Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1730: ?(????)? The war begins (1)

The Red Earth Continent, on this side of the New World.

At this time, a pirate ship with a claw-marked skull pirate flag was standing upright on the sea in front of the port of the naval base that guarded the Holy Land Mary Joa.

On the pirate ship, a large group of pirates are gathering around the deck in twos and threes, or bragging, drinking and chatting, or making a scene of hip-hop, completely ignoring the more than ten ships in the naval port that are staring at them. navy ship.

What's even more bizarre is that no matter it is the dozen or so warships in the port of the naval base, the coastal defense guns on the fortress fortress, and the strong navies on duty, they all ignored the pirate at this time. Ships, let them anchor in front of the military port and remain indifferent. Those loyal navies are either standing guard or on duty patrolling. No one wants to give that ship alone and act as a fixed within the range. Target's pirate ship came with a shuttle of shells and sank it.

In this way, the two sides tacitly ignored each other's existence, and neither of them paid any attention to the other.


Late at night.

The stars in the sky are already full of stars, but due to the barrier of the red earth continent, the sky in the sky is only half, which seems to make people feel a little depressed.

I don't know how long it took...

When the west gate of the military port slowly opened, when a small boat floated towards the pirate ship quickly, when I saw the well-proportioned figure standing on the small boat, with red hair and three scars on the left eye, Short stubble around his mouth, missing left arm, wearing a white shirt, but only half-buttoned, wearing a long black cape, brown cropped trousers with patterns on his lower body, flip-flops under his feet, waist After the man with the long sword on the crotch gradually approached, the unorganized and undisciplined pirates on the pirate ship rushed to the east side of the ship and excitedly greeted and welcomed the man.


"The captain is back!"

That's right, this ship is the flagship of the Red Hair Pirates, one of the "Four Emperors" forces in the New World!

And now the red-haired man who was approaching by the boat and jumped from the boat to the deck after getting close to a certain distance is the 'Four Emperors', the 'red-haired' Shanks!

This morning, he came here and was summoned to the Holy Land Maria to meet with the Five Old Stars for a meeting, and stayed there for a whole day, until the night fell, and finally came back, so that the subordinates and companions of his pirate group were finally Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.


"It's the captain!"

"Great, you're finally back."

"Captain, what's the matter?"


The red-haired Shanks just stood on the deck, and those subordinates who supported him surrounded him and asked nervously and curiously.

Although they had long known that their captain, the red-haired Shanks, had some kind of subtle connection with the World Government and the Five Old Stars, they were always somewhat worried when the other party entered the Holy Land Mary Joa for a whole day.

Of course, in addition to worrying, what they are more concerned about now is that their captain was called to the Holy Land Mary Joa this time, what was going on?


However, the red-haired Shanks did not rush to answer. He first looked around, looked at the familiar faces around him, and looked at himself, the most balanced Iron Wall Pirate. After a long time in the group, he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Let's go!"

"Let's go back first."


"I'll tell you later on the road!"

Obviously, Shanks looked a little tired and didn't want to say anything more.


"Ah for what?"

"Ship! Sail!"


"Go back to work!"

"It's all gone, go go go!"


No way, seeing that the captain seemed a little tired, those subordinates had to leave in a hurry amid the boos and the laughter and scolding of some of the leading cadres, and returned to their respective posts one after another, busy with their own work. things went.


The ship began to turn around lightly on the sea, and then under the watch of the navy and naval ships in the distance, it quickly completed the turn and flew away.


But when the sails were opened from one side to the other, when the ship slowly moved away from the red soil continent and accelerated towards the west, the red-haired Shanks walked to the stern of the boat by himself, and just supported himself on the guardrail at the stern of the boat. Silently looking at that which is gradually going away, looking at the red earth continent that towered into the sky in a daze.

Benedict! Benedict!


At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from behind.


And the red-haired Shanks didn't even have to look back, just by listening, he knew that it must be his co-captain, Ben Beckman, coming over.


Ben Beckman didn't rush to ask, he just walked to Shanks' side, and then, like the other party, supported the guardrail with his hands, and leisurely watched the distance with the other party, gradually becoming invisible in the dark night. The red earth continent that towered into the sky with the outline of the Qing Dynasty was in a daze.


"Beckman, you know what?"

"Today, I saw something other than the usual extravagance on the Holy Land Mary Joa."

Suddenly, as the ship continued to move forward, as the red earth continent in the distance gradually became unclear, and as the stars in the sky that were only half the sky gradually covered the entire sky, the red-haired Shanks finally endured. Couldn't stop, he opened his mouth directly and said with a very emotional smile.


"Captain, what did you see?"

Ben Beckman does a good job of being an audience member, hitting on and asking questions directly and just right.

At the same time, he was also vaguely curious. After all, it was the legendary 'Holy Land', and ordinary pirates would probably never go to that kind of place in their entire lives.

Of course, in addition to pirates, ordinary people can't either!


"I saw corruption, depravity, ignorance, stubbornness, arrogance, sin, hypocrisy, selfishness, treacherous and greed..."

"That doesn't look like a holy place in the world at all..."

"It is more like the **** of the people, the turrets of hypocritical justice and those in power overlooking all living beings, and the prison of ideals that have long become ignorant!"

The red-haired Shanks said with a sullen face.

He would only dare to say this to his vice-captain on his own ship, and if he were to be preached to the outside world, I am afraid that those Tianlong people, the World Government and the Five Old Stars would be the first to forgive him. .


"That's what it is..."

Ben Beckman turned his head suddenly and gave their captain a meaningful look.

