Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1726: ??(?ω?*)?? Pirate World War (6)

When a certain bear child drove her golden mothership, the bear child, and drove the giant ship with a length of more than 10,000 meters in the waters of the Totland of the Nations and rammed through the waters of the Totland of the World and successively closed (bà) recovered (zhàn) Lockmitz Island. When Nanamitz Town, Unique Island Fantasy Town, Egg Yolk Island Egg White Town, and Qibo Island Kubo Town, on the other side of the Red Earth Continent, they are still temporarily located in the Naval Headquarters in the Chambord Islands. He is struggling to deal with various affairs.

The bear children of the New World stirred up a huge storm. While stirring almost all the forces of the New World into the impending world war, it was far in the first half of the great route, on the East China Sea and the South China Sea. , all kinds of problems also follow.

As a result, the new marshal of the navy can no longer continue to go to work and drink tea every day as before, and go to leisurely receive the well-paid maximum salary.



"How did you come?"

He was busy and casually signing documents in his office. Suddenly, when he looked up, Kizaru saw retired Navy Lieutenant General Karp walking in, which made him feel a little strange.

After all, under normal circumstances, Garp stayed at the recruit training ground, drinking tea and reading newspapers or simply walking around the island. It's already very clear, so it is really rare for him to see the other party come to his own admiral's office for the first time today.

"I can't come?"

"I'm still a Vice Admiral, right?"

Karp asked back, then looked left and right, and sat directly on a sofa opposite the desk, with Erlang's legs crossed and Kizaru looking at each other.

"Indeed, isn't your rank a lieutenant general?"


"I remember that you're retired. You're not here for me to report except for recruit training, right?"

Looking up at the other party, Kizaru pouted, and then continued to bury his head in writing on the documents before the case, signing those documents that seemed to be never finished.

"Besides, it's useless for you to come!"

"You should, for that morning thing, right?"

"Let's go back!"

"I don't dare to assign you a task here. Those guys don't listen to me, the admiral. They set off after receiving the order of the Holy Land Mary Joa."

"The last fleet set off at the dawn of the morning. You are late now, and I didn't know it until soon."

The movement of his hands paused for a while, and after saying these words, a trace of unpleasant expression appeared on Kiabou's face, but in the end he didn't have a seizure and continued to work on his own affairs.

"Did you know soon?"


"That is to say, the World Government has bypassed you, the Admiral of the Navy, and issued an order directly to the naval fleet of the Chambord Islands?"

Rubbing the white beard under his chin, Karp put away the joking expression of the past, and pondered for a while before asking in surprise.


The movement of Kizaru's hand stopped for a while, and finally he resumed the movement of writing, but did not answer Karp's question.

However, it is not difficult to know from the look on his face, it is obviously for the old guy Kapuna.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Looking at Kizaru's expression, Garp opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but in the end he suddenly raised his head and laughed.

But fortunately, he soon stopped.

He had to stop, because he saw that Kizaru was staring at him with that kind of menacing look, and the other party was obviously irritated by what he had just done.


"Alright alright!"

Spreading his hands, Garp put his legs down again and sat down on the sofa, then suddenly said:

"If I'm not mistaken... it should be the slaughtering order, right?"

"Don't be in a hurry to deny it!"

Seeing that Kizaru seemed to be about to speak, Garp hurriedly reached out to stop the other party, and then continued:

"I noticed..."

"The fleets that set off are all standard configuration consisting of ten warships, five lieutenant generals, and several navy elites."

"And I also noticed that the warships that set off are the strongest and most aggressive ships in the navy currently stranded in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. They are all built by the royal shipyard of the Seven Islands of Water, and the quality is beyond doubt. Even any one has the ability to deal with those single Sea Kings alone, but now our navy is the last home."

"Plus those lieutenant generals who were dispatched..."

"Undoubtedly, it's not just that someone passed you over to convey combat orders. At the same time, they also asked you to directly launch the 'Devil Killing Order'. Am I right?"

