Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1736: (?︶`) Large-scale dungeon: Battle of the Bears...

The battle between the Bear Boy Pirates and a series of armed forces, such as the BIGMOM Pirates, the Beasts Pirates, the New World Navy and other pirates, naturally attracted the attention of many interested people. For example, a certain Bad guy named Marshall Teach?

Speaking of which, since the war at the top, Marshall Teach with the black beard has always had a deep memory of the powerful power of the bear child, and at the same time coveted the bear child's "devil fruit" ability with ulterior motives.

Although the bear child himself or the corresponding newspapers have never introduced or published the specific fruit ability of bear child, but that does not prevent Blackbeard from thinking and deliberately planning.

And now, suffering from the fact that he has never had a chance, he finally got the chance!

Since two days ago, he and his ship have been following the Golden Mothership Bear Child to this sea area, and they want to take advantage of this world war to get what he wants. This is what they have been The reason for watching and peeping from a distance.

He has one and only one purpose, that is: to see if he can fish in troubled waters and get the 'devil fruit' of the bear child in this battle?

Of course, if it really doesn't work, you can't get the devil fruit of the bear child, and you can get Charlotte Lingling's superhuman, soul and soul fruit, or Kaido's fish, fish, phantom, and blue dragon form. Good choice?

His idea was very good at the beginning, and after many analyses and simulations, he also thought that there is a high possibility that it will be realized by him?

However, what Blackbeard never imagined was that although his ideas were very good and perfect, the reality was very skinny!

He never imagined that the bear boy would play cards out of common sense, and he never thought about going to fight with a series of armed forces such as the BIGMOM Pirates, the Beasts Pirates, and the New World Navy. Duel, but inexplicably summoned a large group of terrifying sea kings and directly pushed the combined fleet of the two new world four emperors into the sea?

As a result, the entire fleet that was enough to shake the entire world disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Look at the boiling sea in the distance, look at the terrifying sea kings who are roaring into the sky, look at the still violently turbulent sea and waves around your ship, and think about flying past their ship before, Almost without the waves that overturned his boat, Blackbeard Tickey finally couldn't help it.

In fact, at this time, just like him, the members of the pirate group who watched the whole process on the ship, such as Shiliu, Van Oka, and Abaro Pizarro, were also caught by the bear children. He was so frightened that he was so frightened that his eyes almost fell.




"Let's get out of here immediately!!!"

Finally, seeing the big fleet of more than 500 ships of the BIGMOM Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates annihilated, seeing that those people all became the belly of the sea kings, and seeing that the Bear Boy Pirates were unscathed, Seeing that he definitely had no chance to fish in troubled waters, Blackbeard resolutely persuaded him, and immediately gave an order to retreat, wanting to turn around and leave as soon as possible.


His order was still a little late.

Because ah, when the helmsman completed the turn, they were shocked to find that in the distance behind, there were countless groups of waves rising and rushing towards them?

It turned out that because of the mischief of a bad boy, all the powerful sea kings in the whole world were summoned, and now, those sea kings who do not know whether it is the second wave or the third wave have finally arrived at this time. late and appeared in sight.

But right now, the enemy has long been divided up by the sea kings who arrived first, where is there anything else?

Therefore, they were a little unwilling in their hearts and didn't want to run for nothing, so they resolutely aimed at Blackbeard and others who were watching on the periphery of the battlefield.


"not good!"

"It's a sea king!"


"Stop them!"

"Ready to fight!!!"

Soon, fighting broke out.

Although, the people of the Blackbeard Pirates tried their best to fight back, and even killed several sea kings one after another.


Finally, after a rough-skinned turtle sea king opened its huge mouth, all the members of the Blackbeard Pirates, together with their boat and a large amount of seawater, were directly hit by the body length that was likely to exceed The 20,000-meter-long turtle-like giant sea king was bitten and swallowed into his stomach.


At this time, in the distant sky, Kaido, who turned into a blue dragon and flew in the air, was leading the more than 100 remnants of the crew who were clinging to him or in his claws, watching the increasing numbers on the sea. The more, and there may be more sea kings who are on their way to be stunned by the carnival.

There are thousands of sea king monsters that are more than 3,000 meters long, not to mention their combined fleet of more than 500 ships. I am afraid that all the ships of the world will be concentrated here. Not enough for them to eat?

Anyway, at this time, whether it was Kaido himself or anyone else clinging to him, apart from taking a deep breath and feeling numb in the scalp, there was no other thought.

No one dared to go to the sea to fight those thousands of terrifying monsters, not even Kaido himself in the form of a blue dragon!

