Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1724: ??(?ω?*)?? Pirate World War (4)



On a deserted island in the new world, a red-haired man who was sitting on a rock by the sea drinking and looking at the sea was instantly stunned by a message from his subordinates, so much so that he just drank. The next sip of rum was sprayed out, and the person directly sprayed his head and face.


"I'm so sorry, Beckman, I really didn't mean to..."

"Ha ha……"

Seeing the person looking at him expressionlessly, and not wiping the drink on his body and face, the red-haired man had to jump off the stone with a dry smile, and then stood at the man he called '' Beckman's guy apologised.

That's right!

This is a well-proportioned man with red hair, short stubble around his mouth, missing left arm, wearing a white shirt half-buttoned, revealing a muscular chest, and a long black cloak behind him. The guy with patterned brown cropped trousers, flip-flops under his feet, and a long sword on his waist and crotch is the captain of the red-haired pirates and one of the 'Four Emperors' of the New World, the youngest and nicknamed The Four Emperors of 'Red Hair' - Shanks.

The person who just came to pass the news, but was sprayed with a drink by him, is the deputy captain of the red-haired pirate group, and also the only deputy captain of the 'Four Emperors' pirate group. He claims to have a clear mind. The brain and extremely high combat power, the strength can be compared with the four emperors red-haired powerful figure - Ben Beckman!


"What did you just say?"

After apologizing without any sincerity, the red-haired Shanks hurriedly frowned and asked about the thing that made him lose his temper just now, and now there is still some confusion and disbelief in his mind.


Ben Beckman did not speak.

He stared bitterly at his captain's giggling face, and after confirming that the other party was really not intentional, he slowly reached out and wiped the wine drop on his face that smelled of the other party's saliva, and then spoke expressionlessly. said:

"I just said..."

"After the bear child declared war on Kaido, yesterday, she declared war on the Charlotte family at the same time!"


"Now the two sides have contacted and fought. This is the newspaper that was just delivered by the newspaper delivery pigeon today. Take it and see it first!"

After briefly explaining the general situation, Ben Beckman did not continue to elaborate, but directly handed over the newspaper in his hand, and then silently stood aside and waited.


"No, no?!"

The red-haired Shanks exclaimed, and immediately grabbed the newspaper and read it at a glance.

The more he looked at him, the more frightened he became, and the expression on his face gradually became more and more exciting.


"That bear child, what the **** is going on, is she crazy?!"

Soon, the new content in the newspaper was read by Shanks.


However, he first exclaimed and commented, and then quickly closed his mouth, just continued to stare at the newspaper tightly and frowned in silence, his eyes twinkling, and he didn't know what he was thinking. .


"there's one more thing!"

"Five Old Stars just sent an invitation letter, wanting you to go to the Holy Land Mary Joa in person, and the other party pointed out in the phone bug that he wants you..."


Seeing that his own captain seemed to have finished reading it, Ben Beckman didn't wait for the other party to digest the explosive content, and then he talked about another important thing.

"Five old stars?"

"They are looking for me, but this is the time..."


"Could it be..."

Shanks muttered to himself for a while, then suddenly raised his head and looked at his co-captain in surprise.


"Should be asking you to stand in line!"

"The world war provoked by the bear children is now inevitable!"

With a sigh, Ben Beckman said so.

He claims to have a clear-thinking brain, and that's not for nothing. As a soldier-level figure of the Red-haired Pirates, he already knew about the World Government and the one who happened to be at this moment on the way here. The general intention of the five old stars who issued the summons.


Shanks nodded, then turned his own gaze back to the paper again, looking at the contents above and frowning tightly.


"what are you thinking?"

Ben Beckman didn't rush, just turned his head to look at the sea, and then, after a while, he turned around and asked softly.


"Is there any other latest news besides what is said in the newspapers?"

Shanks didn't answer, only after flipping through the newspaper for the last time, did he look up at his co-captain again.


"Gossip, the town of Nanamitz on Rockmitz Island has been captured by the Golden Mothership Bear Child at a cost of almost zero casualties. "

"Right now, the violent conflict between the bear children and the bigmom pirates is inevitable!"

