Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1729: (?ω?) Stirred vortex (3)

When the mixed town of the three-color island fled in the wind, and was successfully forced down by a certain bear child's 'Bear Child' golden mothership with an overwhelming advantage, in less than ten days, the BIGMOM Pirates of the World, Those thirty-five islands (including Cake Island) have already been conquered by the bear children's coalition forces in fifteen cities.

But I don't know why, so far, the main fleet of the BIGMOM Pirates has not yet appeared, nor has there been any organized resistance or counterattack, which makes the top brass of the Bear Boy Pirates continue to march forward in doubt. At the same time, he could not help but be vigilant.

Of course, vigilance or guarding against enemy conspiracies, such boring little things, definitely don't need to be bothered by some bad boy.

Even, she probably didn't care at all?

"La la~?"


Is this not?

Taking advantage of today's opportunity for this golden ship to be refurbished on Sanshi Island, she ran out of work and wandered in the beautiful golden city of her home. She didn't want to continue to stay in the palace or be a combat commander at all. Indoor vigilance is a little bit of awareness.


(● ̄? ̄●)

And when a certain bad boy was strolling along the Golden Street, at the corner of another street in her direction, in an open fruit shop on the side of the street, an aborigines of the Golden City The shopkeeper and several sailors from nowhere were secretly talking.


"Are you sure, she will pass by here today?"


"Sir, I just saw her coming this way. According to past experience, she has a high chance of coming this way!"


"Because it's night, the roads here are wider and the street lights are brighter!"


"Are things ready?"

"Ready, right here, look!"

"We found this with great difficulty, and all of them have obvious weaknesses."

At this time, a sailor took out a box, looked left and right, and then opened it, revealing a few things inside.

"very good!"

"Your credit organization has been recorded. If you succeed, you will be credited for your great work!"

Looking at the contents in the box, the man who was called 'sir' was obviously very satisfied, he nodded directly, and then motioned for the man to put it away first.



"Are you sure, that guy will be fooled?"


"Do they really work?"

At this time, a wretched middle-aged man who was also dressed as a sailor might be a little envious of that person, and suddenly asked suspiciously.


"I do not know either."

Hearing the suspicions of his subordinates, the eyes of the man called 'Sir' couldn't help but flicker, but after a while, he became firm again.


"Since it was ordered by the organization, we always have to try hard to find out."

"Even if we fail, we don't have much to lose, do we?"

Then, the 'commander' showed a friendly smile, and comforted the tense and apprehensive subordinates present.

"But sir, don't we still have that plan?"


At this time, one person seemed to be still a little hesitant, and directly put forward his point of view.

"Shut up!!"

"That was our last trump card, and it's not that time yet."


"That matter, you'd better rot in your stomach. Who dares to mention it again, don't blame me for enforcing discipline!"

"Have you heard all?!"

It's a pity that the 'commander' didn't give him a chance to continue talking at all, he just opened his eyes and lowered his voice and reprimanded him, and gave a stern warning, so frightened that the man hurriedly shut his mouth and agreed. She shrank back, not daring to speak more casually.



"She's here!"

Then, before waiting for a few people in the store to say anything, suddenly, a sailor came in from the street. The other party was holding a chance to buy fruit, and suddenly said this to the store owner, and then dropped a hundred shells. Lee's banknotes then picked up two lemons and turned away.


"It's her!"

"I see it."


"Get ready to go according to plan!"

When the sailor who came in to buy fruit went out, several people in the store first glanced out of the floor-to-ceiling window subconsciously, and then, when they found a certain blonde, wearing a red hooded skirt, and looking smart and cute, The cute and smart little girl was carrying a terrifyingly made stuffed doll teddy bear jumping here, and they were instantly shocked.


"start to act!"



"As ordered!"

After the shopkeeper 'sir' lowered his voice, the sailors looked at each other, and then one of them smashed the corner of the wooden box with one foot, and then a few people shouted and yelled in the shop stand up.

