Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1733: ?(????)? The war begins (4)


boom! boom! !


The night was dark, and in the middle of the night when people should have fallen asleep, there was a rumbling sound of thunder.

Seen from a distance, the firelight can go straight to the sky, and half of the sky is glowing red. It is a terrifying scene like the end of the apocalypse, so that the navy in Judiciary Island and the migrant workers who are working on Marin Vando can faintly see it. An unusual sight.

boom! boom!

At this time, the battle to advance the city is still going on, even though it has been fighting for three days and four nights, it still does not mean to stop.

Amid the roaring explosions of the shells and the screams of countless sailors, another main battleship with a white navy flag slowly tilted in the fire and thick smoke, and after countless crew members screamed and dived, finally Little by little, it sank into the vast inland sea inside the gate of justice in the advancing city.


boom! boom! boom!

However, the bombardment continued, and the attacks on both sides that lasted for three days and four nights would not stop because of the sinking of a certain ship.

However, at this time, the cannonballs did not come from those fortress turrets that were advancing on the top of the city.

Because the first floor of the advance city on the sea has long been reduced to a terrifying sea of ​​fire and brick and stone ruins with billowing smoke. They suffered a painful bombardment when the navy first came in, and now they have lost their attack. ability.

At this time, the only remaining naval flagship suffered from the sky, from the condescending bombardment of the original naval garrisoned advance city garrison fleet suspended in the night sky!

In this regard, the five lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters, Chief of Staff Crane, Gumir, John Garendo, Lonze and Dalmesia, could only watch and do nothing.

This time, the ten main naval battleships that executed the Demon Slaying Order, led by Vice Admiral Chief of Staff Crane of the Admiralty Headquarters, encountered the most arduous battle in their history in the advance city, so that until now, they are only left with The last ship was disembarked, and the crew was less than 2,000 people.

And things started three days ago.

At that time, it was very smooth when they entered through the gate of the advance city. They had already been prepared and used the cannons of the main ships to target those at the top of the advance city. Zhu Yuan's security fort carried out a fierce bombardment, and also successfully carried out a large encirclement and suppression of the few battleships in the advancing city that were controlled by the traitors.

After that, in just one day, they successfully sank all the six battleships controlled by the traitors at the cost of only one battleship sinking!

Although, the number of warships found in the waters of the advancing city is not consistent with the number in the naval intelligence, and at least eight ships have disappeared, but the high-level officers including Lieutenant General Chief of Staff Crane did not Take it to heart.

Because, after the battle, they have immediately controlled the most important sea floor of the advancing city, and completely locked the door of justice. If the door is not opened, the disappearing ships will never become their threat.

Then, they spent another day and night, turning the first floor of the advancing city into ruins and a sea of ​​fire, directly driving the traitors and prisoners who were entrenched in it and planning to resist to the basement floor, and dispatched thousands of naval officers and soldiers. Landed and firmly controlled the area at sea.

Then, when they were working **** the engineering work, they planned to lead the sea water to push the city backwards, to completely end the traitors and all the prisoners hiding in it, so as to complete the 'burning everything' and 'destroying everything' of the 'Devil Slaughtering Order'. At the time of the final order, the nightmare of the Navy came at this time.

Very abruptly, when the navy thought the victory was in hand and let down its vigilance, the vanished ships of the original Propulsion City garrison fleet suspended in the sky suddenly emerged from the clouds, and then were trapped in the inner sea of ​​the Propulsion City. The navy ships and the officers and soldiers who landed on the first floor of the advancing city became live targets in an instant, and reluctantly endured the terrifying saturation bombardment from the sky.

Although the remaining nine navy ships tried their best to evade, defend, and try to counterattack, after another day and night of fighting, they soon discovered desperately that their turrets could not attack those floating battleships from the air!

So, in the end, they could only watch the remaining ships being sunk one by one in desperation, and accept that the only remaining flagship until now is also scarred and the tragic result of the ten officers and soldiers who landed.

boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

However, the warships in the sky will not stop attacking because of the despair of the navy.

They still did their best to pour artillery fire on the last remaining battleship, and soon let several shells fall on the deck, blasting the already scarred flagship deck and masts one after another. Several sparks started.

Finally, as more shells fell, as more and more fire and smoke rose on the decks of ships, the lieutenant generals who had been working to intercept the shells and protect their flagships to the present could not stand up. Living.

"chief of staff!"

"The ship is sinking, go ashore!"

"Go to the advance city!!"

After finishing speaking, they didn't wait for the lieutenant general's chief of staff with a blank expression and black dirt on his face to speak.

rumbling rumbling...

After they tried their best to intercept the last batch of artillery shells, with a violent and dull crash, the ship had begun to tilt, and the flagship of the naval fleet, which could sink at any time, was broken. It slammed into the ruins on the sea level of the advancing city with a violent acceleration, and successfully grounded the flagship completely.