Obviously, Kaido himself knows that once he dares to go down, he may indeed be able to kill a few more powerful sea kings, but then, he will definitely be torn to shreds in an instant!

After all, the terrifying sea king-like mouth that bared its teeth and grinned at the sea surface from time to time and roared into the sky was not a joke!

Furthermore, he was still holding a lot of survivors on his body and claws. In this state, he would definitely have no way to let go of the fight.


In this situation, Kaido himself has no good way to do it. At this moment, their fleet is left with the three melons and two dates in his body and claws.

"Charlotte?? Lingling..."

"What should we do now?"

So, out of grief and indignation, he had no choice but to look at the fat woman who was nearly nine meters tall and stood between his Qinglong noses.

"How to do?"


"Go back now, all that awaits us is death!"


"If we are ruthless, we may have one last chance!"

Charlotte Lingling of the BIGMOM Pirates was also full of grief and anger, but she still held back her anger and her almost collapsed reason, and directly stretched out her fat finger and pointed to the distance where she was not attacked. The Golden Mothership of the Bear Child attacked by the Sea King.



"You're thinking……"

Qinglong Kaido quickly understood the meaning of the other party, and his eyes finally moved away from the sea kings on the boiling sea below, and turned to look at the motionless golden mothership of the Bear Child in the distance.



"Do you dare to go?"

Charlotte?? Lingling grinned fiercely.


"I'm at odds with the bear boy, what's there to dare?"

First, he raised his head and roared angrily, and then, Qinglong Kaido didn't ask the opinions of the remnants who were clinging to him and in his claws. The Golden Mothership Child dashed past.

boom! boom!


Seeing the movement of Qinglong Kaido, it is only natural that a cannon on the golden mothership began to roar in the air, and the countless cannonballs didn't care whether they could hit or not, just kept moving towards the one that was rushing fast. The huge blue dragon Kaido blasted away.

boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

Although the turrets of the Golden Mothership of the Bear Child continued to bombard the air, and even hit the Qinglong Kaido many times, killing, injuring, and shooting down a lot of unfortunate people clinging to the opponent's dragon scales, but in the end, Kaido still plunged into the inner sea pier of the golden mothership, and quickly reduced his size, becoming a dragon man, and at the same time put all the 'passengers' on him.


"not good!"

"It's Kaido, run!"


"Everyone, run!"


Suddenly, I saw a big guy sneak in, and then the screen changed, and found that there were more guys who fell to the ground in an instant. The staff in this indoor pier who were planning to celebrate the victory were first stunned, and then, I don't know who started it, but they all hurriedly dispersed, and they all fled to the entrances of each passage crying and shouting.


"Want to run?"

At this time, a numbered person from the Hundred Beast Pirates who stood up was about to rush to slaughter, but before he could rush out, Kaido in the form of a dragon was pressed to the ground and unable to move.


"Leave them alone!"

"Our target is the bear child!"

First, he stopped the subordinate, and took a look at the luxurious indoor pier, which is resplendent and covered with red carpets. Then, Kaido in the form of a dragon turned his head to face the figure who was climbing up from the ground not far away. Charlotte Lingling, tall and fat, walked away.


"What are we going to do?"

Kaido asked in a deep voice towards the temporary 'ally'.

"How to do it?"

Gu"Of course it's eating up all the people here!!"

Charlotte Lingling roared angrily, but she soon recovered a little sanity under Kaido's dissatisfied gaze.

"But before that..."

"We have to find that bear boy first!"

"Who is familiar with the terrain here?!"

After speaking, Charlotte Lingling looked back and wanted to see who could lead the way.




However, the people present, whether they were from the Beasts Pirates or the BIGMOM Pirates, were just looking at me and looking at you, and no one said a word.

Although some of them have come here to gamble and have fun, if they are familiar with this place, it must be impossible to say. After all, this is a city. If you take the wrong way, one is not good, the rest of them People may all get involved, and they can't afford that kind of responsibility.


So, the scene became cold in an instant. The people from the more than 100 BIGMOM Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates were just so sluggish in this indoor pier, and you look at me, I look at you, no one can do anything. .


"Speaking of terrain, no one is more familiar than me..."

Suddenly, when these people were at a loss, a gloomy tone sounded from behind a pillar full of boxes and barrels on the side, and shocked everyone present.


"Who's over there?"

"come out!!"

Listening to this, Kaido in the form of a dragon man gave a loud shout, and was ready to rush over and launch a slam.

"take it easy!"


"Everyone, I'm not a bear boy..."

Finally, without waiting for anyone to rush over and start, a sneaky guy dressed as a dock worker walked out slowly from the corner of the dock.