"They are mine!"

"Do not!"

"I saw it first!"

"To shut up!"

"You can't sell it without a million baileys!"

"I'm going to sell it!"

"Then the good stuff, what do you sell it for? Why don't we eat it ourselves."


"You deserve it too? Bah!!"



"Masters, if you have something to say, it's all from your own family. Don't be seen by the patrol team for a while."


"Don't really fight, you will regret it later!"

So, a group of guys dressed as sailors quarreled in this fruit shop like this, and rolled up each other's cuffs. If they disagreed with each other, they started to dry up, which scared the shopkeeper directly holding his head and shrinking. to the side.



In the next second, after hearing the words from these people, and looking at the actions of a few people, a certain little girl passing by was really attracted.



"Everyone, what are you doing?"


After looking at it for a while, Annie finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Then, she blinked first, then walked in and asked aloud in her milky voice, and finally managed to attract the attention of the guys who had a big disagreement.


"go away……"


"Yes, it's a bear... it's Your Majesty Ann, Annie!?"


"We didn't do anything!"


"That's right! We didn't do anything!"

"Female, Her Majesty the Queen!"

Seeing the person coming, several people seemed to be startled, and then they stood aside one after another, stammering, and answering nervously, and there was no longer the kind of stance that just started to disagree.



"At first glance, people know that something is wrong with you guys, you must be preparing to do something bad!"




Looking at the uncle sailors who looked really nervous, and then at the shopkeeper who was a little overwhelmed at the counter, Little Annie suddenly pretended to say what she had found out.



"What bad things are you planning to do?!"





However, the sailors and the shopkeeper closed their mouths instantly, no one dared to interject, their expressions became more unnatural, and their eyes were concealed, not knowing what they were trying to hide.





"At this!"


"People found out!!"


However, without waiting for a few people to speak or respond, Annie suddenly rushed forward, and then opened the wooden box just surrounded by a few people, revealing the things hidden inside.

Obviously, the few people just started arguing and preparing to fight over the things in the box, so Annie will definitely not miss the opportunity to find out. When she's doing it, she's always very, very curious!


(● ̄? ̄●)



"What the **** is this?"


Finally, Annie, who opened the box, saw at a glance a few weird fruits that were placed in the box and used the dry soft grass as a buffer and well protected.

However, unlike the other fruits in this fruit shop, their outer peels look very strange, and they are actually covered with the spiral pattern of 'Tangcao-like', which makes people feel very novel. Anyway, Annie herself has never seen it.




Seeing that some nasty little boy found his target without waiting for them to say anything, the expressions of the sailors became more nervous, so that they didn't know what to say.



"Is it the kind of super delicious fruit?"


The things similar to fruit that appeared in the fruit shop, that's not to say, Annie knew without thinking, they must be the kind of fruit that can be eaten!


"this is ours!"

"It doesn't taste good at all. Would you please leave it to us?"

At this time, one of the uncles of the sailors first rolled his eyes, then stood up, and then said this suddenly.

"Yeah yeah!"

"This is what we finally found..."

"It was originally intended to be sold to the store, but they are very valuable..."

"My Lady Queen!"

"You, do you want to give it back to us first?"


Seeing the little girl pick up one of them and put her nose close to sniffing hard, the sailors first glanced at each other subconsciously, and then they smirked and tried to stop it.

However, they didn't know what was going on. They were just catching up with the talk, but there were other applications in their eyes, and they didn't take any action and really stop it.

"do not want!"


"You say it's not delicious, so why are you so nervous?"


"You must be trying to deceive people to give it back to you, right?"


What's in hand, and it's still edible, how can Annie return it?



"People want to eat and see!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

So, without waiting for those weirdos to react, she picked up one of them, bit it down with one mouth, and chewed the pulp that was covered with spiral patterns from the peel to the pulp.




