, and planned to share it for the other party, and by the way, snorted the Naga commander. 's favorability or something.


∑('△')? !



"What kind of place is that?"


It was obviously the first time that Annie had heard of that place name, so she thought about it at a loss, but after she couldn't think of it, she had to look at that Tezzolo again.

"Report to Her Majesty the Queen!"

"It is said that..."

"Is that a utopian country where all races and species can live in harmony?"

"As far as I know, the known races living in Totland include humans, murlocs, mermaids, furs, snakeheads, long-handed, long-legged, small humans, three-eyed, and several Mixed races of different races, etc."


"According to local law, all citizens of Totland must pay one month of their lives every six months as the cost of protection for the bigmom pirates, or they must leave?"

"Of course, that's just talking. The bigmom pirates will never allow anyone to leave Totland. Anyone who tries to leave will be sentenced to death."

Obviously, Gilder Tezzolo, who was originally a well-known figure in the new world, and who was also a black and white boss, was very familiar with the information of Wanguo and the bigmom pirate group, so he was in the center of the hall and began to Everything he knew was plainly stated.



"Is it like this?"


After listening, Annie blinked, not having much thought about it.

After all, that's someone else's family business. Under normal circumstances, she would definitely not be meddling, even if the bigmom pirate group directly and cruelly took other people's lifespan.



"Is there any fun in the world?"


Then, Annie began to ask with interest.

If possible, before going to teach that Kaido a lesson, she hopes to be on the road, for example, to play in the Wanguo or something on the way.


"It's so funny that I've never heard of it..."

In this world, the most interesting places in the world are his Gilder Tezzolo's golden ship and this golden city. If Tezzolo dares to say that he ranks second in the world, then no one will dare to say that he ranks second in the world. first!

Of course, now this golden city is not his, but the nasty little boy in front of him, he has lost it to the whole, and has been reduced directly from the richest person in the world to a pauper and a part-time worker people.


"His Majesty!"

"It is said that there are many delicious delicacies in Wan Guoli?"

Gild Tezzolo didn't want to continue talking, but when he saw the lady Sivara standing opposite him gesturing to him frequently, he frowned, and then he had no choice but to suddenly talk. Turn around, and then explain the characteristics of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms.





"What's there to eat, let's talk about it?"


Sure enough, all the people present saw that a certain unfortunate bear boy really raised a lot of interest, and seemed to have forgotten about the unfavorable things that had just refuted them in command of the battle.


"Totland, that is, all nations, is dominated by Cake Island, surrounded by thirty-four islands scattered in magical places nearby."

"And what's even more amazing is that each island is rich in different delicacies, such as the candy island where the whole island is made up of candies, the chocolate-themed Cocoa Island, the jam-themed jam island, and the nuts-themed island. The main nut island and so on..."

"The thirty-four islands are rich in different types of delicacies, and they are all managed by a member of the Charlotte family, that is, the thirty-four food ministers of the nations."

Tezzolo didn't hide it, and was quick to tell everything he knew.



"Isn't that the food world?!"


Annie knew it, because she had been in the food industry for a while, and she had also been to similar islands, for example, the island of Hankrilla, where the whole island can be eaten?

And now, there are thirty-four or more edible islands appearing in front of her, so she will go to see the situation and taste it anyway.

"People have decided!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"Turn around again and move towards the hot country!!"


Annie made a quick decision and issued what she thought was the most correct new order.



"Your Majesty, in that case, the captain of the bigmom pirates, the queen of the Totland Kingdom, one of the 'four emperors' in the new world, Charlotte Lingling, who is as powerful as a monster, will definitely fight us. of!"

Tezzolo was startled, and hurriedly tried to dissuade him.

In his opinion, even if their ship is going to pass through the world, they should say hello to that Charlotte Lingling in advance, and it is not too late to turn around and set off after obtaining approval.

"Go to war?"


"Then let's fight the bigmom pirates directly!"


"Just right, grab all the islands of the other party directly..."


"Ah, no!"