"It is reported that the Bigmom Pirates are in contact with the Beasts Pirates. It is estimated that the two parties will reach some consensus soon?"


"The world government and cp0 have gathered almost all the naval ships in the new world, and they have also recruited many small and powerful pirate groups. It seems that their intentions are already obvious."

"As for the other side of the Red Earth Continent..."

"Because of the interference of the phone bug signal, the news is still a little behind. Except for the news in the newspaper, I don't know much about it for the time being."

"But I think, it shouldn't be more peaceful than the New World side, right?"

"You also know that the navy has long regarded Fishman Island, Advance City, and Nine Snake Island, which has a close relationship with the bear children, as thorns in their eyes. They will definitely take action this time."

Ben Beckman said all the information he knew in a hurry.

"So fast……"


"I thought that at least until the World Conference was held, those guys would take action, but who would think..."

Shaking his head, the red-haired Shanks stopped halfway through and did not continue.


"It's really unpredictable."

"That bear boy..."

"You never imagined that she would act so recklessly and so impatiently, right?"

Ben Beckman seemed to have guessed what his captain wanted to say, and then asked directly with a smile.


"You know, her background is still a little bit worse."

"Now rashly fighting with the two four emperors, coupled with the world government and the navy eyeing them, the outcome may not be very good."

Shaking his head, the more he thinks about the red-haired Shanks, the more worried he is about that bear child.

Originally, he was very optimistic about the other party, but now, the other party plans to fight against all the powerhouses in the new world with one person, which is too messy!

Moreover, he couldn't figure out why the other party suddenly started a war with the bigmom pirates. According to the newspaper, it seemed that the other party suddenly declared war on the bigmom pirates after entering the sea area of ​​Totland, as if it was intentional. The general to come to find fault?

That kind of weird thing made Shanks puzzled.

At the same time, he suddenly thought that if their sphere of influence was on the other side's route, would the other side suddenly start a war with their red-haired pirates?

Probably will, right?

Although he was on the top of the war flagship, he also made a special trip to Marin Vando, and he was going to dissuade both sides of the war and plan to help each other. , and even if he knew it, he probably wouldn't accept his love.


"The ending or something, that's not necessarily!"

At this moment, Ben Beckman spoke suddenly, and shook his head seriously.



Shanks couldn't help feeling a little rare.

Although he also knows that the bear child is very strong, and now there are fishmen island, the Don Quixote family, and the world's richest man Gilde Tezzolo and others, but compared to the bigmom pirates and the beasts The two senior forces of the Four Emperors of the New World of the Pirates, the coveted World Government and the navy of the New World are still too weak.

In his opinion, the current Bear Boy Pirates are like a little pirate who has just gone to sea. It has momentum, but lacks the foundation. If he can concentrate on running it for a few years, plus the Don Quixote family and the world's richest man Jill With the help of De Tezzolo and others, it might really be a big deal!

It's a pity that the other party is too impatient, and now he hastily started a war with the two four emperors of the new world, and gave the navy a chance for nothing. Just thinking about that kind of thing makes Shanks sigh a little.


"It's not necessarily true, but you talk about it!"

Slowly sitting on the rock again, and looking at the newspaper in his hand, the red-haired Shanks pondered for a while and then suddenly asked strangely.

"It's easy!"

"Because the bear boy still has the revolutionary army!"

Ben Beckman didn't mean to make a mistake, and said it directly and generously.

"Revolutionary Army?"


"It's useless!"

"The strength of those people on the shore is indeed not bad, but this battle is a decisive battle at sea. Those guys are too scattered, and it is estimated that they can't even get a decent fleet together. It's useless."

However, it's okay not to listen. After listening, Shanks couldn't help shaking his head, obviously not optimistic about those revolutionary troops, especially the current revolutionary army.

When he thought about it, the strength of the revolutionary army was really of no help to the bear children. Those people were nothing more than tossing around in various countries and islands during the war, but no matter how hard they were, the result would be certain. It will not affect the decisive victory at sea.

Those people are just icing on the cake, he is not very optimistic anyway.



"What about adding a white beard?"

First, he looked at his own captain for a while, and then Ben Beckman suddenly asked with a smile.