The next second, before she could swallow it, as the taste in the pulp was captured by the taste buds, the eyes of a little girl who had been miserable instantly widened, and the action of chewing with a big mouth froze instantly. It's like eating something unbelievable.



"Bah bah bah!"


"What kind of weird thing is this, **** growing out of a tree?!"


First, she vomited out the half-chewed thing in her mouth, and at the same time threw the strange fruit that had been chewed in her hand on the ground. Then, Annie took out the century soup and gargles her mouth, while looking angrily at those The bad guys who are watching her anxiously and expectantly.



In fact, she had already seen at a glance that these guys were waiting for her here on purpose and lured her into being fooled.

However, looking at those weird fruits, she didn't have an immediate attack at the time, and now, now that they know that they are doing it on purpose, the purpose is to trick her into eating the super unpalatable food that she has never eaten before, and it can't even be regarded as food at all. The disgusting thing, she couldn't bear it any longer.

You must know that Her Lady Queen Anne has always had a complete set of procedures for dealing with such ill-intentioned bad mistresses.

That is......

Burn it! Burn it! Burn them all! ! !


"not good!"




boom! ! !

Without waiting for those sailors and the shopkeeper to react to escape or stop them, explosions and flames instantly encompassed the fruit shop, and instantly drowned everyone and everything in the dark red terrifying flames. among.


At night, Annie, who returned to the palace angrily, met Gilder Tezzolo, the migrant worker who was waiting for her. Then, the other party asked about it implicitly when they met.



"Those guys are spies, and they teamed up to try to trick people into eating a super unpalatable fruit. When people get angry, they burn them all!"


Annie didn't hide it, and directly told the bad thing that made her feel good all day.

"So that's how it is..."


"Super unpalatable fruit?"

"Is it the kind that has a spiral pattern from the peel to the flesh?"

Gilder Tezzolo nodded first, and then, quickly realizing the seriousness of the problem, he hurriedly asked.



"how do you know?"


"not good!"

"That's a Devil Fruit!!"

"His Majesty!"

"You didn't eat, did you?"

With an exclamation, Gilder Tezzolo stared up and down at the poor little girl in front of him for the first time, wanting to see if there was anything wrong with him.

"Eat it!"


"It turns out that it's a devil fruit. It's super unpalatable, just like poop..."


Annie grinned.

Of course she has never eaten poop, but that kind of fruit is really like **** from a tree. Apart from that word, she really can't find a better and more appropriate adjective.




"Are you in any trouble?"

Gilder Tezzolo's heart turned a thousand times, and he didn't know what terrible things he thought of, and his face gradually became ugly.



"People spit it out again, and it's a little disgusting to think about it because I ate that super unpalatable thing!"


"I won't tell you!"


Thinking about it, Annie shivered involuntarily, and then with her expression down, she stopped talking to Tezzolo and walked straight to her bedroom.



"Notify Commander Sivara!"

After a long time, that Gilder Tezzolo seemed to have reacted, and then hurriedly ordered a Naga guard who was standing guard beside him with a straight face.

There is an enemy spy on this ship, and the other party has bad intentions and wants to trick their bear queen into eating that kind of devil fruit. The sinister intentions are simply outrageous!

Anyway, no matter what the other party wants to do, Tezzolo will definitely not believe that the other party is really well-intentioned and wants their bear child queen to obtain the ability of the Devil Fruit. The other party must have more sinister purposes, such as wanting to To make their queen have some kind of terrible weakness?

Thinking of all the taboos after eating Devil Fruits, Gilder Tezzolo frowned, and then he couldn't help taking a breath.


"Call Tanaka too!"

Seeing the Naga guard slowly turning around to report according to his words, he hurriedly ordered another sentence.



The Naga Guard stopped and turned around, still staring at Tezzolo for a while. After seeing that he had nothing more, he answered in a muffled voice, and then slowed down. Slowly shaking his snake-like lower body, he walked out of the gate of the palace.


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