Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1727: (?ω?) Whirlpool (1)

On the top floor of the Golden King Hotel, Gilder Tezzolo found the commander of the abyss, Sivara, who had transformed into a high-level elf at the battle platform in front of the palace garden.

"Have you found anything?"


Then, he asked with a smile, and walked behind Sivara, who was observing the island ahead with a telescope.


"It's a little weird..."

Sivara didn't look back, just nodded and continued to use the telescope to observe the surrounding waters ahead.


"What is it?"

After walking to the front and looking at it for a while, Gild Tezzolo, who didn't notice anything, asked again.

"I've been thinking……"

"From declaring war on that bigmom pirate group and until today, we have captured seven islands in a row, captured six ministers and captured no less than twenty ships, but why are they now? There's no big movement at all?"

"That Kaido hasn't appeared for the time being, it's reasonable. After all, this is someone else's territory, but why hasn't the main force of the bigmom pirate group reacted so far?"

"It's a little out of the ordinary!"

Sivara, who didn't find anything, slowly put down the telescope in her hand and said with a frown.

Although they have absolute advantages, as long as they are fighting, she will not underestimate any enemy, which is why she has led Azshara's vanguard and won countless victories for tens of thousands of years. , she has always had this good habit of maintaining careful thinking, rigorous layout, and planning in advance when commanding operations, which will not change because of the weakness or strength of the enemy.


"Ms. Sivara, don't worry."

"No matter what conspiracy the other party has, let's fight them one by one. They won't be hiding in the cake island all the time, will they?"

"No matter what conspiracy is, it will always come out against us. You should not think about it so much."

Hearing that was the case, Tezzolo thought for a while, and then hurriedly smiled and comforted him.



"Anyway, with the cute master here, I shouldn't have to worry too much."

After shortening the telescopic telescope and putting it directly into his deep-sea embroidery bag with his backhand, Sivara pondered what Tezzolo said in reality, and then nodded.

Of course, as for whether she agrees with the other party's words or something else, I am afraid that only she knows.



"What are you two talking about?"


At this time, a certain bad boy appeared in the distance, and then jumped over here in a flash.



"What island is that in front of?"


Annie ran directly to the guardrail, and supported the golden railing to start watching.

"That's Cocoa Island!"

"It is said that it is rich in all kinds of delicious chocolate, and even the houses and mountains are made of chocolate. It is an important island under the command of the bigmom pirates, and is in charge of the minister of chocolate, Charlotte Rolla."

Without waiting for the lady beside him to speak, Gilder Tezzolo hurriedly explained flatteringly.



"Then why don't you send someone to ask and see if the other party is willing to surrender?"


Annie couldn't wait to hear that it was a chocolate island.

"I sent someone to try it in advance."

"But, the other party refused."

At this moment, without waiting for Tezzolo to answer, the high-level elf Sivara suddenly said these two words.



"okay then!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"Then they had no choice but to knock it down, go ahead, attack with the whole army, and **** those odd-looking broken ships from them, and then **** the islands too!"


With that said, Annie gave the order directly.

Anyway, Her Lady Queen Anne has never had any rules in commanding battles, she is good at swarming up, and then... and then there is nothing, and the result will naturally be her victory, there is no doubt, as for the process, that It doesn't matter.



The abyss commander, Sivara, in the form of a high-level elf didn't say anything, he responded directly, and then signaled a Naga messenger beside him to convey the order of the cute master!


Suddenly, an officer of the murloc Nautilus Guard hurried over from the elevator and reported loudly.



Annie looked at the other party, but she didn't mean to ask.


"what's the matter?"

Sivara took two steps forward.

"Report to Her Majesty the Queen!"

"And the commander!"

"Our murloc scouts found several naval ships appearing in the east. They are spying on us. Would you like to send a fleet or a Sea King force to attack immediately?"

The officer of the Murloc Nautilus Guard directly explained the reason.



Annie looked directly to the east.

Sure enough, she soon saw a few small naval ships sneaking around there, but judging from their appearance, they didn't seem to dare to approach?

"Don't worry about them, take down the island in front of you first!"


"If they dare to come over, we can beat them down together!"


Now that Annie's mind is full of delicious chocolate, where's the time to take care of those boring navy ships?

Besides, the other party has only a few small broken ships, which is incomparable with her golden ship. If the other party dares to come over, they can crush the other party directly by running over it.


"My subordinates understand!"