With the last ship of the navy washed aground, as countless navy officers and soldiers jumped off the ship and ran to the ruins on the first floor of the advancing city full of red fire, those floating in the sky exactly like the navy ships The air battleships finally stopped their shelling.


"How did it become like this..."

The lieutenant general's chief of staff, Crane, was surrounded by other lieutenant generals and ran into the ruins full of fire, smoke, corpses, and broken eaves. She first looked at the people around her. Thousands of people, and all of them were injured, and their faces were all navy warriors with a worried look, and then staggered back two steps and muttered to himself in a tone with a hint of trembling.


"They're here!"


At this time, I don't know which lieutenant general suddenly shouted.

Then, those remnants of the navy who were like birds of fear clenched their weapons tightly, and watched in horror as the ship that was gradually descending in the sky was exactly the same as the standard ship of the navy, but at this moment there was a burning one hanging on it. enemy ships with bear-head flags.

"Wow ha ha ha ha ha..."

"Lieutenant General Crane!"

"long time no see."

"I guess, you must not have thought of it?"

"Your navy arrested me twice before and after, but I still escaped from the advancing city, a prison in the world that no one can escape!"

"Now, do you want to say something before you die?"

At this time, as the ship landed more than tens of meters from the ground, a man with golden hair that looked like a lion's mane, and a rudder on his bald head suddenly floated. After leaving the deck of the floating ship, he was so condescending, contented, and extremely frantic, mocking the navy on the ground whose faces were full of fear reflected by the firelight.

"It's really you..."

"Golden Lion Shiki!"

"I knew that those ships would not be suspended in the sky for no reason. It turns out that your fluttering fruit ability is at fault?"

I saw that it was the nickname 'Golden Lion', the former captain of the Flying Sky Pirates, the person with fluttering fruit ability, who used to be as famous as Gol D. Roger and 'Whitebeard' Edward Newgate, and he was still advancing the city The first pirate to escape in history appeared, and Vice Admiral Chief of Staff Tsuru finally nodded his head in understanding.

"That's right!"

"It's me, the famous Golden Lion Shiki!"

Holding his arms, Golden Lion Shiki looked down at the old acquaintance Crane below and the defeated soldiers around him, his eyes full of pride.

"All right!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"After fighting for so many days, I'm tired and hungry, Master Shiji. You should kneel down and surrender, then I might save your life!"


"None of you want to leave here alive!"

Skye continued to complacently persuade him to surrender.

In his opinion, the current situation is really 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi. When he was caught by the navy twice and locked into the city, let alone how desperate he was, he even once did this Lost both legs and almost lost my life!

And now?

His uncle Shikey is looking down at the navies in the attitude of a victor, and will soon take the feat of annihilating an entire navy fleet plus five lieutenant generals. That kind of thing, just think about it. Get him excited.


Vice Admiral Chief of Staff Crane did not speak.

She just looked up at the pirate in the sky in silence, and then looked around, at the remaining officers and soldiers around her, at their resolute and helpless faces, she not only regretted In addition to self-blame, all that was left was a helpless and long sigh.


After all, she still lived up to the expectations of the world government and the navy. After all, this battle was still lost under her command, and it was likely that it would be the one that would wipe out the entire army?


"Have you made up your mind?!"

With the golden lion Shiki's urging again, in the sky, the guns of the battleship and those of the battleships higher in the sky also began to rotate the muzzles and aimed at the ruins in the first floor of the advancing city sea. Those remnants of the navy who wanted to stand in a group and resisted.


"Golden Lion Shiki!"

With the golden lion Shiji's persecution again, as a last resort, General Hezhong had to lift her old, but arrogant and stubborn chin once again.

"Today, you really won..."


"The slaughtering order will still be implemented!"

"This place will eventually turn into ruins!!"

Speaking, Lieutenant General Chief of Staff Crane suddenly took out a cylindrical glass instrument from the cloak behind him.

It was a glass cylinder, which contained some pink liquid and a small oval object that was soaking in it, and I didn't know what it was for.


"That is……"

Seeing the gadgets that Vice Admiral Crane took out, the golden lion Shiji couldn't help but startled.

"not good!!"


Immediately afterwards, he seemed to have remembered something, and after exclaiming directly, he took the lead and flew out into the sky in the distance. He didn't even plan to take care of the low-altitude ship and the higher fleet.


"What is that?"

"do not know……"

As the golden lion Shiji fled in panic, there was a burst of chaotic noises on the suspended ship.


"Don't care what it is, Lord Shiki has run away, let's run with it!"


"That's right, hurry up!"

"Raise the altitude quickly!!"

But soon, the crew also seemed to have reacted, and then ignored the cannon, and hurriedly let the ship quickly rise towards the high altitude as soon as possible.


