Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1728: (?ω?) Stirred vortex (2)

In the New World, around a small island not too far from the Totland Sea, dozens of pirate ships with white beard skull flags were moored densely at this time.

On the island not far from the anchorage of the ship, on a hillside with flowers hidden in bloom, a man with a white-bearded pirate group tattooed on his back, an orange cowboy hat on his head, and a red stripe on his neck A man with a bead necklace and a pair of shorts was lying on his back among the flowers and reading the newspaper.

The slightly drunk sea breeze blows the petals and makes the sea of ​​flowers dance. This picture looks extraordinarily warm...



"You are so laid back..."

However, this calm was soon interrupted.

Because, at this time, a guy with a golden punk head, a dagger on his waist, and a black tattoo of the Whitebeard Pirates on his chest came here, and shouted out the man who was lying in the flowers watching Newspaper man's name.


"Margo, are you here?"

"Look at it!"

"That little girl seems to have done a good job. She has already landed on thirteen islands of the world and captured eleven ministers. It seems that the bigmom pirates have not responded at all, nor have any resistance. !"

Seeing the person coming, Ace sat up excitedly, then waved the newspaper he had just received and said.

That's right, this man, he is Ace, Fire Fist Portgas d. Ace, the sworn brother of Sabo and Monkey d. Luffy, the captain and head of the current Whitebeard Pirates!


"However, I think it should be that bigmom showing weakness on purpose."

Shaking his head, Marco with the golden punk head, the captain of the first division of the Whitebeard Pirates, the ship doctor Marco said calmly.

"as far as I know……"

"She has now joined forces with 'Beasts' Kaido. The latest news from Wano Kingdom shows that the Hundred Beasts Pirates have begun to mobilize, and many ships are sailing in the direction of Wanguo, I guess …”

"The final battle should be near Cake Island!"

"According to the current offensive of the bear children, it will only take a month at most, and the decisive battle will start."

With arms crossed, Margao, who was standing in front of Ace, quietly began to express his analysis.

"Ha ha!"

"You're right. It's almost the same as what I estimated. I also think the same as you. It's probably about a month?"

"It seems that we have to prepare quickly. How are the supplies, fighters and supplies?"

"No big problem, right?"

With a grin, Ace suddenly asked Margo with a straight face.

"A little!"

"As you know, we just fought a lot for the war not long ago, and we have tossed a lot of money, grain and materials. Now we have to go on another expedition, which is really worrying."

"But those are little problems!"

"What I'm more worried about now is actually something else..."

As he spoke, Margao gradually frowned, and then his face was a little unsightly.


Ace seemed to see that his partner was wrong, so he gradually restrained his smile, and hurriedly stood up and gestured towards Margao with his eyes.



"Although I also know that we are about to set off for the expedition, but now the situation in our own territory seems to be a little less optimistic!"

I didn't want to say it at first, but seeing Ace's firm look, Margo had to sigh and say it.

"What's up?"


"Isn't that little Weibull making trouble again?"

"Is he really here again?"

Ace suddenly realized what the trouble was, and hurriedly asked with a guess.


"Although we have been deliberately avoiding him, he is still in hot pursuit, and has been attacked by him in many places..."

"We lost another island yesterday."

Speaking of which, Margo the Phoenix couldn't help but sigh again.

At the beginning, shortly after the end of the war on the top, when they were dying of serious illness, their white-bearded father ordered Ace to take over the responsibility of managing this big family. In this regard, the people of Margao not only did not object, but even They also expressed support for the decision.

After all, Ace has a very good relationship in this big family. Otherwise, there would not have been so many people who heard the call of Dad and went to the rescue at the top of the war.

Margau, the ship doctor, still remembers that after returning from Marin Vando, Dad's body was getting worse day by day. Finally, when Dad tried to discuss with Margau, the captain of the first team, whether to let Ace inherit, He, the first captain who did not have the title of vice-captain, but had a real vice-captain, nodded his approval on the spot.

Of course he knew what Dad meant at the time, and also knew that Ace was the best candidate.

Because Ace is the most popular in this big family, and can effectively unite all the captains and captains after the death of his father. At the same time, the identity of the other party is also enough to take on the important task of leading and reorganizing the Whitebeard Pirates.

Ace is the only son of the former Pirate King Gol D. Roger, who is favored by his father, and is also a 'serious offender' announced to the world by the Navy and the World Government. Escape from the public execution of , now it is necessary to have prestige, popularity and popularity, strength and strength, and identity and background are also first-class.

But how...

But at this time, an Edward Weibull who claimed to be 'Whitebeard II' suddenly appeared.

In that case, the position of the "old people" who had just accepted their father's will and expressed their firm support for Ace's succession to the throne suddenly became awkward.

Of course, what embarrassed them the most was that they had investigated the identity of Edward Weibull and found that the other person seemed to be the real son of the white-bearded father. If the image of the earth, especially the iconic white beard, is not hereditary, he may be the first to not believe it!

But there is no way, letting Ace inherit that position is not only the last wish of the father, but also the unanimous choice of everyone. As for Edward Weibull, the identity of the other party makes them a little jealous and embarrassed. As for the other, then There really isn't much recognition.