Then, he nodded, and then shook his head again. It was considered that he had a bad impression of the Holy Land Mary Joa. Then he turned his head back, and frowned slightly, staring at the disappearing direction of the red earth continent in the distance, thinking. Waiting for their captain to continue.

"They're still the same as before."


"We shouldn't have expected anything from them. After hundreds of years of comfortable life, who doesn't want to continue to be high and enjoy the endless privileges?"

"The beautiful building like heaven, the wine that is hard to find, the beauty that is one in a hundred, and the authority to do whatever you want..."

"I've gotten used to it for so many years. If it were me, I guess I wouldn't be able to let it go easily, right?"


After speaking, the red-haired Shanks gave a wry smile as if mocking himself.


Ben Beckman didn't talk to him. He could hear it now. The captain was obviously very dissatisfied with this trip to the Holy Land Mary Joa, and even, it could be said that he was extremely disappointed?

"I was a little hesitant..."


"Now, I think, I should be able to make a decision."

As he spoke, the red-haired Shanks' expression gradually became firm, then he stood up slightly, and reached out to touch the handle of the long sword around his waist.


"What about your choice?"

"When you came, you said neutrality..."

"Or choose one or the other?"

Ben Beckman followed with a straight face, and then stood up straight.


"Do not!"

"Beckman, we don't have the full power to choose, nor the so-called neutral option!"

Looking at his co-captain's face, Shanks shook his head.

He had already talked very clearly with the Five Old Stars on the Holy Land Mary Joa, and the other party insisted and stubbornly demanded, it could even be said that he ordered Shanks and the Red Hair Pirates to join the battle sequence of the Navy and the World Government , and the conditions and so on, as long as you agree to join, everything is easy to discuss.

As for other options, the Five Old Stars did not give him at all, and there is no such thing as 'neutrality'.

And once he refuses to join, once he insists on being neutral and staying out of the way, then after the war, if the navy side wins and waits for him, the "Four Emperors", I'm afraid it will be the next round of siege!

And if the Bears win...

The same is true. In the future new world, there is also no place for him, the "Four Emperors", and no winner wants to see a disobedient guy.


"Then you mean..."

Beckman fixed his eyes, then held his breath, watching their captain, waiting for the other party to make that crucial decision.

"Call back!"

"Let the fleet gather at the old place now, and when we get there, we will leave immediately and go to Cake Island together!"

After pondering for a while, finally, Shanks said his order word by word.


"Captain, who are we going to help?!"

Beckman is obviously more concerned about this. Although he has guessed a little from the conversation just now, he still wants that clearer order.


"This time, the old age of decay, I'm afraid it will really come to an end."


"What do you say?"

Shanks didn't answer directly, but sighed first, then turned around and looked at his co-captain with a half-smile.


"I see!"

"I'll make arrangements now!"

Beckman's spirit was shocked, and then he couldn't care about anything else, he turned around resolutely, and ran towards the cabin, apparently using the phone bug to send orders to their entire pirate group.

According to the various information he received intermittently during this period, the main force of the New World Navy, the Bigmom Pirates, almost all the ships of the Beast Pirates, all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, and other famous pirates in the New World , are heading towards Cake Island, and at the same time, the Golden Mothership Bear Child is also heading towards Cake Island, and the Revolutionary Army has begun to become active all over the world.

An unprecedented naval battle that will affect the island land and almost four seas is coming!

Therefore, their red-haired pirates must also move faster, otherwise, I'm afraid they really won't be able to catch up.


At this time, when the flagship of the Red-haired Pirates was advancing at full speed in the dark, heading for the Totland Sea area and using the phone bug to issue commands one by one, far away on the other side of the Red Continent, Lieutenant General Chief of Staff He, The ten naval fleets that executed the Demon Slaying Order led by Gumir, John Garendo, Lonze, and Dalmesia finally arrived at their destination first by following the current of the Maelstrom and taking advantage of the darkness.

In order to hide, they have put away the white sails, and the power to move forward is completely dependent on the current of the maelstrom and the push of the paddle wheel, and the ship is also implementing the strictest light control, and it is impossible to see the sea even from a distance. There are also a full ten terrifying naval fleets with their gun doors open and their claws and claws ready to choose someone to devour!

"chief of staff!"

"The advance city is ahead."

"We arrived at Lieutenant Admiral Gumir hurried to the front of the Admiralty Chief of Staff Tsuru, and said in a low voice, pointing to the outline of the huge black steel gate in the direction of the fleet.

That is the gate of the advancing city. There is one in Judiciary Island and one in Marin Vando. If the gate in the advancing city is not opened, then their fleet will regrettably go to Judiciary Island along the whirlpool currents or still remain. Marin Vando is still under intense reconstruction.


"How is the situation in the gate, are you sure you can open it through the inner door?"

Crane directly asked about the situation she was most concerned about.

"At two o'clock in the morning, they'll open the door!"

"Three minutes from now!"

The lieutenant general Gumir didn't rant, first looked at his pocket watch, and then suddenly said with a grin.


"Get everyone ready for battle!"

"We may only have one chance..."


Soon, the lieutenant general Gumir left.

So, in the dark of night, on the bow of the flagship of the naval fleet, which was advancing silently, there was only the petite, squat, gray-haired, simple ponytail and tied, leaving a large wrinkled forehead. At the same time, she was just an old woman wearing the Vice Admiral's 'Justice' coat.

She is the current Vice Admiral and Chief of Staff of the Naval Headquarters, and is also the commander of this naval fleet. She is now almost seventy-five years old, but she still has no intention of retiring.

However, tonight's 'Devil Slaughtering Order' commanded by her will be her last battle, regardless of the outcome.




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