"White beard?!"


"How could I forget about this!"

Shanks slapped his thigh hard, remembering such a thing.

In the beginning, during the war on the top, the bear boy helped Whitebeard and others a lot, and even shared most of the top combat power of the navy. It can be said that he personally rescued the one who has inherited the legacy of Whitebeard. Fire Fist Ace's little life, so, since it is reasonable, their white-bearded remnant party that is being reorganized will definitely not sit idly by this time.


"It became the situation of the Bear Boy Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates plus the Revolutionary Army vs the Bigmom Pirates, the Beasts Pirates and the World Government?"


"I don't know if the World Government has contacted Kaido and the others..."

"It's a bit unpredictable to win or lose..."

"If you don't count the insignificant little pirates and armed merchants in the new world, the only thing that has not been involved at present seems to be..."



"Yes, it's us!!"

As the red-haired Shanks muttered to himself, in the end, he and Ben Beckman exclaimed in unison, and came to the common and surprising conclusion.

"It's very clear."

"That's why the Five Old Stars can't wait for you to go to the Holy Land Mary Joa in person at this time!"

"Captain, what do you think?"

Seeing that the captain also thought of this, Ben Beckman continued to ask.

"how to think?"

"What else can I think?"

"If I can, of course I don't want to get involved in the world war that is coming soon. What does this have to do with us?"

Shanks slumped his shoulders in a self-deprecating manner, with a helpless look on his face.

"No way."

"The world war has begun."


"We've been involved."

With a sigh, Ben Beckman couldn't help lowering his eyelids.

He looked farther and farther, knowing that things were now out of their captain's hands.

And all they can do is to choose to join a certain party. It is obviously impossible to maintain neutrality, and it is even more impossible for others to let one of the four remaining emperors in the new world with powerful forces. They stayed on the sidelines unmoved.

In this war, no one can stand alone, either victory or destruction, and all they have left is a choice. Presumably, at the end of the war, there must be a big shuffle of the world, right?

That kind of thing, even Ben Beckman himself did not expect to come so quickly and suddenly!


The redhead didn't refute his co-captain's words, just rubbed the stubble on his chin and lowered his head in thought.

"That is to say..."

"Now the strength of the two sides is basically the same, and our decision..."

"Can it affect the tilt of that balance?!"

After thinking for a while, Shanks suddenly raised his head to look at his expressionless co-captain and exclaimed and concluded.

"I have no idea……"

"Captain, this matter can only be chosen by you, and we will unconditionally support any decision you make!"

Ben Beckman did not express his opinion.

Because, he didn't want to easily influence any decision of the captain, especially this crucial moment that decided the life and death of the Red Hair Pirates.


"The balance is probably tilted now, maybe it has never been flat?"

Suddenly, Ben Beckman lowered his head and sighed in a low voice What did you just say? "

Shanks didn't seem to hear his co-captain's sigh clearly, and then he couldn't help but ask in surprise.

"Do not!"

"I did not say anything."

"Captain, have you made a decision yet?"

"The invitation of the Five Old Stars and the Holy Land Mary Joa, do you want to go?"

Ben Beckman stood up straight and asked with a stern face.


"Why not go?"

"Time is urgent, I'll go now!"

Shanks smiled and dropped the newspaper.


"It's not in a hurry to decide what to do now."

"Everything, just wait until I come back from the Holy Land Mary Joa and then talk about it!"

Then, turning around and looking at the vast sea, the blue sky, and the beauty of the sea and the sky in front of him, the red-haired Shanks put his one hand on his hip and spoke in a hearty voice.

At this time, the newspaper that he had just dropped was being covered by the rising waves, and after the waves receded, the newspaper was firmly attached to the beach, and only the end was exposed. The headline picture of the bear child grinning at the camera and sitting on the golden throne.


"It's about to rise, I'll go and order the boats now!"

Ben Beckman didn't ask any more questions. He first glanced at the newspaper that was gradually covered by the beach, and thoughtfully looked at the picture of the bear child, then nodded directly, and hurried away this beach.


(???) Monthly pass! Monthly pass! Monthly pass! Say important things three times!

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