Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1732: ?(????)? The war begins (3)


It was night now, and the Golden Mothership Bear Child was still heading west, heading towards Cake Island at full speed.

At this time, there is at least one day, one night and one day's voyage from Cake Island, so of course, the enemy's large fleet of ships did not appear, but only occasionally a few small clippers appeared in the distant sky, and then sneaked around. He looked around for a while and then left in a hurry.

Therefore, whether it is at sea or in the golden city of the Golden Mothership of the Bear Child, it is relatively calm, and there is not much disturbance or chaos.

Of course, there are still some minor issues.

Is this not?

In a certain street in the Golden City, a series of police whistles suddenly sounded, followed by bursts of chaotic shouts.

"not good!"

"catch him!"

"Come on!"

"Don't let him run away!!"

"He's over there!"

"Quick! Catch up!"

"Don't run!"

"Hurry up! You can get around from here!"

"By the way, call the guards to surround here, let the monitoring room lock the target, and he must not be allowed to run away!"

"Others, come with me!"

"Let's take a shortcut from here!!!"

In the picture of the ubiquitous Golden City surveillance phone bug, a group of officials of the Don Quixote family were bustling and shouting, and they didn't know who they were chasing.

Anyway, they made a lot of noise, and even alarmed people in an entire block, so that a lot of murloc guards and a small number of Naga guards also responded to the news after hearing the news. They gathered here and surrounded them.



"Tibbers, did something big happen?"


A certain little girl who was not doing business all day and was wandering in the city at this time, of course, heard the noise coming from not far away.


(● ̄? ̄●)



"Forget it! I don't want to! Don't you know if you look at it in the past?"


Then she thought about it, but couldn't think of a reason, it didn't sound like an enemy attack, and she was very curious, of course, she jumped directly towards the place where the sound came from.


!? (?\'\'??)?


Just after turning a corner of the street, she was almost hit by a ferocious, rough, and very familiar-looking stuffed teddy bear running towards her.

Fortunately, Her Lady Queen Anne is not an ordinary person, and she is not a second-class person, so of course, she has a quick eye and a quick hand to escape in time, and stood aside, looking curiously at the other party who was very embarrassed and staggered away from her. rushed over.


at the same time!

The plush Buu teddy bear, which Annie felt very familiar, turned around the corner for some unknown reason, and subconsciously looked back at her with a very human (fear?) look, and then, the other party quickly He rushed across the street corner and disappeared at the corner of the street.



"Tibbers, why do people always feel like they've seen that thing somewhere?"


Annie did not chase, but began to frown and think.



(Tibbers also vaguely felt that the guy just now looked familiar, but he forgot where he saw it, and really couldn't remember it for a while.)



"I think of it, Tibbers, it's... a stuffed teddy bear that just ran past. It looks exactly like you!"


Finally, Annie came back to her senses and exclaimed directly.

Isn't that right?

No wonder she always felt deja vu just now, and there was a very familiar and familiar kind of 'catch a foot', but now that I think about it, isn't that the same Tibbers in her hand?



(As a reminder, Tibbers also thought of it, but it said that it was just an appearance. The difference in strength and wisdom between the bear and its uncle bear is probably about the distance between this planet and the edge of the universe. ?)



"Tibbers, you are clearly in the hands of others, how can there be two identical bears?"


To be honest, if Annie hadn't brought her own bear with her anytime, anywhere, or if she wasn't quite sure that what she was carrying was her own real bear, judging from the appearance alone, it seemed that even she could tell the difference. Can't tell the difference between the 'bear' that just ran past and her Tibbers.



"If you look at it this way..."


With that said, Annie threw her little bear on the ground, and then let go of the restraint, allowing it to move and swell to the same size as the furry bear that almost hit her and was almost as tall as her.



"Ha! Look, Tibbers, if you look at it that way, you really look exactly like that weird guy!"

??(???*)Ha ha!

After such a comparison, Annie finally knew where the unusual sense of familiarity just now came from. So, isn't that guy a copy of her little bear?



"Why is that guy here, and he is exactly like you?"


After the comparison was not heartless and joyous, Annie was not in a hurry to take back her little bear, but folded her arms and started racking her brains to think about it.

She wanted to know why there was a guy in this city who looked exactly like Tibbers, his little bear, who could run and move, and who seemed to be wise.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"Why exactly?"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Annie continued to rack her brains and guess the possibilities.



"He's over there!"


"Great! He was blocked by Her Lady Queen!"


"catch him!!"

"Go together!!!"

However, before some nasty little girl could figure out the key, suddenly, not far away, in an alley on the opposite street, a man dressed in a speckled dress, with a single-sided spectacles on his left eye, left little girl holding her sister's head.

The other party shouted excitedly after seeing Little Annie and Tibbers the Bear standing in front of her, and brought the group of Merman Nautilus Elite Guards and two Naga Guards behind them. He rushed over, and immediately let the murloc soldiers and the Nautilus guards swarm up and directly pressed Tibbers to the ground.



Annie was a little puzzled.

However, she still subconsciously avoided a little, and then watched helplessly as their soldiers, under the command of the little girl, fiercely restrained Tibbers, her little bear, and bound them with sea tower stone shackles and chains. up.


∑('?')? !

A certain bear Tibbers also looked innocent, not knowing what was going on.

(Let go of Ben Bear! I'm going to eat you! Eat you!!!)

??????: Ow~!