Sitting carelessly on the sofa, folded his arms and said all the information he knew and analyzed it, Karp suddenly raised his head and asked the Admiral Kizaru who was sitting behind the desk replying to the official document.

And the slaughtering order he just mentioned refers to a special military operation, which is equipped with a golden telephone bug and a silver telephone bug. The golden telephone bug is in charge of the Admiral or the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters and is used when deciding to launch A notification signal is issued when the 'Devil Slaughtering Order' is issued, and the silver telephone bug is placed in the naval headquarters to receive the notification signal of the golden telephone bug and conduct military operations in accordance with the notification.

Once the signal of the 'Devil Slaughtering Order' is received, the navy will form a 'Devil Slaughtering Order' fleet to carry out indiscriminate and destructive attacks on the area where the signal was sent, in order to completely clear the area that threatens the rule of the world government. of all things and people.


It can be said that it was quite inhumane!

Since the Demon Killing Order is an inhumane attack that burns everything, under normal circumstances, it is mainly composed of ten warships, five lieutenant generals and the corresponding naval elites, and this is what Garp guessed at once. The reason for his arrival was the same even if no one had notified him from the beginning to the end.


"Yes, you are right, it is the slaughtering order!"


"I don't know who gave the order, and I only learned the news this morning..."


After speaking, Huang Yuan was annoyed, and when he squeezed his hand, he directly broke the pen.

Then he didn't mind, he threw it aside, thought about it, and stopped altogether, not in a hurry to approve those boring documents.

After all, the most important thing has already been carried out directly over him, and now these things on the desk are just trivial matters. Indeed it is.


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Then you are too embarrassed to be an Admiral!"

Looking at Kizaru with a little playfulness, Garp raised his head and laughed again.



"They were also a little too impatient."

After laughing, Karp slowly stopped and sighed and shook his head.

"whispering sound!"

"No way."

"The bear child is now in Wanguo, and he is ready to fight Kaido and bigmom at any time. Now is the best chance."

In fact, Kizaru didn't object to the current action, but he objected that those guys actually launched three demon slaughter orders directly over him and kept him in the dark until he was notified before departure.

With that kind of approach, what did they think of him as the Admiral of the Navy?

Although, he really doesn't care about things lately, dealing with the world conscription all day long and hanging out with Garp in the boot camp, but that's not the reason for their **** to ignore him, the Admiral of the Navy, on such important matters. .

What made him even more angry was that until now, he still didn't know who was in the hands of the golden phone bug that could launch the slaughtering order. Just thinking about that kind of thing could make him The marshal felt so aggrieved that he almost did not directly decide to quit the job.


"It's really the best chance..."

"However, can you tell me about it?"

"I saw that a total of three naval fleets were dispatched. Although I can guess their approximate purpose, but..."

But what happened, Karp didn't continue talking, but just shook his head and looked at Kizaru, ready to wait for the other party to tell him the specific situation.


Kizaru didn't rush to answer, but lay down on his Marshal's office chair with his arms crossed and Erlang's legs crossed, and then fell into deep thought.

After a long time, when Garp, who was staring at him, became impatient, he reluctantly said:

"Actually, there's nothing that can't be said."

"You guessed right, they did launch three demon slaughter orders directly, with the aim of completely destroying everyone and everything in those three places!"

Frowning his brows, Kizaru, who still had that unhappy and helpless expression on his face, paused for a while before continuing:

"The first demon slaughter order is aimed at Nine Snake Island."

"You also know that the king of the Nine Snakes Island is under the Qiwuhai, the emperor of the pirate country Amazon Lily Kingdom, Boya Hancock, not only has a close relationship with the bear children, but also turned against the enemy during the war on the top. The Navy caused huge losses, so she was the first target this time."

"In addition to the ten warships and the corresponding elite naval forces, the lieutenant generals on the ship include Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan, Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Stoloberry, which is the original Judicial Island Slaughtering Demon Order No. 5 Middle School. Will."

"The second demon slaughter order is aimed at advancing the city."

"The ship configuration is also ten ships, and there will be five people including Crane, Gumir, John Garendo, Lonze and Dalmesia in the entourage."