"We're going to save the people of all countries who are in dire straits and are enslaved by that villain pirate group!"

?*. ?(ˊwˋ*)??*.

After correcting her language problem, Annie stood up directly on her golden throne and cheered.

Under normal circumstances, Anne would definitely be disdainful of meddling in the gossip of other countries, but now it is not the ordinary situation, and the second situation now is related to whether her Lady Queen Anne can go to the world where there is delicious food. Important things to play!

So, she definitely needs to take care of it anyway.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"wait wait wait!"


"Your Majesty Anne!"

"Now that we have officially declared war with Kaido, one of the four emperors, the 'Hundred Beasts', are you sure that at this critical time, we have to provoke that crazy woman from the bigmom pirates?!"

At this moment, the captain of the Kidd Pirates, Eustace Kidd, hurried out and asked loudly, somewhat in disbelief.

"Of course it is!"


"For those delicious..."


"No, it's for the innocent people on the islands that are rich in delicious food. Her Lady Queen Anne does her part and must save them!"


"It is now announced that now, we have officially declared war on that Ten Thousand Nations and that Bigmom Pirates!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Anyway, Annie has decided to fight the bad guy named Kaido, then, if one fight is a fight, and two fights are also fights, then you can catch a bad guy who likes to draw other people's lifespan, and at the same time get those Ownership of an island rich in delicious food and saving many, many people seems like an excellent choice?

Anyway, she couldn't think of any reason to refuse.

"That's it!"


With that, Anne jumped off her throne.



"The next work is left to you. How to declare war, you can decide for yourself!"


The trivial matter of declaring war must not bother her Queen Anne.



"People are going to prepare dinner, so you should go to eat earlier too!"


So, after speaking, most of the people were stunned, a certain bear child turned around and walked away with her little bear as if he had done a trivial matter.



"Crazy, crazy?!"

Eustace Kidd was a little stunned, and at the same time looking at the empty throne, he couldn't help trembling all over, not knowing what to say.

At this time, he suddenly felt that they seemed to have accidentally boarded a pirate ship?

Although, he is also a pirate himself, and he is also the evil generation of the past, and he also has his own pirate ship, but at least their 'pirate ship' is not as big as the bear child's 'pirate ship', and it is still so A pit man, isn't it?


"It's getting more and more interesting..."


"The war is imminent, and I have to dispatch more troops and materials!"

Unlike Kidd's performance, Don Quixote Doflamingo, who never said a word from beginning to end, suddenly walked out with a grin.

Then, after exchanging a look with Tezzolo and saying hello, he shook his sassy pink feather coat, turned around and led his family officials toward the outside of the hall. went out.

It's alright The bear boy is making a mess of the navy and the world situation, and he even intends to take out two of the remaining three "four emperors" in the new world. Then he, Don Quixote Doflamingo, must have given his life to accompany him anyway!

Although, the risks of that matter are indeed great, but at the same time, the benefits are also greater!

Once successful...

That's not far from the day when he, Don Quixote Doflamingo, will pull those damn, high-flying draconians down from the Holy Land Mariejoa!

On this point, he agreed with Gilder Tezzolo, so he very much appreciated the way that Gilder Tezzolo and Abyss Commander Sivara teamed up to 'induce' the bear child, That was really crazy, and it was very much to his liking.

"Are you going to fight again?"



The blind man Fujitora, leaning on a cane, heard that his captain was going to fight another four emperors, and he couldn't help frowning slightly.


Thinking of the fact that the other party has never failed since he followed the captain, and the fact that the other party has never failed even before he followed, he was quickly relieved.

"That's it!"

"Just hit it!"

Anyway, he is blind and doesn't know that Charlotte Lingling, so since the captain decides to go to war, let's fight! When the time comes, he will just guard the ground floor of the Golden King Hotel, no matter who comes, and don't even think about going upstairs easily!

For this, he Fujitora is still relatively confident, and he also thinks that he can do it.


?(*?)??Ask for a monthly pass?

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