(A certain bear didn't seem to finally react until it was **** firmly, and then, of course, it began to howl and struggle, trying to break free from that ridiculous chain and eat those who dared to attack it, Mr. Tibbs Bear. Disrespectful guy, especially the little girl who led the team!

It's a pity that its poor little master didn't let go of the restrictions on its power, so it didn't have any use other than struggling in vain. )



"You are..."


Finally, after receiving the negative feedback from her little bear, Tibbers, Annie finally came back to her senses, and walked over and asked strangely.


"Report to Her Lady Queen!"

"We are just arresting a cp0 spy suspect!"

"It's this guy!"

"If it wasn't for you, we might have let him run away."

The little girl wearing a speckled dress, one-sided glasses on her left eye, and her sister's head pointed at the 'ferocious stuffed teddy bear' that was being caught by the Nautilus guards and said.



This time, Annie was even more puzzled.

"What kind of candy are you?"


Annie, who was about to ask why the other party was catching her own bear, and who also identified Tibbers as a suspect, seemed to have suddenly thought of something. Then, she pointed to the man in a speckled dress, with a single-sided glasses on his left eye and a younger sister. The leading lady asked.

"granulated sugar!"

"Report to the Queen, my name is Sugar!"

"It's a cadre of the Don Quixote family, subordinate to Torrepol of the Plum Blossom Army, and is now in charge of the security of some streets in the Golden City!"

The little girl, who looked like she was only about ten years old, didn't hide it, and directly and generously revealed her own identity.

"Ah! People remember it!"


"You're the guy who turns people into toys!!"


First, she exclaimed, and then, Annie finally remembered who the other party was, and also vaguely grasped a key point that she couldn't understand just now.



"You arrest the suspect, but why are you arresting Tibbers?"


So Annie began to question.


"No, no!"

"Your Majesty, he is not your Tibbers, he is a teddy bear that I turned into with my childlike fruit ability, although I was really fun at first, I turned him into your little bear Tibbers according to the appearance of your little bear. He looks like this, but he's really not your bear, I promise you!"

Sugar, the leader of the Don Quixote family, began to explain with an oath.

"It's like this..."

Then, she began to patiently explain what happened.

For example, they caught the cp0 spy, and then, when she was interrogating the other party, she turned the other party into a toy in the shape of Tibbers on a whim.

But what do you think...

Although her ability can make the person she touches into any toy she wants, including the appearance of a bear, but what they didn't expect at the time was: the size of the target to be turned into a toy is based on the original The height in front of the toy is proportional to the height, so the chains and shackles that were originally holding the other party lost their effect. Then, the chains and shackles became a little loose, and they let the other party slip away when they didn't notice.

"Is that so?"


Annie finally knew what was going on with the stuffed teddy bear that looked so much like her little bear just now.

"But, it's really my little bear!"


"The one you were going to catch just now, it has already run over there!"


Annie kindly pointed to the corner of the street where the other 'bear' disappeared just now.



Xia Tang blinked and looked at the height of the 'bear' in front of him. After thinking about it, he was still a little reluctant to believe it.

"Isn't your bear bigger or smaller?"


"It's unlikely to be your bear, is it?"

After comparing the size, Sugar was still a little reluctant to believe, so she asked hesitantly.

"But it's someone's little bear. If you don't believe me, watch it!"


As soon as Annie stretched out her hand, the unfortunate Tibbers who was **** with five flowers instantly shrank and returned to her hand motionless in a blue magic light.


"But, but..."


"Why is it just so tall and so big?!"

Seeing that the 'suspect' whom they finally caught again turned into a bear and returned to her Queen's hand, Xia Tang and the surrounding guards couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded, and couldn't understand what was going on. one thing.

"Isn't it a good thing you did?"


"If you hadn't intentionally turned the prisoner into a bear, people wouldn't be curious just now, and they wouldn't have made their own bears the same size for comparison."

o('^') o Humph!

In a word, Annie said that this misunderstanding is none of her business.

Everything is the fault of this young lady Tang Tang in front of her. She will never take the blame!



"Yes, is that so?!"

Xia Tang understood, but she never thought that because of her own whim, the prisoner who used the fruit of childishness to change can still make such a big oolong.



"The guy who just went to Ang ran over there, hurry up and chase!"


Now that she has figured out the reason, Annie put away her doubts just now, and pointed to the corner to remind these idiots.

She didn't think about going after them together, because that kind of cp0 or a navy spy, she wasn't interested at all!



"Quick! Go chase!"

"You must not let him run away!"

"Quick! Keep up!"

Since it was found that it was indeed an oolong, after the misunderstanding was resolved, the sugar did not dare to stay here, so he had to hurriedly apologize to a certain bad bear child queen, and then brought a group of people. Some dumbfounded guards turned the corner and chased after them again.



"It's not good to be turned into someone else's bear, and everyone was startled just now!"


"Leave Tibbers, hope those idiots can catch someone?"


As she said that, Annie thought for a while, and then took her somewhat resentful little bear and walked towards the other side of the street. She already knew that there was a huge casino there.

Now the entertainment facilities in the entire Golden City have basically stopped, because there are no tourists on her big boat at this time, but if she Queen Anne wants to play, the staff will still go to her at any time. machine.



(However, a bear who was held in his hand said that Mr. Xiong had already written down the guy named 'Sand Sugar' just now. In the future, don't let him take a chance, otherwise, he will definitely strip her away. , then get a spanking and growl, then swallow it whole and chew it!!!)


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