"Who are you!?"

At this time, the big Kanban Jin of the Hundred Beast Pirates rushed over, grabbed the opponent's neck with his hands, and raised him to question.

"Cough cough!"

"Stop, stop!"

"I'm from CP0, I can show you the way!"


Maybe the person who came was too weak, or maybe the big kanban Jin of the Beast Pirates used too much force, so that the man rolled his eyes before he finished speaking, his face became ashen, and he was about to burp.


"Let him go!"

Fortunately, Kaido spoke up at this time.

So, the man was thrown onto the golden floor covered with a beautiful red carpet, the air was able to return to his lungs, and his face gradually returned to normal.


"How do you want to show the way?"

Kaido did not doubt the identity of the other party, because doubts were useless. Now that none of them is familiar with the terrain, and the time is tight, they can only trust each other temporarily.

"You are Kaido the Beast, right?"


"I guess, you must be very curious to know how you lost?"

After rubbing the finger marks on his neck, the man who claimed to be CP0 said so sullenly.


"You're challenging my patience, idiot!"

Boom! !

Kaido in the form of a dragon man roared, and at the same time raised the ferocious mace in his hand, smashing the golden floor with the red carpet under his feet in one fell swoop, and issued a metal crash like a bell. Voice.


"Okay, I said!"

"Don't get excited, although I belong to the World Government, at least we have the same interests now!"

Seeing Kaido's response, the man hurriedly stepped back two and waved his hands with a dry smile.

So, in a hurry, he quickly said what the bear child had done before, and the fact that the mermaid princess Bai Xing was the three major weapons in ancient times.

"Three ancient weapons?"

"Ancient Poseidon?"


"Defeat the bear boy!"

"Catch that mermaid, this world is still ours!"

After getting an explanation and knowing how their fleet had just been defeated, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, who were completely convinced, roared angrily.


"Don't be in a hurry..."

"It's definitely not possible for you to fight recklessly like this. You also know the power of the bear child, and since this is her territory, you only have this number of people left, and it's definitely not acceptable if you go to mess around!"


"I suggest that we must first disperse their forces, and then, the two of you 'Four Emperors' will secretly move, take the opportunity to attack the Royal Garden at the top of the Golden King Hotel, and then take down the bear child and the mermaid princess, that is Our last chance."

"What do you think?"

The CP0 spy who was wearing the pier staff's costume spoke with vigour, and he didn't hesitate to say the plan he came up with temporarily, and he planned to command the high-level executives of the BIGMOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates in front of him. .


"What do you want to do?"

She and Kaido looked at each other first, and then Charlotte Lingling took a few steps forward and looked at the CP0 man and said angrily.

At this time, she was about to lose control of her reason, so her tone of voice could not help but become hurried.

"It's not urgent!"

"Their people should be here soon, first of all, I need you to keep some people here to stop the pursuers and cause chaos and destruction, attract as many soldiers as possible here in the dock area, while others follow me?"

"The rest, let's talk about it on the way, how about it?"


Having said that, the CP0 person took out a pistol, and after one shot destroyed the ubiquitous surveillance phone bug in this indoor dock, proposed anxiously.

He had already heard it at this time, and there were bursts of noise in the distance. Presumably those terrifying Naga and bear children's high-level pirates must be on their way here. If they are slow, they will be arrested. It's completely blocked here. At that time, even Charlotte Lingling and Kaido the Beasts will probably find it difficult to rush out under the siege of so many powerful enemies.

"X Drake!"

"You take someone to stay!"

Charlotte Lingling had no doubts, neither did Kaido, and they both thought it seemed like a good idea, so after the two looked at each other, Kaido turned to him, the Beast Pirates. The 'Red Flag' X Drake, one of the flying six under his command, shouted and ordered.

"other people!"

"Come with us!"


Immediately afterwards, as 'Red Flag' X Drake and other more than a dozen Beast Pirates stood in place silently, Charlotte Lingling and Kaido took the rest towards the other side of the pier. A channel ran out.

So, in the midst of anger and despair, when the CP0 leading party NPC lurking in the golden mothership appeared and started his guidance, a large-scale team hero-level copy led by the two four emperors personally led the team: 'Battle Bears' The "Golden Mothership of the Child" has finally opened.

Not long after Charlotte Lingling and Kaido took the people away, a guy wearing goggles and a dark red coat took the lead with a group of messy pirates to arrive at this place that originally thought that there would be no enemy landing. As for the indoor dock where there are no murlocs or Naga soldiers guarded at all.


(??ω??) So what, is there a monthly pass?


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