"You probably don't know yet, do you?"

"The rebellious warden Magellan has now made contact with the Revolutionary Army, and they are currently recruiting and training the prisoners with the Revolutionary Army based on the advance city. Although they have not completely released all the prisoners, they are likely to be in the bear. Children are fighting in the East China Sea and the South China Sea at the same time, so the navy must take action.”

Having said that, Kizaru stopped.

To advance the city's affairs, Kizaru is actually not opposed to it.

Launching the Demon Slaying Order, even if the prison is completely destroyed, even if the rebels, the revolutionary army, and the criminals in it are all wiped out, there is nothing to say, but they don't know about that kind of thing. He, the Admiral of the Navy, is indeed a bit unkind.


"The remaining demon slaughter order is aimed at Fishman Island."

"The fishman island on the bottom of the sea is related to the transportation and sea trade between the two oceans. The navy has long wanted to retake it. Now, I heard that the main force of Naga is going to follow the bear children, so Basti Yu, Lakrowa, Tina and the others set off with the fleet."

"They also followed the Warring States period. I don't think there should be a big problem, right?"

"That's probably the case!"

After speaking, Kizaru spread his hands, saying that there are no lieutenant generals and generals in the naval headquarters, and there are only three or two big cats and kittens left in the major general, which are nothing to watch.

Of course, his general, Kizaru, is a marshal, and Garp, a retired lieutenant general, will definitely not be counted in the battle sequence.

"Is that so?"

"It's hard to tell the outcome of the advance city. After all, the rebels also have a lot of naval escorts, and the prisoners are also more powerful than each other, and now they are mixed with the revolutionary army, if they don't open the door. , Chief of Staff Crane and the others can't do anything, right?"

"As for Nine Snake Island and Fishman Island..."


"What do you think?"

Karp fumbled with his chin to analyze for a while, and then suddenly stopped, not in a hurry to continue, but wanted to see what Marshal Kizaru had in mind.

"How can I see it?"

"It's hard to say what's going on at the bottom of the sea. After all, it's a deep sea below 10,000 meters. Although the Warring States Period followed, the result is unpredictable. As for Nine Snake Island, is there any suspense?"

"That Boya Hancock can't possibly match five lieutenant generals, right?"

Kizaru, who had just picked up the water glass and wanted to take a sip, stopped, and then asked Karp inexplicably.

"Is that so..."

Karp didn't answer in a hurry, but frowned slightly in thought.

"The Chief of Staff of the Push City and the others are afraid that they won't be able to win. I think it's better to order them to come back."

After a while, it was not until Huang Yuan finished drinking a glass of water and planned to pour another glass that he finally spoke slowly.



Yellow Ape is a little strange.

"If I were Magellan, I could open the door and let the naval fleet in, and then..."

"Whether it's directly using poison or using the prisoners in the prison to fight as the main force, there is no reason for them to lose, let alone advance the city to capture the fleet with the navy. The force is already strong, and I can't imagine how stupid the defenders must be to lose that kind of battle."

"No matter how bad it is, they can keep closing the door and prevent the navy from entering, otherwise the matter will not be dragged on until now."

Karp sighed.

Things were indeed as he thought. It was really too difficult and too difficult to capture the city from the outside. The navy ships also visited several times, but in the end they were all closed and had to walk along the whirlpool in despair. The currents returned, otherwise, the Admiralty and the World Government would not have remained silent and dragged on until now.

"Makes sense."

"But I won't order the fleet to come back, and they won't obey the orders of my admiral. We have no choice but to see the Chief of Staff Crane handle it on her own."

Shaking his head, Kizaru said there was nothing he could do.

Right now, the demon slaughter order has been issued, and it has been issued beyond his own admiral, so Kizaru can't think of any reason to make the group of guys who directly ignore him, the new admiral, listen to him, especially That Chief of Staff Crane, the other party's authority is no lower than his Kizaru.


"Then there's no way."