However, it was that identity that made them feel aggrieved for a while, and they had to give in everywhere, so that the other party really occupied a lot of territory, making them "old people" hate and annoyed, but they were helpless.

No matter what the other party said, he was also the son of their white-bearded father. They couldn't kill the father's son when the father's bones were still cold, right?

As a result, the tricky and troublesome thing was delayed again and again, and no one could come up with a reliable solution.

"It's really him..."


"Not long ago, he just accepted the recruitment of the navy, to replace the vacated positions of the sacked Don Quixote Doflamingo and Boya Hancock, or else, wait for the end of the war. After that, I really want to just give him the seat."


"Unfortunately, he has become an accomplice of the navy at this time. For this alone, everyone will not pay attention to him anymore."

Hearing that it was really about Weibull, Ace not only sighed in frustration.

But it's useless to be depressed. Now it's not a question of whether Ace wants to give up his position, but it is absolutely impossible for the other party to peacefully accept the legacy left by his father. That choice has become impossible!

Even if Ace is really willing to let it go, then once he makes that decision, the old men and the subordinate captains of the Whitebeard Pirates who are still together will have to fall apart instantly and go their separate ways. !

That kind of thing is something Ace absolutely doesn't want to see, and it's also something their respected father, Whitebeard, doesn't want to see.

"That's right!"

"From the moment he became King Qiwuhai, volunteered to be a fighter in the navy and attacked us, our big family couldn't tolerate his idiot."


"That's the main reason why Dad never wanted to mention that he had a son, and still wanted you to inherit when he was dying?"

Shaking his head, Margo also echoed Ace's words, and sighed in disbelief.

"And that black beard!"

"That traitor Tickey, he also took the opportunity to occupy a lot of our territory recently. If it wasn't for our rush to go to Wanguo, we would never have spared him!"

Then, Margo talked about Blackbeard again, and gritted his teeth with hatred.

But hate is useless!

That Titch, the traitor who was originally a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, the other party knows their territory and layout well, and is very cunning, never confronting them head-on, so that, taking advantage of this turbulent period, taking advantage of them. When mobilizing the main force to participate in the war, they shamelessly occupied a lot of sea areas and islands that originally belonged to their Whitebeard Pirates, making them angry but somewhat helpless.

If it was in the past, they would have gathered their partners to kill each other long ago!

But not now!

Because of various priorities, for example, they need to concentrate their efforts to support the bear children, and to deal with the pressing steps of 'Whitebeard II', and also need to clarify the various troubles found after the death of Whitebeard's father, etc., then As a result, they have no more energy to deal with other things for the time being.

"never mind!"

"We don't want those annoying guys anymore!"

"Look, the bear child has now invaded the hinterland of the nations, we can't continue to wait here."

"If you don't go, it's probably too late!"

Having said that, Ace, who did not intend to worry about the matter of 'Blackbeard' and 'Whitebeard II', reached out and handed the newspaper in his hand to Margo and said.


However, Margao did not pick up the newspaper because he had read it before.

Therefore, he just looked at the majestic photo of the 'Golden Mothership of the Bear Child' and the big head of the bear child himself in silence and thought.


"Ace, are we going to join that bear boy pirate group?"

After a long time, Margo finally asked with some hesitation.

Now that Ace left everything in his own territory, and then gathered almost all of his strength to find the bear child, it made Margo a little crazy, and he had to confirm it first.

"That's not to join, is it?"

"We're here to help!"

"No matter what, we, the Whitebeard Pirates and myself, owe that little girl a huge debt, and we have to pay it back!"


"The bear boy is going to trouble Kaido, why don't we go?"

"And if we go, we can temporarily avoid that guy from Weibull. Anyway, we haven't made up our minds on what to do with that son who claims to inherit the father's estate, right?"

"When Kaido is resolved, I believe that we should all think clearly when the time comes."

Ace explained it directly and carelessly, and affirmed that this time they were only there to support and return favors, not really want to join the bear children.

"makes sense!"

After thinking about it, Marco nodded reluctantly.

"Then it's decided!"

" let everyone prepare, we won't wait any longer, let's go now!"

"Go to the world!"

Seeing that Margo also agreed with his decision, Fire Fist Ace cheered, and as soon as he threw the newspaper in his hand, he said his decision aloud.

"All right……"


"Material problem..."

However, Margo still hesitated.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't want to help, but he feels that the supplies have not been deployed yet. If they go to sea rashly, once the war continues, the supply of their entire fleet will be a big problem. That kind of thing can't be sloppy. .


"Don't worry about supplies!"

"I heard that the little girl is very rich. When the time comes, let's go directly to her golden ship and eat her and drink hers!"

"You can still take her money after the fight!"

It can be seen that Ace is very optimistic, and does not pay too much attention to the supply issues that Margo is worried about.

"All right!"

"Hopefully catch up."

Nodding his head, Margao stopped insisting.

"Definitely catch up!"

"Otherwise we won't be able to repay the favor we owe!"


"Are you going to see Joz and Bista, have they arrived?"

Suddenly, Ace asked about something else.

"It's early."

"Then get ready and announce that decision later!"

After speaking, seeing that the plan had been settled, Marco waved his hand, then turned and left the flowery place with his trousers in his pocket.


|??w?`) What about the monthly pass?


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