Seeing the answer from Her Majesty the Bear Child, and then looking at Commander Sivara who said nothing, the murloc officer had no choice but to salute, then turned around and left.

Soon, the golden mothership of the Bear Child, which was bigger and taller than the island rich in chocolate, began to move slowly and recklessly, and slowly pressed towards the island that appeared in the line of sight.

Immediately afterwards, countless cannons began to roar, and the densely packed 'flying fish' also flew out at the same time, and then, such a somewhat bullying landing battle started like this.


At this time, in the distance, the ships with the navy flag are watching from a distance the golden mothership of the Bear Child launched against the Cocoa Island of the bigmom pirates. It looks messy and a bit funny, but The effect is extremely terrifying, and it can even be said to be a one-sided violent offensive.


"Is that the bear boy's ship, the Grand Desolo?"

On the bow of the flagship of the navy fleet, a one-armed man with a huge iron-armed shredder, sunglasses, and a white navy 'justice' coat looked at it for a while and suddenly asked.

"Yes, Teacher Zefa!"

"However, it is no longer called that name. It is now called the Golden Mothership 'Bear Child'."

Behind the man who opened his mouth, a beautiful woman with long smooth navy blue wavy hair, wearing a purple vest and black shorts, also wearing a navy 'justice' coat, spoke up and said the man's name. .

"Bear Child?"


"Ain, look!"

"That messy offensive..."

"That's right, a pirate will always be a pirate. No matter how big and gorgeous she is, she can't hide the fact that she will always be a pirate!"

The man named Zefa sneered and sneered.


"Teacher, it's a bit funny to say, that bear boy..."

"It seems that she has never called herself a pirate to the outside world, nor has she ever called herself a 'bear child'. Those names seem to be all speculations and published in newspapers by the Navy and Morgans?"

The student of Zefa, the beautiful beauty Ain smiled slightly, and then explained it suddenly.

The Morgans she just mentioned is undoubtedly the president of the World Economic News Agency. That person is called 'Big News Morgans', and he is also the boss of the newspaper delivery pigeons who fly around the world to deliver newspapers and information. The guy who takes everything and is not afraid of being attacked by either side.


"But so what?"

"In my opinion, she's not much different from those pirates who go straight to grab anything good!"

"She's a pirate!"

The navy named Zefa was still stubborn and said with a grim smile.



The beautiful Ain and the group of sailors behind her who were still wearing white navy 'justice' coats and her subordinates were silent, and no one refuted what Zefa had just said.

"never mind!"

"Leave her alone!"

"Now, let me ask you one last question..."

"The 'Pirate Guerrilla' is about to be disbanded. Are you really sure that you will automatically leave the navy in order to follow me?"

"This is my business, you can not participate!"

"I absolutely can't let go of the fact that the navy recruited an executioner who slaughtered my students as the new king, Qiwuhai!"


"Even if it is to deal with the bear children, but that is not the reason why the Navy or the World Government should do that!"

The man Zefa said through gritted teeth.


"You treat us like relatives. Since the teacher is to seek justice for those innocent companions who died, then we naturally swear to follow!"

Without waiting for the others to speak, the beautiful woman Ain took a step and said softly.

"That's right!"

" We will always follow you!"

"I swear to die together!!"

Then, another guy in a weird ninja costume also stood up and echoed.


"Follow me to the death!"

"I swear to die together!!"


"Follow me to the death!!!"

Then, the people on the other boats also expressed their positions and raised their arms and shouted, and no one was willing to quit.

"very good!"


"Let's go!"

"Take off this white military uniform and replace that false flag. From today onwards, whatever freedom and justice, let them all go to hell!"

"now that……"

"Those guys are all gathered in the new world, that's even better!"

"The New World Destruction War is about to begin!"

After that, the man named Zefa took the lead in setting an example, taking off the white 'justice' coat of his senior navy general and throwing it directly into the sea.



"Set off!"

"Fuck him!!"


There was a roar of promise.

Immediately afterwards, when the navy ships turned their heads and slowly drove away, a large number of white navy 'justice' coats, hats and the side belonging to the navy were left floating on the originally blue sea. A white flag symbolizing 'justice'.

And at the same time.

In the distance, the huge golden mothership of the Bear Child has successfully contributed to the coastal defense of the island, and then countless human soldiers and murloc soldiers rushed up...


|??w?`) Is there a monthly pass?

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