Hearing Kizaru's words, Garp nodded, expressing his understanding of the difficulties of his admiral, and then he continued:


"Compared to the possibility of a stalemate in Advance City, Fishman Island and Nine Snake Island are dangerous!"


"I still don't recommend any admiral or ship to go deep into the fish-man island ten thousand meters below to fight the fish-man kingdom and those unknown Naga, that is too stupid and reckless!"

"Once the resin coating is destroyed, tens of thousands of navies will die in an instant due to suffocation and high pressure. How can we fight that battle?"

"Even in the Warring States period, there's nothing we can do about it, right?"

Speaking of Fishman Island, Garp shook his head.

Anyway, he has always opposed going to that deep sea to fight the enemy, but unfortunately, no one has ever taken his words seriously.

Their navy is not like a certain bear child, who can move and breathe freely in the sea, and the navy is mostly land-based races, and those with devil fruit abilities are even more afraid to touch water, so , Even if the battle in the deep sea is very powerful, I am afraid that in the end, only one or two points can be used. That kind of situation can not be worse for the generals who command the battle.

"As for Nine Snake Island..."

"Although that Boya Hancock is not capable of defeating five lieutenant generals, her petrification ability is still very deadly to ordinary navy!"

"And, to make matters worse, my unworthy grandson Luffy and Hades Sirbaz Reilly are on the Nine Snakes Island at this time, especially that Reilly, he is not inferior to your ruthless characters. …”

"Ha ha ha ha!"

As he spoke, Garp, who seemed to have foreseen what would happen to Flying Squirrel, Burning Mountain, Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Stoloberry, and the others, laughed out of schadenfreude.

However, Garp was more at ease with Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan, Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Stoloberry, and the others. In his opinion, they were just petrified at most, and they would not be life-threatening.

As for how to remove the petrification, that is the matter after the war. Anyway, it is better than directly dying.


"Pluto Rayleigh is on Nine Snake Island?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Having said that, Huang Yuan was startled, then hesitated for a while, and finally had to pick up the phone bug and prepare to contact the fleet that was going to Nine Snake Island to execute the demon slaughter order.

Warring States and Staff Crane will definitely not take care of him, but Kizaru feels that Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan, Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Stoloberry, they should give him a little face, after all, he is in the Before becoming a marshal, at least he was still a general, right?

"Said earlier?"

"I just found out too!"

"Otherwise, why do you think I left the group of recruits and came to your place?"

"Is it for tea with you?"

Karp sneered at the admiral who was on the phone and made a loud grin.


However, Kizaru didn't respond, and just whispered something to someone on the phone behind the desk.

But soon, he put down the microphone, and said with an ugly expression to Karp, who was a little angry:

"It's useless!"

"They refused my order."

After speaking, Kizaru sighed and leaned deeply on the back of the chair, the expression on his face became a bit lonely and helpless.

"Then there's nothing I can do!"


"It's good I didn't wait for the brat in the new world to fight with those two bastards, the four emperors, we'll fight first in the East China Sea and the South China Sea."

"It's very likely that this side still loses the war first?"

"The world government is still as incompetent as ever!"

Karp started laughing and sneering as hard as he could, not minding whether it was appropriate for him to say that in the office of an admiral.

Although he really wants to change the current situation of the navy, especially the situation of the navy on the side of the red earth continent, but unfortunately, he is a retired lieutenant general with no power and no power. Kizaru was disobeyed by those arrogant lieutenant generals again, what else could he do?


"That's it!"

Karp stood up.

"Kizuna, you are now the Admiral of the Navy, if..."

"I mean if!"

"If the three fleets that execute the Demon Slaying Order and the last elite main force of the navy are all defeated, you'd better make a decision early!"

After that, Garp shook the navy 'Justice' coat he was wearing, and then walked away.

"Make an early decision?"


"You want me to resign with you..."

"Or something else?"


"It's really a headache..."

Looking at Garp's back, who left without turning his head, after muttering these words, Kizaru laughed at himself.

Then, with his arms crossed, he lay down in his marshal's chair deeply and weakly with Erlang's legs crossed, and stayed in the office silently thinking about things.


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