"Please forgive my incompetent commander..."

Crane did not care about the fleeing golden lion Shiji, nor did he look at the ship that was gradually rising, but looked at the generals and soldiers around her with a miserable face, and then raised her head. Start, intend to crush the glass cylinder.


At this time, unexpectedly, a voice appeared in the sky.

"Lieutenant General Crane!"

"I advise you to give up, it's all over!"

Immediately afterwards, a man wearing a top hat with goggles, short blond hair, and a blue tights jumped off the ship that was slowly rising to escape, and landed on the ground. Afterwards, he walked quickly to this group of remnants of the navy who were like prodigal dogs, and still shouted loudly.

"You are……"


"Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo?!"

At this moment, Lieutenant General Crane, who subconsciously stopped his movements, squinted his turbid eyes for a while, and soon recognized the person in the shadowy firelight and exclaimed the identity of the other party.

"That's right!"

"it is me!"

Sabo admitted his own identity generously, and then, without waiting for the other party to ask any more questions, he continued:

"Lieutenant General Crane, I advise you to stop!"

"Now that the winner is divided, the world will soon usher in a major reshuffle and change. You don't need to bring so many people to bury the rotten world government and the ignorant Tianlong people!"

"Think about your family, think about their family, what's the point of you doing this?"


"I have to remind you that most of the prisoners in the prison are just those who are extremely vicious and unwilling to change their ways and join us. It is not a pity for those people to die. If you die with them, it will not change any war situation."

Sabo began to persuade eloquently, and said the current situation of advancing below the city, trying to make the other party give up the idea of ​​crushing the terrible device in his hand.


"Do you know what this is?"

Lieutenant General Crane ignored what the other party had just said. First, he looked at the golden lion, who had already run away, and then at the ship that was still slowly rising. Then he looked a little strangely at this daring lion. A young man who jumped down alone at such a time.

"of course I know!"

"It's called 'dyna rock', and your navy also calls it prime mover, or blast rock!"

"It has no life and is not dangerous, but... once it is combined with oxygen, it can produce a violent explosion. It is a peculiar object that can destroy the world and an existence that is said to be above ancient weapons!"

As if afraid that the surrounding navy officers and soldiers would not know, Sabo loudly explained his specific origin in detail, and as expected, he received the terrified eyes of the lower-ranking navy officers.


"Even the golden lion Shiki was scared and ran away, so aren't you afraid of death?"

Crane seemed a little curious about this.

"Of course I'm afraid!"

"But, for the sake of ideals, what does it matter to my personal life and death?"

Sabo smiled, really didn't seem to mind.



"So do we!"

"For the sake of justice, our navy also does not care about personal life and death..."

Shaking his head, Crane sighed, not intending to take back the device.

"That's right!"

"You do have your ideals, but what if the navy and world government that depend on your ideals will soon cease to exist?"

"You have also seen that with the ability of the Golden Lion, it will not be difficult for us to capture Judiciary Island and Marin Vando! At that time, once the battle in the new world comes to an end, it will be a momentous moment when this world will change, why don't you stay here? How about going to see that whole new world with a useful body?"

"And if you die with this useless ruin today, what's the use other than blowing up yourselves, me and the unimportant prisoners underground?"

Having said that, Sabo paused, glanced at the surrounding naval officers and soldiers, and then continued:

"Please trust me!"

"The sacrifices of these three days are enough, whether it's you or us!"

"So, I implore you, Lieutenant General Crane, to think more about these remaining brave soldiers and their families!"

"Don't sacrifice your life for those high above Tianlong people!"

Sabo spread his looking at the naval officers and soldiers whose expressions gradually became hesitant and desolate, and then directly under the eyes of this group of naval officers, he stepped forward and walked to the lieutenant crane. stand a few steps ahead of you.

"Lieutenant General Crane..."

"That's right!"

"Before, we were enemies, and on the battlefield, I will definitely not feel pity for you, but!"

"Now that the battle is over, and as a revolutionary, I have the responsibility and obligation to seek the well-being of everyone alive."

"We are seeking change, not destruction!"

"Also, as you all saw, I could have run, but I didn't. I chose to jump down."

"I jumped down with sincerity and mortal determination, not for myself, nor for the prisoners below, but for you!"

"Please give up, it's over!"

"I don't know what the future will be like. It's possible that I'm wrong, but whether it's right or wrong, you have to live to see hope and the future, right?"

Sabo said sincerely, and began to look around the surrounding naval officers and soldiers, and looked at each of them without any timidity.

"The battle is over!"

"You have also done what you should do. These three days and four nights of fighting have proved that none of you deserve the name of the 'Warrior'!"


"Please give it to me, and I will keep all of you safe!"

After speaking, Sabo slowly stretched out his hands towards the silent Lieutenant General Crane under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of naval officers and soldiers with different expressions.


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